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The Sword of Vengeance (The Chronicles of Bruk the Barbarian Book 4)

Page 18

by Philip John Bruch

  Regan looked at Red and said, “Say your goodbyes and I will send you and your horse back to your village. Watch over your little sister because she is as special as you are but a little more stubborn and hard headed.”

  Red laughed and said, “Aye that she is. I will do as you say.” She then said goodbye to the sorcerers and then she hugged Bruk with tears running down her cheeks.

  Bruk hugged her back. She had been a good companion and she was also a fellow warrior and a valued new friend. He looked at her and said, “It was a pleasure to meet you and I thank you again for helping me. Until we meet again please take care of yourself and your family and give them my regards when you see them again.”

  Red wiped her cheeks and then she looked at Regan and said, “I am ready now!”

  Regan snapped a finger and Red disappeared along with her horse and all of her supplies including the leather pouch full of gems and jewelry.

  Regan then asked, “Are the rest of you all ready to go to where you will be needed?”

  The twin sorcerers nodded and Bruk said, “Aye!”

  Regan snapped her finger and they all disappeared along with all of their mounts and their possessions.

  Regan sighed and said to herself, “The next couple of hours will be very exciting to say the least. I hope that everything turns out like I think that it will.”

  Bruk, Zardgesha, Sardgesha, and all of their mounts and supplies suddenly appeared in the street right in front of the Wet Glass. They were dressed normally without all of the heavy insulated clothing.

  Bruk and the others dismounted and walked straight into the tavern. It was busy like it always was. They looked around briefly and then they headed for the back room.

  Taran and Selene were sitting at the usual table. Taran looked and saw Bruk and the sorcerers enter the back room. She jumped up and out of her chair and ran towards Bruk with a big smile on her face.

  Bruk opened his huge arms and Taran ran right into them. They kissed and held each other while the sorcerers went to the table and sat down.

  After a minute or so Bruk and Taran went back to the table. Bruk sat down and saw one of his spare sets of blades placed upon the polished tabletop. He said, “What are these doing here?”

  Taran said, “A strange nearly naked beautiful woman with her short red hair that was on fire appeared out of nowhere in our apartment and told me that you would be back in Catan shortly and that you would have need of them. She then she disappeared. I did as she suggested and brought them here.”

  Bruk picked them up and put them away. He laughed and said, “That was Regan the High Lord of the Gods of Fate.”

  Jaken walked up to the table with a couple of cat-waitresses carrying plates of food and pitchers of ale and mugs. He said, “I brought all of your usuals. If you want something different just ask.”

  Bruk and everyone all said that what Jaken had brought was fine. Jaken said goodbye and left one of the waitresses behind just in case someone needed anything. As they all ate Bruk was filling everyone in on what he had done. He told them all about what had transpired during his quest for the crystal skull.

  Taran and Selene listened quietly while once in a while one of the sorcerers would ask a question.

  Once the meal was done the waitress took all of the plates away and wiped the table clean. She then went and got another couple of pitchers of ale.

  Taran said, “Looks like I owe Red a big thank you whenever I see her.”

  Selene was quieter than normal because she had a lot on her mind. She could feel the power and magic surging within her. She had complete control of it all now though but it was somewhat distracting. She knew that whatever she wanted to happen would come to pass immediately. She didn’t understand what was going on but she wasn’t afraid of it either. She decided that she would only use her new found power for good.

  All in all it was a happy reunion.

  Nightfall rode into Catan!

  Chapter 24

  It was early in the afternoon when Nightfall rode into Catan. It was a warm and sunny day. The streets were full of Catan’s citizens out and about doing their errands or socializing.

  Everywhere that Nightfall looked he saw a non-human. The street was full of cat-people, dog-people, tree-people, and a small amount of normal people. He absolutely hated non-humans.

  On his way to Catan he had thought about destroying it and all of its people just like he had done to that outlaw village. He decided though that it would be much better and safer for him just to enter the city quietly and seek out his sister before she had detected him.

  Nightfall could sense her powerful magic and he knew that she was somewhere up ahead. He briefly wondered if he should turn around and leave before she noticed his presence. He had no idea that she would have already gotten so powerful and so soon. He also knew that he would have to do something now before she regained her full strength. He just hoped that he would get to her in time.

  Nightfall slowly made his way down the street and towards the source of the extremely strong magic. People looked at him as he passed but they went on about their business and didn’t bother him. Quite a few of them greeted him and smiled at him like fools. It took all of his willpower not to blast their furry stinking bodies into oblivion!

  Then Nightfall saw four large unicorns up ahead in front of a place called the Wet Glass. One of the unicorns was colored black! Nightfall at first thought that it might be his unicorn. After he got closer though he realized that it wasn’t Night, he missed his unicorn.

  Nightfall then knew that there would be a sorcerer or two inside of the tavern, probably those two frail looking old men with the white hair and long white beards that were there when he had fought Zaranna. He also counted on seeing that barbarian and that hot blonde inside too. If he got lucky maybe even the cat-man, the dog-man, and that large man with the dark shaggy beard would also be inside.

  Nightfall smiled as he dismounted and walked towards the door. It looked like he was going to get some revenge on the people that he hated and all he had to do was survive his reunion with his little sister.

  Nightfall took hold of the handle and took a deep breath. He got his mind ready and then he opened the door. He stepped inside and quickly looked around. The place was packed and all of the tables were full. The bar area was also busy with all of the stools occupied and all of the open area full with customers.

  He didn’t see who he was looking for and then he noticed the large back room off to his left. He could sense the dangerously strong magic that was in that direction.

  Nightfall turned and walked slowly towards the back room making his way through the tables and stepping aside letting various waitresses pass by as they did their job. Then he saw his little sister sitting at a table in the very back of the room.

  The two white haired frail sorcerers were sitting with her at the table and their backs were to him. The barbarian and the hot blonde were sitting across from them. His little sister was sitting on the barbarian’s right side. No one had seen him yet and he smiled.

  Nightfall walked forward looking at his sister. He started to say a spell that would turn her back into a hideous monster again when she turned her head and looked right at him! He tried to speak the spell but he wasn’t able to. His sister had beaten him to the punch!

  Selene had felt Nightfall’s magic when he had first entered into Catan and she had been patiently waiting for him to come and find her. She was hoping that he wouldn’t try anything in the Red Cup but she was ready if he did.

  Bruk saw Nightfall walking towards the table and he jumped up reaching for his sword!

  Nightfall struggled to speak but he couldn’t say a word. Then he saw the barbarian jump up and reach for his sword. Selene was starting to rise from her chair and she was smiling. Then everything went black.

  Nightfall felt cold and then he opened his eyes and saw that he was no longer inside of the Wet Glass. He looked around and then he knew where he was. Without sa
ying a single word his little sister had transported him back to the exact spot that he had come to when he had escaped from the No Land. How could she have done that without even saying a word?

  Then Nightfall realized that he wasn’t alone. His little sister was standing in front of him about twenty feet away. The twin sorcerers were behind her and off to her left side. One of them was holding a light blue crystal skull! The barbarian with sword in hand and the hot blonde were standing to her right side and a few feet behind her. He immediately tried to speak a spell that would have blasted them all to ashes but he still wasn’t able to talk.

  Selene looked at Nightfall and saw how he was struggling trying to utter a spell that would hurt her friends. She laughed and then she had to stop Bruk and Taran from running at Nightfall with their swords thirsting for his blood. She put her arm out and said, “Wait! He is still too strong for you!”

  Then she sensed that the sorcerers were about to blast Nightfall with a powerful destructive spell and she stopped them and said, “Wait! Nightfall is still too powerful for your spells to work. I will take care of him.”

  Nightfall realized that he should never have entered Catan. He should have just stayed in Tharn with Leena. It was too late now but he still had hope that somehow he would survive.

  Selene looked at Nightfall and said, “Why won’t you leave me alone? What have I ever done to you that you hate me so much? I will let you talk but if you try to say any incantation I will shut your mouth for good.”

  Without Selene saying a word Nightfall suddenly was able to speak again. He looked with hatred at all of the people in front of him and said, “I hate you all. I hate you because of who you are and I hate all of your friends too because they were present when I fought Zaranna and she sent me to the No Land. All of them must die!” Then he quickly tried to say a spell to blast them all with magical flames of death but he was no longer able to speak.

  Bruk stepped forward and said, “Let me kill him.”

  Selene said, “He is immortal and with the magic inside of him he is stronger and faster than any normal man should be. Let me fix that first and then he is yours.”

  Bruk waited and he looked at Nightfall with hatred. He couldn’t wait to get his hands dirty with Nightfall’s blood.

  Nightfall knew that he could easily kill the barbarian with all of the extra strength and speed that the magic in his body gave him but without it he wasn’t too sure if he had a chance against the barbarian. He saw the piercing blue eyes and fierce hatred of the young man and he shuddered because he saw his death.

  Selene reached out her right hand towards Nightfall. She saw his magic like a dark black mist inside of him. She made a fist and slowly but surely pulled the magic out of his body.

  Nightfall screamed and tried to run away but he couldn’t move. He was helpless against his sister’s god-like power!

  Selene pulled all of the invisible black magical mist out of Nightfall’s body. It rose up into the air and then it stopped just above his head. Selene looked at it and then it was gone.

  Nightfall felt it when he lost his magic. He felt weak and tired now. He was just like anyone else and he fell to his knee with tears running down his cheeks. He would live forever just like a normal man but without any magic. He would kill himself if he could.

  Selene then looked at the light grey mist inside of Nightfall’s body. She knew that that was his immortality. She reached for it and stated to remove it from Nightfall’s flesh.

  Nightfall screamed out in anguish as he became a mortal!

  Selene looked at Nightfall without pity because she knew full well all of the evil deeds that he had done since he had tricked her into freeing him from the No Land. She saw his memories and felt sick at all of the hatred and wanton destruction that he had caused. He had never shown any pity towards anyone and she wouldn’t give him any either. He had to pay for all of his crimes and he had over a thousand years worth of atrocities to pay for! She then freed him from her power.

  Nightfall stood up and spit at his little sister. He said, “I hate you! I hate you!”

  Selene looked at Bruk and said, “He is just a human now with no powers and no magic. He is also not an immortal anymore. I saw in his mind all of the evil that he did his whole life and how much that he loved to hurt people. I also saw in his mind what he intended to do to you and especially what he wanted to do to Taran!” She then started to cry thinking of what he had planned, “He is all yours!” She cried.

  Bruk growled in fury and ran straight towards Nightfall with his sword already in motion.

  Nightfall drew his sword out and he cursed. He may not have any magic anymore but he was still a master swordsman and he ran from no one. He would kill the barbarian one way or another!

  Sardgesha and Zardgesha couldn’t believe all that had transpired from being swept away from the Wet Glass to somewhere in the grass lands and of all the power that Selene possessed. Nightfall was like a child to her. She was like a god!

  Bruk tore into Nightfall with hatred. His sword was a blur as it sought Nightfall’s blood. Bruk spun to his right and the sword followed his movement in a wide arc straight for Nightfall’s head.

  Nightfall barely reacted in time and nearly got beheaded before he had moved. He leaned backwards and to his left. The sword missed him by less than a half an inch and he felt the wind as it passed.

  Bruk expected his first blow to be dodged and he already recovered and swung his sword again as he turned to his left.

  Nightfall didn’t even have a chance to make an offensive move and then he stepped back blocking another blow that would have opened up his chest.

  Bruk was relentless in his attack. He kept advancing causing Nightfall to slowly retreat stepping backwards barely evading the ever present sword that sought his life.

  After the first three or four stokes Bruk knew that he was the better swordsman and he was also stronger and faster than Nightfall was. It was only a matter of time before the man dressed in all black would fall.

  Nightfall couldn’t even mount an attack because the demon that he fought didn’t seem to tire and his sword was constantly reaching out for him almost nonstop.

  Bruk saw a brief opening and he took it. His sword slipped through Nightfall’s defense and pierced his right shoulder drawing first blood.

  Nightfall felt the sword rip into and out of his shoulder and he grimaced in pain but he didn’t cry out, he wouldn’t give the barbarian the pleasure of hearing him cry out.

  Bruk broke through Nightfall’s guard again and ripped a long gash across his chest drawing even more blood.

  Before Nightfall could recover Bruk’s sword was already moving almost faster than the eye could see. It caught Nightfall in his right forearm and almost made him drop his blade.

  Somehow Nightfall recovered and stepped backwards again trying to get away from the hungry blade.

  Bruk pressed on and his sword again broke through Nightfall’s defense once more. This time it punctured his left bicep causing the man in all black to scream out in pain as his arm hung limply by his side.

  Nightfall knew that he couldn’t hold out much longer against the barbarian that fought like a demon. He was sweating profusely now and he was getting winded. His blade was feeling heavier and heavier every second. He was getting slower and slower through fatigue. He had to do something fast and underhanded if he was going to survive. He had to take a chance while he still was able to.

  Bruk knew that Nightfall’s end was near. He was surprised that he was able to ward off his sword for as long as he had. His sword was red with Nightfall’s blood from the many cuts it had inflicted on him. He had to somehow break through his defense again and end this for all time.

  Nightfall feinted a jab with his sword at the barbarian’s mid section and Bruk had reacted swiftly just as he had anticipated he would but his sword went up instead towards the barbarian’s chest and past his sharp blade. He had won he thought as he lunged forward.

nbsp; Bruk smiled because he was expecting that move. He had seen Nightfall do that very same trick when he had fought against Zaranna. He was ready for it and he easily knocked down Nightfall’s blade and then he closed the distance between them and he pushed the deadly sharp point of his sword into Nightfall’s chest and leaned forward. The blade sank deeply into the man dressed in all black’s chest and then came out of his back in a shower of dark red blood.

  Nightfall dropped his sword and looked at the barbarian in surprise as he fell backwards into the tall grass.

  Bruk pulled his sword out of Nightfall’s chest with a sucking sound as blood poured out of the open gash watering the dark green grass with dark red blood.

  Nightfall looked up at the young barbarian and he tried to speak but his mouth was full of blood. He was in great pain and he couldn’t move. He knew that death was near and he felt relieved knowing that he wouldn’t have to live without his magic.

  Nightfall looked up one more time at the man that had defeated him and then his vision blurred and then he saw no more.

  Bruk watched the life die out of Nightfall’s eyes. He wiped his sword clean on Nightfall’s black shirt and then he turned and saw Taran running towards him.

  Chapter 25

  Regan appeared out of thin air. She looked at Bruk and Taran kissing and she said, “Don’t be too rough on him girl; he’s just been through quite a workout.”

  Bruk laughed and looked towards Regan and said, “I am kind of tired but I am even more thirsty. Did you bring me a nice cold ale?”

  Regan laughed and snapped her fingers and a cold pitcher of ale appeared in Bruk’s hand. He raised it to his lips and drank his fill.

  Selene and the twin sorcerers approached and Selene asked Bruk if he had been injured.

  Bruk handed Taran the pitcher and he said, “I am all right. It is all over now and you don’t have to worry anymore.”

  Regan looked at Sardgesha who was holding the light blue crystal skull. She said, “Adronis the High Lord of the Gods of Light asked me to bring him that skull because it belongs with some book that he has in his possession. It eliminates the power of the book.”


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