Talisman 1 - The Emerald Talisman

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Talisman 1 - The Emerald Talisman Page 24

by Brenda Pandos

  I shirked under her deadly stare to catch Nicholas’ confusion and then horror. He didn’t know we’d met already. But then he became calm, like he’d discovered a solution to our problem.

  “I’ll go with you willingly if you let Julia go,” Nicholas interrupted quickly.

  Both the girls’ focuses went off me to Nicholas’ face. I squirmed. The plan could not include him turning himself in and ultimately his demise.

  “No,” I said firmly. “Nicholas, don’t do this.”

  Everyone ignored me. Bettina’s face remained icy, but her emotions told me she was mulling it over.

  “What’s my guarantee you’ll cooperate,” she said after a second.

  “My word,” he said very calmly. I sensed to my horror his intention to keep it.

  “No!” I said a little louder.

  “Your word?” Bettina said in a sneer. Her lip turned up at the corner and she shot Angelia a look. They both laughed profusely.

  “A vampire’s word is worthless you fool,” she retorted. “I want to know your weakness and then we’ll negotiate.”

  Fear overtook me because I knew without the talisman, everything was his weakness. He was still partly human after all. My blood began to pound behind my ears in anticipation of what he’d say even though he still exuded a calm confidence.

  “Julia is my weakness,” Nicholas replied plainly.

  I gasped. Why did he tell them that? My mind reeled at the admission and then discovered it to be true. I was. He’d warned me the vampires would use me to get to him. I didn’t listen. And my stubborn actions removed the anonymity he used to attack his enemies and it forced him to give me the necklace. Now the only thing he could do was sacrifice himself through a trade. I would be responsible for his death as predicted.

  “Interesting,” Bettina said through squinted eyes, “You’ll come peaceably if we let her go?”

  “Yes,” he said.

  Panic welled up and constricted my chest. I struggled to pull the air into my lungs, but pushed it back out with the force of a freight train.

  “She lies. She won’t let me go,” I exclaimed louder than I’d ever yelled in my life.

  Bettina’s nostrils flared as she yanked down hard on my arm with tremendous force. I yelped out instinctively expecting my shoulder to be pulled from its socket. Nothing happened.

  “Shut up, you little urchin,” she spewed.

  Her steel grip tightened around my arm and I thought the bones would break under the pressure, but something stayed her hand. I glared back watching the muscles in her face tense up, her wrist tightening as if she tried to clamp harder but the pressure didn’t change. The medallion warmed against my skin and I realized it kept her from harming me. I smirked when her frustration began to swell. I went to taunt her, but found I’d lost the ability to speak.

  Angelia gave up trying to crush my arm and spoke to Bettina in a Gaelic tongue. The musical flow of their speech was unlike anything I’d ever heard before. Then I remembered Nicholas telling me vampires had special powers like speaking in foreign languages, but the speed and enchanting sounds they made were musical, completely mesmerizing.

  I felt Nicholas stir. I turned to face him. With a grim expression he mouthed to me ‘remember what I told you’.

  I looked wide-eyed into his beautiful face, shook my head yes. He told me to call his dad. But I didn’t want to come to the reality he might not survive this. I could never live with myself if he died protecting me and it was my fault.

  I started to object, but the only thing that came out of my mouth was air – not even a whisper. I clutched my throat in concern, but his attention was no longer on me. He still remained perfectly calm.

  “You have a deal,” Bettina finally said. “I’m taking you in and Angelia will stay here with Julia. You cooperate fully, we’ll let her go. If not, she dies.”

  “Fine, but I want to give Julia the keys to my car first so she can leave.”

  Nicholas turned and gave me a knowing look with imploring eyes. I didn’t understand. I didn’t need his keys because I drove.

  “Take the keys out of my back pocket, Julia,” he said while edging a little closer to me, as far as the whips would allow.

  With my free hand, I reached up under his coat and searched for his keys, but didn’t find them. All I felt was a wooden stake within the folds of his coat.

  ‘He wants you to stake Angelia’ I heard a familiar voice say in my mind.

  I froze. When I discovered the stake, the thought crossed my mind. But I was too afraid Angelia would stop me, lose her patience for sure this time and we’d both die.

  What?... I can’t… How?... I already tried once. Are you sure?

  The chaos in my brain moved a mile a minute unable to focus on one complete thought to ask what I needed to know.

  ‘Take a deep breath.’

  I inhaled as instructed.

  ‘You can do this. Our lives depend on it.’

  Her words miraculously centered me as I focused on channeling her confidence. My heart started to pound as I visualized my task, the stake firmly in my hand. Then I closed my eyes and in one fluid motion, I swung my arm forward aiming directly for Angelia’s chest.

  Her sudden surprise caused me to open my eyes and I watched her beautiful snowy face and inky-colored eyes change to an ashy black within seconds. Nicholas was ready once Angelia’s whip vanished. He had a stake in his hand, yanking Bettina towards him with her whip. She let out a screech, and morphed into a white cat, darting into the bushes. Nicholas cried out in frustration when the stake bounced on the pavement behind her paws.

  Suddenly the sound of a freight train rushed in my ears and the world went topsy-turvy. My body felt weak as my eyes were being pulled into long shadowy tunnels of cold darkness and something hard whacked my face.


  In the distance, deadly cat screams echoed against the mountains. Then strong, warm hands scooped underneath my body lifting me upright. My head flopped around on my neck like a puppet, finally finding support in the crook of his arm. The close contact made me feel safe and whole again as he rocked me gently. I felt my trembling subside.

  “Is it over?” I whispered, realizing I had my voice back.

  My eyes met his tender gaze as he smiled down on me, face full of concern.

  “Yes, for now,” he said. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  I mentally assessed my condition. My cheek felt a little raw from catching my fall, but other than that nothing physically hurt – not even where Angelia tried to crush my arm. For a second I contemplated exaggerating my pains so he’d hold me longer.

  “I think so,” I said with a sigh, trying to get up.

  “I just don’t think you should stand yet,” he said “You’ve taken a nasty fall.”

  Relief abounded from his body as he drew me into a tighter embrace. I felt him lean over and kiss the top of my head. My joy swelled at the gesture.

  I looked up into his wonderful face as he pushed a lock of my hair away from my eyes. He lowered his lips to my forehead – soft and warm. Then he kissed the tip of my nose and my heart quickened. His fingertips wove gently around my chin, tilted my face toward his and he kissed me, deeply.

  A small moan escaped my lips as I surrendered to his warm mouth gently caressing mine, his sweet breath filling my nostrils. My hand found its way behind his neck, our lips moving in perfect harmony.

  We parted and I felt light headed again. Afraid I’d faint, I slowly opened my eyes to meet his – crystalline, sparkling like a green sea, clear, happy.

  “I’ve wanted to do that since our fight on Sunday.”

  “Really?” I said, surprised, trying to catch my breath.

  “Please, we can’t fight like that again.”

  I nodded my head and snuggled into his arms afraid my voice might break the heavenly bliss we shared.

  . . .


  It was at that moment, I knew Nich
olas was the only one for me. The pull he had on me was stronger than any force I’d known – stronger than hunger, stronger than survival, maybe even stronger than love. And the more time we spent together, the more the intensity of that bond increased. I wondered if it was healthy to be that drawn to someone. I did know one thing for certain; I’d fight heaven and hell to be with him. No crazy prediction would control our happiness. I’d change fate.

  I relaxed in his arms and felt his heart beat, steady in his chest as his hand gently caressed my hair, his mood content and peaceful.

  “How did you know?” he asked gently.


  “To come here?”

  “Oh—I realized my cell phone was missing so I checked my calls online. That’s when I saw the text message Phil sent you. I knew you’d come to the address thinking it was from me.”

  My cell phone.

  I tried to get up, but he restrained me.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “To get my phone…”

  His strong arms encircled me tighter making it hard to go on my quest to find it in Phil’s ashes.

  “It’s probably gone.”


  “I’m sure it burned up when I — you know.”

  I grimaced. Our kiss had temporarily caused me to forget all about the causalities. I snuggled back and stopped fighting his arms.

  “I’ll get you another one,” he said.

  The cell phone didn’t seem as important any longer. The burden of my classmates’ lives hung heavily in the air.

  “I’m sorry about everything,” Nicholas said, as if he felt my grief.

  “I figured you’d be really upset about how Phil behaved. What he did.” I squirmed. “What I did.”

  “You don’t seem to remember I know these filthy beasts inside and out. Of course he’d seduce you. I can see why,” he said with warmth.

  I looked sheepishly into his eyes. They glimmered back with kind understanding.

  “So now what do we do? I don’t think I can hold in the secret with their families thinking they’re still alive,” I said grimly. “I know firsthand the torture they’re experiencing. They need to know the truth.”

  “Well, I had intended to burn down the building. We can plant the teeth inside if you want.”

  “Teeth?” I said in shock.

  My eyes drifted over to a nearby pile of ash. Hidden inside were white rocks glimmering even when the clouds covered the moonlight.

  “I usually take the teeth, to cover up the evidence,” he offered.

  The weight lifted. This solution solved the nagging problem that pressed on my conscience. A single tear fell down my cheek as my thoughts drifted to my own mother. I finally understood the guilt Nicholas carried this whole time. He’d been there, he’d watched her die. He knew that I’d be motherless like he was; raised by a heartbroken father.

  “Nicholas?” I asked, scared to even mention the subject for fear of how both of us would involuntarily act.

  “Before you ask me anymore questions, I want to get you someplace warm. You’re shivering,”

  He stood me up and removed his coat. I was so absorbed in both our feelings, I didn’t realize my teeth were chattering. When he wrapped his coat around my shoulders, the warmth infused me though I thought my legs would buckle under the weight.

  “What are you carrying in here, rocks?” I said, smiling up at him.

  “Just about,” he said as he ushered me to his car.

  We both sat silently in the car for a minute. I held my hands in front of the heater, unsure if it was a good time to talk about what happened with my mother.

  “You were asking?” he said, after a few uncomfortable seconds.

  I looked down at the floorboard and bit the side of my lip.

  “My mom…” I started, but my eyes filled up with tears.

  I glanced up into his lush verdigris eyes. The lump in my throat prevented me from speaking further. Nicholas reached over and grabbed my hand.

  “Are you ready for me to tell you what happened?” he asked quietly, with compassion in his voice.

  My lip quivered and I nodded my head. He looked at me with empathy.

  “Julia…” he said slowly. “The day I met your mother will always be one of the best days of my life.

  “It was another meaningless weekday. For some reason, I decided to stop by the park to get away and think. But while I sat there, I couldn’t help but notice the kids and their mothers playing together. It made me imagine what my life would have been like if I’d been normal and my mother was alive. Your mom noticed and just started talking to me.

  “For some strange reason, I felt safe opening up to her. So, I came back the next day hoping she’d be there. She was. She invited me to come any day I wanted and visit with her on her lunch break.”

  He looked out the windshield thoughtfully, reminiscing. I knew the park. I’d been there a lot with my mom before the accident. I saw them talking in my mind’s eye.

  “I was brave and followed her home after work one day. I wanted to see what her life was like. I knew she was married and had two kids because she’d always gush about you two. It was the weekend and your family had plans to go to the zoo. Watching how happy everyone was together stirred up something in me that I wanted so badly. It was the first time I saw you with your bouncy curls.

  “My dad always warned me to stay distant from humans, or something would happen to expose that I was different. I thought I could avoid it from happening until one day when a large branch almost fell on top of her and I used my vampire powers to catch it. I thought I played it off well, but I could see it in her eyes. She knew I was different and I had to sever our friendship.

  “I didn’t even tell her, I just stopped coming. But I couldn’t stay away. When I finally did come back, she insisted that I come meet her family. I didn’t want to. I was afraid I would become attached to you guys too.” Nicholas smiled. “But your mother wasn’t one to take no for an answer, so after much urging, I finally agreed. We should never have met at the park after dusk. I knew better, but she wanted to pick me up after she got you from preschool.

  “I told my dad and he became furious. He couldn’t believe that I’d let the relationship go as long as it had. He warned me not to go and my indecision made me late.”

  He looked away and clenched his jaw. I remembered what he said about being responsible. My heart ached alongside his, silent tears pouring down my cheeks.

  “The events that happened next have haunted me every day since. When I finally arrived, your mom had already been bitten and he was fixed on having you for his next meal. It was at that moment I discovered my passion to kill those who mercilessly fed on innocent human lives. I managed to do it quickly and somewhat away from you so I wouldn’t traumatize you any further.

  “But once I came to you and held your hand, you knew I wouldn’t hurt you and stopped crying. I looked into your trusting hazel eyes with your tiny black lashes and golden bouncy hair and vowed you’d never have to worry again. I’d be there for you forever.

  “My Dad helped me push the car into the river to make it look like an accident. And we buried her in a beautiful meadow in the mountains. You never left my side the entire time. A part of me wanted to keep you, but my dad convinced me that you needed to be with your family and you’d be too young to remember so the secret was still safe.

  “So, I took you home. Do you remember what I told you?”

  I looked up noticing the viridian flecks glinting in his watery eyes. None of what happened was very clear. My mind circled mostly around feelings, her face but a blur.

  “No,” I said with a stutter, somewhat ashamed.

  “I asked you not to tell anyone, before knocking on your door. You nodded your head and smiled. I stayed with you until the very last second. You were scooped up by your dad and I faded into the shadows. Every once in a while I’d show myself to you to reassure you that you were okay. Bu
t eventually, you stopped recognizing me and once you started talking again, it was as if it never happened.”

  “I stopped talking?” I asked, surprised.

  “Yes, for a while. Your dad was very concerned, so he decided to move the family to Scotts Valley. You needed a mother figure in your life in a new environment to heal. Soon after the move, you started speaking again. Everyone was terribly relieved.”

  “I don’t remember,” I said quietly, looking down at my dirtied tennies. “My dad doesn’t talk about what happened. I think he’s afraid I’ll remember and I don’t think he wants to know.”

  “Yeah,” he said with a deep breath.

  I looked back up into his shimmering eyes. We shared such pain together and it was reassuring he’d understood. But he couldn’t keep blaming himself. If he had known, then I’m sure he’d be protecting her today instead of me, or maybe the both of us.

  “It wasn’t your fault. You were just trying to do the right thing,” I said softly. “I know you loved her. You can stop blaming yourself.”

  Nicholas sat up straight and his face remained blank as he stared out into the wooded trees. I interlaced my hand in his and tried to bring him back to me.

  “It’s all part of the curse,” he said with a familiar disconnected flat tone.

  I didn’t have the energy to fight him. In time, I knew he’d forgive himself and we could heal together.

  “It wasn’t all a waste. It brought me you,” I said in barely a whisper.

  He looked back at me and I swallowed hard as my heart fluttered. I blinked back the fresh tears brimming in my eyes.

  “I look into your eyes and see her. It scares me that I’m going to mess it all up again.”

  The words caught in my throat again. I didn’t know what to say, other than I wanted things between us to work out. More than he’d ever know, but I was afraid I’d be the one to mess it up – with my prediction. But he leaned over and kissed me so passionately, I almost melted into the floor. His lips soft yet urgent; his hand finding its way to the nape of my neck, pulling me closer to him; his tongue searching and intertwining with mine. I was gasping for air when he finally released me, whirling with so many feelings I didn’t know which one to land on.


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