Zeke (The Powers That Be, Book 2)

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Zeke (The Powers That Be, Book 2) Page 7

by Harper Bentley

  Oh, God.


  He held my bottom in his hands as he expertly lapped his tongue against me, sucking and kissing, licking and thrusting, knowing exactly what to do to get me primed. My body hummed with unspent pleasure, building, building, building until he moved his hand around and drove two fingers inside me at the same time his tongue flicked my clitoris. The humming inside me turned to an intense thrumming making me dig my feet into his back and arch up off the bed. He did the tongue flick again before he sucked me inside his mouth and I was done for, screaming out my release as my orgasm blasted through me.

  As I came back to myself, I felt his body slowly gliding up mine as he left hot, burning kisses across my stomach coming up to pull down the other cup of my bra and flicking his tongue (seriously, that tongue flick was all but doing me in) across my nipple before he drew it inside his mouth, sucking hard making me arch up off the bed again with a moan.

  Then his face was above mine, a smug look covering it as his eyes glittered with what could only be satisfaction for a job well done and I couldn’t have agreed more.

  “Like my mouth on you, don’t you?” he coaxed, his voice all deep and gravelly, his eyes sparkling with lust. I could only nod as I lay there panting, the aftershocks of what he’d done to me keeping my body wired. I felt his hand moving between us at the buttons of his jeans then I got his eyes again. “Think you’ll like this too,” he said, his arm moving up and curling around my head, holding it in a lover’s embrace which felt so intimate. His lips brushed mine and when he pulled his face away, he kept his eyes steady on me as I felt the tip of his shaft at my opening.

  “Zeke,” I breathed as he slowly entered me, his girth, not to mention his length, making me squirm.


  He slowly rolled his hips several times, inching in deeper with each thrust until he was fully seated inside me then stopped to allow me to adjust to his size.

  “Okay?” he asked, his beautiful eyes on mine filled with concern.


  “Yes,” I whispered on a small gasp, knowing my eyes were huge as I looked up at him in awe.

  I saw the sides of his eyes crinkle for a moment but then he started moving and pure desire flashed in them once again.

  For me.


  As he thrust, I felt it building again. Fast. Holy sheesus.

  “Oh, my god,” I moaned, my fingers clamping onto his back as I grew closer to my climax.

  His head came down next to my ear. “So fucking good…” he muttered then a purely male sound came from his throat, a groan mixed with a growl, which was so sexy, so erotic, I found myself flying, my orgasm blasting through my body in one big surge.

  “Zeke!” I cried out, my channel pulsing around his length so tightly that he made another sound and I was hit again as my climax continued slamming through me.

  He flipped me to my belly then grabbed my hips, jerking them up and reentered me so powerfully that on each drive inside, I emitted sounds that were nowhere near coherent, just little whimpers of pleasure.

  “Feel that, Scarlett?” he asked as he slammed into me. “It still doesn’t matter who’s fucking you?” Slam! “Because you’re gonna know it was me.” Slam! “It’ll matter.” Slam! “Because you’re gonna be feeling me for days.” Slam!



  Many forceful thrusts later, he pulled out and turned me again, his hands gliding underneath my back pulling me up to straddle him as he stayed kneeling then impaled me on his hard shaft. With a hand behind my head, he pulled me down to him, smashing his mouth to mine as he pumped up inside me. His other hand moved between us, his fingers hitting the right spot and I was gone, crying out loudly against his mouth as I came.

  “Only thing I love more than hearing you come is making you come,” he said huskily, looking up at me as his hips continued pistoning up to meet mine.

  Oh… my… God…

  I heard him grunt and knew he was almost there and watched, fascinated, as his shoulders got tight, the striations in them bulging out, his thick, corded neck straining then he pulled my hips down hard on his as he made a final thrust up.

  I panted out his name, my fingers digging into his shoulders, head falling back, joining him when I heard him groan out, “Scarlett.”

  Sexiest damn thing ever.

  I’d never had a guy call my name out during sex. Ever. As if he was consumed with me. Only me. And as I held onto Zeke, our breaths coming hard, I knew I probably never would again.

  He held me tightly until his breathing evened out then pulled back and looked up at me, and that face. God. The look he wore was so erotic, so alluring, one of a man who’d been completely and properly fucked.

  His lips touched mine and when he pulled back, he mumbled, “It matters.” He lifted me off of him, laying me back on the bed then went straight up on his knees and pulled his jeans up, his eyes never leaving mine. Then he was on top of me again and I heard him mutter again, “Matters.” Then he kissed my forehead and got up. “Be back.” I watched him go to the door then out, probably to find a bathroom and remove the condom, and stared after him, mesmerized at the way his back muscles bunched when he walked, the nightlight accentuating and at the same time shadowing them. Hot.

  But that was all the space I needed. Hopping out of the bed, I righted my bra then searched around on the floor for the rest of my clothes, throwing them on quickly. When Zeke came back into the room and saw me, he stopped, narrowing his eyes at me.

  “Where you going?” he asked, leaning against the doorjamb, arms crossed.

  As I stuck my hands into the sleeves of my shirt, I looked at him. “I’m leaving.”

  “See that.” He watched as I buttoned my shirt not able to help the way my fingers shook. I mean, God, he was great, so nice, so giving, so fucking amazing in bed, and I wished I could keep him but knew that wasn’t possible.

  I kept trying to play detached as I bent to pull my flats on. When I stood, I looked at him, so sexy standing there in the doorway, his hair mussed, jeans unbuttoned. Damn. As I walked toward him his eyes practically shot daggers at me now.

  Tiptoeing up, I touched his lips with mine. “See ya,” I muttered then left the room.

  Swear to fuck, if there wasn’t a damned Oscar waiting on me when I got home, I’d be surprised.

  Thank God Jay and Dex were standing by the stairs because when I hit the landing, I hissed out her name and although she was thoroughly plastered, she’d understood and immediately grabbing Dex by his arm and pulling him toward the front door so we could leave.

  On the way back to my house, Jay turned in her seat looking back at me, asking me eighty bajillion questions. Sober, her filter was sorely lacking. Drunk, it was nonexistent.

  “So you fucked Zeke Powers?” she asked on a squeal. “Is he huge? I’ve heard he’s huge. Tell me how big he is!”

  “Hung like a fucking horse,” I said to appease her and saw Dex shake his head as he drove.


  I nodded.

  “Oh, my God, Scar! You’re gonna need to rent a wheelchair ‘cause you won’t be able to walk for days!” She giggled then let out her donkey bray.

  “Having Grammy call her friends tomorrow to see if I can borrow one.” It was best to just go along with Jay when she was trashed because she’d argue until she heard what she wanted to hear anyway.

  “Scar! You finally got laid!”

  “Calling Channel 4 News when I get home and seeing if they’ll air it on their morning show.”

  At this, Dex snorted.

  “I’m so happy for you!” she replied and then she passed out, her head hitting Dex’s lap which made him let out an “Oomph!” and made me chuckle.

  I stared out the window the rest of the way thinking I’d be ruined for anyone else for the rest of my life. How could another man top what’d just happened? They couldn’t.

  “Thanks, Dex,” I said when he pulled into my drive.

  “Any time, Scarlett.”

  I got out and closed my door then as I walked to the front door, I heard the car window go down.

  “Scarlett?” Dex called.

  I turned to him. “Yeah?”

  “It’s all gonna work out.”

  I smiled softly at him. “Thanks, Dex.” Then I went inside wishing I had as much confidence in the situation as he did.

  *Week Three—Zero Encounters—Nil—Nada*

  Zeke didn’t show up at The Nook the next morning which meant the pep talk I’d given myself in preparation of seeing him had gone to waste. Then as I drove to class, another pep talk ensued, as I fully intended on giving him back his textbook, thereby breaking any ties between us. But he hadn’t been there either, which I was kind of grateful for. Grateful not because I didn’t want to see him, although what difference would it make, but grateful because I was still feeling him just as he’d said I would and I knew if he showed up, I’d get all blurt-y with my words and probably tell him all about it.

  I worked all weekend and he didn’t come in.

  He also didn’t show up for breakfast or class the next Monday.

  Or Wednesday.

  Or Friday.


  He didn’t make an appearance that weekend at The Nook either.

  It was almost as if he’d never existed in my life.

  As if we’d never had sex.

  As if it really hadn’t mattered.

  And it was ridiculous, I knew, but I was actually bummed about not seeing him.

  God, I was stupid.

  I mean, I’d told him exactly what I wanted and he was giving it to me. I’d told him I didn’t have time for anyone and he was leaving me alone. And I should’ve been happy about it, but I wasn’t. Actually, my mood regarding his playing by the rules had left me pretty morose.

  Saturday morning, Jay noticed my mood and tried cheering me up by inviting me over for “hard liquor and porn” (or had it been “liquor and hard-core porn”) that night, but being around her and Dex right now would have only made things worse, watching how happy they were together, so I decided to stay home and mope.

  Yep. I’d turned into that girl and I hated myself for it. I mean, I’d been fine for two years until Mr. Zeke Powers had come along and shown me what I’d been missing out on, which made me want it and him even more. Damn it.

  *Week Four—7th Encounter*

  When the next Monday morning came, I don’t know why, but I found that I was somewhat excited for class hoping Zeke would be there. I really shouldn’t have been.

  Entering the room, I saw that he was gone again which made me frown, but after I was seated and just as Dr. Weston started taking roll, Zeke sauntered in looking hot as ever. His eyes landed on mine and one side of his mouth tipped up as he moved toward his seat. But he didn’t go to his seat. Nope. He went to the one next to me. Shit.

  “Good morning, Scarlett,” he whispered, his voice all deep and sexy, and when he sat, his thigh knocked into mine and his forearm brushed against my own. Gah.

  My breathing sped up at just hearing him speak to me, my heart racing because he’d touched me (jeez) and I knew if I’d had a short-sleeved shirt on, the goose bumps would be abundant. Talk about being a complete mess. And then the way he smelled so friggin’ good, all spicy and manly, my God, he was just an assault on all my senses, which, throw in that I also knew how he tasted, and that got another full-body shiver from me.

  I gave him a weak smile then turned to the front, opening the textbook, pushing it closer to him so we could share. Mistake. He put his arm on the back of my chair and scooted me closer to him so we were all nice and cuddly now.

  “What are you doing,” I hissed under my breath, keeping my head down so Dr. Weston wouldn’t see me talking.

  “Sharing,” he replied.

  Our thighs were practically fused together now and I was tucked under his arm possessively which meant I couldn’t push away from him without making a scene.

  “Zeke,” I whispered hoping he’d understand and move away.

  He leaned down, subtly putting his nose in my hair. “Rain,” he mumbled but didn’t move away.

  “What?” I asked, still looking down at the book.

  “Your hair. It smells like rain. I love that. A lot.”

  I closed my eyes not wanting to like what he said but I most definitely did.

  Class started but I had no idea what it was we were being taught because my attention had been hijacked by the hot guy sitting beside me. I couldn’t help but be hyperaware of everything when it came to Zeke, every breath he took, how he was so warm against me, how good it felt when, with his arm still on the back of my chair, he rubbed his thumb slowly over my upper arm making me want to melt into him and give in to my desires, telling myself to screw my rules and go for it.

  But I knew that couldn’t happen, so by the time class was over, I’d given myself the pep talk I hadn’t gotten to use the other day and when we were dismissed, I pushed away from him then stood quickly grabbing my bag.

  “Uh, you can keep the book,” I said, then hastily made my way out of there.

  As I jogged down the steps outside the building, I heard him calling, “Scarlett!” but I didn’t stop. Just as I got to Jezebel and opened the door, his hand went to it keeping me from opening it farther. “Stop.”

  I spun and looked up at him, shading my eyes with my hand. “What do you want, Zeke?” I asked almost angrily. This was so not how I wanted my morning to go.

  He shut the door behind me and took a step forward, backing me against my car. “I wanna know why you ran the other night.”

  I shook my head and rolled my eyes trying to affect a casual attitude even though my heart was racing at his closeness. “I didn’t run. I left.”

  His eyes narrowed. “And there’s a difference?”

  “Yes, there’s a difference!” I crossed my arms over my chest wishing he’d back away.

  “Then why’d you leave?”

  “I told you from the start, I can’t get involved with you.” I looked up at him for a moment then it hit me. “You don’t like this, do you? You’re that guy who’s used to being the one who walks away. That’s what this is, isn’t it? It’s not that you like me or whatever. It’s that it pisses you off that you can’t have me.” Revelation! Duh!

  He chuckled then brought his hand up, running the backs of his fingers down my cheek. “Oh, I’ll have you, Scarlett.” At my big eyes and gasp he continued. “And when I get you, it’s gonna be awesome. But for now you should know this guy also loves the thrill of the chase.”






  He gave me his half grin which knocked the breath out of me at how friggin’ beautiful he was, then taking my chin in his fingers, he leaned down and touched his mouth to mine sending all kinds of heat through my body, especially to one area in particular. When he pulled back, he was full-on grinning. “Later,” he said then turned and walked away nonchalantly as if he hadn’t just turned my world upside down.

  *Weeks Five & Six—Zero Encounters Again—Null—Nix—Nothing*

  After our little têtê-à-têtê in the parking lot Monday, Zeke didn’t show up for class on Wednesday.

  Nor was he there Friday.

  He didn’t make The Nook that weekend.

  And I didn’t see him the next week either.

  I wondered if he was off doing pro football stuff and thought maybe he was, so that made his absence easier to deal with, which, I don’t know why I was having a tough time dealing with it in the first place, but whatever.

  The next weekend came and went and he hadn’t come into The Nook. And when he wasn’t in class again that Monday or Wednesday or Friday, I worried about how he was going to keep up with his assignments.

  “It’s none of your business,” I muttered to myself as I left class and resolved to just keep on living my ho-hum, no-fun e
xistence telling myself things would be better for me one day soon when I had my bakery up and running.

  And I was okay with that, had to be okay with it, Zeke Powers be damned.


  Zeke had been AWOL in class Monday and Wednesday of the next week. I was working Wednesday night at the Dean’s office and Dr. Moreland asked me to take more mail to the Athletic Director’s office. As I walked across campus, I couldn’t help but wonder if Zeke would be working out in the weight room again. At least I could make sure everything was okay since I hadn’t seen him around for going on three weeks. Yep. That’s the only reason I hoped he’d be there, to make sure he was all right. Once inside the building, I smiled when I heard music and weights clanking from inside the weight room and felt my heart speed up. I even ran a finger over my teeth and fixed my hair for good measure, but when I walked by slowly looking inside, I saw three guys who I didn’t know.

  And my spirits flagged.

  God, what was up with me? I’d set my rules. I’d followed them for two years. And now Zeke was respecting them. And I was upset about it.

  So. Dumb.

  But not being able to help the disappointment that plagued me, I continued on to the A.D.’s office dropping off everything then headed back to the Dean’s office. On the way, I had to stop and sit on a bench because I was so pissed at myself for feeling this way, so after digging my phone out of my pocket, I called Jayla.

  “What’s up, buttercup?” she answered cheerily as usual.

  “Jay, tell me I’m an idiot.”

  “You’re an idiot.”

  I let out a chuckle. “I’m pathetic.”

  “Why, honey?”

  “Because I told Zeke I couldn’t see him and now I’m kind of upset because he’s nowhere to be found. Tell me I’m dumb.”

  “You’re dumb.”

  That made me laugh more. “Shit. What’s wrong with me?” I shook my head as I watched a couple walking together holding hands and laughing, which B.Z. (before Zeke) I would’ve noticed but been immune to. But now A.Z., coupledom had become glaringly noticeable, each encounter with it giving me a little pang where my heart had once occupied a space.


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