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Lone Star Vampires 4- Virgin Vampire Vixen

Page 6

by Unknown

  She knew his last words were a joke, but what about the first part? If he was toying with her… “How do I know you mean it?”

  He took her hand and slowly raised it to his lips, brushing it with a kiss before lowering it to his lap.

  “Oh,” she breathed. He was so hard she wondered how his jeans could contain him.

  “Oh, yes,” he answered. She could hear the unmistakable timbre of hunger in his voice and raised her gaze slowly.

  His eyes told her that her moment had finally arrived.

  She dragged in a breath as he grabbed her, his hands wrapping around her upper arms. He pulled her roughly against him, pinning her body to his.

  She bit her bottom lip, wincing at the sharpness of her fangs. The look in his eyes was pure wildness, telling her the tables had turned and that the predator had become the prey.

  She watched his gaze drop to her bottom lip. Every shuddering breath made her breasts rub against his bare chest, with only the thin red silk of her nightshirt between them. There was no sound but their rapid breathing and a clock ticking in the distance.

  “Close your eyes, Eden.” His voice was a growl.

  She let her eyelids fall shut and he released her arms, only to thread his fingers through the back of her hair, just as he’d done that night in the hot tub. He used his grip on her tresses to gain purchase until her head was at the angle he desired.

  Her heart clanged against her ribs like a church bell gone awry. Her life hovered on the great precipice between before and after, and she knew he was going to pull her down into the chasm of her own desires, possessing her completely until he’d marked her for eternity.

  His mouth came down on hers, lips colliding in a fever of mutual need. His teeth grazed her lips, and her body shook, as if passion were a gale-force wind blowing over her.

  His tongue parted her lips, and he stroked it against hers, staking his claim to her mouth. She surrendered to his plundering, to the hot swirling motion of his tongue stalking hers, thrusting into her mouth in an unmistakable prelude.

  He broke the kiss long enough to lock gazes with her, pushing her back onto the bed.

  She gasped as he took both of her wrists in one strong hand and pinned her hands above her head. He knelt on the bed over her, holding her captive between his knees. With his other hand, he reached for the front of her nightshirt, tearing it open in a single motion that sent the buttons flying.

  “Don’t move.” He released her wrists, leaving them in place over her head, and skimmed both hands over her shoulders and down her collarbones until he reached her breasts.

  “Even better than I imagined.” He framed her breasts with his hands and let out a curse. “You could make a man your slave with those.”

  She arched toward him. “Let’s try it and see.”

  He used his thumbs to stroke her nipples, pushing the swollen tips upward until they reached an almost painful degree of hardness.

  Speaking of hardness… she swallowed as he stopped to peel his jeans off, revealing an erection so long and thick she wondered if she’d be able to take it. His cock was as perfect as the rest of him, and she reached for it, wanting to feel him beneath her hand.

  “Not yet.” He moved her hand aside and tossed his jeans onto the floor. “I’m going to touch you first.”

  Emotion clouded her vision, lodging in her throat until she couldn’t speak. The need in his eyes left her speechless. No one had ever looked at her that way, really seeing her. When had she ever felt so accepted, so wanted by anyone in her life? The fact that she could affect him so filled her with a rush of euphoria so strong that it frightened her.

  Anyone who could rouse such powerful feelings in her was a dangerous individual. Such a person would hold her heart in his hand, having the ability to treat it gently or crush it to powder without a second glance.

  But those revelations fled her mind when he took her nipple in his mouth, sucking the hard point, nipping at it with his teeth. Molten heat flooded her already throbbing pussy, making her long to be filled with him.

  He moved to her other breast, licking the entire surface before zeroing in on the nipple. She squirmed beneath him, moaning as the pleasure increased with each flick of his tongue.

  When he abandoned her breasts to lick a trail down her belly, she opened her eyes and peered down at him questioningly.

  He edged down farther on the bed and braced her thighs apart with his hands before settling in between her legs.

  Her heart thudded like a wrecking ball. He pinned her with his gaze.

  “When I put my mouth on your pussy,” he said, nuzzling her mound with his chin, “you’re going to know that I own it.”

  And then his tongue touched her clit, and reality shattered around her like a glass house in a hailstorm.

  * * *

  He’d never fought so hard for control in his life.

  Normally Cameron had no problem lasting until he’d given his female partners more than their share of orgasmic bliss. But the minute he had Eden displayed naked before him, he’d felt like a sixteen year old in the backseat of a stolen car, trying not to come before getting to second base.

  He needed his much-lauded stamina more than ever before. Her maiden voyage had to be a five-star, no holds barred, all out ecstatic event. He’d take nothing less than reducing her to a quivering heap of sated lust in his arms. But if he blew his load just from sucking on her way too luscious nipples, the party would be spoiled, to say the least.

  And now his cock was engorged and pulsing like a second heart, pre-come leaking out slowly, insisting that he plunge himself into her tight sheath not now, but yesterday, dammit!

  But he couldn’t. Not until he’d tasted her and made her come against his mouth.

  She let out a pained sigh and closed her eyes, settling her head back into the pillow. A sign of trust on her part, he knew -- she was giving him permission to have his way with her body, no questions asked.

  And he intended to do just that.

  Her pussy was hot, dripping wet with the sweet honey of her arousal. Her clit peeped out from beneath its hood, a deep dusky pink bud begging to be sucked into blissful hardness. Her inner lips were flushed, open and waiting for his shaft.

  The mere thought made his cock contract. He lowered his head, parting her outer folds with his thumbs, exposing her completely.

  She was pink and wet, beautiful and inviting. He knew then that he’d never get enough of her.

  He planted a kiss on her mound and moved lower again, barely touching the tip of her clit with his tongue. Her body arced as if he’d fired a jolt of electricity through her.

  “Easy, baby.” He stroked her inner thigh. “We’re just getting started.”

  She squinted at him through narrowed eyes. “Is this a form of torture?”

  He chuckled. “Only if it’s done right.”

  She closed her eyes again and gave him a sigh of mock impatience, eliciting a laugh of surprise from him. God, he was crazy about her.

  And suddenly, he no longer cared what that might mean. She wasn’t the vampire queen to him anymore. Somewhere along the line, she’d stopped being the bloodsucking princess in an ivory tower. Her life had become as important to him as his own, and protecting her had become his reason for living. She’d stopped being a vampire and become a woman.

  The woman he loved.

  He buried his face in her pussy, stroking her inner lips with his tongue, darting it into her tight opening before dragging it up and over her clit. He lapped at the tiny bud with precise up and down movements of his tongue.

  Her legs trembled, threatening to clamp together around him. He pushed her thighs farther apart, bracing his hands on her quivering muscles to keep them open.

  But her legs weren’t the only thing shaking. The ground beneath them rumbled, as if the earth itself could feel her pleasure.

  He paused to look at Eden. Her mouth formed an embarrassed half smile. “I guess my element is getting a little
out of control.”

  “I’ve heard of making the earth move, but this is a first, even for me.” He ran his hand over the smooth skin of her inner thigh. “Think you can handle a little more?”

  “I’ll try not to activate the Richter scale.” She rolled her hips against the bed.

  “Same here.” He let out a deep laugh and bent back down to take her sweet clit into his mouth and suck it.

  The chain of broken moans coming from her let him know that he was on the right track. He rolled her clit with his tongue, sucking it between his lips, wetting it with his mouth. The tiny bud twitched and grew perceptibly harder with each passing second.

  Carefully, he slid his index finger into her slick core. She arched her back, a cry sounding from her throat.

  She was wet but oh, so tight. The thought of that silken heat squeezing his cock made his balls tighten with anticipation. But she needed a little more time to be ready.

  He moved over her, keeping his finger inside her as he supported his weight with his other arm. He sought her lips, a scalding fire of hunger burning within him. Nothing short of possessing her completely would satisfy him, and he claimed her lips with a drugged desire to drink her in completely.

  He withdrew his finger slowly, and with equal deliberation slid it back into her, this time making sure to caress the sensitive area on the upper wall inside her. Her pussy contracted around his finger and she moaned against his lips.

  “Open your eyes.” He thrust his finger back into her, stroking her sweet spot. “I want you looking at me when you come.”

  She opened her eyes, the expression in them feral and savage. He ground his knuckle against her clit, rubbing her g-spot as he watched a flush of hot color rising in her face.

  Her pussy clamped down around his finger with the first spasm of her climax, contracting around it with violent force. He could feel her orgasm swelling through her entire body like the tide crashing into the shore.

  He continued stroking her g-spot with his finger until the final aftershocks passed, then withdrew it, licking her sweet taste from his hand as he moved back to kneel between her legs.

  She looked like a woman possessed, her black hair fanned out on the pillow, her face flushed. Her body glowed with a sheen of sweat, and her eyes reminded him of a cat in heat.

  “Now,” she said in a shaky voice, reaching for his cock. She grasped it, stroking it in an unpracticed motion but one guaranteed to make him lose it if she didn’t stop. She tried to guide him inside her, lifting her hips from the bed in an invitation.

  “Not yet.” He gently moved her hand away from his cock, even though he wanted to whimper at the loss of sensation. “We’ll have plenty of time for that later.” He pushed her legs apart, carefully sliding two fingers inside her. They went in easily, and he moved them inside her still quivering channel, trying to ready her body as much as possible.

  He wanted to be inside her more than he wanted his next breath.

  “There’s no way to do this without it hurting a little.”

  Cameron’s voice came to her through the fog of her senses. Eden forced herself to focus on his words.

  Did he honestly think she cared about pain? All she wanted was to feel him inside her, to sate herself with everything his body could give her. What was a little pain compared to finally making love to the only man she’d ever wanted?

  He ran his hands over her thighs. “Don’t tense up. Try to relax.”

  “How did you know I’d never done this before?” She made an effort to unclench every muscle in her body.

  “My awesome sexual mojo has a sixth sense about these things.” He wrapped his hand around the base of his cock. Her stomach rolled over with a combination of nerves and anticipation.

  “Sit up a little so you can see.” He placed the swollen, wet head of his cock at her entrance. “Watch me going inside you.”

  She propped up on her elbows. Inch by inch, he fought against her tightness until his shaft was halfway inside her.

  If there had ever been anything more erotic than the sight of his hard length disappearing into her, she couldn’t imagine it. And the feel of it… the heat of his cock pulsed inside her. She could feel the taping curve of the head, the warmth of his body so close to hers.

  “Almost there.” His voice revealed the strain of taking it so slow. He reached down, parting her legs further than she knew they could go, and then braced himself, breaching her pussy even more.

  She could feel her body stretching, her inner walls adjusting to the invasion. It wasn’t painful, really… just new, like using a long dormant muscle.

  “Put your legs around me.” He let out a shuddering breath.

  She wrapped her legs around the hard planes of his ass, and felt him slide home, until he was all the way inside her.

  “How does it feel?” He rocked his hips slightly.

  She could feel her inner walls tightening around him. “Full… hot.” She gasped. Having him inside her was beyond words, beyond completion.

  He rocked his hips again. “God, you feel so good.” He eased back slightly. “So wet.”

  She moved her hips at counterpoint with him. “Does it always feel this good?” She couldn’t control her voice or her breathing, or the shaking in her limbs. She couldn’t do anything but feel the bliss he gave her.

  He backed slowly out of her, until only the head of his cock remained inside her. She looked down at his shaft, glistening wet from her. Then he worked his way back inside, until he was seated balls deep in her.

  She gave up trying to watch. She fell back on the bed and closed her eyes, letting sensation take over. When he pulled out again, this time she let her hips rise to meet his answering thrust.

  They found the perfect rhythm, his cock slowly entering her and withdrawing, heightening the tension inside her with every thrust. He was so slow, so precise in his movements that she wanted to cry out from the erotic torment of it. Her clit pounded, her nipples ached. Her entire body responded to him like an instrument being tuned by a maestro.

  Then he quickened the pace, moving into her faster, taking time to press against her clit with every thrust. Instinct guided her, and her hips rose and fell in time with his grinding assault on her pussy.

  Sweat ran down his body, and she could feel her pussy leaking wetness down her thighs. His cock seemed to swell inside her, filling her even fuller. She reached down to touch it on the outstroke, and he swore.

  She looked up, her gaze locking onto his. He stared into her eyes, driving his cock even harder into her, then stopped to grind his pelvis against her clit. The combination sent her flying over the edge.

  Her second orgasm was stronger than the first. She came, her pussy contracting around his cock, milking it. She ran her nails down the bed, crying out in sheer euphoria as her climax claimed her, all the way from her burning nipples to her throbbing clit.

  He stilled himself inside her until the tremors had passed, then slowly withdrew. She looked at him, amazed to see him still erect.

  She suddenly felt like a failure. “You didn’t come.”

  He stroked the head of his cock, working her moisture over his shaft. “I’m not done with you yet.” His breath came in gasps as he rolled her over onto her stomach. He climbed off the bed and stood by the edge, pulling her down to him.

  He entered her from behind, his cock sliding in easily. She threw her head back and moaned.

  Had anything ever felt better than this?

  Chapter 10

  Cameron groaned as his shaft sank into Eden’s slick pussy. The sight of her backside before him was almost more than he could take. That combined with the scorching heat of her shuddering core made his already tight balls ache with the need to come.

  But he wanted to savor this, and taking her from behind would give him the chance to go as deeply inside her as possible.

  He withdrew his cock and gripped her hips, steadying himself to thrust back in. She slammed her hips back, meeting him. />
  Her strangled cry made his cock jerk inside her. He grabbed her hair and pushed her forward, wanting her breasts against the bed so that her nipples would drag the covers with every thrust.

  She was so wet that he could pump into her with quick, short movements. The angle of her body allowed for penetration so deep, he felt as if he could touch the very heart of her.

  Knowing he was painfully on the edge, he reached around and found her clit. He rubbed it with steady strokes as he pumped into her.

  God, had he ever felt like this before? Words seemed flimsy, mere letters and syllables attached to feelings too powerful to describe. What he felt for her was beyond articulation, too vast for human vocabulary.

  He’d taken possession of her body, and she’d taken possession of his soul.

  He rolled her clitoris between two fingers, thrusting slow and deep, letting the fluttering of her inner walls bring him over the edge. When she came, he lost all control. His cock contracted and his entire body jolted as orgasm shook him. His come spurted deep inside her, filling her with its warmth. The sensation of completion overwhelmed him. This was the kind of contentment he’d never imagined he could have.

  Shaking his head, he slowly pulled his sensitive shaft out of her. His knees buckled and he sank to the floor, gasping for breath. “Eden…”

  She propped up on her elbows, her brow furrowing. “What is it?”

  “You sure you were a virgin until tonight?” He rose up on his knees to look at her.

  “Positive.” She looked at him with a bemused expression. “Why?”

  “You don’t make love like an amateur, that’s why.” He rested his face against her inner thigh. “If they ever add a sexual category to the Olympics, I think you’ll have yourself a gold medal.”

  “I didn’t think I’d be very good at it.” She leaned back and averted her eyes. “I never saw myself as being sexy or anything.”

  He gaped at her. “Why the hell not?”

  She shrugged, still avoiding eye contact. “It’s a fat girl thing.”

  A fat girl thing? Mother of fuck. The woman looked like the patron goddess of debauchery and she thought she wasn’t sexy? “I’ll let you in on a little secret.” He propped his chin on her thigh.


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