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Talisman 1 - The Emerald Talisman

Page 18

by Brenda Pandos

  After about an hour, he began to stir. I looked down to see him staring up at me.

  “Hi,” I said “Sleep well?”

  “You let me fall asleep,” he said, faking like he was angry.

  He sat up and stretched.

  “Let you? You told me you weren’t tired.”

  “True. You hungry?”

  To answer his question, my stomach growled loudly.

  “I’m not taking very good care of you, I’ll be right back.”

  In a flash he was gone.

  I suspected he was going to the car again, so I tried to act cool when he returned. But before I could think of a flippant come back, he’d spread out his picnic lunch in an amazing display. I couldn’t help but gawk. Magically, a tray of sandwiches with grape clusters, cheese, crackers and chips appeared before me. He handed me a plastic cup filled with sparkling cider.

  “Brat,” I said, taking the cider. “How could I possibly compete with that?”

  “That’s the point. You can’t.”

  I turned my head and flipped my hair at him letting out a loud humph and he laughed. Life with Nicholas was certainly proving itself interesting.

  “I was wondering,” I began as I popped a grape into my mouth. “Where do vampires come from anyway? I mean, they started somehow, right?”

  “I knew this question was coming,” he remarked, taking the last bite of his sandwich.

  “You don’t want to tell me?”

  “No, it’s not that. It’s just… involved.”

  “I’ve got all day; I think. Well, until sunset, right?”

  I laughed generously, but hoped he caught my slip. I wanted to spend at least until then together.

  “Very funny,” he said with a surly look.

  “Please, I want to know.”

  He took a deep breath. “From what my father told me, it’s believed it all started back with Cain. You know, Adam and Eve?”

  “Yes.” I couldn’t believe a vampire was giving me a Sunday school lesson on the Bible of all things.

  “Well, because of Cain’s jealousy of his brother Abel, he murdered him. So God put a curse on Cain, marking him to be a wanderer his entire earthly life.

  “Legend tells us, the serpent who tempted Eve took advantage of Cain’s situation. He offered Cain immortality in exchange for his soul. Cain, who underestimated the value of a soul, agreed readily thinking this deal would put him on the same level as God. When the serpent bit Cain, the venom transformed him into half-man half-snake and he became immortal.

  “A vampire’s immortality can be perceived to be a pretty gifted life. To come and go as you please, to be incredibly strong and have no limits, to be alluring and beautiful forever, but most importantly to not have a conscience against what you do for sport; killing humans without a thought. It’s a downright evil lifestyle, just as the serpent wanted, with a few drawbacks of course; the Achilles’ heel being the sun and wooden stakes to the heart.

  “The first person he sired was an accident. When Andronicus Vampiro didn’t die from Cain’s bite, it gave Cain a new weapon in his fight against God. He could make an army of soul stealers all loyal to their Father, their King. But the serpent gave Cain only so much power and after each vampire was sired, Cain found he’d become weaker.

  “But after some of the new offspring didn’t survive, the power returned. It was easy for Cain to enforce a decree that the coveted vampire life be given only to those chosen because all of them are selfish, little, power-hungry, bloodsucking…” Nicholas’ nostrils flared and anger tripled. “Sorry, I shouldn’t talk like that.”

  “It’s okay,” I said with a blush.

  “So the Royal families keep tight reigns on all their kin, only allowing the youngest to wander. They also don’t kill their own kind because if you killed someone in your lifeline by mistake, it would be over for you as well. Like the thread of their life-force severs.

  “So, you can imagine my reputation. Since vampires don’t kill each other, they have no natural predators, except me. And I kill indiscriminately and don’t leave any witnesses, they don’t know who or what I am.

  “You’d think, since they know where I’m physically located, they’d send their smartest and strongest after me. But they never do, proving that they’re nothing but a bunch of power-hungry cowards who feed off the weak and strive to be important amongst themselves. Funny thing is they don’t even need human blood to survive – it’s more an addiction than anything.

  “But this has created my life long dilemma. I know how to stop them permanently, but it would kill my father and possibly me in the process. Maybe one day I will, but all I want to do right now is protect you and not worry about the rest. And that has proven to be a challenge, for you’re the biggest vampire magnet I’ve ever encountered in my life.”

  I forced out a fake chuckle at the remark, but became overwhelmed with the thought of something bad ever happening to Nicholas. I could never bear it. But then the psychic’s prediction rang through my head.

  The innocent that saves us all from them.

  Remembering her words sent a chill down my spine and I felt the blood drain from my cheeks. Nicholas responded to my horror-struck expression and stared back with a face full of concern.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  My mouth went dry. What could possibly happen that would possess me to go after Cain? Maybe if I was a vampire I’d be able to fight them, but even then I wouldn’t want to murder myself, Nicholas’ father and Nicholas in the process unless…

  I closed my eyes and felt the world sway as the worst thought crossed my mind.

  I would do it to avenge Nicholas’ death.

  The terror overwhelmed me and I struggled to stay lucid.

  No! Never! She had to be wrong!

  “Julia? Answer me!”

  I felt warm calming hands grasp my shoulders firmly. The sensation felt like he pulled me up and out of the horror I was drowning in. I forced my eyes open and met his, a piercing effervescent green.

  “I’m fine,” I choked out.

  His eyebrows pressed together. He didn’t buy my answer.

  “I guess it’s good I have a body guard since I’m a magnet, right?” I said hoarsely, lifting the corners of my mouth a twinge trying to force a smile.

  Nicholas’ face didn’t change, as his gaze flicked from one of my eyes to the other.

  “I’m fine, honest,” I said, feeling a little bit more in control of myself and my voice. “It just scares me someone has that type of power over your life.”

  Nicholas relaxed a tiny bit and studied me one last time before drawing me into his chest. My breath became short as his touch sent me into oblivion and I welcomed the distraction.

  “You don’t have to worry. I’ve got it under control,” he said softly, gently caressing the back of my hair.

  I let out a gust of air in response. His confidence infused my body and I let go of the unknowns of the future. Her prediction couldn’t be true. First, she was crazy and I doubted her abilities. Second, I lacked athletic ability and therefore incapable of fighting anything, especially evil. And if I did have some special power, Nicholas would be the first I’d save.

  But I didn’t care. I didn’t want to entertain the thought of being some heroic avenger. I just wanted to be there.

  In his arms.


  . . .

  16 – FALL OUT

  Time flew by. Before I realized it, we’d spent the whole day together – a perfectly glorious day, far better than any dance I could’ve attended. But as I watched the sun make its way closer to the horizon, a pang of dread filled my stomach. Its light controlled my destiny now and he’d have to take me home. I already started to miss him.

  “So what are your plans for tonight?” I asked, trying my best to sound indifferent.

  “Finding their lair and keeping an eye on you.”

  He glanced over at me wistfully, his face slightly bronzed from the sun. I c
ouldn’t help but smile back.

  “Well, if it will help, I promise not to do a repeat of last night,” I joked in an effort to cover up my concern. “Actually, I’ve got a ton of homework to do.”

  “That would make my job easier.”

  I turned towards the window and watched the world zoom by. We’d broken the rules today by being together. As we drove, I felt the warmth he had at the beach start to fade into something cold and distant. He was changing back to his serious self.

  “We can’t do this again, can we?” I finally muttered, still looking out the window, deciding to just get it out in the open.

  “No,” he said despondently.

  I took a deep breath and leaned against the head rest. I didn’t need to study his face to know his feelings.

  “It doesn’t seem fair,” I uttered softly in an even tone.

  “Nothing we can do about it.”

  The frequent appearance of his cynical side began to annoy me. I knew there was a way to still see each other and not get caught, like today. Why wasn’t he willing to try?

  “I don’t want to go home,” I said in a whisper, secretly hoping he’d change his mind.

  He reached over to grab my hand. Excitement and pain flooded directly to my heart and I broke under the strain. The tears spilled down my cheeks.

  “Please, don’t cry,” he said, instantly feeling sorry.

  “I’m trying not to. It just hurts, you know?”

  I tried to stifle my tears by biting my lip. Secretly, I was glad we hurt together. To know he cared for me on a deeper level comforted my spirit.

  “I never meant for this to be difficult for you,” he said with remorse.

  “It’s not your fault. You have no control over this hopeless situation.”

  “Well, I shouldn’t have made it harder on you.”

  He let go of my hand to take something out of his pocket. I stared down at his palm and recognized the familiar piece of worn journal paper. I looked at his face in shock and then anger.

  “How did you get that?” I said, snatching it out of his hand, wiping away my tears.

  “I saw you throw it over the cliff,” he confessed.

  My head swam as I remembered back to that day. I’d poured my heart and soul into that letter never intending for him to read it. And now that he had, I felt violated.

  “Well, that’s a dirty trick,” I said, scowling at him.

  I turned away and crumpled up the note in my hand.

  “You didn’t want me to read it?” he said confused.


  “Then why is it addressed to me?”

  Even though he had a point, I hated that he justified his actions. How could he think I wanted him to read it?

  “I didn’t give it to you. You only got it because you were spying on me,” I lividly said, completely mortified.

  He sat for a minute, his face hard like ice, insides full of frustration.

  “Fine,” he growled. “I knew I shouldn’t have done this. Today was a mistake.”

  “Yeah, you shouldn’t have after knowing how I felt about you.” Hot angry tears flowed over my cheeks. “Why would you want to tease me when you knew that this could never be?”

  “Because I’m selfish,” he said, raising his voice. “I was hoping it would make things easier.”

  “Well, I don’t know how you figured that!”

  “You have no idea what it’s been like for me the last ten years, Julia – watching you from afar and never able to even talk to you. It’s been a lot worse for me. For you, it’s only been a little over a week!”

  His angst hit me like a tidal wave causing my anger to subside. His admission left me confused and bewildered. I felt foolish for not seeing his experience had been far worse than my own.

  “Oh,” I said, not knowing what else to say.

  We sat in silence while Nicholas fumed. I realized I really hurt him badly. I reached over to grab his hand. At first, he didn’t respond, but then he interlaced his fingers with mine and the tension between us melted.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, looking down feeling a little ashamed. “I wasn’t being fair.”

  “It’s fine. Like I said, I’ve accepted it.”

  He pulled up in front of my house and I felt a pit form in my stomach. As we sat for a minute, I tried to think of a way to prolong my exit when Nicholas spoke.

  “Before you go, we need to talk about Phil real quick.”

  “Oh,” I said, remembering Phil was the real reason for our tryst.

  “Do you have any idea what he’s going to do next?”

  “He still wants to talk to me,” I said, unsure if I should mention that small detail. “But I don’t know what about.”

  Nicholas kept quiet for a minute, his lips pursed together. I pictured Phil’s face the night before when he tried to coax me out of the car and my cheeks blushed in response. I knew partly what he was after, but I wasn’t going to mention it.

  Even though I longed to be with Nicholas, Phil’s attention flattered me. But the tug between the two made me feel like a stretched rubber band. On one side was Nicholas, the most amazing but unavailable guy because he killed a few vampires. And on the other, Phil, the incredibly hot, new, bloodsucking vampire, who wanted me and wasn’t afraid to show it. If something didn’t stop the tug-of-war with me in the middle, I was going to snap into two.

  “I’ve been thinking about this all day and I think I’ve got a solution to protect you.” Nicholas said, interrupting my thoughts.

  I wondered the same thing earlier. How did he manage to watch over me and investigate at the same time?

  “So…what do you want to do?”

  “I want you to stay in your house at night.”

  I furrowed my brow in disbelief. Was he crazy? I just finished a stint of house arrest with my ankle. I wasn’t about to do it again because some vampire wanted to talk to me. Especially when that vampire was Phil. This request was completely out of the question.

  “I can’t. What about my job?”

  “It’s just for now. Make up an excuse, quit, whatever you have to do. I’m serious about how dangerous these vamps are. Especially Phil. Your house is the only place I know he can’t penetrate, where you’ll be truly safe.”

  His brilliant solution infuriated me. Not only was he overreacting, but now he acted like a tyrannical parent.

  “No,” I said with folded arms. “I refuse to be cooped-up in my house.”

  Nicholas let out a huge frustrated sigh.

  “Julia, you need to listen to reason. I’m not doing this to be mean. Phil will stalk you.”

  “You think it’s reasonable to lock me up in my house? What are my dad and brother going to say? They’ll know something’s up.”

  “You’ll have to figure it out. I’m just saying I can’t always be there. You have to do this to protect yourself. Aren’t you afraid?”

  “Well, no actually. “

  He eyed me suspiciously. “And why not?”

  “Because I don’t think Phil wants to kill me.”

  “And why do you think that?”

  “Because he told me so.”

  He gave me a condescending look and smirked. I glowered back. He wasn’t going to win this one.

  “You’re so naïve Julia. Vampires lie. It’s what they do.”

  “He wasn’t lying,” I said because I knew it for a fact and didn’t need to prove how.

  He let out an exasperated groan.

  “You’re making it very hard for me to protect you,” he said slowly through gritted teeth.

  “You don’t have to worry about it. He’s not going to hurt me. Just find out about the others and leave Phil up to me.”


  “He wants to reform, I know it. I just need to talk to him. Encourage him not to go to the dark side.”

  Nicholas pounded his fist into his steering wheel and cursed. “I can’t believe I’m having this conversation.”

rage bowled over me like a suffocating gas. But I didn’t care. I was determined to hold my ground. “I’ll tell you when I’m leaving, so you’ll know.”

  “Oh thank you,” he said sarcastically.

  “Just do what you need to do. I’ll take care of myself,” I said, wanting to antagonize him.

  He glared at me and clenched his mouth shut as his emotion grew thick with irritation.

  “I should just let you deal with one and we’ll see who’s able to handle themselves,” he seethed.

  “Yeah, you should,” I said, knowing I was being completely absurd. We both knew the one behind the alley would have finished me off if I were alone.

  “Fine, since you’re feeling so brave, do as you want.”

  “I’m glad you’re finally seeing things my way,” I said but wondered why the sudden change.

  “Well, don’t blame me if something happens.”

  “I won’t,” I said, with a quiver in my voice. I started to believe he really was going to quit being my guardian.

  We both stared each other down.

  “I’m going to go,” I said coolly.

  He turned his face towards the front windshield. “Bye.”

  My stomach pitched and rolled over, I fought getting sick. All the emotion was more than I could handle and I needed to get out of the car before I lost it on his floorboard. I lurched open the handle, climbed out and closed it before he could say anything else.

  My feet practically ran down the cobblestone path, but I listened for his retort that never came. His tires crunched the gravel and spun out instead. That’s when I remembered my shells were in the trunk, but he was halfway down the street, turning the corner. It was too late to stop him.

  . . .


  Confused and heartsick, I walked inside the house. There were two suitcases sitting in the front hall.

  “Oh good, you’re home,” My dad said as he came out of his office with his briefcase. “Have a nice time?”

  “It was okay,” I said, trying to sound chipper.

  I went straight over and wrapped my arms around his chest. His confusion surfaced as I lingered in our hug longer than normal, hoping for some fatherly protective consolation. But it paled in comparison to Nicholas’ solace.


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