Talisman 1 - The Emerald Talisman

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Talisman 1 - The Emerald Talisman Page 22

by Brenda Pandos

  I had no idea what I could do to stop the fight, but I had to try. Maybe this was the time when I would use my hidden secret talent. But I wasn’t prepared to do real battle. All I wanted was to stop them before something really horrible happened.

  My tiny tires lost traction in the rain and screeched as I took the last corner, finally arriving at the address on Front Street. My body shook when I spotted Nicholas’ car parked in front of the old building. Frantic, I parked next to him, flung open my door and sprinted across the wet gravel to a nearby door. I tried to pull it open but found it locked. The presence of anger inside told me the fight still ensued, so I decided to try another door. It was locked too. I swore.

  If only I was a vampire, I could rip this door open!

  Not knowing what to do, I ran around to the back of the dilapidated building and looked for another way to get inside. I spotted a door cracked open, light spilling onto the wet cement. I ran to it and stepped into the vacated lobby at the same time the walls shook, flickering the lights. I heard angry voices coming from somewhere within the heart of the building.

  The air was thick with dust and I coughed as I looked around. On the anterior wall was a huge indentation that looked like the aftereffects of a wreaking ball, spilling crushed sheet rock on the floor in huge chunks. Another loud crash sent me scrambling to hide behind the front counter. I anticipated a filing cabinet or something large would come smashing into the room at any second. But all that came down was another spray of ceiling material which filled the air with grime, coating my throat with grit. I slowly stood back up and cautiously walked over the broken pieces on the floor and headed towards the door beyond the counter. My heart started to pound, not sure what I’d find on the other side as I felt wave after wave of incredible revulsion and rage.

  At least they’re still alive.

  “You need to give up! She’s mine! She doesn’t want you!” I heard Phil say loudly with a hiss.

  “There’s no way in hell I’m going to let you have her!” Nicholas growled.

  Another heavy crack told me something fell and crashed against the floor, breaking into tiny pieces. I cautiously pressed my ear to the door to figure out if I should open it. A string of obscenities followed a thunder clapping boom that shook the wall and unlodged a picture. I ducked as the frame shattered, shooting broken glass everywhere then froze.

  “Not if I kill you first!” Phil retorted apparently not noticing the noise from the neighboring room.

  “Be my guest if you can!” Nicholas barked.

  Someone groaned after another resounding smash. I imagined the two of them hulking large industrial objects from across the room at each other.

  I put my trembling hand on the knob and pushed open the door to witness two interlocked bodies flying across the wide open space. My mouth dropped as they collided into the nearby wall creating another huge body-sized crater to match all the others scattered throughout the vast room. They didn’t hear me enter and proceeded to swear while trying to punch at each other. It was hard enough to see them fight with the intent to kill, but to hear they were fighting over me caused something to boil up inside. I refused to be treated like some sort of prize to be won at a carnival. As far as I was concerned, the honor to be my boyfriend was still mine to give.

  “Stop!” I ardently cried out.

  They froze and turned to look at me in surprise, but Phil took the distraction to his advantage. My mind registering he’d disappeared only after I felt my arms become pinned behind me.

  “NO!” I heard Nicholas scream from across the room, but Phil responded with a cackle, way too happy for my liking.

  “Ha!” Phil said with smug overtones. “Now you’ll do what I want, both of you!”

  Phil’s muscular body held me tightly as something cold pressed up against my throat. I held back my breath, taking only short gasps and tried to assess the situation. At the moment, I felt he had no intention to hurt me, but I couldn’t trust his emotions. One wrong move and the blade would easily slice into my jugular.

  “Take that ring and put it on your wrist, or she dies.” Phil threatened in a low voice, motioning to what looked like an oversized iron bracelet on the ground close to our feet.

  Confused, I studied the rusty piece of jewelry and tried to understand how it would incapacitate anybody. As I shifted my body to get a better look at Phil’s face to judge his next move, he gripped me tighter.

  “Don’t move,” he hissed in my ear.

  “We don’t need to involve Julia. Let’s settle this like men,” Nicholas said as he stood motionless, fire burning behind his emerald eyes.

  I knew the cuff was a trap and I was the bait. I had to call Phil’s bluff.

  “Don’t listen to him. He won’t hurt me, Nicholas,” I said calmly, feeling a high as the adrenaline pulsated through my body.

  “I’m serious. Put it on now!” Phil interrupted, his voice sounding more ominous, his irritation increasing due to Nicholas’ incompliance.

  “Nicholas, don’t!” I insisted, feeling a little braver, squirming to loosen his grip on me.

  “Be quiet,” Phil said as he hugged me closer, pressing the blade a little deeper into my skin. I felt my blood pulsating against the serrated edge and struggled to breathe under the pressure, my neck dangerously close to being slit open.

  “Please stop,” I whispered.

  But it was too late. Nicholas had retrieved the cuff, clasped it on and Phil was laughing hysterically, proud he’d won the standoff. Instantly I felt the pressure cease as he released me and I stumbled forward to catch my fall.

  From the ground, I watched in slow motion as Nicholas took advantage of my freedom and pounced in our direction, but Phil had already pulled a small black square from his pocket. A little red light flickered on the cuff and in midair Nicholas was yanked backwards and pulled towards a nearby pole. When the metal of the bracelet collided with the pole, it let out an earth shattering clang that shook the entire building, sending down more debris on our heads. Nicholas struggled, but couldn’t get his arm free. He let out a supernatural growl.

  “Well, that’s much better–” Phil said with an evil smile as he stood just out of reach of Nicholas who cursed obscenities under his breath. “—and from the looks of it, just like the guy promised. You’d never believe this metal is one of the strongest alloys on the market – just perfect for capturing our kind.”

  “When I get out of here you leech, you’ll be sorry you ever involved her,” Nicholas hissed.

  I saw a glimpse of the animal within Nicholas that wanted to rip Phil’s head off, his teeth slightly bared, wild-eyed and fists clenched.

  “Promises, promises,” Phil said with a cluck of the tongue.

  “Let him go,” I said forcefully, but cringed at how meek my voice sounded in comparison to their powerful ones.

  “Why?” Phil sang. “But wait. I thought you two didn’t know each other. Parker, I didn’t believe you to be such a cunning liar.” He winked and shot me his alluring smile. “That will come in handy later.”

  I looked angrily back at him, annoyed by his gloating.

  “What are you planning to do, Phil?” I asked feeling outraged.

  “Let me deal with him, Julia,” Nicholas said as he yanked against the cuff again. It moved only a fraction of an inch away from the pole before snapping right back into place.

  “Look, our brave hero still thinks he has control of the situation,” Phil said full of bravado. “But you’re wrong! News flash, Nick! This isn’t about you anymore. It’s about me. And now that I’ve got you where I want you, I’m going to get what’s rightfully mine and you won’t have anything to say about it!”

  Nicholas’ chest heaved up and down as he seethed quietly, his unblinking eyes never leaving Phil’s side.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “Just like I told you earlier, Parker, we’ve got the world at our fingertips. And now, with Nick out of the way, we’ll be unstoppabl

  He triumphed like he’d just won the lottery.

  “I don’t understand,” I said with a furrowed brow.

  Phil shot me a haughty look before laughing uncontrollably, his eerie voice echoing throughout the building.

  “I guess I have some explaining to do,” he said in a sneer, acting very melodramatic. “So when was it? Oh yes—” He partially turned towards me as if to remember. “—right after the bonfire, I just got finished kissing up to the cops when I spotted this totally hot chick motioning to me just beyond the trees. So, like any idiot would do, I went over to see what she wanted. I think she thought I was a big player at school, so she asked me about you, Nick. And when I didn’t know anything, she bit me before I knew it.

  “I attempted to fight, but her venom paralyzed me. After a few seconds I didn’t care anyway. I closed my eyes and felt my body drift into the night sky. That’s when I heard your gentle voice telling me it’s okay and to hang on.

  “So, you could imagine my shock when I woke up and found myself inside a hospital room, IV’s plugged into my arm and annoying people asking me stupid questions. I had no idea what was happening to me. All I knew was my insides were crawling and I wanted to rip my skin off. Then you came into my room, Parker, so concerned and unsuspecting, but my gut instinct told me to run. And I’m really glad I got out of there before anyone found out what was really happening.

  “As I ran out of the hospital parking lot, I realized I could run a hundred times faster with very little effort. But my body was burning from the inside out and all I wanted to do was die. So I ran to the cliffs and threw myself over, but I didn’t crash on the rocks below. Instead I found myself hovering above them.

  “I then took off in the air as fast and as hard as I possibly could – trying to douse the excruciating flames by flying through the waves. It was hell let me tell you. But that was just the beginning. After it was over, I was so thirsty I couldn’t see straight and all I wanted was blood. It kind of freaked me out since I had no clue what was happening to me.

  “So, somewhere in Fresno is a pile of truckers I found at a rest stop. Hey, I was looking for some fast food, right?” He let out an obnoxious snort, but never took an eye off Nicholas.

  “Anyway, I ended up in L.A. completely out of control and frankly, I couldn’t help it. My new body had taken over. She was gone even before I could stop myself.”

  “Your girlfriend?” I said quietly, nauseous by his excitement and complete disregard for the lives he selfishly took.

  “Ex-girlfriend actually. I guess absence didn’t make her heart grow fonder. I found her with my best friend. They both deserved what they got,” he said with a smirk. “It was their fault I had to move to Scotts Valley anyway.”

  I turned away in disgust; Phil lied so smoothly in the cafeteria, I didn’t even detect it when he said his dad was transferred. No wonder my dad overreacted. Phil must have been in trouble with the law.

  “So I stayed in L.A. for a few days, making some wrongs right and I had fun testing out my new super powers. But I was stopped by another group of them knowing I was a new kid on the block. They tried to capture me, but I escaped and came back here. I decided it might be a good idea to figure out how the heck I ended up this way.

  “That’s when I found out my making–” he said while making air quotes. “—was a mistake and that my coven wasn’t too happy to hear about what I’d done in L.A. Since leaving bodies around is a big no-no, they had to teach me the ropes. Mistakes or not, vamps don’t kill vamps. Without you, Parker, I wouldn’t be here today. Of course I’m not the only oops. Have you read the papers lately?” He rolled his eyes. “People disappearing, bodies all over the place, it’s a total epidemic.

  “Anyway, apparently there are rules and a whole hierarchy in the vampiring world. But my unauthorized killing spree wasn’t the most important thing going on at the moment. There were bigger things at stake —” He snickered, “— get it? And that’s when I found out about you, Nick. It’s kind of impressive how big of a legend you are and actually a pleasure to meet you. There’s a huge price on your head for whoever finds and captures you. I’ll be richly rewarded when I turn you in.”

  His lips curled up auspiciously, his insides bursting with excitement as he stared intently at Nicholas for a response. But Nicholas looked off to the side, watching from his peripheral vision, untouched by the statement.

  Annoyed, Phil decided to engage me, the air between us instantly becoming thick with desire. I blushed and hoped that Nicholas didn’t notice.

  “But you, Julia, I never expected how I would feel about you —” he drew closer to me, teasing me with his infectious stare. His sudden advance made Nicholas agitated and I felt the sudden rage. Phil arrogantly continued.

  “When I came to school, I noticed there were a lot of pretty girls, but you did something to me. You were different somehow and I knew after our talk on the beach, I would never be able to leave you alone.”

  “But after my change, my feelings became more intense and I couldn’t stop thinking about you. Finding you became an obsession.”

  He paused for effect.

  My breath grew quick as his words were laced heavily with want. Nicholas stood stiff like a statue next to the pole, but I could feel his hatred increase. Phil was lucky Nicholas couldn’t retaliate.

  “Finding you wasn’t hard to do, it was getting you alone that was the challenge. And that’s because Mister Nick here must have tipped you off on how to avoid interactions with curious vampires.

  “But that wasn’t all you were hiding. From your text messages, I was able to figure out more about your chaperon,” Phil said as he turned and glared at Nicholas. ”Your little plan in the tunnel might have worked, if I didn’t spot you first. But I still couldn’t figure out who or what you were, since I couldn’t smell you, hear you or even feel your presence. You can’t be human – but after we interrogate you, we’ll figure out your secrets.”

  Nicholas let out a snort. I sensed he wasn’t at all worried about being interrogated.

  “So I just needed to stay glued to you, Parker and Nicholas would show up eventually.” He laughed generously again, enjoying his captive audience. After we didn’t respond, he made a sour face.

  “Justin happened to know where you worked, so as soon as the sun set, I showed up and Nick was nowhere to be seen.”

  The younger, cagey vampire in the room with Bettina came to mind. His face suddenly clicked. He was Justin transformed, another precious life taken by these snakes. But in spite of the horror now covering my face, Phil continued on.

  “I’d planned how I would deal with Nick unaware he took the evening off. So, with nothing to do but wait, I decided to rifle through your car. And that’s when I found your cell phone and your garage door opener and we already know what happened with that. Your plan almost worked. Too bad Nick wasn’t around to stop me. But what I want to know is how you figured out to come here?”

  He watched me inquisitively as I stood shocked at the revelation of how he masterminded this whole plan to find me. Nothing would come out of my mouth in response.

  “It’s okay, Parker. I’m not mad at you or anything. Actually, you showing up makes this victory all the sweeter,” he purred.

  “What do you mean?” I said slowly, backing up for an easy escape.

  “Well, I turn in the bad guy and we live happily ever after,” he said plainly.

  “Bad guy?”

  “Yeah, Nick here is a wanted vampire murderer. Those idiots are going to be so happy when I turn him in. Can you believe they’ve been here a month looking for him? And I’m only a vampire for a week and I find him the first day. Morons.”

  He looked directly at Nicholas to rib him some more.

  “And for you, I’m gonna finally get some respect around here and get the girl,” Phil said teasingly.

  Nicholas lunged towards Phil again, shaking the pole.

  My head spun in chaos trying to proces
s the new information, weighing the fact we had bigger problems now. I needed to escape before Phil could change me, but couldn’t leave Nicholas to be turned in like a lamb to the slaughter. Plus, from the sound of it, an angry group of vampires might possibly be showing up any minute. We were trapped.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you, Phil,” I said, knowing my plea was fleeting.

  “Really? How can you say that after the kiss you gave me earlier?”

  My mouth fell open and I froze, afraid to look at Nicholas expression. For a second, I thought he was going to rip the pole in half when his anger boiled over, which flooded my head, making it impossible to concentrate.

  “You kissed me,” I said coolly, hoping Nicholas was still listening.

  “Oh, why are you playing so hard to get? I know you want me,” he purred again with a chuckle, his eyes sparkling with increased voracity.

  “No, I don’t,” I replied matter-of-factly.

  No longer conflicted, I meant what I said. Any confusion I had about how I felt about Phil was cleared up by tonight’s events.

  Phil started to advance towards me. “You’ll change your mind, after–”

  “Leave her alone, you parasite!” Nicholas bellowed.

  “As if you could do anything,” Phil snapped back.

  But my mind was spinning. He planned to change me. To make me like him. And it wouldn’t be after he delivered Nicholas. It would be now.

  “After?” I asked for clarification, my voice cracking.

  “Yes, after I change you.” His eyes were wild with want and before I knew it, his body was pressing me up against a stack of boxes. Pinning my arms to my sides, his breath brushing against my throat he said, “I’ve been curious what you taste like.”

  “No,” I pleaded as I hyperventilated, my head starting to feel light and limbs tingly.

  “I’ll be quick, I promise,” he whispered, his emotions chock-full with excitement.

  I needed to do something quick and trying to reason with him wasn’t working. Time was of the essence. I had to think fast. Something sharp pressed against my lower back and I remembered.


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