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Taming Chaos

Page 4

by Lynne St. James

  “Wow, man, thanks.” It was still thrilling to hear that shit from people. I followed him to the door and shook his hand again. He pulled it open to reveal the next surprise—Cynda, and she had another woman with her.

  “Oh excuse me,” Mike said as he navigated through the door and passed the two women.

  “Oh sorry,” Cynda said as she backed up. She looked different. I wasn’t sure what it was at first but then it hit me. She’d added blue streaks in her hair and was wearing tight jeans, a t-shirt, and leather vest, much cooler than the shit she wore yesterday.

  “Hey, glad to see you made it.”

  “A deal is a deal. This is my friend, Michelle, I checked with Rod and he said it was okay for her to come with me today.”

  “Sure, no problem. Hi, Michelle, I’m Chaos.”

  Michelle smiled and reached out to shake my hand. Definitely not shy like Cynda. I bet the guys were going to be all over her. She had long black hair with bright red streaks, lots of make-up on her eyes. I could see why Cynda was wearing different clothes after checking out Michelle. She was wearing black leather pants and jacket and her bright blue t-shirt fit snug across a nice set of tits. Yeah, they were really going to love her.

  “Cynda’s here and she brought a friend.” I backed up so the two women could get into the room. “Michelle, the guys…guys, Michelle.” I winked at her then I leaned in to whisper, “Be careful of Flame, he’s gonna be all fuckin’ over you.”

  “Thanks, but I’m pretty sure I can take care of myself.”

  “Oh, baby, I’m sure you can, but don’t say I didn’t fuckin’ warn you.” I watched her walk into the lion’s den and hid a grin behind my hand. Maybe this was the distraction they all needed. It’s not like she was one of the skanky groupies that’d been coming around lately. Hopefully on this tour they’d be a little less like hoes.

  Cynda stood barely inside the room and looked lost. She wasn’t happy now and I’m sure she’d be fuckin’ thrilled with the living arrangements on the bus, but I needed to do this for the band. We needed to make sure we stayed true to what we believe in, and not just sell out for money.

  “You ready for your two week vacation?”

  “Vacation? You’ve got to be kidding me,” she looked at me like I’d lost my mind and I chuckled.

  “Sure it’s a fucking vacation, traveling around on a tour bus with a bunch of sexy rock stars, what could be better?”

  “I could list a shitload, trust me. This is not my idea of fun. I hate the ‘rock n’ roll’ lifestyle.”

  “So why are you here? Why work for a record company at all?”

  She sighed, “It’s none of your business really. I’m here, I’ll do my job, then at the end of the two weeks I’ll be out of here and you’ll probably never see me again.”

  I nodded, hopefully she’d be gone before the two weeks ended, although looking into her eyes sent a bolt of lust straight to my cock. What was it about her? Every fuckin’ time she got close to me my jeans were ready to bust the friggin’ zipper. At least it looked like she was feeling the same if the pink in her cheeks meant anything.

  “Hopefully it won’t be bad for you. I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot but I’d just found out you were coming and I’d kinda expected a man. Truce for now?”

  She nodded and smiled.

  “Good, so how about a soda or something to eat, they put out a fuckin’ shitload for us.”

  “Sure, sounds good. Then maybe we can go over some of my song ideas.”

  “Nope, not today, they’ll be plenty of time later. It’s time for me to get into my zone for the concert, not time to work. We’re just going to chill out before the show and you can try to get to know us better. I’m sure Michelle will be helpful.” I looked over and she was already sitting on the arm of Flame’s chair, leaning down to hear whatever shit he was saying. Knowing him he was fuckin’ whispering so she’d lean in and show him some cleavage. He was such a frigging dog sometimes.

  Cynda grabbed a bottle of water from the table and offered me one. Taking it my fingers brushed hers triggering another burst of desire. I don’t know what the fuck it was about her but she turned me on like no one I’d ever met. I was hoping she wouldn’t notice the freakin’ hard-on, although I didn’t know how she’d miss it. Fuck. Taking a long drink of the icy water I hoped it’d help cool me down, or at least take the fuckin’ edge off.

  Lucky for me Rod came in and created the distraction I needed to get away from Cynda. Here I’d thought I’d be making it difficult for her, but it seemed like it was going to be much harder on me. Although, if I fucked her maybe she’d go along with what I wanted. Shit, what the fuck was I turning in to? It was so not me. I could be a real ass but I’d never used sex to get my way and I wasn’t about to start now.

  “So everything’s set for tonight, after the show there’s a party back here, then you hit the road. The busses will be here by ten. Tomorrow night you have your first show in Philly. Two nights there and you’ll be on the road again.”

  “So you’re not gracing us with your presence?”

  “Hell no. I may be your manager but I’m too fuckin’ old to hit the road. If you need me, you know how to reach me. You’re not the only band I have to take care of and you shouldn’t need me to babysit. This is the big time, I hope you remember that and keep your shit together.”

  I was fuckin’ thrilled he wasn’t going with us. We didn’t need to hear his fuckin’ shit every day. “No problem, we’ve got this.”

  “Just make sure you keep to the schedule and no fucking around. You know what I mean. I don’t care who you fuck, but no bad press. This is the first tour, and it’ll either help make you superstars or toss you in the shitter, and I mean all of you.”

  I knew he meant Rage most of all, but he had no idea who we really were, only our stereotypes. Our names were where we’d started, and reminded us how far we’d come, they didn’t fuckin’ define us.

  “Oh fuck you, Rod. We’re not fucking kids. We’ve been doing this over five years now and I think we know how to handle ourselves,” Rage answered, his words dripping with scorn.

  Rod shook his head and went over to grab a beer and some food. I swear as soon as our contract with him was over I was kicking his ass to the curb. The only good thing he’d ever done was find the roadies for us. Symmetry was okay as a record label, but he gave them authority to decide what songs go on our album without fighting for us, and that fucking pissed me off. Hell, at least there was one good thing, the throbbing erection was gone now—thank you, mother fucker.

  One of the guys flipped the TV to the baseball game and most were glued to the screen. I sat on the one empty couch and struggled to get my head in the game. Rod rubbed me the wrong way, and Cynda wasn’t helping. Michelle was still flirting with Flame and it looked like they were having a great time. Wrath was talking to Cynda on the other side of the room and it looked like a pretty deep conversation. Damn. The urge to go over there and interrupt was almost too strong for me to resist. I didn’t want him talking to her. It was fucking aggravating.

  I tried to focus on the game but then she laughed, and it was like music to my ears—like angels singing. Shit, did I just think about angels singing? What the fuck is wrong with me? I was definitely attracted to her, hell, who am I kidding, she pushed every fucking lust button I had and I wanted her all to myself.

  Chapter Six


  Wrath was funny, I hadn’t expected it, his stories about some of their early gigs were hysterical. I was laughing so hard I got hiccups, and then he started laughing too. He thought it was funny shit, at least that’s what he said. Holding my breath and drinking water, I tried to stop them. Of course when I looked away from him my eyes met Chaos’s. I tried to ignore him but I was drawn to him like a bear to honey. He looked pissed off, but then it seemed like he always looked pissed off when he was dealing with me. He was great when he was talking to anyone else, well except dickman. I guess the two of
us fell in the same shitty category.

  I should be happy to be away from him. When our hands touched all I could think about was kissing his lips, tasting him. Shit. Michelle would tell me I’ve got it bad. Although she really couldn’t say jack since she was drooling all over Flame. If she leaned down any further her boobs would be in his lap.

  “You okay now?” Wrath asked with concern.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. It happens to me every time I laugh too hard. It’s just one of my weird things.”

  “Got it. Listen, I know you’re not happy about being on tour with us but it’ll be fun.”

  “Well it’s not like Chaos gave me much choice. I have to do my job, right? I know you want your own songs and I’m going to try to work in as much of his stuff as possible, but he has to work with me, not against me.”

  “That’s not going to be easy. His music is his life and the songs are our stories. It’s personal and Symmetry sending you or anyone else is like fucking us.”

  I understood what he was saying and I already knew how much of Chaos was in his songs just from listening to them for the last year, but I wasn’t their enemy. “I understand more than you know, I’m not a real big fan of the record company either and I loved your first album.”

  “You did? So you know our music?”

  “Of course, doesn’t everyone,” I answered laughing. They were all over the radio and TV, they’d even played a few of the morning shows. I doubt there were many people who hadn’t heard of Raining Chaos in the last year.

  “Yeah, I guess. I don’t think it’s really sunk in for any of us yet. We still think of ourselves as trying to make it. Fuck. We’re opening for Avenged Sevenfold tonight.”

  “Yes you are. I can’t believe you’re all so calm right now.”

  “Shit, it’s because none of us really fucking believe it,” he yelled. “Fucking hell yeah, we’re playing the Garden.”

  It set off the rest of the band and they all cheered, except Chaos, he was staring at me. What was it between us? We’d just met, I knew he didn’t want me there, and I didn’t want to be here, but we couldn’t keep our eyes off each other. I hope the bus is huge and we have lots of space between us.

  I tried to get Michelle’s attention but she was so focused on Flame I think a bomb could have dropped in the room and she wouldn’t have moved. I didn’t bring her to drool on the guys, I’d been hoping for some moral support. At least Wrath was being nice. None of the others had said a word to me yet, and one of the girls, Sweets, I think, had been shooting daggers at me with her eyes since I first walked in.

  “What’s up with that girl over there?”

  Wrath turned to see where I was looking. “You mean Sweets? Don’t mind her, she’ll be fine, she’s working through some shit. I think her and Chaos got into it yesterday.”

  “They’re a couple?” Just saying the words felt like a kick in the stomach, although it shouldn’t have. He was nothing to me, just a hot guy. I’d never fall for a rocker, how could I after all my father—sperm donor—had done to mom and I.

  “Oh fuck no. They’re like sisters to us, but she has a crush on Chaos and has for a long time.

  “So why does she look like she wants to rip my head off?

  “Don’t sweat it. She’ll be fine. I think we’re all a little over the top right now. Hell it’s our first fuckin’ tour. Plus I think she’s worried he might like you.”

  “Why would she even think that? Didn’t she see how he treated me yesterday?”

  “Yeah but she also saw how he looked at you. We all did.”

  “I think you’re imagining shit. I just hope I can get through the next two weeks without killing him.”

  “Good luck,” Wrath laughed. “It’s going to be crazy fucked up as we all get used to the tour, but it’ll be great, you’ll see.”

  “I’m sure it will for you, but I’m not so sure.”

  “It will, and as for Sweets, if she gives you any shit just let me know and I’ll talk to her or have Chaos do it.”

  “Thanks but I can fight my own battles. I’m tougher than I look.”

  Wrath laughed as he walked away and I could have sworn I heard him say, “I sure hope so.”

  Everyone was chilling, eating, and drinking but no alcohol. I thought it was kind of strange since there was a shit ton of it on the table, but the only person I’d seen with any was Rod and it was only a beer. Definitely not what I expected, I thought for sure they’d be drinking and smoking pot or worse doing coke or something, so to see them sitting and watching baseball was crazy.

  Looking for an excuse not to sit next to Chaos—the only open seat in the room—I decided food might be a good idea. I’d been running around like crazy since yesterday and hadn’t eaten anything today. Between the clothes shopping with Michelle and getting our hair done—I’m still not sure why I let her talk me into blue streaks—it had been nonstop trying to get ready.

  I grabbed a bowl and filled it with some of the fresh fruit salad. Holding the bowl of watermelon and blueberries made my mouth water and my stomach grumble, but I couldn’t find a spoon. A moment later a spoon appeared in Chaos’s hand.

  It surprised me since he’d just been sitting on the couch. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome. It looked like you and Wrath were getting along okay.”

  “Yeah, he’s pretty cool. Not what I expected. Is there a problem?”

  “No not at all, as long as you weren’t talking about me. If you have questions ask me don’t go behind my back.”

  “You know, you need to chill out, it’s not always about you. I know they all look up to you,” I said, pointing to the band with my spoon, “but I’m not one of your little groupies. I don’t think you walk on water so just back off. I’m here for one reason and one reason only. Got that?”

  “Yeah, I do, and you fucking need to remember it too.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m sure you won’t let me forget it. Will you? So does this mean our truce is off? It sure didn’t last long.”

  “Damn it. You’re right. Fuck. I’m sorry. I guess I’m just all fucked up over tonight.”

  “I know, but you should be happy, not acting like an asshole.” Shit, Michelle must be rubbing off on me, but it’s true he’d been an asshat since I’d met him. Looking at him now though, all I saw was a hurt and lost little boy. I wanted to reach out and hug him, thank God I stopped myself before I did it. That’s all I needed to do—the shit would’ve hit the fan for sure.

  “Sorry. Maybe we should just start over?”

  What would it hurt? If we could get over this hostility maybe we could actually work together for the next two weeks. “Sure.”

  He held out his hand, “Hi, I’m Chaos. The lead singer/songwriter and guitar player for Raining Chaos. How’s it going?”

  I giggled. He’d made a complete three sixty, and so fast, my head was spinning. He was so freakin’ sexy when he wasn’t being an ass. “Great to meet you, Chaos. I’m Cynda, Cynda Pearson and I write songs. I’ve heard your album and it totally rocked.”


  “Yeah, really. Why are you all surprised by that? Wrath was too.”

  “I don’t know. I guess I just don’t expect people to know about us yet.”

  “Well you need to rethink that whole thing. You guys must get swarmed wherever you go.”

  “Nope not really yet, but I’m sure by the time we’re done with this tour it’ll be happening. At least that’s what Rod keeps telling us.”

  “Oh yeah, dickman.”


  “Sorry, my pet name for him. He just seems like a total dick to me.”

  Chaos snorted, then laughed out loud and so hard he doubled over. Everyone was staring at us, I’m sure wondering what the hell was so funny. No shit. I didn’t think it was as hilarious as he did, but maybe it was just a release of all of his built up tension.

  “Sorry…but it’s fuckin’ classic. I’m going to have to use it too. The guys will
fuckin’ love it.”

  “Sure go ahead, I don’t own it.”

  He was still chuckling when the dork popped a grape in his mouth and started choking. Shit. Pounding him on the back a few times fixed him, but his face was all red and tears were streaming from him eyes…whether from laughing or choking I wasn’t sure. “Damn. Are you okay? You can’t die before the big show tonight.”

  He cleared his throat. “I don’t plan on it,” he answered but his voice was all scratchy. I wondered if it would affect his singing later. They only had a few more hours until they were going on stage.

  “Do you want some tea and honey? It’ll help your throat so you don’t get hoarse. At least that’s what my mom used to give me when I was young.”

  “Good idea, my foster mom used to give it to us when we had sore throats too,” he answered, smiling at me as he wiped the tears from his eyes. “Hey, Rod, can we get some tea and honey?”

  “Yeah, just pick up any of the phones and press pound zero and you’ll get the concierge. I’m sure they can bring you some.”

  Chaos winked at me, “I should have said ‘hey dickman’.”

  Giggling I shook my head. Oh he was bad, but I liked this side of him, it was more like what I’d expected. Everyone in the band looked up to him as their leader, their older brother I guess, and I was finally seeing what they saw. “If you start laughing again you’ll make it worse.”

  “Okay, Mom, just kidding. I know you’re right and I don’t want to sound hoarse tonight.” He picked up one of the phones and ordered. “They said I should have it in about ten minutes. Not too bad I guess.”

  “Nope, but keep drinking water, it’ll help too. Or wait, I have a better idea.” I remembered the butterscotch candy I had in my purse. Rummaging through the overstuffed bag I finally found it. “Here, suck on this.”

  “Shit, really? You don’t want me to laugh and you say something like that? Besides, isn’t that supposed to be my line?”

  I felt my cheeks grow warm. Shit, I’m such a dork. I walked right into that one. At least he was teasing me instead of giving me grief though.


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