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Brotherhood of District 23 Complete Series

Page 8

by Amy Briggs

I laughed too, that was pretty typical by the last third of a twenty-four hour shift. Sleeping in a recliner and hoping for no calls. “Alright, sounds good. He in his office?” I was already walking in that direction.

  “Yep, sure is,” he pointed in the direction of Brian’s office, which obviously I knew where it was. I walked toward the back corner of the building where the offices and conference room were. It was getting kind of late, so most of the lights were off, but there was a glow coming from below the closed office door. Why did I feel like I was sixteen-years-old all of a sudden and too nervous to knock on the door? I sighed to myself.

  Just as I raised my hand to knock, the door swung open and Brian literally ran right into me like a brick wall. I didn’t even see it coming, and as I was falling to the ground, he grabbed me and pulled me into him.

  “Oh, my God, Jo, I didn’t know you were standing there, are you okay?!” he grabbed my face with both his hands and was inspecting me. I started laughing immediately.

  “Yeah, I just got hit by a super hot truck, but other than that, yes, I’m fine,” I really thought it was hilarious. He looked at me like I was crazy for a moment, then pulled me into his office and shut the door behind me. Before I knew what was happening, he had his mouth on mine, and he was exploring me with his tongue so passionately, I melted right into him again. He had me pushed up against his office door. I started to wrap a leg around him, pulling him in closer. I simply couldn’t get enough of his taste and I was drinking him in.

  “I’ve been waiting to do that all day,” he said in a raspy, low voice.

  “Me too, Brian,” I managed to breathe out. He had his hand at the small of my back, drawing me closer to him, something I could never get enough of, and his other was caressing my face while he planted soft kisses on my lips. I swear, our lips were molded for each other, every time he kissed me, I just wanted more. I didn’t want to undo his uniform, so I had my hands on his back pulling him into me, and I could feel his hardness pressing up against me. He reached next to me and locked the door.

  “What are you doing?” I was surprised.

  “I’m going to have you right here in this office. I can’t wait another second, or couldn’t you tell?” Oh I could tell. I was going to pretend to be coy and shy about it, but we both know why I’m here, so I took a step back, and grabbed at his utility belt, undoing it, and freeing his huge cock from the restraints of his thick uniform pants. He yanked my t-shirt over my head, and admired my lacy black bra.

  “So fucking sexy, Josephine,” he growled into my neck, and began to suck and kiss my shoulder near my cardinal tattoo. “Pants, off. Now,” he whispered in my ear, undid my jeans and they fell to the ground revealing the matching black lacy panties. “You have me so hard, baby. Jesus Christ,” he grabbed my face and kissed me with so much tenderness, I was putty in his hands. His kisses were so deep, I felt them to my core.

  As I undid his uniform shirt, he continued kissing my neck and nibbling at that spot between my shoulder and my neck, and I was losing my mind. He dropped his pants, took off his uniform shirt hastily, and moved me over to the couch with him. He was completely naked now, and I was still in my bra and panties. As I was getting ready to take them off, he stopped me. “No, leave them on. It’s so sexy,” he whispered and pulled me onto his lap, straddling him. I was so wet with anticipation; I could hardly stand it anymore. Moving my panties to the side just a bit, he started circling my clit with his finger, causing me to moan involuntarily. I was going to come already. With his other hand, he pulled my bra down and latched on with his mouth sucking and lightly biting, flicking my hard nipple with his tongue.

  “Brian, I’m going to come, oh, my God,” I was panting as quietly as I could manage. He stuck two fingers inside of me, and began pumping them into me, while sucking on my nipple. I felt the waves coming, and I couldn’t stop it.

  “Come for me, Jo. Come on my hand right now, baby,” he moved to the other nipple, and I began riding his hand to get my release. It came almost immediately, and I gasped for air as my orgasm washed over me and I grinded myself into his hand. He kept pumping me with his fingers until the waves had subsided, and then repositioned me so he had access to enter me fully. “Baby, that was so fucking hot, but I’m not nearly done with you.” He positioned his rock hard cock at my entrance, and I pushed myself onto it letting out a gasp as he entered me. I was slowly riding up and down him, feeling the wave come again when he moved us quickly so I was on my back. Lifting one of my legs up on his shoulder he was so much deeper, I couldn’t think straight all I could do was feel his length filling me up causing a buzz over my whole body. Thrusting harder and harder, I couldn’t control my release and I felt him getting close too.

  “Baby, come with me, I can’t wait. It’s so fucking good, come inside me now!” I willed him to fuck me harder, and grabbed him, pulling him as tight as I could. As I fell over the edge into ecstasy, he cried out my name, and pumped me harder, filling me up and getting his release with me. We laid there for a few minutes, catching our breath in silence. We started to get up, and when I grabbed for my clothes, he pulled me back to him for a kiss.

  “Baby, that was fucking amazing,” he smiled, making me smile back like a teenager again. He was right, that was amazing.

  “It was alright,” I jokingly smiled and winked at him, hopping up to get dressed, I mean we’re in a public place. Looking shocked, he smacked my ass and laughed too.

  “Alright, my ass. You know that was the best sex you’ve ever had.” He gave me a sideways look.

  “It was pretty good. We’ll have to do it again for me to be totally sure I think,” I kidded with him some more. I was having some fun with him, and he looked a little perturbed, making it that much more fun to mess with him.

  “Well I’m all for more, lets get to it, Jo,” he started to try undressing me again.

  “No, no, no…not here. We’re pushing our luck as it is, we shouldn’t be doing this in here and you know it. It was amazing, Brian, I promise.” I got up on my tiptoes to give him a tender kiss. “You know I like messing with you.” We both laughed and we finished getting dressed quickly. This sneaking around was hot, and we were having fun, and being playful, I was truly enjoying it.

  We got ourselves dressed and were joking around in my office. It’s never been like this for me, so hot and then so comfortable and fun. I loved being around her, she was intoxicating, and when she smiled, it just lit me up inside and made me feel warm, like home. We opened the door to my office in case anyone had any notion of swinging by, although unlikely, it was still work and I knew we shouldn’t do things like that, but honestly, I wasn't officially the Chief yet, and who could help themselves in my position really?

  I actually did want to talk to her about some things and she probably wasn’t going to love it but too bad. I cared about her, and it was important. I went around my desk and sat on the other side, and she settled into one of the visitor chairs and put her feet up on my desk. I smirked at her because that was kind of ballsy, but I was guessing she used to put her feet up there from that side her whole life when she was in here talking to her dad. All of his plaques and awards were still on the wall, I wasn’t ready to take them down, and I thought that was something she should be here doing with me. That wasn't what I wanted to talk to her about though.

  “So, how was your shift over at 19 today? Did you have any problems?” She knew exactly what I meant by the scrunched up face she made at me.

  “If you’re referring to Danny, he tried to talk to me this morning but I was busy, and then in the afternoon, we got called to your fire, so my day was uneventful from a professional standpoint,” she was fairly terse with me about it and started looking around the room when her eyes landed on the pile of gear next to my desk. “Is that my gear?” she asked me looking surprised.

  “Actually, yes, it is. I wanted to talk to you about that today…” I had practiced this in my head a few times, and now I felt like a teenager all over a
gain for some reason. Before I could continue, she interrupted my thoughts.

  “I can clean it out and decommission it if you want. It’s been here for quite a while, I’m sure you’d like to be able to reissue it. I’m sorry I’ve left it here for so long…” she trailed off, seeming to be unsure of what to say, and then she sighed.

  “Jo, I actually had your gear brought out, because I’d like you to start riding here again. I don’t have a full time spot open yet, however we’ve been rotating per diems regularly, and honestly, no one that’s passed through here knows the guys, the station or the town like you do, and you’re working like ten different shift jobs all over the county, and that seems like a pain in the ass, and—"

  “Wait, you want me to quit taking shifts at other places and come here essentially full-time?” her eyes got huge and I honestly couldn’t tell if she was mad, happy or in shock at the suggestion.

  “Yes, that’s what I want. Actually, it’s what your dad wanted, and its certainly what Matt wants. And yes, it’s definitely what I want.” I repeated myself because it was worth repeating.

  “My dad?” She tilted her head quizzically at me and softened her expression.

  “Okay, I’m gonna be straight with you, Jo. Your dad and I were tight, we ran this station together, and we discussed staffing regularly. He was planning to ask you to come back to 23 and quit working all these different jobs, he was just waiting for the right moment to approach you. He didn’t want you to feel like he was pressuring you into coming back to work for him, he was hoping you would have approached him yourself.” I sat back and waited for her response. She was completely still and just looking at me with those steely gray eyes.

  She sighed again. “Why did he want me to come back?” Her eyes dropped to the floor and she seemed hopeful for an answer that she must have been looking for.

  “We don’t have any other women at this station, there aren’t that many in the department that do both fire and EMS to begin with. He trusted you, we all trust you, and he called it ‘getting the band back together’,” I laughed a little thinking about that conversation with him. “He and I agreed for the record, that you’re good for the department, and you bring a lot to the table. And on a personal note, we like having you around, and being honest here, nobody wants to juggle shifts like you have been, we thought it would be perfect.” I was being honest. Jack and I had agreed not to approach her about this, but to maybe plant some seeds so she would think of it herself, we even got Matt in on the plan, but then Jack died. And now, with things going on between us, I wanted her near me, where I knew she was safe, where her family could look after her, where I could look after her. She can take care of herself on the job, I didn’t worry about that, but we are her people. It’s like her dad said, we’re like a band, and it was time to get the band back together, he was totally right.

  She wasn’t saying anything, she took her feet off the desk, and put her head in her hands, looking down at the floor. I wanted to come around the desk and comfort her, do something, but I was frozen. I didn’t want to do the wrong thing and I honestly couldn’t tell if she was mad, sad, confused, or what. Uncertain, I asked her what she was thinking.

  She moved to look up at me, and rested her chin on her hands, and took a deep breath. “I don’t know. It’s something I’ve been thinking about actually, but don’t you think that what’s been going on between us complicates that? I don’t want to keep doing all this shift work all over the county either, but coming back here? I just don’t know,” she leaned back in the chair and looked up at the ceiling.

  “Look at me, Jo. It’s me. At the end of the day, we both know that we can work together, so that can’t be the issue. We're your family, and you belong here with us. It’s a good team, and as far as you and me…” I paused, looking for the right words and leaned forward putting my hands on my desk. I needed to say the right thing here and I wasn’t sure what that was, I didn’t know how she felt yet. Fuck it, I have to be honest, I’ve dicked around for way too long, “As for you and me, I only see this getting more serious between us regardless of where you work. I told you that first night that you were mine, and I meant it, and I don’t intend for that to change in the foreseeable future.” There. I said it.

  “Are you serious? We couldn’t keep seeing each other if I work here. You’d be my boss!” That was not the reaction I was hoping for. Shit shit shit.

  “For now, nothing has to change. Work is work, and personal is personal, and we can keep them separate. Do you want to work here, Jo? Do you want to keep seeing me? I think you do, and I damn sure know I want to keep seeing you outside of work,” I was starting to get freaked out that this was about not wanting to continue what we have before it gets a chance to go where I want it to.

  “I do. I do, both. I need to think about it though. I don’t know if we’ll be able to keep us a secret if I’m working here, and I don’t want to get a reputation, or for people to think there’s some kind of favoritism going on,” she seemed really conflicted. This was kind of a lot of information all at once.

  “First of all, there is favoritism. You’re definitely the only firefighter, or person for that matter, that I’m sharing my bed with. That being said, we're professionals. You and I know how to behave, we’ve fought fire and been on tons of calls together in our lifetime. So, how about this, how about you take a day or two and think it over, and maybe pick up a couple shifts here so you can see exactly how it would work?” Man, I pulled that out of my ass. Hopefully that worked.

  “Okay, I’ll think about it. I’m just not sure that we should keep—"

  And then the tones dropped. We had a goddamn call.

  “Rescue 23, Engine 23, two car MVA at the intersection of I4 and Colonial Drive. Number of injuries unknown.”

  I’ve actually never been so relieved to be interrupted by the tones dropping. Brian hopped up of course, he’s on duty.

  “Jo, grab your shit. You’re coming.” He commanded.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” I snapped at him.

  “Grab your gear. It’s late, it’s a rescue, more hands are better and it sounds like it could be bad at that intersection. Just grab your shit, you can ride with me, and we’ll see what we have on scene.” He was walking out the door as he demanded my presence at the scene.

  Fuck it. I grabbed the pile of gear and followed him to his Chief’s vehicle. The other guys were already hopping in the trucks and Matt looked over and grinned at me as I trailed after Brian. I made the shoulder shrug, I don’t know what I’m doing face, and just kept on moving. I hopped in the passenger side of the truck, and started donning my gear over my jeans, and checking my pockets to see if my tools were still there.

  “Central, 2300 en route,” he got on his radio.

  “2300,” they acknowledged.

  “Central, is there an update on victims?”

  “No, Chief, no update. Two cars, head on collision, one car into the guardwall. That’s all we’ve got.”

  “Thanks, Central.” He put his radio down and looked over at me rifling through my pockets. “Everything should be there, I checked it earlier today. I don’t know everything you keep in it, but you sure are prepared with all your pink duct taped tools,” he chuckled.

  Yeah, the handles of all my shit was wrapped in pink duct tape. That’s thanks to the fact that people “accidently” take your shit all the time, and none of those motherfuckers would dare keep my wire cutters, knife, or anything else if it was wrapped in pink duct tape. I’ve been doing it for years.

  “Shut up. You know why I do that.” I glared at him. “My safety glasses are missing. I need safety glasses for a wreck.”

  He leaned over me while driving lights and sirens to a call, opened the glove box and pointed. “Take mine, I shouldn’t need them.” Then he smiled and I couldn’t help it, I smiled back. I didn’t really know what I was feeling, but the rush of going to a call and helping people was getting me fired up. Car accidents and
rescue, that was my wheelhouse, and I guess I was going to hop right back in it with my guys.

  He switched channels on his radio so he could talk to the rescue truck. “Rescue 23, it’s 2300.”

  “2300 go ahead,” I recognized Scotty’s reply. He was driving.

  “I brought Meadows as extra personnel for this one. You’ve got an extra crew member tonight,” he looked over at me and smiled again.

  “No shit, Chief. You brought JoJo?? Sweet. We’ll see you there.” Brian started laughing and I just glared at him.

  “JoJo? Nobody calls me JoJo. Good Lord,” I rolled my eyes even though it was kind of funny. We arrived on scene first, and I grabbed a radio and hopped out and ran over to the SUV that had flipped upside down. I could hear the rescue and the engine in the distance coming up soon.

  “Chief! I’ve got one victim here, still buckled in, and fluids leaking!” I yelled across the intersection to him where he was evaluating the second vehicle which appeared to be pinned up against the guardrail wall. “Fuck, this is a mess,” I muttered under my breath, and got down on the ground to check on the victim in the SUV who was seatbelted in, upside down and basically dangling.

  “Jo! My guy is stuck, his leg is under the dash, and he’s got a serious head wound!”

  “Are there any other victims?”

  “It doesn’t look like it!” he yelled back. The rescue and the engine both pulled up and staged so that we could get tools off the trucks, and get to work. I squished myself as flat as I could and shouted into the vehicle to the patient. “Ma’am! Ma’am! I’m with the Fire Department, can you hear me?”

  She opened her eyes and turned her head to look at me. “Yes,” she whispered and tears started to roll down her face. She was scared, hell if I were strapped upside down in my car I’d be scared too. She didn’t look too banged up which was a good sign.

  “Ma’am, my name is Jo. I’m here to help you. I need to you to look straight ahead, I don’t want you to move your neck, I don’t want you to move at all in case you’ve hurt your spine, okay?”


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