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Marry Me Again: A Billionaire Second Chance Romance

Page 24

by Nicole Snow

  Now, I drive into her, running on pure lust. I fuck straight through her first O and into the next. The second time, she's grinding her clit into me each time I thrust deep, stopping long enough to make her burn so good.

  “Please,” she whines between her teeth.

  I slow my strokes just long enough to palm her face, bring my lips to hers, and taste the insatiable need in her kiss.

  She wants this as bad as I do. I know it, down to my balls, and they churn like they're full of lava the instant I pull away.

  “You'll get it when you come for me again,” I tell her.

  Her eyes are wide, telling me she can't possibly do it again. She doesn't know I've got one more surprise.

  When my strokes speed up, I reach between us, pressing my ring finger into her clit. There's a lot a man can do when he owns a technology company. My platinum wedding band looks no different than any other wealthy man's on the outside. Inside, I've had a sophisticated circuit installed, designed to make this ring scream when it reaches the right temperature.

  It vibrates on her clit. Her legs tighten around me when she realizes what's happening, and I watch her head snap back, making me catch a fistful of those golden locks.

  Her lips form a ring. She wants to scream, cry my name, or just beg me again. I make out the most important word, the same one flashing in her eyes when she looks at me again, right before her lids go down and they roll into her head.


  “Come for me, baby. Take every fucking drop from my balls.” I'm growling, ramming myself balls deep, letting the fire coursing up my spine hit my brain a second later.

  We're sharing fireworks.

  Coming together.

  Coming fierce.

  Coming so fucking hard it makes the dense sea rocking our ship seem like a breeze.

  I lose myself in her. My balls spit fire, and the same flames consume me. There's yesterday, tomorrow, and the next decade all at once.

  My seed flows thick. Furious ropes spit from my cock and blaze into her. Kara's pussy massages every inch of me, making me growl while I'm spilling it all.

  It's cool in our room, but we're both red and dripping sweat when I remember how to think. My lips go down on hers while we cool down, tasting what's mine. There's room to be tender after I've ravished her like an animal.

  She's so warm, skin burning beneath my hands. When I pull out, I walk across the room, grabbing the champagne and two glasses. I also take a handful of ice.

  “Suck,” I tell her, popping an ice cube into her mouth. She takes it like a good girl, turning it over with her tongue, tempting me to kiss her and fuck her all over again.

  No, I need to pace myself. It'll be dawn before I'm done with her, before my balls are dry. And then we'll be coming above deck to enjoy ourselves at the first port tomorrow, before we head back here for another night tangled together.

  That's how it's going to be every night until I know my seed takes. We're smiling, sipping our champagne, my free hand against her thigh, ready to pull her legs open for me again as soon as we're ready.

  “Is this honeymoon everything you imagined?” she asks, mischief dancing in her eyes.

  I smile, knowing it's the same thing she asked me after our first time, so long ago. But she's not that virgin girl anymore.

  When I look at her, I don't just see my beautiful wife. I see all the Karas I've known, every one I've fallen in love with.

  There's the kid who slid in the oil the first day we met, her face as innocent then as it is now. There's the woman I first asked to marry me, young and radiant, ready for a life together. There's the darker, sadder, unhappy girl I found when I came home, the one it's taken months to wipe away.

  Then there's my bride. Mature, beautiful, and finally happy. My woman, future mother of my children, and eternally, irrevocably mine.

  Whole again. Every single part of her. My hand drifts down to her hip, feeling the tattoo that used to be a broken heart.

  “I'm glad you got this touched up in time for the wedding,” I tell her, kissing her shoulder.

  She beams. “My heart's not broken anymore, so I kinda had to. You never answered my question.”

  I'm laughing. She can't be serious, wondering if I'm so far over this honeymoon, I'm halfway to Jupiter. Isn't it obvious?

  “Babe, it's more, and I think you know it,” I say, wrapping my arms around her. “We couldn't have appreciated this as much as we do if we hadn't paid the price to get here.”

  Her smile softens. She's quiet for a moment, thinking to herself, rolling my words around in her head.

  When I brush my lips across hers, she looks at me, the smile I want to devour taking over her face. “It's strange that you're right. I never would've imagined anything good coming out of those years – but here we are. Where would I be without your perspective?”

  “Married to some jackass I'd have to kill to get you back,” I tell her, moving my hands down, pulling her on top of me. “I'll blow every speck of fame and fortune I've accumulated all these years to keep you, Kara-bou. Don't ever doubt it.”

  Her lips merge to mine again, just as she sinks down on my cock, tall and hungry. “You're lucky I'm a bargain, then, and we get to live your crazy billionaire lifestyle without you running dry.”

  “No, babe. You're priceless,” I growl, moving my hips, loving how her nails stab into my shoulder. “If you don't believe that now, you will. Love you more every day since I asked you to marry me again, and that's a damned fine return on investment.”

  Several strokes in, she's too lost in pleasure to quip back. I take her lips again with a smile, knowing I've got her where I want her, the only place we ever ought to be.


  Hard Won (Kara)

  Eighteen Months Later

  It's starting to feel normal.

  Coming home to our beautiful castle on the shore after a long day at Grounded, only rivaled by our lovely corporate condo in Seattle. I take over for our nanny and put dinner on, usually having an hour or two for our little boy and me, before Ryan comes walking through the door.

  When I huddle on the sofa with our son, Joseph, I marvel at the beautiful boy we've created.

  He's calm, strong willed, and has his father's eyes. He'll have a sibling in another year, one more beautiful link in the long chain of our love.

  These evenings alone, I think about the past a lot. I remember what he said on our honeymoon – you're priceless.

  But it's wrong, even if it makes me smile. It's our love that's truly special, irreplacable, a love like I've never had and never will have with another man.

  When you meet the one, you know. You'll fight to bring him home when he lays out his heart, miss him when he's gone, and embrace every second chance.

  I'm nodding off with our baby boy in my arms when I hear the door open. I don't look up until he's standing behind me, laying his hand on my shoulder, his intoxicating scent filling the space between us.

  “Welcome home.”

  “Where's my kiss?” He brushes his lips against my neck, a reminder that words are cheap every time we get to have another evening together.

  Smiling, I turn my face up, and we kiss. He runs strong fingers through my hair, tugging loose strands down my back, running his stubble against my neck when he pulls away.

  He still excites me in a way that should be impossible.

  Hell, impossible is what all of this should be.

  Ryan Caspian has taught me about faith in his love. It happens whenever I start doubting him, whenever I wonder if this lifestyle will last forever, or if he can really keep spreading happiness to our whole family, and our town.

  “You're a little late,” I tell him, noticing the time.

  “Your brother called before I left the office. He wanted to set up the installation next week, and I told him I'd check it out personally after it's done.”

  “You're crazy if you think anybody can afford to bring a driverless car into his new garage,” I s
ay, letting my tongue tease him between my teeth.

  “No, not now. But in five, ten years?” he says, pulling my hair again. His fingers always make me yearn for more. “I'm planning for the long-term, Kara-bou. Just like I do with everything. And your brother's graciously decided to set up his business with the first prototypes designed to service the new models.”

  “Sure, Nostradamus.” I stand up, turning our little boy to face his dad. Ryan leans down and kisses his forehead. “It makes me sad to think there probably won't be a part-time job in Lilydale Garage someday. It'll all be robots in fifteen years.”

  “Babe, he'll do anything he wants, and so will the rest of our children. Love is enough for any future, robots and all,” he says, moving in, resting his forehead against mine.

  He's there so long I can't help but smile. “I guess. Love, and money, is surely enough.”

  “Well, there's always plenty of that.”

  He isn't kidding. His company has exploded the last couple years. It's easily worth another billion, maybe more. I don't obsessively follow the articles anymore, like I used to, when I was settling into my role as a billionaire's wife.

  I know how to act in public at his corporate events in Seattle and throughout the U.P. It scared me at first, but I learned to adapt. Every dinner feels more natural, and my smile is real every time I lift my glass for a toast.

  Thankfully, amid all the changes, some things stay the same.

  In Split Harbor, I'm still just Kara. Not Mrs. Caspian, married to a celebrity. I'm the girl who serves up the best coffee and cherry pie on this slice of Superior shore.

  “What'll it be tonight?” I ask. I love that he lets me cook for him, even though we could easily hire a caterer for every meal.

  “How about that new Mediterranean recipe you've been wanting to try? We haven't had lamb since Easter.” He smiles, taking our baby boy from my arms. Joseph bounces up and down until he cracks a smile and giggles. “We're as rich as most Greek billionaires. Might as well eat like them, too.”

  I pour him a glass of wine and get to work. He chills on the couch with our little boy, relaxing for ten minutes, before he puts our baby in the play pen and joins me at the counter.

  He's humming along with the radio while we chop vegetables. It takes me a few minutes to recognize the song, but when I do, I'm joining him.

  It's a miracle I can hum anything through my smile, which couldn't possibly get any wider.

  It's Stairway to Heaven. The Zeppelin tune that always used to play over the radio in daddy's garage, the same song I remember hearing the day I fell face down in the oil slick, tumbling into the love of my life.

  It's taken years to reach this love, this happiness. Time for thousands of songs, just as many tears, and two marriage proposals. Sometimes, like now, it hits me all at once in a giant wave that makes my head spin.

  I have to focus, moving the knife on the cutting board, flashing him a smile when I get up to grab something from the refrigerator. His rich blue eyes remind me there's one thing embedded in my mind and in my heart.

  I'd marry him again.

  I'd do it a thousand times over.

  Through tears, through grins, through countless winding years, I love my Ryan. Loved him when he was just the orphan kid working in my father's garage, and when he came home a billionaire, going from heartbreaker to hero before my eyes. I'll love him when he's seventy, everything on his face going silver and pale except those gorgeous blue eyes.

  Every day I have on this earth, I'm his alone. I'll still be smiling, wiping away tears, next year when I'm holding our next born or renewing our vows.

  Second chances are real. Every hour since embracing mine, I'm reminded how lucky I am.

  Hope you enjoyed Ryan and Kara's story! Read on for a special bonus novel, Stepbrother UnSEALed.

  Stepbrother UnSEALed

  A Bad Boy Military Romance

  Content copyright © Nicole Snow. All rights reserved.

  Published in the United States of America.

  First published in August, 2015.

  Disclaimer: The following ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is only coincidental.

  Please respect this author's hard work! No section of this book may be reproduced or copied without permission. Exception for brief quotations used in reviews or promotions. This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. Thanks!

  Cover Design – Kevin McGrath - Kevin Does Art. Photo by Allan Spiers Photography.




  I almost landed in my stepbrother's bed, and I want it to happen again.

  I'm too good for him. He's too crude for me. Fantasy is where this twisted thing should end.

  Chris Cleveland tempts me because he's wrong. Swoon-worthy, all-American Navy SEAL. Bad boy. Manwhore.

  I didn't know he was off limits the night we got hot and heavy. I didn't know our folks were hitched.

  Hell, I definitely didn't know I could ever want what I'm not supposed to have this badly, and one more smirk of his devilish lips just might bring me to my knees...

  There's a lot I don't know anymore.

  And he's about to teach me.


  Love's a goddamned joke. I bed women between missions and rock their worlds with military precision. I never taste, touch, or tease the same chick twice.

  Get in, get out, and leave her a breathless mess always worked flawlessly – until Cordelia.

  I can't pry my perfect new stepsister out of my skull. I've never wanted to corrupt a girl so bad. She's my new target, my conquest, my obsession.

  Lucky I'm a SEAL. Losing isn't in my blood.

  But Delia's already lost, and her panties are about to be in flames.


  Bastards and Beach Bums (Delia)

  “Holy shit! Do you see the meat on that boy?” My best friend Marnie's high, whiny voice cuts through the beach party's racket.

  She's so loud and desperate I expect the gorilla in the speedo she's been eye-fucking for the last ten minutes to skip fetching our drinks and drag her behind the rocks for some alone time. It won't take much for him to throw her over his shoulder and carry her off – exactly what the excitement lining her face says she wants.

  “Delia, did you see –“

  “I saw,” I say, draining the last dregs of my water bottle. “Believe me, I couldn't miss him. He's like the oldest dude here.”

  Her smile quirks. “Oh, come on. You're never jealous. Don't tell me you're pissed that I poached him first with a little flirting? We'll be down to geeks and dad bods by the time you make a move.”

  Laughing, she shakes her hips, causing her beauty queen body to bounce. I don't know how she tolerates those skimpy, skin-tight bikinis. Not that one wouldn't feel awfully nice right now in the California sun.

  “It's okay, Marnie. Really. He's a good pick. Not really my style, you know.”

  It's not just the overgrown body builder with the tangerine skin I'm talking about.

  I stare down at my tank top and shorts. I've probably got the most conservative beachwear here – same as always. Sometimes, I think everybody else enjoys these parties on dad's private stretch of beach way more than I do.

  Sometimes? Okay, make that all the time.

  She throws her head back and laughs louder, slapping me on the shoulder. “Oh, girl. Just what the hell is your style, anyway?”

  I shrug, and she leans in closer. “Kyle told me you two never fucked. Jesus, lady, you're about to start your senior year and you're still a virgin. Don't tell me you're going to be the only one in our circle to walk off campus with a fancy degree in hand and your cherry intact.”

  I wrinkle my nose. Marnie acts like a crazed lioness when she gets a few drinks in her, and I make a mental note to slip away once she's had a few more, maybe got her arms around her latest hottie.

'm going to get you laid, you know. I've made it my personal mission.” She wags her finger at me and flips her blonde hair with the pink highlights back. “I know you brought a bikini. Go slip into it, show off your sexy, and maybe I'll ask big boy if he's got a friend when I'm done with him.”

  The smile she's wearing makes her look like a shark. Shaking my head, I fold my arms, one more reminder that I'm overdressed, even though I feel like I'm half-naked out here.

  “Jesus, no. I told you, I'm just here to get some sun and a nice buzz. Oh, and remind me to flip Kyle the bird next semester for talking about crap he really shouldn't.”

  Trouble is, the idiot I'd broken up with a month ago was supposed to be the one. We lasted a few months, longer than my other boyfriends, and I'd actually been getting a little impatient about jumping his bones. He'd been the first man in awhile I could imagine going to bed with – until the day he sat me down and came out with the nasty, kinky stuff he wanted me to do.

  I'm no stranger to weird, overpowering sex. I crave it. Heck, I've read all about it in those books about billionaires with dirty mouths and a love for handcuffs and spankings.

  All the crap Kyle wanted? Picture the opposite.

  I wasn't ready to tie him up and slap him across the face while he called me mama. Not in this lifetime. Not with anyone.

  Seriously, why the hell is it so hard to find a normal man with a body like an Adonis on campus? Do the guys with an alpha bone in their bodies still exist outside romance novels?

  “Aw, c'mon,” Marnie whined. “We need to do lunch so you can dish right back. I'm sure it wasn't all one-sided, and I'd love to hear what the little rat was really up to.”

  I open my mouth to try to change the subject, and then I see Mr. Tangerine coming back, two martinis and a beer in his hands. Thank God.


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