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Star Trek - TOS - Mission to Horatius

Page 9

by Mack Reynolds

  Behind them, Nummer Ein and Feldherr Jodl were accompanying the remainder of the Federation representatives, and the murmur of their voices in polite conversation could be heard.

  Suddenly a whisper from Anna Shickle almost caused Captain Kirk to stop stock still in his tracks.

  "At last you have come," she said under her breath, so the others could not hear.

  "I beg your pardon?" he said, keeping his own voice low.

  "The message. You of the Federation received my message. And you have come."

  Kirk closed his eyes for a quick moment of appeal to higher powers. For the moment he could hardly think of what to reply. Finally he said in a low voice, "It was you. ..."

  "Yes," she whispered urgently. "Later, somehow, I must talk to you."

  "That you shall, Fraulein; that you shall," Kirk assured her.

  They had entered the large ballroom. All present came to attention and faced the door through which their ultimate leader came, accompanied by the strangers from afar.

  Dr. McCoy whispered to Scott, an element of surprise in his voice, "Do you notice? These people don't have the look of sameness about them as did the soldiers."

  The Scottish engineer looked about "Except for the servants. There's kind of a cow look about them, and they look as though they all came from the same mold."

  The music had stopped at their entry, but now Nummer Ein made a motion for it to resume.

  The Bavaryan Chief of State said to his guests, "Later I shall introduce you to my notables, but now I suggest a glass of wine, and then we'll adjourn to a conference room for our immediate business."

  Captain Kirk bowed acceptance to that and raised his eyebrows questioningly to Dr. McCoy as expressionless servants hurried toward them with thin-stemmed glasses upon trays. The slightly effervescent wine was evidently similar to champagne.

  Anna selected a glass, presented it to Captain Kirk, and then helped herself to another. The rest were served.

  Dr. McCoy had unobtrusively activated his medical tricorder. Now he was the first to hold up his glass and say, "To ultimate understanding between all worlds."

  But Nummer Ein overrode him. "To the ultimate destiny of Bavarya!"

  Spock's eyebrows went up slightly, but he said, "Whatever that may be," before he sipped.

  Dr. McCoy said to the Bavaryan chief by way of polite conversation as they sampled their wine, "I notice a strange difference in facial and physical types between your people present here and the troops and servants. The period you have spent on this planet wouldn't seem long enough for such a wide difference in strains."

  For the briefest of moments, it looked as though Nummer Ein was going to snap back an irritated answer, but he controlled himself and said, "These present are the Herr-Elite. The servants and the troops, save for some of the higher officers, are but Doppelgngers."

  "By which I assume you mean second-class citizens," Kirk said conversationally. "By the little we have seen of your, ah, civilization, I would have thought you beyond the point where there were second-class citizens, a throwback to the days of feudalism and slavery."

  "Indeed?" Nummer Ein said coldly. "And now if you have finished your drinks, shall we adjourn to our conference?" He turned to Anna. "My dear, if you will excuse us...." He then led the way to a small room off the hall. The eyes of most of those present followed them.

  Nummer Ein took his place at the head of the heavy conference table, with his staff officer, Feldherr Jodl, standing slightly behind and to his left. He motioned the Federation representatives to seats, but Kirk shook his head.

  "The time for amenities has passed," Kirk said grimly. "The fact is, we have proof that Bavarya is the base of the attacks upon her sister planets. We also know it was from here that the subspace distress call came."

  "That is a lie!"

  Kirk turned and indicated Grang. "Let me introduce you to Grang of the Wolf clan of Neolithia, who informs us that it is your soldiers that the Neolithians have been trying to protect themselves against"

  The Bavaryan dictator reacted as might have been predicted. It took him long moments to compose himself. Finally he said, "Very well, Captain Kirk. I see I shall have to utilize other tactics. Understand this You are not in Federation territory. Nothing that occurs among the Horatian planets is any affair of yours. The planets Neolithia and Mythra are backward and need the guidance of an advanced culture such as our own. We are willing to supply this guidance."

  Spock said with deceptive mildness, "By killing, kidnapping, and robbing them?"

  Nummer Ein flared. "Our expeditions have thus far been but scout affairs, preliminary to landing in force. We are the Herr-Elite of the Horatian system, and it is our destiny to help these backward worlds."

  "Suppose they don't want help?" McCoy said.

  "They don't know what they want. They are too backward!"

  "A claim of dictators down through the centuries," Kirk said. "I am afraid it won't wash, Nummer Ein."

  "And I am afraid you are in no position to do anything about it," the other snapped.

  "We shall see about that," Kirk told him. He brought forth his communicator and lifted the antenna grill. "Captain Kirk to the Enterprise''

  "Lieutenant Uhura here, Captain."

  "Notify the transporter room to beam us back to the Enterprise, Lieutenant"

  "But that is impossible, sir."

  Captain Kirk stared in disbelief at the small instrument in his hand. "Just what do you mean by that, Lieutenant?"

  "The Enterprise is under fire intermittently, Captain. The deflector shields are up, and consequently the transporter cannot be used."

  "I see," Kirk said hollowly. "I will communicate with you later, Lieutenant Kirk, over and out"

  He turned and looked at Nummer Ein who sat watching him narrowly but with obvious satisfaction. The Bavaryan said, "I am afraid we must reach some compromise, Captain. It is true that your starship has my capital city under its phasers. But I have you- you and your group. What you failed to realize is that we are acquainted with Federation affairs, in spite of the distance. We monitor the subspace waves. We know about your transporters, superphasers, deflectors, and sensors, though until the present we haven't been able to construct such ourselves. Now that will be different. We of the Herr-Elite will take over the technology of the Enterprise."

  Kirk shook his head. "That is exactly what you won't do."

  The Bavaryan dictator said simply, "Feldherr"

  The officer standing behind him snapped an order, and a score of uniformed Doppelgngers, weapons in hand, burst into the room through several doors.

  "Search them," Feldherr Jodl snapped.

  "No immediate resistance," Kirk said to his group.

  Each of the Enterprise contingent was held by the arms by two of the Bavaryan guards while a third searched him. Phasers, communicators, and tricorders were all taken.

  "Take them to cells," Nummer Ein barked. "For the moment we are at a stalemate. I will consider the situation."

  "A fine kettle of fish," Dr. McCoy grumbled. "Stalemate is correct. We can't even communicate with the ship. Sulu and the other officers can't bring us back because they've got to keep up the deflector shields and hence can't use the transporter. Nummer Ein is just as frustrated. His phasers aren't powerful enough to harm the ship as long as the screens are up. Ha! What a mess. Above all, we can't afford to stay here for any length of time, since the Enterprise is already on the verge of cafard."

  The four ship's officers and Grang were in one large cell. Yeoman Janice Rand occupied a smaller one by herself across the prison corridor.

  Scott said, "Well, it's up to Nummer Ein to make the next move. There's naught we can do. He'll have to come up with something."

  "That's the trouble," Kirk grated. "I'm not sure that he does. So long as he holds us hostages, the hands of those on the ship are tied. And sooner or later they would have to leave, if only for supplies."

  At that moment a gray-uniformed B
avaryan officer approached, clicked his heels, and bowed formally. He said, "You will choose three of your number to represent the Federation in the arena."

  They stared at him.

  "We'll do what?" Captain Kirk demanded.

  "By orders of the All Highest, three of your number have been challenged under the Code Duello of Bavarya to meet an equal number of Bavaryan champions."

  "Code Duello?" Spock murmured. "Most interesting. Imagine a planet as advanced as this having dueling."

  McCoy demanded, "What's the meaning of this outrage?"

  The officer seemed perfectly willing to discuss it "You must understand, Herren from the Federation, that there has been some discussion in regard to your arrival. Some of the Herr-Elite are inclined to take issue with His All Highest about your reception, with the admitted strength of your starship in mind. However, Nummer Ein stands strong. His plan to take over our two sister planets is but the first step in our glorious destiny. He declares that, given access to the weapons of the Enterprise, Bavarya can look still farther afield. Ultimately-who knows?-perhaps the Federation will feel our strength."

  Scotty snorted, "This half-baked dictator of yours has delusions of grandeur, laddy."

  The Bavaryan officer turned to him coolly. "That we will see. Meanwhile His All Highest wishes to emphasize to all Bavarya that you from the Federation are incapable of standing up to Bavaryan manhood- that even the Doppelgngers of this world are superior to the elite of the Federation."

  "There is no elite class in the Federation," McCoy snapped.

  The other bowed mockingly. "That is what Nummer Ein intends to prove in the arena, Herr Doctor. And now I shall leave you Herren to choose from among your number the three representatives and the weapons you wish to use."

  "Weapons!" Kirk exclaimed. "What weapons?"

  The Bavaryan smiled his mocking smite again. "Herr Kapitan Kirk, it has been found fitting on Bavarya to reestablish some of the old traditions that once applied on Earth. We are a warrior race and enjoy the fray and the spectacle of the fray. Nummer Ein is fully aware of the bread-and-circuses needs of a subjected class such as the Doppelgngers. Thus the circus has been revived-somewhat modernized, of course-and is televised on a Bavaryawide basis."

  "Get to the point," Kirk said.

  "The point is, Herr Kapitan, that to make the gladiator meets more interesting, we utilize only the weapons of the days of Caesar. You are given your choice."

  "Days of Caesar!" Janice Rand blurted out from across the hall.

  The Bavaryan bowed in her direction. "Spears and short swords, Frulein -or any other weapons used in the Roman arena of old." He turned and clicked heels once again. "And now, Herren, I will leave you to your selection."

  When he was gone, McCoy exclaimed, "These people are mad!"

  Spock looked at him. 'That is your diagnosis, Doctor?"

  "Yes! Dueling in an arena, in this day and age!"

  "There have been ambitious dictators before," Spock said thoughtfully. "But it is most interesting that our Nummer Ein even dreams in terms of eventual conquest of the Federation. Either he has resources thus far unknown to us, or he is insane indeed. Even if he were to succeed in taking over the Enterprise, that is but one starship of the Federation's many."

  "If you two will stop discussing Nummer Ein's sanity for the moment," Kirk said, "we'll get around to choosing a team and weapons."

  "Well," Scott began, "our lassie Janice is obviously out, and Grang...."

  Grang shook his head violently. "No, I am not out I am Grang of the Wolves, and for years these of Bavarya have raided us with weapons we could not fight against. I demand the right to meet them along with my new friends."

  Kirk began to retort in amusement, and then stopped suddenly. "Mr. Spock," he said, "as you recall, did they have wrestling and boxing in the Roman arena?"

  "A favorite pair of sports of the Romans, Captain."

  Kirk looked at Dr. McCoy. "Bones, what were you laughing about the other day-something about Grang, here, and Lieutenant Peterson?"

  Dr. McCoy frowned at him for a moment, but then it came back. "Grang had no trouble proving that wrestling is a highly developed sport on Neolithia, Jim."

  "Now, wait a minute," Scott said. "You're not leaving me out of this team."

  Kirk shook his head. "Yes," he said. "We can't risk losing you. We'll need the doctor in his capacity. And we need you on the off chance that there might be some manner in which we can use your technical skill to get us out of here. Besides, you two are the oldest"

  He looked about at all of them. "The team will consist of Spock, Grang, and myself. The weapons chosen are the hands. Catch-as-catch-can. No holds barred. Gentlemen, the honor of the Federation"-he looked at Grang-"and the planet Neolithia is at stake."


  The three combatants from the Enterprise had been equipped with leather gladiators' kilts and with sandals suitable for working in the sand of the arena. They stood now at the far end of an oval enclosure, which was smaller than the Colosseum of ancient Rome, but remarkably like that arena of death where man and beast had died in countless thousands for the entertainment of the Roman mob. There were few observers here, however, besides the technicians operating TV cameras which were spaced every few feet along the wall. This fray was obviously going to be covered from every angle possible; it wasn't every day the managers of the Bavaryan palace arena had opponents from the stars to perform.

  There was a small spectators' box halfway down the arena and perhaps fifteen feet above the sand. Large enough to hold only a score of people, it was now being occupied by Nummer Ein, his daughter Anna, and a dozen or so of what were obviously his immediate staff. They were laughing and chattering among themselves as they took their places.

  Janice Rand said softly, "I didn't think the girl, Anna, was quite the type who would enjoy this sort of spectacle."

  "She isn't," Kirk said. However, he didn't go into what Nummer Ein's daughter had told him at the reception. For all he knew, the Bavaryans had sensors that were delicate enough to be picking up their every word.

  Scott grumbled, "I still think it's my job to be in there instead of Grang."

  "No," Grang said strongly. "I am Grang of-"

  "Aye, I know, lad," Scott growled. "You're Grang of the Wolves."

  "Our opponents seem to be with us," Spock said.

  Emerging from a metal door at the arena's far end were the uniformed Bavaryan officer who had informed them of the combat, several ring attendants, and three Doppelgngers attired in garb identical to that of the Enterprise group.

  The newcomers made a parade of it, winding up in front of Nummer Ein and his party.

  Dr. McCoy said wryly, "Caesar, we who are about to the salute you!"

  "Do we have any special strategy, Captain?" Spock asked. In his gladiator kilts his lithe muscles were more than usually accentuated.

  Kirk shook his head. "It's man for man. The smallest of them seems to be on the right. He is yours, Grang. I'll stand in the middle. You on the other side, Mr. Spock. If you're successful in finishing off your man, go immediately to the assistance of whichever one of us might need it"

  Somewhere, unseen trumpets sounded, and the three Doppelgngers turned stolidly and began marching in the direction of the Enterprise champions.

  "This is it!" Kirk said tersely. "Spread out, Grang, Mr. Spock. Remember, this is a primitive battle, nothing barred. As of this moment you have stopped being gentlemen!"

  The Bavaryans came in at a rush, slightly crouching, arms extended. They were obviously experienced hand-to-hand fighters.

  Suddenly Grang, the Neolithian, screamed his tribal war cry and dashed forward to meet his foe. The scream fell off into a doglike barking and Grang was upon him before the slower-moving Bavaryan could recover from his surprise at the noisy attack.

  Kirk and Spock stared, momentarily fascinated. Then they had to tear their eyes from this development as they, too, closed with the foe. />
  James Kirk threw himself into the karate fourteenth kata. As his opponent put up his guard, Kirk rushed him with a left-hand block to the Bavaryan's right arm. Without warning, with his right hand open, palm to the outside, he struck his opponent's face across the left jaw as his hand slipped around the other's neck.

  In the background he could hear Grang's voice yell, "Coup!" but he had no time to check on how his associates were doing.

  Captain Kirk's opponent was obviously unacquainted with judo, either of the kenpo or the allied karate type. With the back of his hand Kirk forced the burly Bavaryan's head down toward him as he went down briefly on his left knee and then came up fast with an uppercut punch to the other's chin. He jumped back, turned slightly to the side, and lashed out with his foot into the enemy's midsection.

  Even as his opponent was falling, James Kirk spun to the right with the intention of hurrying to Grang's assistance.

  However, Grang's own enemy was thrown up against the arena wall and was lying in an awkward, grotesque position, and Grang was plowing through the sand in the captain's direction as though he intended to come to Kirk's aid.

  The two of them turned in Spock's direction.

  The Vulcan hadn't as yet finished off his man, but there was no question of how matters were going.

  Larger than Spock the Doppelgnger might be, but the Vulcan's reflexes were so much faster that he was making mincemeat out of the slow-moving professional wrestler. Using his hands as choppers, judo fashion, the first officer would step in quickly, slug the other across the neck or face, and step back again before his opponent could retaliate. It was a brutal sight to watch.

  Kirk put a hand on Grang's arm. "We're not needed," he said dryly, "and the television authence will get the message the more strongly if we don't intervene."

  Grang nodded. "Mister of the Spocks can take care of himself," he agreed.

  And even as he spoke, the eyes of the sole remaining Doppelgnger foe rolled upward, and he sank, unconscious, to the sand.

  As though rehearsed, the three victors turned and faced the box where sat Nummer Ein and his group.

  Whatever reaction they had expected from His All Highest, they certainly didn't receive it Nummer Ein was beaming down at them, almost as though in congratulation.


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