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The Sword of Vengeance (The Chronicles of Bruk the Barbarian Book 4)

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by Philip John Bruch

  That ancient book when out of the silver box would eliminate all magic that was anywhere near it. The book was sealed shut and he never did figure out a way to open it.

  No matter what he had tried the book remained sealed. The two thin looking golden bands that held the cover and the pages tightly closed looked soft and frail but they were stronger than any metal that he knew of. He had tried many times to cut them or to hammer them but the bands couldn’t even be scratched or dented. He had even tried fire but the bands didn’t even get warm.

  Salvor remembered the cover of the book and the engraved picture of the demon adorning the cover. He wondered if it was a true representation of a real beast or just a drawing from someone’s imagination. He thought that it was real and that it could be summoned to serve him whenever he could find a way to open the book.

  Whenever he could open the book he knew that whatever he wished for could all be his. All he had to do was find a way to open the book and his revenge on Nightfall and his fantasies about Leena would become a reality. He knew that the book would give him unlimited power and he loved power.

  He wondered if Nightfall was still in Tharn. He hated most people but he never hated anyone like he had hated that stinking Nightfall.

  He was getting tired of hiding out of fear of that man that always dressed in all black. He also wondered what ever had happened to the so called leader of The Brotherhood. Maybe Nightfall had killed him too like he did to all of the other members of The Brotherhood.

  All that Salvor knew for sure was that Nightfall and that foul thieving barbarian would have to die. He often wondered what ever could have happened to that powerful book. The barbarian had to have been working for somebody and that person would also have to die.

  Salvor also wondered if whoever had ended up with the book had ever figured out how to open it. He could only imagine what sorceress secrets that it might contain. He vowed to himself that after he had unmercifully killed those three foul people that had wronged him that one way or another he would find the book again and then he would open it one way or another, somehow.

  Chapter 5

  Bruk woke up early in the morning just as the sun was rising. He stood up and stretched. He looked around and then he took care of his unicorns. He fed them and then he gave them water. He always took very good care of his unicorns.

  Once he was done with the unicorns he got some supplies out of the provisions that he had packed. He also grabbed the map that Sardgesha had given him. Then he walked over to where he had slept and sat down in the grass.

  Bruk opened up a pack of meat jerky and a small wedge of spicy cheese. He took his time eating while he studied the map. The map was incredibly detailed and drawn to scale. He pretty much could guess on the map where he was at the moment.

  Tharn was about six days away and towards the northwest. If he stayed where he was and went straight north and a little to the east he could pass by where the Thorstal Mountain Range ended. That is what he wanted to do because then he wouldn’t have to leave his unicorns and go rock climbing.

  Tharn was the last large city before the wilderness and then the cold lands. He planned on going to Tharn and replenishing his supplies before heading north.

  He had made up his mind and he had a plan. He carefully folded the map and put it into a pocket on the inside of his vest. He took a long and satisfying drink of warm water and then he resumed eating.

  Bruk thought of the woman and her brother that he had rescued the night before. He wondered how they were doing. Thinking of them made him think of outlaws in general. He really hated outlaws and anyone else who would prey upon the weak and the helpless.

  Bruk then thought of Taran and he smiled. He missed her but it was better for her that she had stayed back in Catan. He didn’t know what all lay before him as far as danger was concerned but he also knew that he would prevail no matter what.

  He did remember full well how the wolves ran in packs in the cold lands. Sardgesha had saved him from a pack of wolves a couple of weeks after he had left his village to seek his fortune. That is when he had first met the mage.

  He was more than ready for the wolves now both in strength and speed and also in the new weapons that he now carried. The dark blue star metal blades were incredibly sharp and virtually indestructible.

  Bruk wasn’t afraid of anything but he still couldn’t get used to being around magic. Magic was a good thing in the right hands and could even be very helpful. In the wrong hands though, magic could be very dangerous and even deadly.

  Bruk finished his morning meal and then he started to pack up all of his things and get ready to leave. He soon was riding away and heading towards Tharn.

  He stopped momentarily and looked back. He saw the woman and her brother riding away towards the south and east. They apparently took his advice because he could see the trailing horses behind the riders. He smiled and turned around and resumed his journey. They should be safe now and he hoped that they would make it back to their home. He didn’t think that they would be in a hurry to go traveling again for quite a while. That made him think of outlaws again and he clenched his fist tightly around the reins that he held.

  He let his unicorn pace itself at a steady and fast pace that it could keep up almost for the whole day if needed.

  As he rode he was constantly looking to the right and to the left always scanning for any outlaws. He even looked behind him once in a while just to make sure that he wasn’t being followed. He would never be surprised and captured again and pity anyone who would try.

  It was a clear sunny day and Bruk rode on and on. He only stopped a few times to rest the unicorns and give them water and a little food. He also took care of his needs before he mounted back up and resumed his journey.

  He didn’t see any outlaws that day or the following two days. On the fourth day late in the afternoon he saw a group of riders off in the distance way off towards the east. They were riding towards the east and away from him.

  He had stopped and watched them for a while. It was apparent that they never even noticed him. They just kept riding straight east and soon they were out of sight.

  Bruk spat in their direction and then he resumed his journey. He rode on all the rest of the afternoon and into the night before he stopped. He didn’t see any more outlaws and the time had flown by. He figured that it would only take about two more days at the most to get to Tharn.

  Two days later late in the evening under a star filled sky Bruk rode through the open gate and into Tharn. He spurred his unicorn on and he continued to travel down the narrow street at a very slow pace. The streets were crowded even at this late hour. He wanted to find a stable so that he could walk the street and find a tavern to get a warm meal and something cold to drink.

  The first person that he was about to pass by he pulled on the reins bringing his unicorn to a stop. The old woman dressed in rags looked up in fear. Bruk asked, “Is there a stable nearby where I might find lodging for my weary mount?”

  The old woman said in a quavering voice, “Just a little way down on the left you will see Starns Stables. They will take good care of your mount and they are fair in price.”

  Bruk reached into his vest and pulled out a few silver kworts and said, “Where is a good place to get food and a cold mug of ale?”

  The old woman looked up in awe at the silver kworts in Bruk’s hand. That was a fortune in her eyes. Trembling in anticipation she answered, “A little way past the stables on your right you will see the Red Cup. It’s a dangerous place to go to but their food is very tasty and the wine and ale are cheap but good. Please be very careful and watch your back though.”

  Bruk said his thanks and tossed the old woman the kworts and pressed on.

  Just as the old woman had told him he soon was at the stables. He dismounted and walked inside leading the unicorns with a hand holding onto the reins.

  The stables were immaculately clean and well lit. The stable hands were busy taking car
e of the unicorns and horses that they already had in their care. Some were grooming and brushing down the animals. Some were cleaning stalls and others were feeding the equines a mixture of oats, barley, and chopped hay.

  A large bull of a man dressed in brown pants and high brown leather boots with a leather apron was giving orders to a couple of the boys. He had long black greasy hair pulled back and tied into a pony tail. A long shaggy dark beard reached to his massive chest. He was bare from the waist up revealing a large muscular chest and thick arms all covered with coarse dark hair. His large protruding stomach hung over the apron and dripped sweat onto the clean floor. The boys quickly ran off to do as they were told.

  The man turned and then he saw Bruk for the first time. He walked towards the barbarian wondering what the youth wanted.

  “Are you the owner of this place?” asked Bruk.

  Rollan replied, “Aye that I am, my name is Rollan. What can I do for you?”

  Bruk said, “I need a place for my mount and my other unicorn to stay and to be cared for a day or two at the most. I would also like some provisions for my mounts and a little for me when I leave. I want as much as you can safely pack on the second unicorn.”

  Rollan said, “It will be seven silver kworts for the lodging. That includes all the food and care for the unicorns and all of the supplies for when you leave.”

  Bruk smiled and reached into his vest and pulled a golden quint out and handed it over. He knew that the price offered was more than fair so he decided to tip the man even more for his honesty.

  Rollan couldn’t believe his eyes. A gold quint was an enormous amount of money. He didn’t know what to say but he would do his best and take very good care of the barbarian’s unicorns. He loved animals and he could plainly see that the barbarian took good care of his animals.

  Bruk then handed the reins to Rollan and walked out of the stables in search of the Red Cup without a backwards glance. He knew that his unicorns were safe and that they would get good care. He had noticed how all of the animals were being fed and groomed. The stable was clean and organized.

  Bruk crossed the narrow street to the right side and started to slowly walk in the direction that the Red Cup was supposed to be located at. As he walked he noticed that he was attracting a lot of attention. The woman that passed by going in the opposite direction all checked him out with admiring eyes. The men either looked away quickly in fear or gave him a mean stare that was supposed to intimidate him. He laughed at their folly.

  Up ahead he saw the sign of the place that he was seeking with its name painted in blood red paint above the doorway. Without hesitation he opened the door and stepped inside. The large room was full of customers and loud and boisterous conversations. Waitresses dressed in short skirts and skimpy tank tops were running between the tables with platters of food and drinks deftly dodging groping hands. The aroma of the roasting meat reminded Bruk that he hadn’t eaten a nice warm meal in a few days.

  The place was packed with a lot of rough looking individuals but most of them were drunk and could barely even sit up. The whole room was full of noise and loud talking and laughing.

  He looked all around the room for a place to sit down and order some food and drink. The area where the bar was located off to his left was packed with all of the tall wooden stools already taken and customers were even standing in between some of the stools or in the area all around them. He knew that he could never even get close enough to the bar to even order a drink.

  Then he looked for a table. All of the tables were occupied and people were even standing all around them and in between them. The place was jammed packed with people and that meant that the food and drink must be good.

  Bruk’s mouth was watering as he smelled the sweet aroma of roasting urth. He was also very thirsty and he needed a drink.

  As he stood there a few times the door had opened and more customers walked in and made their way towards the tables or the bar area.

  He just didn’t want to stand there any longer. He wondered if he should try and find another place that wasn’t so busy. He really wanted something to eat and drink. He also wanted to sit down and relax for a little bit before he would leave and go and find a room for the night.

  He looked again at the bar area and then at the crowded table area. Then he noticed a small table in the very back next to the wall had only one occupant with three open chairs. He started to walk in that direction not paying much attention to all the constant commotion that was going on all around him. Some of the waitresses winked at him as they passed.

  When he got about half of the way to the table he felt a very light brushing of soft finger tips searching across his vest. He instantly grabbed a hold of the thin wrist and squeezed.

  Immediately a small thin man cried out in pain and tried to pull away. He struggled and struggled.

  Bruk looked down at the small man and laughed. He held the man’s right wrist in an iron grip. He said, “I am not the kind of man that you should try to steal from. I am in a good mood though so I will let you go with just a warning but don’t ever try that again or I will make you regret it. Do you understand?”

  The frightened man looked up and saw those piercing blue eyes and he shuddered. He had definitely picked the wrong man to try and steal from. He said in a shaky soft voice, “Aye I understand.”

  Bruk reached into his vest and pulled out a silver kwort and handed it to the small man as he let go of his wrist. He said, “Take this and get something to drink and eat. It looks like you can use it.”

  The man instantly palmed the silver kwort and rubbed his sore wrist. He looked up at Bruk and said, “I thank you for your mercy and for your generosity. I will never forget your kindness.” He then ran away and got lost in the crowd.

  Bruk turned around and walked towards the table. As he got closer he could clearly see who was sitting at the table. It was an incredibly hot blonde wearing a short tight fitting black skirt and a sleeveless white blouse with a low neckline. She had been watching him as he walked towards her table.

  The closer that he got to the table the quieter the room became. All eyes were on him and the room became still in anticipation.

  Bruk noticed that everyone was staring at him and he didn’t care. He was thirsty and hungry and the only place to sit was in front of him. He didn’t know what was going on and why he was suddenly the center of everyone’s attention and he really just didn’t care.

  Bruk walked up to the table and pulled a chair out. He sat down and looked at the blonde who was staring at him like he was crazy or something.

  She said in a soft voice, “You really shouldn’t sit there.”

  Bruk smiled and said, “There is no other place to sit and I am hungry and thirsty. All I want to do is eat something and drink a pitcher of ale and then I will be on my way. I won’t bother you but there is no other place to sit.”

  She looked at him and said, “You really shouldn’t sit there. It isn’t safe. If Nightfall returns he will kill you!”

  Chapter 6

  Selene went into the back room and walked straight to the table where Taran was sitting at. She sat down and said, “I am on break now.”

  Taran smiled and said, “How are you doing today?”

  Selene fidgeted a little bit and she was about to tell Taran everything when Jaken showed up with her meal.

  Jaken put the plates and the jug down and looked at Taran and said, “Make sure that Selene stays here for a while and rests.”

  Taran laughed and said, “I will try but you know how she is. She likes to keep busy.”

  Jaken laughed and just walked away. He was very busy and he had to get back to the kitchen.

  Taran looked at Selene and said, “You heard what he said. Take an extended lunch like he wants you to. I will stay here and keep you company. We don’t get a chance to talk very much because you are always working.”

  Then a shapely tree-woman waitress came up and set Taran’s meal before her. She
looked at Selene and said, “It is about time that you took a break. Just sit and relax for a while. I will do some of your cleaning and stocking when I get the chance so just relax. We will all help you out.”

  Selene smiled and said, “Thank you.”

  The waitress winked at Taran and then she ran away and resumed her duties.

  Taran smiled. She knew how everyone all loved sweet innocent Selene.

  They then ate and made some small talk. Taran could tell that Selene wanted to tell her something important. After they had eaten then maybe Selene would open up and tell her what was bothering her.

  About a half of an hour later they had finished eating and a waitress had already picked up the dirty dishes and brought them fresh drinks. Taran was drinking a weak ale and Selene was drinking water like she always did.

  Taran said, “What was it that you wanted to tell me?”

  Selene took a long drink of the refreshing ice cold water and she said, “You are my best friend and I know that you will always love me no matter what.” She then took another drink and looked a little bit uncomfortable and nervous.

  Taran saw how afraid Selene was at telling her what was bothering her so she said, “You can tell me anything and you know that I won’t repeat it to anyone else. If you need help with something just ask and you know that I will help you.”

  Selene put her mug down and looked at Taran and smiled. She knew that Taran would be understanding.

  She then told her all about how she had cut her hand and how it had healed by itself in a matter of seconds. She told her how she had cut herself again and again with the same results. She also told Taran how that a man dressed in all black had appeared to her in the room and had tried talking to her again. She couldn’t hear what he was saying but he had frightened her. She just wanted him to leave her alone.


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