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The Sword of Vengeance (The Chronicles of Bruk the Barbarian Book 4)

Page 7

by Philip John Bruch

  Salvor pressed through the throng of his neighbors trying to get closer so that he could hear what they had to say.

  The unofficial chief of Carmel was standing in front waiting patiently for Lara and her brother to dismount. He couldn’t help but notice that they were alive and that they had come back home but they also brought back untold wealth with them.

  Salvor was soon standing next to the chief. He wanted to hear their story. It was boring in Carmel and any news was most welcome.

  Lara walked up and looked at the chief. She smiled and said, “Hello San.” Her brother then joined her and he also said hello to the chief.

  San looked at them in wonder and asked, “Well did you make it to Pritant or Tharn like you wanted to?”

  Larn, Lara’s brother said, “We never reached either city. Within two weeks out on the grass lands we were captured by a band of outlaws, bands of outlaws roam all over the grass lands.”

  San said, “How did you ever escape and where did you get all of this stuff?”

  Lara said, “When the outlaws first made camp I managed to escape. I ran and ran in the darkness not having any idea where I was going. All I knew was that I had to get away. Three of them chased me as I fled in the night. I was nearing the end of my endurance when I ran into another small camp. It was a small campsite of one lone man. He was a mighty warrior though and he quickly killed the three men that were chasing me. It only took him a few seconds and then they were all dead.”

  San asked, “Did this warrior have a name?”

  Lara said, “I don’t remember if he told me his name or not. He was a very large and muscular man with bulging muscles. He had long black hair and piercing blue eyes. I have never seen eyes like that before.”

  Salvor could remember the barbarian that had knocked him out back in Zoria. He also had piercing blue eyes the like of which he had never seen before. Could this be the same man? What was he doing in the grasslands and all alone? Did he have the book with him?

  San asked, “Then what happened. Tell us what happened next. How did your brother get free and where did you get the horses and all of the other things?”

  Lara said, “After the young barbarian had killed the three men chasing after me I explained to him that more outlaws still had my brother. He asked me if I could find my way back to the camp. I told him that I most certainly could find my way back to their camp. I also told him that there were five outlaws left and I didn’t want him to risk his life trying to help me, a total stranger. He just laughed and told me to lead the way. He wasn’t one bit afraid of the odds against him. He acted like he was even looking forward to the confrontation. I have never met anyone like him before, he was fearless.”

  All of her neighbors were silent as they listened to her story. They couldn’t believe that such a mighty warrior existed but the proof was right in front of them.

  Lara continued, “While I was leading him back to the outlaw camp he told me what he wanted me to do when we got near to the camp. As we neared the camp I saw an outlaw heating up the blade of his dagger in the fire. He was going to use it to torture my brother who was tied up and helpless.” She paused in her story to catch her breath.

  The people were shocked and couldn’t wait for her to continue. They remained quiet as they looked at her with pleading eyes wanting her to continue her story.

  Lara looked at her friends and neighbors and smiled. They were enthralled by her story and her encounter with the outlaws but they were really interested in the young barbarian and they wanted to hear more!

  Lara smiled and continued, “As we got near to the light from the campfire the outlaw heating up his blade looked and saw me coming and he thought that his comrades were right behind me. The young barbarian had directed me to walk in front of him and get ready to quickly move out of the way when he told me to. The outlaw heating up his blade laughed and then ignored me and as I got a little closer the barbarian said now and I jumped off to the side and out of his way. He rushed forward and soon the outlaw by the fire was dead. Then the young barbarian immediately ran at the remaining four outlaws who were on the other side of the small campsite. Two of them were dead before they even were able to draw their blades. The other two outlaws were slain seconds later. I have never in my whole life seen anyone that could move so fast before. Killing five outlaws was easy for the barbarian and he didn’t even get winded. It all happened so fast it is really hard to describe how he was able to do it so easily.”

  Then Larn said, “Then the barbarian freed me. He told us that we could take all of the outlaw’s possessions as our own because they surely wouldn’t need them anymore. He then left without a backwards glance to go back to his own campsite and we never saw him again. The next morning we stripped all of the bodies of anything valuable like he had told us to do and then we mounted up and left leading all of the outlaw’s horses behind us.”

  Salvor thought that the man that had saved them must be the same filthy barbarian scum that had knocked him out and stole the precious magic book from him. The description and his speed matched the man that had stolen from him.

  It had been almost three years and Salvor thought about that fatal day all of the time. He remembered how he had awakened and then he had to flee from Zoria without the ancient book of power. Someone had taken it from his house and had somehow broken through all of his magical defenses. The barbarian must have had help.

  San asked, “What are you going to do with all of the outlaw’s things?”

  Larn said, “We have talked it over and we have decided to share most of it with all of you. The horses are strong and healthy and they will be a great help out in the fields. There are also many weapons packed on one of the horses. There are swords and daggers of fine workmanship and my sister and I have already taken the ones that we wanted so the rest of them can go to whoever wants them. There is also clothing and other things that might interest to everyone. We have already taken what we want and all of the rest can go to whoever needs them. The money though that we found we will keep but if the need should ever arise because of an emergency we will surely help out with some of our newfound wealth.”

  San smiled and said, “Thank you. You both are very generous and we all appreciate it.” San then gave orders and then people helped to unload everything that the brother and sister didn’t want off of the horses. They brought everything into the empty meeting lodge where it could all be gone through and then be distributed to whoever was in need. The horses were led to where all of the other animals were kept. The village had a small barn-like building on the southern end of town near the fields where they spent their days working growing food for the village. It had been a very good day San thought.

  Lara and Larn were about to walk away and go back to their little house when Salvor stepped forward and asked to speak to them.

  Lara said, “What do you want to know?”

  Salvor thought for a couple of seconds and then he asked, “Are you sure that you can’t remember the barbarian’s name. I have a friend that I haven’t seen in years that kind of matches the description of the barbarian that you were talking about. I would really like to see him again, I really would.”

  Lara shook her head and said, “I am sorry but I don’t know it. I can’t remember if he ever told it to me or not. I don’t really know what his name is. I am so sorry.”

  Salvor wasn’t happy that they didn’t know his name but that was all right. Before he killed him he would find out what he was called. Salvor said, “Could you describe him for me please.”

  Lara said, “He was tall and extremely muscular. His arms were thick and bulging with veins popping out all over as he moved. He had very wide shoulders with a massive deep chest. His waist was small and ribbed with muscle and his legs were thick and powerfully built with muscular thighs and calves.”

  Salvor said, “That sounds like my friend. Is there anything else that you can tell me about him?”

  “He had a very deep voice an
d he had long jet black hair that hung down just a little bit past his shoulders. His jaw was square cut and stubbled like he hadn’t shaved yet that day. The most striking thing about him besides his powerful physique was those piercing blue eyes. I looked him straight in the eyes and I had to look away. His gaze is frightening,” Lara said.

  Salvor knew that gaze very well. He had seen it right before he was knocked out cold. He said, “The barbarian didn’t happen to say where he came from or where he was going did he?”

  Lara said, “I don’t remember him saying anything about where he was from or where he was going. I’m not really sure; I was too worried about my brother.”

  “He didn’t say anything to me either after he had cut me loose. All he told us was that we could have all of the outlaw’s possessions because they wouldn’t need them anymore. He even told us to search the bodies for anything of value. Then he told us that we should be safe for the rest of the night but to keep aware of our surroundings and sleep lightly. He then turned and walked away in the darkness without a backwards glance,” Larn said.

  Lara said, “That’s right. He told us to just stay where we were for the night and then leave in the morning. He said that all of the outlaw’s things including their horses were now ours. When he walked away I noticed that he was smiling. I think that he thoroughly liked killing the outlaws. I think that he is a very dangerous man.”

  Salvor just knew that the man that had saved them was the very same man that he had dreamed of killing for these past three years. He wondered if he had the book with him. He could still see that face and those piercing blue eyes in his dreams. He also knew that the barbarian had to have been working with a powerful mage to get past all of his magical wards. That stinking barbarian and whoever had been working with him all would die.

  Salvor wasn’t afraid of any man in the whole world except for Nightfall. Any normal man no matter how strong he was couldn’t stand up against magic. Salvor was a powerful mage and he could easily blast the barbarian into a fiery death or worse without any trouble at all.

  Nightfall though was different. He was not only physically powerful but in magic he was like a god. Salvor knew that he was no match for Nightfall. The only way that he could defeat that hated man was in a surprise attack of great power. One way or another he would kill Nightfall if it was the last thing that he ever did. He absolutely hated Nightfall. He pretty much hated everybody but he hated Nightfall even more.

  “Is that all that you need from us?” Lara asked.

  Salvor was dreaming of his revenge and had forgotten that he was talking to the brother and sister. He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts and said, “Aye and thank you for your help. I am sorry, sometimes my mind wanders. Thank you for your time.”

  Lara smiled and then she and her brother grabbed their things and walked away leaving Salvor standing by himself in the dirt street.

  Salvor walked away and headed back towards his small house. As he walked he wondered what he should do. He knew that somewhere on the grass lands the hated barbarian was walking around without a care in the world. He probably got paid very well for stealing the book.

  Salvor didn’t know what to do. He wanted to find the barbarian and kill him. He also knew that before he made the barbarian pay for what he had done that he would have to make him tell him who he was working for and where the book was. Salvor had ways to make someone talk no matter how much they tried not to.

  As Salvor neared his house he was smiling. He would have to come up with a plan. Three years in this village was long enough.

  Chapter 10

  Selene woke up and she looked around. She was still in her room. She remembered her strange dream and shook her head. It had all seemed so real, so very real.

  She remembered how she had stepped closer and looked at the four words that the sky had etched into the face of the monument. The carved letters lit up with a dark red hue making it easy for her to read them.

  She could plainly read the four words that were engraved into the grey stone and somehow she knew that if she said them that her throat would tingle and hurt because they were never meant to come out of a human throat.

  Somehow she could read the four strange words that were written in ancient glyphs and symbols from a forgotten age. She knew that she could say them but she wasn’t sure what would happen if she did say them. Then she wondered how she could even read the ancient text and why did she have such a strange dream to begin with.

  She could plainly read the four words but she didn’t know what exactly they represented. She knew that each individual word meant something but when you put them all together in the order that they were in they all meant something completely different. She didn’t know how she knew that but she just did.

  Selene was still tired and she knew that it was hours yet before the sun would arise so she decided to try and go back to sleep. Maybe she could get a few hours more of rest before she had to get up and go to work.

  Selene lay back down and tried to get comfortable. She closed her eyes and tried to think happy thoughts. She thought of Taran her best friend. Taran was a very sweet and caring person. She also thought of Jaken’s cooking. Thinking good thoughts she soon fell asleep.

  Selene slept for about four and a half hours in a deep restful dreamless sleep. She woke up feeling rested and ready for the busy day to come. She still remembered her dream and the four words though but it didn’t seem too important at the moment. She knew that she would never forget those strange words and she wondered if she should tell someone about her dream and about the four words.

  She decided that she wasn’t going to worry about it now. She had to clean up and eat something and then go to the Wet Glass and open it up and do her cleaning and stocking. She still had about an hour or so before she had to leave. She had plenty of time. The four words were always present in her thoughts but she ignored them.

  Selene cleaned up and ate a small breakfast of urth sausage and warm bread. She washed it all down with ice cold water. She always drank water.

  After she had finished her meal she quickly cleaned the dirty dishes and wiped off the table. She liked things clean and tidy.

  She opened up the Wet Glass and began her duties. She started by cleaning up the back room. First she swept the whole floor and then she wiped and cleaned all of the table tops and dusted all of the chairs. The room always stayed pretty clean because all of the customers were careful not to spill anything or make a mess.

  When the back room was done she started to clean the front room and bar area. First she swept the whole floor and she even had to wipe part of the floor with a wet rag where someone had spilled something. Once she was all done cleaning the floor to her satisfaction then she wiped off the top of the bar with a wet rag and then she wiped off all of the table tops and dusted all of the chairs.

  When the front room and bar area where all clean she started to work on the kitchen. She cleaned the whole floor with a wet towel and wiped off all of the counters. Then she cleaned the three roasting ovens and started to bring in some packages from the back room to restock the shelves. While she was doing this Jaken and a few of the waitresses showed up.

  Jaken looked around and smiled. His restaurant was spotless and everything looked so clean and neat. He didn’t know what he would do without Selene. He promised himself that he would give her a big raise to show his appreciation.

  Jaken walked into the kitchen and saw Selene just finishing up all of the restocking. The ovens, counters, and floor all sparkled and were spotless.

  Jaken looked at Selene who was just putting the last jar away and he said, “Selene you must have started early again today. It looks like you have everything all done already. Please sit down and rest and I will get you something to eat and drink.”

  Selene knew that he wasn’t asking her so she quickly did as he had told her. She went into the back room where she and Taran and all of her friends always sat.

  Jaken came
up to the table and gave her a large mug of ice cold water. He said, “I will go back and make your favorite morning meal. It won’t take long so just relax and take it easy.” He then hurried back to the kitchen.

  Selene took a long drink and then she set the mug down. She wondered if Taran would show up. Sometimes Taran came in for a morning meal but mostly she just came in for an afternoon meal or an early night’s meal.

  A few minutes later a beautiful cat-woman waitress came up to the table with a plate of urth bacon and eggs with two pieces of buttered browned bread fresh from the oven. The waitress smiled at Selene as she set the plates before her. She said, “You take your time and if you want anything else just let me know.” She then winked at Selene and hurried back to the kitchen.

  Customers were just starting to come in. Within minutes the place would be packed like it always was. The Wet Glass was busy from morning until closing time early in the evening.

  Selene took her time and enjoyed her meal. Jaken was a great chef and had a way to make everything no matter how simple it was to taste great.

  As she finished her meal Jaken walked up and then he sat down across from her and pushed a fresh mug full of ice cold water towards her. He said, “Selene, I have been thinking and I want to give you a big raise because you really deserve it. Starting today I am going to almost double your salary because you are one of my best employees and everyone all loves you.”

  Selene was shocked and she didn’t know what to say. She just looked at Jaken with her mouth open.

  Jaken laughed and said, “You are more than worth it. I really like you and think that you are a very nice person and one of the hardest working people that I have ever met. I also have been thinking about having you assist me more in cooking and in the preparation of meals. I will teach you all of my tricks and freely tutor you in seasoning and everything else that you will need to know to become a master chef. The more you learn the more I will pay you. I am getting older and older and I need a good person to eventually take over. Every time that you have helped me before I saw that you had a knack for cooking and a flare for improvising. What do you have to say about my offer?”


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