Talisman 1 - The Emerald Talisman

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Talisman 1 - The Emerald Talisman Page 23

by Brenda Pandos

  “Just imagine. We’ll be together… perfect... unstoppable.” His unbridled lust shone in his hungry eyes as he shot me with a sly smile just before he leaned in closer, anticipation building.

  “Don’t I get some last words or something?” I gasped out quickly, hoping to get my hands free for a second.

  “Last words?” He curled up the corner of his lip.

  “Yeah, I’m going to be dying or whatever. I’d like to have some last words.”

  “Well, actually, you’ll find you’ll be living for once, but I don’t see why you couldn’t say good-bye to your humanity or maybe to him.”

  He glanced over at Nicholas before releasing me, chuckling as he bowed with a smirk.

  My heart surged as I knew this was the moment I’d hoped for. I tried to act calm, my body trembling all over. With shaky fingers, I felt the smooth wood beneath my back. Then I took a deep breath and stepped towards Phil.

  “What I would like to say is–” I peered seductively into his tenebrous eyes; flashing him with an evil grin hoping that I’d be able to distract him long enough to do my dirty deed. “—you can go to hell.” I whispered as I quickly lunged my arm forward, aiming directly at his heart.

  He caught my arm mid stab, swirled me around and pinned it behind me as he held onto my body, mocking me with a belly laugh.

  “This is why I love you,” he chimed in my ear. “You’re just so spunky, but it’s not time for me to go to hell quite yet.”

  With a tiny forced twist of my hand, I released the stake.

  Defeated, I slumped in his arms as I heard it bounce onto the cement floor. I couldn’t believe my plan failed yet again.

  Phil’s appetite was building and I knew it wouldn’t be long before he took me. I didn’t feel like fighting anymore. Would it really be that bad to become like him? I wondered if my eyes would turn crystal blue too, like the other women’s were. And if I’d become eternally beautiful and ageless. That part I wouldn’t mind. And maybe, I’d lose my conscience when I became a ruthless killer. If I didn’t feel the guilt, then it wouldn’t matter what I had to do to survive.

  And it felt good to be wanted. He had basically made finding and changing me his mission. That in itself was flattering. And I too, in some weird sick way enjoyed it and could see myself falling for him as well. I was sure, after I transformed, the bond would grow stronger until we’d never wanted to be apart. I just hoped when my body died, my feelings for Nicholas died too.

  I was glad Phil blocked my view of Nicholas so I didn’t have to see his face when it happened, because at the moment he spew the most vilest of feelings I’d ever felt from anyone. I just hoped it would be quick and not very painful.

  My eyes instinctively closed when Phil turned my head to the side and I could feel his breath on my neck, giving me chills, his excitement unrestrained. I waited and held my breath for what seemed like an eternity.

  . . .


  With a wanting groan, Phil put his teeth on my skin. Suddenly when I expected pain I felt a gust of wind and my arms became unpinned. Then the pungent acrid odor of smoke filled my lungs. I choked.

  I spun around just in time to hear a small clink on the pavement beneath my feet. Through the cloud of ash, I saw Nicholas with his arm awkwardly outstretched; a large grin on his face.

  “That’s what he gets for turning his back to me,” he stated calmly.

  My mind slowly processed what my eyes witnessed. Phil wasn’t gone, he was dead. Nicholas must have thrown the stake when Phil turned, too preoccupied with biting me. I stared into the ashes feeling numb. I was ready to be transformed and when it didn’t happen, I was strangely disappointed.

  Something sizzled and I turned to see what it was. The cuff binding Nicholas disappeared in thin air.

  “What?” I mumbled in confusion.

  “Darn. I wanted that,” Nicholas said, but then he was at my side, holding me up. “What were you thinking?” He gently pushed back a lock of my hair studying my face with his charming eyes.

  “I… I… didn’t know what to do,” I said. My thoughts bouncing around like a broken strand of pearls. I couldn’t stop shaking. “You’re not mad at me?”


  “Because I kissed him–” I turned away.

  Nicholas tensed up and his jealousy surfaced. I closed my eyes, dreading what he’d say next, expecting him to hate me.

  “Yes, but you tried to kill him too.” He gently lifted my chin up and greeted me with understanding eyes. “It’s been a busy day.”

  I couldn’t believe he wasn’t angry and to be so easily forgiven shocked me. And then the jealousy? Could it be that he actually cared deeper for me? His arms enveloped me and I stopped worrying, knowing my feelings were always for Nicholas and never Phil. Though I was tempted, Phil and I could never have what Nicholas and I shared.

  “But we don’t have much time. I need you to be strong for just a little bit longer,” he said earnestly as he gently squared my shoulders to face him. I gulped as I looked into his tender eyes. “Can you do that?”

  “What do we need to do?” I asked, my voice quivering.

  “Whoever sired Phil knows he’s dead and they are going to come after us. I actually want them to come but I don’t have time to get you someplace safe, so I want you to wear this–” He unlatched the chain to his beautiful medallion and held it towards me. In the light, the stone shimmered and almost seemed to sing as I watched it change from its vibrant green to a bloody crimson.

  “How?” I started to ask but stopped as he put the medallion into my palm. It was feather light and icy to the touch, but then it warmed up turning an electrifying blue.

  “Good, it likes you,” he said quickly before placing his cell phone in my hand.

  I stood confused holding both the necklace and the cell phone wondering what his plan was going to be against the vampires and how these feeble objects could possibly protect me.

  “Put on the necklace, Julia,” he prompted, noticing my frozen stature.

  “I don’t understand,” I finally said.

  “I’ll explain everything later. Just put the talisman on and don’t take if off for anyone or any reason. And if something happens to me, call my dad. Just press two then send.”

  I obeyed and put on the necklace. It was hot against my skin. I lightly touched the edge of the stone that now adorned my neck. It sparkled brilliantly as I looked down at it, but seemed smaller, more feminine. It was the most exquisite piece of jewelry I’d ever seen.

  Before I could say anything more, Nicholas ushered me to a dark corner in the room and hid me behind some boxes.

  “Just stay here. Don’t move and keep hidden,” he said, his voice tense.

  “Yes, but won’t they know I’m here.”

  “No. Not anymore, but I’ll explain that later.”

  “Okay,” I gulped and then felt the hunger feelings swoop down upon the building like a sudden hail storm.

  “They’re here,” he said, looking up at the roof. He straightened up, flipped a stake off the ground with the toe of his boot and caught in his hand while he walked to the middle of the room.

  My heart started thumping loudly in my ears while I crouched down in the corner, scanning the doorway for their appearance. The chilling quiet sent ice up my spine as we waited, watching. It wouldn’t have been that bad if Nicholas was confident like he always had been, but for the first time I sensed fear, real formidable fear.

  Instantly they appeared in the room, their black shark-like eyes darting about with Bettina’s lone blue eyes shining like beacons in a sea of darkness. She was accompanied by Toth, Justin and four others I didn’t know.

  A woman with Bettina’s likeness stepped away from the crowd flanking Bettina’s right side, same sable hair, high cheek bones, petite nose but with obsidian eyes – an identical twin. My breath caught in my throat. The fact that someone chose to make both girls vampires was disturbing. On her right stood a stocky b
runette male with a square face and hard charcoal eyes, locked on Nicholas.

  Toth’s smirk hid his tension as he puffed his chest out, standing guard at Bettina’s right. Behind him stood the dark haired boy from the beach and a waiflike platinum blonde with maroon highlights in the lower half of her hair; deep sultry eyes peered out from within her bangs. Justin hovered behind Toth. They stood tightly together, uneasy.

  “Where is he?” Bettina barked out, glaring at Nicholas.

  “Jealous you didn’t get an invitation?” Nicholas said, sounding very cynical. “You should know or do I need to spell it out.”

  “Very funny,” she said sarcastically, darting her blue eyes to the others, as if to give secret instructions. One by one they began to fan out in v-formation. “I don’t know what kind of secret powers you have, but today will be the last day you’ll kill any more of our kind. You’ve met your match bounty hunter,” she said with gritted teeth.

  “I prefer Nicholas frankly… but you didn’t say the magic word.”

  Before anyone anticipated, the dark haired boy from the beach burned up in a puff of smoke. Nicholas wasted no time, intending to stake the brunette behemoth, but since he moved aside, the unsuspecting dark haired vampire behind him took the hit instead. Then the blonde cried out as she burned up too.

  “Excellent. Two in one.” Nicholas said in a jeer, the group still in horror.

  Bettina’s twin erupted in furry, screaming obscenities, calling for Nicholas’ death; she crouched down like a tiger, ready to spring, but Bettina restrained her.

  “Angelia, get control of yourself. We need him alive,” Bettina snapped quietly. The hair on my neck stood up feeling the woman’s scorn.

  “But Adrian was wearing his armor…” Angelia cried out in confusion, turning towards Nicholas, eyes full of hate. “You’ll pay for that.”

  Nicholas clicked his tongue twice. “Well, they should’ve been paying attention, now shouldn’t they?”

  From deep within Angelia’s chest came an unearthly growl. But a surge in Justin’s courage sent him sprawling forward to strike first, trying to pin Nicholas’ arms. Nicholas laughed and flung him to the other side of the room. Justin’s body hit the wall head first, shaking the rafters. He amazingly pulled his head out of the wall, stood up unfazed, shook his head and charged at Nicholas again.

  Nicholas, without a thought, launched Justin across the room again, but in my direction. I gasped and saw a flash of panic in Nicholas’ eye when he noticed he’d disturbed my hiding place, but I just tucked myself in further and no one noticed.

  I watched Justin through a crack between the boxes. He sat up but stayed put, appearing to reassess his plan. I studied the nerdy boy I used to know and marveled at the transformation; no more acne, glasses or goofy grin. It saddened me to think what would have happened differently if I was his date instead. Could it have prevented all of this? Now he was another casualty at our school. But his beady eyes turned and locked on mine. My heart dropped as his upper lip snarled back to reveal his long, pointed teeth. He wasn’t angelic, he was a killer

  “Is this all you got?” I heard Nicholas cry out from across the room, taunting them further. I wanted to scream and get his attention as Justin watched me quietly, his hunger growing with each second, but Nicholas was busy.

  Then I heard a female let out a blood-curdling scream as I caught a glimpse of Toth being consumed in a silent fire, another stake bouncing on the ground. It came from Bettina. Her anger was much more intense than when the others were killed – the apparent death of her man. Both girls, now on a warpath from their losses, took out silver iridescent whips and cracked them at the same time.

  I looked around for something to defend myself, as I knew Nicholas needed to spend all of his attention on them.

  “Hmmmm… kinky,” I heard Nicholas say.

  They cackled and the whips cracked again followed by the thunderous sound of something heavy colliding, but I couldn’t watch. Justin had moved and stood over me now, his teeth bared, appetite ravenous.

  “Leave me alone,” I whispered quietly.

  “Or what? You’re going to get your boyfriend to hurt me?” He mocked, looking pleased with my predicament, odds stacked in his favor.

  “No,” I said while crawling backwards like a crab until I hit the wall behind me, trapped in a corner.

  “You know, I’ve always liked you—,” he said with a smile, but his feelings behind his confession made me nauseous. “—and with Phil out of the picture, you could be mine.” He reached out and brushed my cheek. I slapped his hand away, giving him a dirty look.

  Two in one day? I didn’t think I could handle it anymore. What was it about me that made every vampire I met desired me?

  “Don’t touch me,” I said, trying to sound like a ferocious tiger, but my voice came out like a tiny kitten.

  He laughed and advanced closer.

  Why can’t these vampires take no for an answer?

  I blindly felt the ground around me, wishing my hands would come in contact with something I could stab him with, but I found nothing but a dirty floor.

  “You have no scent to you. I wonder if you’ll taste any good,” he said in curiosity. But I couldn’t worry about his comment as he hovered over me, ready to strike.

  “Nicho–” I screamed, but Justin lunged towards me. I threw up my arms to protect myself, closing my eyes hoping it would be quick. But instead he brushed up against my neck and recoiled, howling in pain.

  I opened my eyes and gasped. Justin writhed in front of me, screaming out obscenities.

  “You witch,” he shrieked, holding his arm.

  I sat there, dumbfounded when he attacked again. I winced, but he withdrew with smoke coming off his hand. Perplexed, I tried to figure out what happened.

  “How are you doing that?” he demanded, overwrought with frustration.


  “Burning me like that?”

  “I’m not doing anything,” I said honestly.

  “You’re doing something.”

  He sat across from me with fretful eyes. I returned his dirty look just the same, but his frustration suddenly turned to fear and he started to get up.

  “Where are you going?”

  “No where,” he said in a lie.

  Courage surged through my veins as I sat up realizing he couldn’t hurt me. He was actually terrified of me, me of all people. A feeble human. And as if fate intervened, there was a stake magically placed right at my feet. I grabbed it with confidence, held it firmly in my hand and stood up. It felt very heavy in my palm, heavier than the one I had made.

  Justin took one look at me and his eyes grew big as saucers.

  “You should have been nicer to me,” I said, now feeling invincible.

  “What are you going to do?”

  Terror spread across his face.

  “I’m going to make some wrongs right,” I said, but as I spoke, he disappeared in an instant.

  Without thinking, I blindly flung the stake forward in his general direction. I held my breath and watched, knowing it was a million to one shot. And as if the stake was a heart-seeking missile, it hit him squarely in the chest. Justin turned with a look of surprise then pain and melted in a puff of smoke.

  I watched the stake drop to the floor with that familiar clink and the reality of what I’d done hit hard. Justin was the second personal tragedy fulfilling the psychic’s prediction that I would rid the world of them. Even though this was the only way to stop them, I hated the final outcome. Vampires or not, Phil’s and Justin’s mothers would hopelessly wait for their sons to come home. And just like my mother it would never happen.

  Suddenly, something rocked the ceiling. The crater-sized hole in the side of the building told me everything. I couldn’t believe I didn’t notice they’d crashed through, but I was a little bit busy with Justin threatening my life.

  I picked up the stake out of Justin’s ashes and ran over to the hole to peer out. They were
close, but I couldn’t see them. I carefully crawled over the broken cement pieces and stepped outside.

  My success with Justin proved the talisman was more than just a beautiful piece of jewelry, but I didn’t know the extent of its power. My hand grew sweaty under the stake as I gripped it tighter. Something told me Nicholas needed my help and even if it meant my life, I had to try.

  My feet miraculously didn’t make a sound when I walked around the building and hid behind a garbage dumpster. I was positive they’d hear me when I accidentally pulled the air into my lungs a little too sharply after I saw Nicholas trapped by the whips just a few feet in front of me. But they didn’t.

  The twins stood on either side of Nicholas, pulling the glowing silvery strands of rope taunt, a pile of ash at their feet. The two were all the only ones left. Nicholas struggled against the restraints while spewing threats.

  “Call her,” I heard Bettina say in elation to Angelia.

  I was pretty sure when Bettina mentioned her, she meant Alora. I’d suspected Alora had sent her lackeys to fetch Nicolas after she discovered Phil was unsuccessful. But if Alora came, it would be all over for us. With Nicholas pinned against these unearthly weapons, adding her wickedness to the mix would be all they needed to kill him.

  This was my only chance to stop them.

  “No!” I screamed.

  Startled, Angelia flipped closed her phone and turned towards me.

  “Where did you come from?”

  With full force, I chucked my stake right at Angelia’s heart, hoping to hit her like I did Justin, freeing at least one of Nicholas’ wrists. But she caught it in midair and laughed.

  “Nice try,” she said with a smirk and looked at me like I were a bothersome buzzing gnat. “Get over here.”

  Before I knew it, she’d run over, grabbed my wrist and pulled me to her side, still holding Nicholas in place with her whip. The strand magically grew with her movements. In a late response, I tried to jerk away, but found I was trapped in her iron grasp.

  “You again,” Bettina said with hard, calculating eyes. “I should have killed you earlier.”


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