Dirty Little Brat

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Dirty Little Brat Page 11

by ChaShiree M

  “What are you doing brat?” Saxson leans into my ear and asks.

  “Nothing. Just making sure my guests have a great time.” I say nonchalantly. Julio looks at both Sax and I and turns to Lara.

  “Well shall we?” He asks, extending his other hand. She goes to grab it when they are stopped.

  “I don’t fucking think so. Julio, walk away from her.” Ramone says staring at his brother in the face. Julio looks at Lara then back at Ramone and then at me and smiles.

  “I was unaware that she was yours.” Oh yeah.

  “She isn’t.” I say, totally adding fuel to the fire.

  “Stay out of it, Lexi.” Saxson pinches my side and says to me.

  “I’m not.” Lara replies, stepping back closer to Julio.

  “The fuck you’re not. Come here right now Lara.” Ramone demands, his face full of venom and heat.

  “No.” She replies, putting her hand on her hip.

  “You don’t want to do this right now, little lamb. COME. HERE.” Oh this is good.

  “She doesn’t want to Ramone so…”

  “Julio, I would stay out of it.” Saxson warns his brother. Without looking at either of us, Ramone, grabs her by her waist, hoists her over his shoulder and turns to us.

  “You didn’t need her for anything else tonight did you?” I shake my head, feeling so giddy that my plan worked. I want her to be happy. It’s obvious that there are things going on I don’t know about and trust me when I say, before breakfast tomorrow, she is going to tell me. But, right now, I simply want my friend to be happy.

  “Good. Then she will see you in the morning,” he says before turning to walk away. Lara looks up at me from behind his back and waves, all smiles. My work here is done, I think to myself. I turn towards Julio, prepared to apologize when he looks at me, shakes his head and says to my husband, “You are in so much trouble.” He leans over, kisses my cheek again, and walks away. Suddenly, I am not feeling so sure of myself. My lip goes into my mouth before I look up and see Sax with his eyebrow quirked and his mouth a smirk.

  “You are a pain in my ass. You know that?” I smile.

  “You love me.” I taunt him. Wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my head on his chest.

  “Yes, I do, mi vida. Yes, I do.” He kisses me on the forehead, and we walk hand in hand to the party.

  I have no idea how many hours have passed, but everyone is starting to leave. I have sat through countless conversations with his mom about grandbabies. Finally, his dad has mercy on me and takes her to go dance. I spent the rest of the night with his sister and her new husband and getting to know his cousin until his dad announces it is time for everyone to leave.

  “Why is everyone leaving? They do know it’s your private beach, right?” I ask him.

  “Yes, baby. They know that. But all of them have to head back home tomorrow. We are staying another few weeks before I have to get back. And it’s our private beach, baby.” He says before kissing me and walking over to start saying goodbye to everyone. I find myself stunned for a moment because I guess it didn’t dawn on me that all of this, everything in his life is sort of...well it's mine now too.

  Is now a good time to be wondering what exactly that means?

  Last night was a whirlwind. I was so exhausted, as soon as everyone left, I came back to the villa, changed into my sexy nightgown intending to make Saxson fuck the shit out of me, considering I was still very much wet and ready for him after our encounter earlier. However, that didn’t go as planned. As soon my head hit the pillow I was out like a light. Now here we are, sitting at the table for breakfast with Ramone and Lara before they take off, and you could cut the tension with a knife. From the moment she got here this morning she has been even more weird. She is barely saying anything to me, and she won’t look at me. It’s pissing me off.

  “Ramone, if you are done, we have things to discuss before you leave.” Saxson gets up from the table, leans down and kisses my head, before walking toward the back of the VillaMansion where his office is. Once they are out of sight, I lose my shit.

  “So. what the fuck Lara? You haven’t been the same since you got here to the island. You’ve been quieter than usual and not to mention you have been keeping things from me. I thought we were best friends?” I don’t mean to totally lose it on her like that but, I mean seriously.

  “I’m sorry, Lexi. I just wasn’t sure what to say. I’m still not. But you are right. We are best friends and we don’t keep things from each other. The truth is, I met Ramone a few months ago on my 18th birthday. Remember that club my cousin Nicole wanted to take me too?” Oh, I remember alright. Her cousin hates me because she can’t stand how close we are. So, for her birthday, she decided to take Lara somewhere I couldn’t get into because my birthday hadn’t come yet. Bitch.

  “Yes. Don’t remind me.”

  “Well turns out it was a BDSM club.” Say what now?

  “Why the hell would she take you somewhere like that?”

  “I asked her to.” She says the last part so low I almost miss it.

  “Why would you do that and not tell me, Lara? I am your best friend. You can tell me anything.” Is it crazy that my feelings are hurt right now?

  “I don’t know. I guess I just wasn’t ready to talk about it. I have always felt that there was something different about me. Something I needed from a guy, hence the reason I dated Clinton for a bit.” Oh God. He was such a dick. He treated her like shit, talked to her like garbage, and touched her like she was nothing. Thank God I talked her into NOT giving him her virginity.

  “Ok. So, what does this club have to do with it?”

  “Well I started doing research online about it a few years back and found something called a sub. This was right around when Fifty Shades came out. Everyone was talking about it and I never got to see the movies. Anyway, finding out what a sub was led me to a dom, which led me to BDSM and a bunch of other stuff. Anyway, I remember my cousin saying something about it once, so I called her. She asked me if I wanted to go with her to a club she frequents, and I said yes. The first thing I saw when I went in was a woman on a cross, being whipped by her master. I was so entranced and not sure what to do, that I just stood there. Out of nowhere, some guy walked up next to me and sniffed my neck. Jesus, Lexi. I thought I was going to melt right there. When I turned around, he was literally the most beautiful man I have ever seen.” It is all starting to hit me where she is going with this and I am not sure I want to hear it.

  “He asked me my name and how long I had been coming there. I told him Lara and it was my first time. He walked me to a part of the club that was dark and quiet and when his mouth hit mine, I thought I was going to die. I don't know how long he kissed and groped me, but I didn't want it to stop. Then suddenly, he looked me in my eye, and asked me if I was a virgin. It never occurred to me to lie. So, I say yes. It was like a spirit washed over him. He was a completely different person. He walked me to the door of the club, grabbed my ID from the bouncer, took a photo of it and had him escort me to my car. That was the first and only time I had seen him. Until he picked me up for your wedding the other day.” She takes a deep breath and sags as she gets it all off her chest.

  “Holy shit, Lara. You must have been shocked as hell to see him.”

  “I was. Even more shocked to know he was going to be your brother in law. It’s like, I don’t know. He doesn’t want me, but he doesn’t want anyone else to have me either.” I nod my head, because that is totally how he is acting. I am about to ask her what happened last night when he and Saxson come back into the room.

  “Lamb, it’s time to go. Do you have everything?” He says to her as he walks into the room. Instantly she becomes...different.

  “Yes. I have everything.” She whispers as he walks up to her and touches her chin.

  “Good girl. Then let’s go.” He turns to me and opens his arms. “Welcome to the family little sis. If you ever need anything, call me.” I walk into his embrace an
d hug him. Though I am upset with him and not sure how I feel about whatever is happening between him and Lara, I am also shocked at how much it affects me to have a big brother now. One that seems to want to be a part of my life and is acting as if he cares. It’s a foreign feeling for me. He then turns to Saxson and they say something to each other as I turn to Lara.

  “I love you, girl. You are my best friend. More like my sister. All I want is for you to be happy. No more secrets. Promise?” I say to the one person who has never let me down.

  “No more secrets. I swear!” She promises with her hand over her heart. I watch as they leave and suddenly my stomach begins to bubble. I can feel the tickling in my arms as the awareness of the fact that we are once again alone sets in. The thing is, I know what I want to do. I just have to figure out how to.

  “Mia vita, I have a phone call I need to make. It should take no more than an hour just to be sure everything is ok so that I don’t have to be interrupted or disturbed for the rest of our honeymoon.” Perfect. “Do you need anything?” He asks wrapping his arms around my waist. Laying my head on his chest, I shake my head no. He kisses the top of my head and walks away. I wait for him to disappear before running upstairs to the closet. I have been dying to put this outfit on since I saw it the other day when we got here. I smile thinking about what must have been going through his mind when he ordered it.

  On my side of the closet is an actual schoolgirl uniform. Now, one could argue he thought I would need it for school, but let’s get real. He knew I had graduated already. No. My husband bought this because it is one of his fantasies and to be honest, I think it is hot as fuck. Walking into the closet, I pull it from the hanger and give it a once over. Taking off my sundress, I put on the white t-shirt, making sure to take off my bra. Pinching my nipples to ensure they are at full attention, I hiss as the sensation goes right through me. Being this horny is wreaking havoc on my body. Instead of putting on the skirt, I opt for a pair of black boy short underwear that I bought when the four of us went shopping the other day. I finish it off with the black and white striped socks he got for it and take my hair out of the ponytail. I debate for a second waiting for him in the bedroom, but what's the fun in that. Instead I walk into the kitchen, make myself something to drink and hop up on the counter waiting for him.

  I am not sure how long I am up there, but the whole time my underwear is becoming more and more soaked, knowing what’s coming. I stick my hand in my underwear and take a swipe or two, or three through my pussy lips, biting my lip to keep from making a sound.

  “Do that again.” Startled, not having heard him come in, I jump a bit, almost knocking the glass on the floor.

  “Wh-what?” I ask him, not able to get my heart rate under control.

  “Do that again. Stick your hand in my pussy and play with her. I want to watch.” He says licking his lips standing by the wall. I want to whine and tell him no. Tell him to come and play with this kitty himself. But when you are married to Saxson Maldonado, as I am finding out from everyone and the internet, everything is fair game.



  My fingers are tapping on my desk as I wait for my PA to relay all the information, I have asked of her. The thing is, I know I initiated this call, but my mind is not here. It is in the front, with my wife. My wife. Just thinking the word ‘wife’ has my dick bouncing in my pants, trying to find a way out. I never saw myself as a husband. Hell, I never saw myself as a father. But ever since I saw her, across the street in those tight-ass clothes, looking like my every wet dream come true, any and everything I thought I knew about myself as changed. Now, all I want is to be buried inside of her 24/7, making her tits bounce in my face as my cock beats the shit out of her pussy. Fuck. My cock just wept.

  “Magda, I have to go. Just send it all to my email and I will look at it. The only thing I need to know is if you sent over the binder with the potential houses in it?”

  “Yes sir. The courier said they were left at your guard’s station.”

  “Excellent. Everything else can wait until I am done with my honeymoon. Talk to you in two weeks.” With that I hang up the phone. Undoing the buttons on my shirt, I pull them from my pants, suddenly feeling stuffy and walk through the back of the house to the front. I assume that Lexi is in the pool or outside somewhere. I make it almost to the front of the house when I hear her let out a slight moan and I follow the sound. Sitting on the counter of the kitchen, dressed in the little schoolgirl outfit I bought her, is my dirty little brat. She is on the counter, head thrown back, with her hands in her underwear, rubbing herself. Shit. I would love to be the one doing that. But first.

  “Do that again.” I tell her when she brings her hand out of her undies.


  “Do that again. Stick your hand in my pussy and play with her. I want to watch.” Her hand goes back in her undies and as she starts moving it up and down, I begin stroking my cock as well. I inch closer to her, needing to smell her desire. I need it to hold me off for a moment so I can play this out.

  “Go faster baby. That’s right. In and out. Use your other hand to raise your shirt.” My hand squeezes my cock even harder as she does what I tell her. Her obedience alone will send me shooting into the air and that is a no-go. The only place that gets my cream right now is her pussy. Until I know my baby is inside her snug, warm, and growing, I cum nowhere else.

  “Fuck yes. Now take your juice covered fingers and rub them across your nipples.” She does so, without any hesitation, her eyes glassy from desire. She gets off on this just like me. She removes her hand and circles them around her nipples over and over before putting her fingers back in her pussy.

  “Good girl. You like that don’t you. You like being my dirty girl.” Ah fuck. I can feel my balls drawing up, tightening as they prepare to detonate.

  “Yes! Sax. Fuck me. Oh God.” Her hand begins to move faster as she begs me to fuck her. I move closer. Close enough to touch her and the smell of her sugar is my undoing. Leaning down not moving my hands from my cock, I lick her nipple, moaning around the bud that now tastes like her pussy and everything begins to spin.

  “Sweet, dirty, wife. Fuck.” I bite one of them and she screams, shaking as her orgasm races towards her. Not able to hold it anymore, I pull her hands from crotch, put them in my mouth as I tear off her panties and shove my cock into her slippery pussy. We both yell as the impact spreads through our bodies, causing us to almost blackout.

  “SAX!!! So good. So big ...YES!!! I NEED TO COME.” She shouts at me before my mouth meets hers and I begin moving in and out with an urgency akin to life saving. Our hands roam one another as our mouths refuse to part. It’s all too much. She cums, biting my lip and shaking, her hands gripping my hair, begging for balance. Pulling my mouth from hers, I shout out my release. My body shivering as desire and love collide.

  “I fucking love you so much baby.” I say kissing her head as I pull out and fall onto the kitchen floor. She slides of the counter and falls on top of me, our bodies sweaty and sticking to our clothes.

  “I love you too, Saxson.” she says as she lays her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her and give thanks once again that I found her first.



  Two weeks later

  I stop in the foyer of my new house and once again spin in circles as I marvel at how my life has changed. I assumed that when our honeymoon was over, we would come back to the house he was moving into when I met him. I even fretted over it, my parents being across the way and all. Saying as much to Saxson. He looked at me, when I voiced this to him, like I somehow had hurt him. He grabbed my face, making sure I was looking at him. “Is this how you see me Lexi? As a man who would take you from your no-good parents, who didn’t deserve you by the way and then force you to live across from them, knowing I would never allow them near you ever again? IS this the man you married?” Well shit. When he puts it that way?

  Then of course I felt b
ad, so I made it up to him the only way I could. I dropped to my knees and gagged myself on his cock over and over until I was snotting and crying, my face a fucking mess. When he warned me that he was going to cum, I move my mouth and let him spray me all over my face. I then got up, bent over his desk, and let him have his way with me. Crap. My pussy is throbbing right now thinking about it.

  He sat me down after a shower and told me that he had his secretary create a list of houses closer to his parents and he handed me a folder. I opened it up and I couldn’t contain the gasp that left my mouth. These were not houses. These were mansions. No, castles. They were beautiful. Never in my life did imagine I would live in any of these. Let alone with a man like him. Not bothering with the tear in my eye, I looked up at him, my husband, and simply said, “Thank you.” The look in his eyes told me he knew what I was really saying and that made me happy. That day forward changed something in our relationship. It added more...softness.

  So now here I am in my new house, walking to the door opening it for Lara. This is her first weekend back home from college and I am so excited to hear all about it.


  “Bestie!!” We both shout at the same time hugging each other. This will be the first time we have been apart this long since we met all those years ago.

  “Oh my gosh Lexi. You look so different. I can’t figure it out, but something about you looks...bright. Serene maybe. This life definitely suits you.” She says holding my hands out as she inspects me. I can feel myself blushing because I know she is right. I find myself looking in the mirror as well and I can see it. It’s maturity sure. But it is more than that. I feel...happy. I feel warm and fuzzy. Loved and cherished. But most of all, it’s what I don’t feel. I don’t feel like a burden or something to be used for someone else’s gain.


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