Talisman 1 - The Emerald Talisman

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Talisman 1 - The Emerald Talisman Page 21

by Brenda Pandos

  “Come on,” he said as he pulled me into the warehouse, his grip tightening down like a vice.

  The interior was pitch black inside and the rusty hinges of the door seemed to creak extra loud when we entered, echoing around the interior. When the door clanged shut, taking away all the light, I clung closer to Phil’s side. The possibility of a working phone in the place seemed unrealistic.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, feeling uneasy, trying to stop him from pulling me so roughly.

  He didn’t answer as he continued to drag me behind him like a rag doll through the wide open space, acting as if it was lit up, dodging unseen objects. I squinted and tried to get my eyes to adjust to the darkness as I stumbled, unable to avoid the items littering the floor. But no matter how hard I tugged back, he wouldn’t let go and continued until we reached the other side. Suddenly, I saw a faint glow around a closed door. I felt the feelings on the other side and halted. There were more vampires beyond, thirsty vampires.

  “It’s okay. Come on,” he whispered, as he bolstered his own courage.

  “No,” I whispered forcefully. “I change my mind; I don’t need to make a call.”

  “Call?” he asked, like my original request completely slipped his mind. His apathy told me he didn’t care what I needed.

  We barged in on three people hovering over a large map on the table in the middle of the room, vampires. They all stiffened and turned in our direction – the same dark eyes from the beach bore holes into me. I felt the beginnings of a feeding frenzy when they recognized I was human.

  “What are you doing bringing her in here Phil,” the woman seethed, acting like Phil broke some code.

  “Didn’t you hear me order for take out?” The taller man with platinum white hair cackled jabbing the other as they both eyed me lustfully, licking their lips. “Good timing, Phil. I’m starved.”

  Phil shielded me with his body and glared back, full of determination.

  “She’s mine,” he commanded. “I’m looking for Alora, where is she?”

  “I don’t think you’re going to be able to fight off the three of us to protect your little girlfriend, Phil,” she said, suddenly advancing closer.

  I cowered behind Phil. He stood even taller as she got closer, tucking his arm around my waist to pull me into his back.

  “Bettina, I’m serious. She’s important. I need Alora,” he said with a growl, thick with impatience.

  She glowered at him with her pale blue eyes for a minute and then let out an exasperated sigh.

  “Fine! Toth, go get her,” she ordered, waving her hand in the air at him.

  Toth, the one with platinum-white hair, glared at me with his beady black eyes before winking at Bettina and leaving the room. Bettina felt humored and softened. I breathed a sigh of relief knowing at least for now they weren’t going to feast on me. But I still felt like a tasty steak in the middle of three ravenous tigers knowing the tables could turn at any moment.

  Bettina went back to studying her map, still eyeing me occasionally. She was tall, lean with long black shimmering hair that spilled down over her shoulder and onto the table. Her clothing matched her complexion perfectly and her crimson colored lips puckered while she made notes with her pen. I guessed she was in her early twenties but couldn’t help but feel jealous of her beauty.

  The other male vampire was shorter than her, about the same age as me, with brown, bed-head hair and disheveled clothing. He was strikingly attractive like the others, but cagey, his blood lust the strongest as he paced around, barely able to control himself. I recognized his face and almost began to place where I knew him from when the door on the other side of the room opened.

  I stood in awe and felt the world around me stop as if to admire the woman who stood before us. Everything quieted in her glorious presence, even the florescent lights. I would have said she was angelic, but even that didn’t describe the effect she possessed over her environment. Her auburn hair seemed to dance as it swooped gently across her forehead and shoulders, just barely concealing her big, sapphire doe-eyes adorned with thick black lashes. Her skin glimmered softly like the snow in the sunlight. The thin fabric of her black dress clung to her shapely body, caressing every curve.

  Everyone instinctively bowed in her presence, the strength of her intimidation overwhelming. All I could do was stand and gawk as Phil moved aside so she could see me better. I felt helplessly abandoned, nothing between us to prevent instant carnage, if she wanted. She nodded slightly before walking towards me; Phil didn’t move from my side while the others left the room.

  “Hello, Julia,” she said sweetly with a hint of a southern accent, her eyes studying me intently. “I’m, Alora.”

  She held out her delicate slender hand.

  Frozen, I didn’t know if I could make my hand reach out to greet hers in return, but like a puppet on a string, my hand obeyed. When we touched, I felt the awesomeness of her power and almost gasped. Whatever she was capable of doing with her small frame, she knew it and oozed confidence. And she had amazing control over her blood lust. More so than all the vampires I’d ever met, with the exception of Nicholas, of course. But then again, he was only half vampire.

  “This is the one I was telling you about, Alora,” Phil finally said, head bowed, eyes low.

  “Phil, you’re right. She’s so charming and full of potential,” she said with a captivating smile, letting go of my hand. “Don’t be afraid, we mean you no harm.”

  Even though her beauty conveyed innocence, she was the epitome of evil. I could feel her empty shallow heart and godlike quest for ultimate power. I was appalled Phil trusted her, but I understood why. On the outside, she looked very deceiving. Her name fit her to a tee.

  But why did he bring me to her? Was I an offering? My heart leapt in fear as I tried to figure out both of their intentions.

  She eyed me for another second and then glanced towards Phil, reaching out her hand to him. He took it and kissed it.

  “Well done,” she said, her startling blue eyes looking deeply into his eyes.

  Phil’s pleasure abounded with her words of praise.

  I waited uneasily as neither spoke and Phil continued to hold her hand. They stood stiff like statues, eyes interlocked, unmoving for several minutes. I expected at any moment a discussion of their imminent plans of my future, but only eerie silence lingered. The unsettling part was I could sense growing satisfaction and excitement coming from them both. I just didn’t understand how they could feel it in unison.

  But when the feelings peaked into a euphoria laced with evil intentions, my skin broke out in goose bumps. I had to get out of there now. My mind willed my feet to run and I subtly shifted my body weight in response, but Phil’s other arm shot out and grabbed my hand.

  The trance between them was severed when Phil dropped her hand.

  “It was nice to meet you, Julia,” she finally said, melodic and soft. “Do take care.”

  Still unable to speak, she moved closer, eyes probing mine. And then unexpectedly she pushed back a lock of my hair behind my ear, took her finger and ran it up the ridge of my jaw, stopping just under my chin. I tried my best to remain calm, my heart pounding so hard I thought I’d start convulsing.

  “You’d make a nice little addition to my collection,” she said in a whisper, her scent swirling across my face, smelling sweet like honey.

  I gulped, wondering when she planned to sink her teeth into me.

  Suddenly the pressure of her finger was gone. My legs swayed anticipating my life to end, but we were alone again. Confused, I shot Phil a look wondering what happened.

  “Let’s go,” he said, with an abrupt tug. I stumbled forward, my legs still locked in response to Alora’s touch.

  “Where?” I asked, my voice shaking but resurfacing. Somehow I’d survived.

  “I’m taking you home.”

  “You are?” Home sounded like a beautiful, glorious place but very far away, impossible, a trick. I didn’t belie
ve he intended to let me go free.

  “Yes. You don’t want the others to think I’ve changed my mind. Do you?”

  I was out of the warehouse office door first, but ended up flailing miserably behind him as he impatiently pulled me out of the building. Outside I breathed the night air deeply into my lungs, thankful to be alive. All I needed was one minute to recover, but without asking, he drew me into his body and lurched up into the sky.

  The quick, forceful actions took my breath away. I gasped painfully, struggling to pull air into my lungs. Only after I relaxed did my breathing stabilize. I found it easier to trust Phil this time, having experienced the flight before but he seemed unaware of my distress.

  My mind raced. If Phil took me home like he said he would, then I could immediately tell Nicholas the location of the hideout. Nicholas would have to quickly forgive me, considering the magnitude of the find. I felt pleased being such an instrumental part of foiling the vampires’ plans.

  But I needed to keep my cool. I had the advantage at the moment, so if I just played my cards right, I knew Phil would think I was on his side.

  “Who is that woman?” I asked loudly over the wind that blew against our faces.

  “She’s the leader of our coven.”

  “Why did you take me to meet her?”

  “Actually, I wanted her to meet you,” he said with admiration.

  I paused, confounded by the rearranging of the statement. It was almost like I just met his mother.

  “But why?”

  “To see if she approves of you.”

  Approves of me?

  “How come?”

  “Because… I want you,” he whispered in my ear. I almost fell limp against his arm when he spoke it, but he encircled me tighter, his feelings raw and rapturous. A part of me wanted him too, enjoyed his attention and craved his company. It alarmed me that I wasn’t afraid when he confessed his intentions. Probably only because I was relieved to know it wasn’t my blood he wanted.

  I started to feel like I wasn’t in control of my feelings anymore. That I was losing myself into his wants and desires. His power called to me to try it; conveyed it was safe, fun. And the worst part, my rational thoughts remained apathetic.

  I could see we were getting closer to my home which was good. I needed to get away from him before all was lost. Plus I started to shiver uncontrollably in my thin blouse, from the thrill and the bitter wind.

  He gently set me down in a concealed thicket close to my house. I stood awkwardly for a minute at a loss for words, trying to encourage myself to at least plan an exit strategy.

  “What’s happened to me is not a bad thing,” he began. “Really, I’m not a monster.”

  “I know you aren’t, I’m just–” I quivered.

  He walked over to me and gently held up his index finger to my lips in a motion of silence. I froze as my heart threatened to plummet right out of my chest, but he slowly slid his hand and found the small of my back and pulled me into him. I stood there shaking, enjoying his touch.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  His smiling eyes pulled me in and I felt mine slowly close as he tipped up my chin and touched his lips to mine. The iciness of his skin and the sweetness of his breath disoriented me as I gave into his charisma. I parted my lips ever so slightly, as he sucked on my lower lip jerking my body tighter into him. I gasped and my breath became uneven as our lips hungrily caressed one another’s. I never would’ve believed that my first kiss would be so passionate. I almost lost my footing when I felt him ever so gently bite at my bottom lip. His hunger spiked and I threw open my eyes, pushing him away quickly.

  “Sorry,” he said, chuckling a little.

  “That’s not funny.”

  “I just got carried away,” he purred.” You’re just so…enticing.”

  I felt like my legs were going to collapse at any moment, so I locked them in place in a last ditch effort to stay upright. I didn’t know what to say, but I knew I didn’t want him to bite me, at least not yet. The fact that I gave into him so quickly made me question everything about myself. Then the guilt surfaced. How would I explain this to Nicholas? Was I considering giving him up to be with Phil? To be a vampire?

  I staggered back to gain my composure. My head swam and I needed to figure out what I was doing and do it in a place where I didn’t have his presence seducing me.

  “I need to go,” I finally said as I looked away from his charming Delphian eyes, secretly not wanting to leave.

  “Okay, love. Me too. I have something to take care of.” He flashed a big smile and was gone.

  “I’ll see you later.” I heard whispering to me in the wind.

  . . .

  20 – BAIT

  Dizzy, I walked home, proceeded upstairs to my room and closed the door. I flopped on my bed, stared at the ceiling and touched my lips. The weight of what I did began to bear down on my chest and I cringed at the thought of what Nicholas would do if he knew.

  How did I let this happen?

  I sucked in a deep breath and let the air out slowly. He’d never understand and probably hate me forever. I’d kissed his mortal enemy. I rolled over, tucking myself into a ball. But the images of Phil’s hungry lips locked with mine played behind my closed eyelids. My stomach lurched at the conflict of emotion, elation mixing with remorsefulness.

  If only Nicholas and I hadn’t fought, then this would never have happened.

  “Ahhh!” I groaned as I stuffed a pillow over my head trying to escape reality.

  I wanted to hide, forget it ever happened, but I couldn’t. For some reason, I enjoyed it. There had to be a reasonable explanation. Phil must have tricked me somehow with a secret vampire spell. I had feelings for Nicholas, strong feelings. We were going to be together in the future; at least that’s what I believe the cat predicted.

  Maybe Nicholas would never find out. It was Phil’s vampirishness that affected my senses. Period. It wasn’t real and once I separated myself from him and thought rationally, I knew it was wrong. Or did I?

  But kissing him wasn’t my only problem. There was a huge part of me that couldn’t give up on Phil. I knew he needed my help, especially after Nicholas finally decimated the rest of his coven. But how was I going to do that when they hated each other? Phil would continue to pursue me and Nicholas would never allow further interaction, especially if he knew Phil’s intentions. I’d be forced to pick between the two of them.

  Well, it didn’t matter. Neither would make me choose. They’d have to grow up and accept my decision. I’d set stricter boundaries with Phil and not allow his powers to take over my senses. And Nicholas would have to allow me a friendship with another not-so-dangerous vampire, like himself.

  But most important, I did need to tell Nicholas about the gang and quickly, before anyone else turned up missing or dead. I reached in my pocket for my cell phone remembering it was still in my car.

  Frustrated at my forgetfulness, I jumped off my bed and went back downstairs to fetch it. I opened the front door cautiously before sprinting across the lawn to the car. Only after I slid into the front seat did I feel strangely safe though I knew I was alone. But the phone wasn’t in the console like I thought.

  Where is it?

  After checking in the door pocket and under the seat, I went back inside to try to call it with the house phone. But the call rolled directly over to voicemail, which meant it was off.


  Even still, I needed to talk to Nicholas, so I dialed his number instead. The silence before the first ring increased my nervousness. I planned to tell him the pertinent information and deflect the questions until later, but the call went straight to his voicemail greeting too.

  “Hey, it’s Julia. Call me when you get this,” I said quickly after the beep and hung up.

  Why is his phone off? Is he still mad at me?

  I decided to worry about it after I checked my calling record online. If anyone stole the phone, I’d need to stop the serv
ice. From my dad’s computer in his office, I discovered all the calls were ones I actually remembered making.

  But then my eye caught a recent outgoing text message made just thirty minutes prior. I clicked the details and read to my shock:

  - I need your help. I’m in trouble. Please come get me at 223 Front Street.

  Nicholas’ number appeared as the recipient. A lump formed in my throat. I googled the address. It was only two blocks away from the coven’s hideout. Nicholas was being lured into a trap – one I allowed to be set. My indignation towards Phil began to smolder.

  When I see Phil, he’s going to be so dead.

  Moving as quickly as possible, I printed off the map, swiped my keys and headed out the door. I needed to stop them before someone got hurt. And if things couldn’t get any worse, the clouds broke open, pouring down buckets of rain. I splashed across the wet ground towards my car when I noticed my broken stake floating in a puddle. Instinct told me to pick up one of the halves and put it in my back pocket just in case.

  My heart pounded as I drove like a wild woman through the city, trying to see out my windshield. I hadn’t cleared out my latest text messages from Nicholas and frantically tried to remember what they said.

  They came during the interaction at the supermarket. Phil would know how we planned to handle his situation just by reading the texts with the date and times. It would confirm his suspicions that Nicholas and I were cohorts.

  Why didn’t you clear those out, Julia? I chided myself, clutching tightly to my steering wheel.

  The rain continued to pummel the desolate streets as I sped to the address, the ink-smeared map in my hand shaking violently from my nerves. I kept a close eye on the road and used my emotional radar for cocky cops who’d love to pull me over. My dad didn’t need a long-distance midnight call to bail me out of jail for being out after curfew.

  My mind raced as I tried to anticipate what I would find when I got there. What if the other vampires were posted as look-outs or worse? I couldn’t bear the thought of anything happening to him. I stomped on the gas, but my car wouldn’t move any faster.


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