Zeke (The Powers That Be, Book 2)

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Zeke (The Powers That Be, Book 2) Page 8

by Harper Bentley

  “Scar, I’ve told you a gazillion times. It’s like you’re punishing yourself for what happened with those fuckholes you dated by not going out with anyone. I know you’re focused on the future, but even though you finally had sex, and it was really good even though you won’t give me any deets, is abstinence really a part of that plan? I mean, your vag is gonna dry up like some old prune!”

  I snorted. “Except for what happened three weeks ago, I think it’s well on its way.”

  She giggled. “Bullshit. You told me that Zeke got you revved up. So, why don’t you call him? See if he wants to get a drink and if you’re still madly attracted to him, then you could see if he wants to help remedy your problem again. You don’t have to date him, you know, but you can get laid. That’s like guy heaven: all the pussy he wants and no attachments.”

  I huffed out a laugh. Pure Jay. But it wasn’t a bad idea. I could use the whole getting his book back to him as an opening. “You’re right. I think I will.”

  “Good! And it sounds like he’s the perfect candidate for it anyway because he’s got loads of experience when it comes to sex and I’m sure if you walked away, he’d be okay with it like he has been the past three weeks.”


  I hadn’t told her that he’d said he was interested in me because what did it matter since I wasn’t going to get serious with him anyway? But what she’d said had kind of hit a nerve. Then again, she was right. He had been okay that I’d walked away.

  “Thanks, Jay. I’ll call him in a bit.”

  “’Kay! Go get ‘em, tiger!” She let out a rawr then donkey laughed and hung up.


  I finished up at the Dean’s office and before leaving, took a deep breath then dialed Zeke’s number.

  “Yo,” he answered, shouting over the party sounds I heard in the background, and I felt myself shiver at just hearing his voice again. Jeez.

  “Uh, Zeke?”


  “It’s Scarlett.”

  “Who?” he yelled.

  Oh, God. He’d already forgotten who I was. I closed my eyes and drew in a breath.

  “Scarlett. O’Rourke? From class?” I clarified. You know, the chick who fucked you then acted like a world-class bitch?

  “Zeke!” a woman called but it came out more like Zeeeeeeeeeke! “I’ve missed you! Where’ve you been, handsome?”

  “Who is this?” he asked again.

  Crap. He had forgotten me. Of course he had. How stupid was I to think that after being such an ass to him, he’d still be interested. So I did the mature thing and hung up. Then after throwing my phone into my purse, I locked up the office and headed out to Jezebel feeling like a fool.

  “’Why don’t you call him? See if he wants to get a drink? At least you can get laid,’” I mimicked Jay’s words as I walked. Brilliant plan, Ms. Van Zandt.

  Upon getting inside Jezebel and turning the key, of course she wouldn’t start. I’d been noticing her getting a little more draggy the past several days but was hoping she’d hold out until Dad got home in a week when he could take a look at the carburetor.

  “Goddamn it! C’mon, Jezebel! You can do it! Just a couple more times then I’ll fix you right up! I promise!”

  But Jezebel wasn’t convinced and after trying several more times to get her running, but to no avail, I put my forehead on the steering wheel thinking this was the perfect ending to a perfectly shitty day.

  So I threw a little pity party for myself which was just fabulous. But, really, why did all this shit have to happen to me? I had a mom who didn’t give a fuck about my brother or me, I’d had to drop out of school to help my family survive, I had a little brother who I’d practically raised and had worried numerous times over the years about whether he’d get three meals a day or not, and on top of all that, I’d abstained from anything self-gratifying for two fucking years. Zeke had forgotten me. And now Jezebel was being a bitch and I couldn’t afford to get her fixed.

  And I’d had enough. Letting out a scream of exasperation which segued into a whole string of cuss words and tears of frustration—God, don’t forget the friggin’ tears—I pounded my hands against the steering wheel in frustration.

  Oh, yay. The pity party was in full force now.

  But why did everything have to be so hard? Why couldn’t I be like the gorgeous sorority girls who traipsed their way across campus daily with not a care in the world? I mean, I’m sure they had their own problems but at least they had money to deal with them. Oh, who was I to judge? They probably had just as many things that upset them as I did. They just covered it up better than I was doing at the moment which made me cry harder.

  Some twenty minutes later, after FeelSorryForMeFest 2.0 had finally fizzled out a bit, I put my head back against the headrest and closed my eyes letting the tears have their way as they coursed down my face. God, I was tired. I was only twenty-four but felt like I was Grammy’s age. This went on for another five minutes then I decided it was enough. You know you’re only allocated so much whining in your lifetime and I thought I’d probably used more than half of my allotment tonight.

  I took several deep breaths to stave off those stupid shuddery sobs that always accompany a hard cry and when I felt I could talk without my voice wavering, it was time to call Jay to see if she could give me a ride home. I’d deal with Jezebel tomorrow. Reaching for my purse on the passenger seat to retrieve my phone I’d just pulled up her number when I yelped and almost jumped out of my skin at someone’s tap on my window.

  *Week Seven—8th Encounter*

  At the knock, I sat up straight, hastily wiping my face with my hands not wanting to be caught this way by anyone, then turning to look out the window, saw Zeke, hand on top of my car, bending down looking worriedly at me and I completely lost it, just came undone, as the tears started up again. I don’t know how it happened, but the next thing I knew, I’d somehow gotten out of Jezebel and thrown myself into his arms.

  “Hey. Hey, what’s wrong, Scarlett?” he asked, holding me tightly against him as he smoothed his hand down the hair that lay against my back.

  I couldn’t talk for a while as the sobs overtook me but Zeke just held me, continuing to run his hand down my back, talking softly to me, saying what, I have no earthly idea, but I could hear the rumble of his voice in my ear that was pressed against his chest which I found comforting.

  When my sobs started diminishing, though, I began listening to what he was saying, and, God, he was so sweet.

  “It’s gonna be okay, baby. I promise. I’m here. I’ll help you. You’ll be fine,” he murmured.

  And I think that’s the moment I fell in love with Zeke Powers.


  You know that moment of weakness when you do something you know you shouldn’t but you do it anyway and you really don’t give a crap what your consequences will be because that’s what you want to be doing at that very moment? Like telling yourself you’ll watch just one more episode of your favorite show on Netflix even though it’s after midnight and you have to be up at five?

  Yeah. I was totally experiencing that right now but on a much grander scale.

  I was falling for Zeke. I knew I shouldn’t. I knew I needed to stay focused on helping my family get out of debt and move forward so we didn’t have to pinch pennies anymore, but I didn’t care. Zeke was good. He was kind. And if that was bad for me, then so be it.

  I pulled back and wiping my face, looked up at him. “Sorry.”

  He frowned and canted his head to the side looking at me. “For?”

  I took a deep breath and let it out. “For being such a baby.”

  “I don’t think you’re a baby, Scarlett. Matter of fact, I think you’re pretty tough, and since I know that, I know something must be really wrong.” God. So sweet. “So what is it?”

  I took in another deep breath and started telling him all my woes, of course, not holding back and blurting everything as per usual when I talked to him.

/>   I told him about my mom, about having to drop out and get two jobs, everything, finishing up with Jezebel’s betrayal.

  He nodded in understanding. “Let’s get in my truck before you catch a cold.” He opened the door for me, helping me in. See? Sweet. When he got in his side, he started the truck then looked back at me waiting for me to tell him more.

  So I did. “I haven’t seen my mom in almost ten years. She hasn’t ever called. We don’t know where she is. She just… doesn’t care.” I started crying softly and Zeke opened his console and got out a small tissue box handing it to me. “Thanks,” I muttered, pulling one out to wipe my eyes. I sat staring out the window. “How can a mom do that?”

  “I don’t know, Scarlett.” When I didn’t say anything else, he asked, “Besides your car, what triggered all this tonight?”

  “You’ve been gone.” I closed my eyes and hung my head having thought I’d been doing so well in not saying anything about his absence affecting me.

  But he didn’t act cocky or smug when he answered. “Been training for the combine the past three weeks. I left last Monday and just got back last night.”

  Shit. Here I was blathering on and wallowing in my stupid troubles when he’d just gotten back from the biggest thing in his life that would decide his future. “Oh, my gosh! How was it? How’d you do? Are you drafted yet?”

  He chuckled. “It was great. I think my hard work may have paid off. Hopefully. Lotta great receivers out there, but maybe I caught someone’s eye. My agent said he heard a lot of talk about me, but the draft won’t be until the end of April, so we’ll see.”

  “That’s great, Zeke. I’m really happy for you. Glad it went well.” Wow. I was sitting in a truck with a future NFL star. Very cool. And here I was all blotchy-faced from crying probably looking like hell.

  He smiled at me. “How about we do this? We’ll leave your car here and I’ll get the parts in the morning to fix it.”

  “No!” I practically screeched. I wasn’t used to anyone helping me and being even more indebted to him made my stomach crawl since I’d had enough of that shit the past almost ten years, hence my outburst.

  “By that sin fell the angels,” I heard him mutter and I frowned at him not understanding. “Pride, Scarlett. Different kinds of proud. Don’t let the wrong one get in the way.”

  “I can’t let you do that, Zeke. You’ve done so much for me already.”

  He chuckled. “What? Shared a book with you?”

  “Well, yeah, besides other things,” I answered. Dang. I was actually impressed with myself for not blurting that he’d ended my abstinence then winced because in just thinking about it, it might make me actually say it. Ack.

  He sighed. “Then what do you think we should do?” His brows came down as he looked at me.

  I bit my lip as I thought about it. I didn’t have the money to get Jezebel fixed but I couldn’t just let her sit there until Dad got back. I’d probably be ticketed. Maybe Dex knew someone who could tow her to the house and Jay could give me rides to work and school. But the more I thought of doing that the more I hated it. Ugh. I didn’t want to put anyone out and the easiest fix sounded like Zeke’s plan, so I decided to see what all it’d entail.

  “I don’t know. I can’t pay you right now for it.”

  “It’s no big deal. Dad has all kinds of parts laying around the shop. It sounds like your carburetor’s bad and that’s nothing. He probably has ten of ‘em just sitting there.”


  “I can get the part, get Gable or Ryke to come with me in the morning and we’ll fix it up good as new.”

  I wanted to reach a hand out and touch him to make sure he was real. How could anyone be this nice? But his idea sounded like the least messy one, so I reluctantly agreed.

  “Okay, but I’ll pay you as soon as I can.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” He thought for a second. “But I do know a way you could pay me back.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me which made my eyes get big and my face flush. He barked out a laugh and shook his head then looked at me. “That was you who called me tonight, wasn’t it?”

  Shit. I’d forgotten about that. And that made me remember the woman who’d called out his name in a most annoying way. “Uh, yeah.”

  “What’d you want?” Those glittery gold eyes were on me making me uncomfortable.

  I wanted you, Zeke. I was going to ask you for a drink then ask if we could bang again.

  Yeah. No.

  “I, uh, was gonna ask if you needed the book back.”


  Okay, I couldn’t lie. But I wasn’t going to tell him everything. “Actually, I was going to ask you out for a drink.” There. That hadn’t been too bad.

  “Yeah?” he gave me his half grin looking so freaking hot that it hurt my eyes.


  “So why’d you hang up?”

  I sighed. “I didn’t think you remembered me.” I bit my lip again as I looked down at my lap. “And you sounded, um, busy with someone.” Gotta love honesty, it being the best policy and all.

  “Scarlett,” he whispered. “Look at me.”

  I sat staring at my hands in my lap, twisting my fingers nervously, knowing that if I looked at him, that’d be it. I’d be lost to him. He’d own me. And I couldn’t quite come up with a good reason why that’d be so bad.


  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, blowing it out then turned to see his beautiful golden eyes looking so warmly at me.

  “I was at Sully’s. He’s a defensive end on the team. He called because he was having a party, so I thought I’d stop by. When you called, I didn’t know the number but thought it might be you. And since it was around seven and that’s when you leave the Dean’s office, I took a chance that you’d be here.” He must’ve seen the doubt in my eyes because he continued. “The woman you heard was Sara. We were seeing each other a couple months ago but I broke it off.” Ah, rock video chick. Zeke continued. “See, I saw this gorgeous woman working in a little breakfast place I stopped by on a whim one morning. Watched her taking care of her customers, always making sure they had everything they needed. Saw she was sweet, genuine and that’s when I knew I had to have her.”

  I sucked in a breath as I stared in shock at him.

  “Her heart-shaped ass didn’t hurt either.” He smirked at me as I felt my face got hot.

  “Zeke,” I whispered.

  “I wanna try this with you, Scarlett. See where it goes. What do you think?” His eyes stayed on mine as my mind raced.

  I mean, did I really need to think about this? A hot, sexy, very nice guy wanted me. And he said he hadn’t cheated and never would. He wasn’t interested in more than one woman. He just wanted… me.

  I looked at him then gave him a small nod, letting him know I did want to try this, whatever this was and got his grin.

  “I’ve been such a bitch to you. That’s really not me. I mean, I can be a bitch, but you didn’t deserve any of it. I’m sorry,” I stated, licking my lips as I watched his mouth turn up in a smile. “God, you’re beautiful.” Back to blurting again. Yay.

  His eyes were warm on mine now. “That right there?” he said quietly. “Love that.” At my confused look he explained. “I know you’re not that big of a bitch.” I huffed out a surprised laugh and he chuckled. “Look, I know you’ve been through a lot, but the things you say show me that even though you think you’re scarred from all that’s happened to you, you’re sweet. Selfless. No, baby, you’re the beautiful one.”

  Oh God. If he didn’t stop, I’d start crying again.

  But I didn’t get a chance because his hand went to the back of my neck and he drew me to him. “I like that about you, Scarlett. Like it a fuckova lot.” And then he gave me the most tender, sweet, heart-melting kiss and when he pulled back, he chuckled because my eyes were still closed and I think my mouth was still puckered wanting more. “Let me get your keys and your purse and I’ll take you

  I opened my eyes, embarrassed but nodded as I watched him get out then into Jezebel. I heard him try to start her again and was sad because she just didn’t have it left in her. When he got out, he looked at me and gave a little shoulder shrug and I frowned because my girl was in a bad way, but then had to giggle as I watched Mr. Badass Soon To Be Pro Football Player carrying my purse.

  “Well, as Dad would say, I think she really has given up the ghost. I’ll keep the keys. Here you go,” he said, handing me my purse when he got in.

  “You’re welcome to borrow it any time. It really brings out your eyes,” I replied, taking it from him.

  He looked at me in question and I raised my purse a bit which made him give me a get real look making me giggle some more.

  “Smartass,” he muttered, as we put our seatbelts on then he put his truck in gear and headed to my house.


  He parked in front of my house where he had the night he’d followed me home.

  “Thank you for rescuing me tonight,” I said quietly.

  “You saying I’m your hero?” he asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

  Honestly? He really was but instead of telling him so, I rolled my eyes.

  “Knight in shining armor?” He grinned. Before I could respond, he leaned in, resting his forearm on the console, his other hand coming up to playfully tug on a piece of my hair. “Let me be your hero, Scarlett.” His hand went to the back of my head and he pulled me in for a hot kiss.

  He was my hero. I was just going to have to find a way to be his hero right back.

  We made out for a while, my hand instantaneously going up to wrap my fingers in his soft hair, and, good lord, if we could manage to go about our daily lives without it interfering, kissing him could really become my new favorite pastime.

  When I pulled back, breathing heavily of course, I turned and looked at my house then turned back to him with a wince and a muttered, “Oh, no,” putting my face in my hand.


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