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Page 3

by Esther E. Schmidt

  Just so you know, ‘every girl in town’ is bellowed with such force, my damn hair is still waving due to the airflow of the words that blew past me.

  Chapter 06


  “Who do you think you are? With your leather cut, massive body, and huge swinging dick that draws a crowd of every girl in your perimeter. Do you really think you can keep me here? That I will magically swoon over your glorious reputation? No wonder you dropped your pants the second I let you inside the house.”

  “Hey, I resent that. And for your information, I put myself on a sexual hiatus weeks before I got on a plane to the states because I’m sick and tired of fucking chicks who can’t keep up with me. I wish to hell and back I found one who could keep up, but I haven’t, so I cut all of it out of my life. Even if I claimed you as an Old Lady, I won’t stick my cock in you. I mean it, I’m in a damn dry spell.”

  “Brilliant.” I roll my eyes. “You know how bad that sounds, right? And stop calling me your Old Lady, I’m not an Old Lady.”

  “Hey, don’t judge until you’ve lived through it, okay? It’s like beating your head against the wall. Pleasure that only lasts a fragment of time, while one is left satisfied—fucking passed out from the intensity—while you’re still coursing with the need for release. Like an itch you need to scratch but can’t reach it, I’m going in-fucking-sane. Not to mention the fact how most times they can’t go another round because they’re too damn sore. And I’m not exaggerating about the size of my cock either, it’s a plain fucking fact. I’m not talking about one damn incident, but every damn time. Yeah, I know there’s something wrong with me, so you judge and roll your eyes. I’m fucking done. I need a shower and some shuteye. I’ve been wide awake for almost two damn days and I’ve got enough bullshit thrown at me, I don’t need any judgmental bullshit from you.”

  Oh my gosh. I’m a bitch. A jealous, judgmental bitch. Like he mentioned, everybody’s got some kind of itch. We all need to scratch it from time to time, and we all do it in our own way. Yet sometimes the itch doesn’t go away by just scratching the surface.

  My shoulders sag. “Sorry, you’re right. I have no right to judge. And for your information, I do understand a little too well. Maybe not from your side of things, but the opposite side. I wish I had a sex life to complain about, and even that’s frustrating. But you know what? Maybe it’s overload. I’ve...” Shit. I can’t tell him it’s from personal experience. “Uhm, read about it...when they want an orgasm it takes soooooo long, even when they’re watching porn it’s like your brain is numb with all of it. You need a challenge, something different. So, yay you for the dry spell. That’s tough seeing you’ know, you...and all those harem thingies prancing around you in here.”

  His eyes go wide and, shit, am I oversharing? He started this discussion about him having problems with the sex thing, and it made me want to share something personal about my non-sex-life. Even if I made it seem like it wasn’t me...or does he realize it is me? And dammit, I should have said ‘those perfect perky tits, perfect hair, perfect body, perfect women’ instead of harem thingies.

  Great, I’m still jealous and judgmental. Though when I look in a mirror I know very well I will never be one of those perfectly sculpted women. Believe me I try with working out three times a week, keeping my food intake with the right allotment of calories, and still manage to have an ass that’s not the poster size for advertising. Well, maybe the size of a poster for that matter. Dammit.

  “Well, I just got here, I’m new to the hangarounds who like to fuck a biker who doesn’t have an Old Lady. Since I claimed you, and told them about this fact, they will lay back. Or at least that’s the way it worked back in France and I’m sure it’s the same here because the Prez, VP, and that nomad, Crane, all have an Old Lady.” He grabs his leather cut and shrugs out of it.

  “Hold on two keep saying Old Lady and claimed’re not serious about me being your Old Lady? Like your girlfriend?” I squeak as realization sets in. “You just met me!”

  He’s lost his damn mind. Those girls who I just described, he has access to them every second of the day and wow...look at me and them and he picks me? It’s like a sex fairytale that needs to be blown up in smoke since I don’t live in freaking la-la-land.

  “You are, and I am. But I’m sticking with the dry spell because I not only want to fuck you as if my life depends on it, I want to consume you fully until there’s nothing left. And it scares the shit out of me because in the past it’s always been about getting off, never about the woman...yeah, she needs to have pleasure and an orgasm...two sides to everything and all...but you? You’re...special doesn’t cut it. Your curves drive me nuts, the way your eyes light up, turn dark green with those sparking bright as fuck twinkle lights in there. You tempt me and it’s the first time in my whole damn life. That’s why I claimed you and need to pace myself.”

  “Great,” I mutter. “Way to build something up in your head. You do realize that’s what you’re doing, right? Screw one type all your life then freeze in place, get all that horniness built up and see a big one to release said horniness on. Brilliant plan. Wow. You’re going to be disappointed once it blows over, that’s for sure. I think you need a psychiatrist, not a dry spell. You’re making it worse.”

  He growls as he digs his fingers into his hair. “Could you fucking stop with comparing yourself to other women? You’re you, not them. For fuck’s sake, why does the everlasting size of their tits, ass, belly or damn shoe size have to be the major discussion point with chicks? Everyone is beautiful in their own way, that’s got nothing to do with the way your body is shaped around your soul. It’s the shit you radiate, your actions, your fucking fire within that scorches me, calls out to me to answer and fucking possess my fucking mind, and my damn cock.”

  My mouth drops open and nothing comes out. He actually manages to rob me of my breath and ability to form words.

  Titan strolls to a bag sitting on the other side of the bed and takes out a large shirt. “Here, why don’t you shower first. Put this on when you’re done. I’ll see if I can borrow some clothes from my Prez’s Old Lady when he gets back.”

  I’m still lost for words. I manage to take the offer he gives me by reaching for the shirt and heading for the bathroom. I’m actually happy with the hot shower and a space for myself to let everything wash over me. What a damn insane day I’m having.

  My body is all worked up and filled with the need for release. Dammit, I have no phone in here to look up some porn or even have the comfort of getting myself off underneath this shower. It takes effort for me to orgasm, so I most definitely need to be lying down. I sigh and try to take comfort in the warm water.

  Though I want to stay in here for the rest of the day, I know Titan mentioned wanting a shower himself. Toweling off, I throw the towel in the hamper and reach for the shirt. His shirt. Looking at this man has my ovaries exploding but being wrapped in his shirt...his scent? I just might have a micro orgasm.

  And that says a lot because like I mentioned to him before...the being numb by all the sexual overload? That’s me with watching porn and trying to give myself an orgasm with my fingers or vibrator. I really have to work for it and when I have one? It’s like one or two waves and I’m more frustrated than ever because it doesn’t even scratch the surface. So yeah, I totally get what Titan’s sex life is about, while it doesn’t compare to somehow does.

  Chapter 07


  I have to close my damn eyes and take a deep breath before opening them back up to rush into the bathroom. Holy hell this woman doesn’t know how fucking sexy she is with those curves. Then she goes on disrespecting herself by comparing her hot body with those chicks who bounce around here. For fuck’s sake.

  The spray of hot water is soothing the ache in my muscles. I have to say, so far this country is rapidly growing on me. Fine brothers, great room, a damn Old Lady in my bed, and hot water for a
long shower. I take my time, hoping Billie can relax or even fall asleep. Since taking a long hot shower has drained all the energy out of me I had left.

  Glancing down, I can’t hide the fact one part of my body is wide awake and ready for some serious action. Don’t judge. That woman in my bed casually said she watches porn to get herself off and added the fact it’s unsatisfying for her. She might have staged it as reading about it but everything tells me she was speaking from personal experience. Holy hell, give me a few minutes and I’ll promise her a mind-blowing orgasm she’ll never forget.

  I shake my head in an effort to clear away the enticing thought. Dry spell. I need to pace myself and take my time with this woman. Strolling back into my room, I freeze in place due to the vision in front of me. Instead of finding her sleeping, I find her masturbating. Not just fingers rubbing her clit either. Nope. Legs spread, and porn flashing on my TV. There’s no sound though, it’s on mute. Yet the look on her face isn’t’s close to frustration.

  “Aw, fuck. I thought so, you were talking about yourself earlier, weren’t you?” The rumble of my voice causes her eyes to land on me. She jumps up and scurries to find the remote and flips off the TV.

  Yeah, like that will help. Everyone knows when I turn the thing back on again it will show what channel was on last. Good times. This makes the corner of my mouth twitch. Yet the look on her face from getting caught isn’t fucking funny at all, and she should never feel embarrassed. Not with something like this. Hell, she knows about my abnormalities.

  “Don’t,” I growl and soften my voice to add, “You want my help with that?”

  She shakes her head. “We shouldn’t. Besides, you’re on a dry spell.”

  Fuck. That’s right. She almost made me forget, the same thing happened when I was kissing her. “What if we don’t touch each other”

  Confusion spreads her face. “Watch?”

  “Yeah, live porn. You get yourself off by watching me jerk off.” Please say yes, my cock is already hard just thinking about it. Hell, it was hard before I stepped into the room.

  “Okay,” she whispers and scoots over to allow room on the bed for me.

  I drop the sweatpants I put on before I stalked into the room to the floor and plant my bare ass on the bed. I have my cock in hand, squeezing tight, while she’s eyeing it with keen interest. Shit. This is most certainly my most brilliant and simultaneously the worst idea ever.

  I realize I don’t want to be sitting next to her. I need the best seat in the house if I only get to watch. Slowly, I plant myself on my knees across from her. I lift one leg and place her calf on my thigh, repeating the action with the other. There. Pussy on full display. Damn, that’s one fine slick, puffy, pussy that’s ready for action.

  I almost, almost, reach out to slide my tongue along the lips of her pussy to steal a taste, but manage to catch myself. Instead, I place my hands on her legs to let her know. “These two spots will be the only skin to skin action we’re getting, understood?”

  Her teeth catch her bottom lip as her fingers get back to work. Holy hell, that’s some serious live porn. She was embarrassed a moment ago, yet now she’s embracing her inner sexcat and purring with joy.

  “That’s it, aw, look.” I almost reach out again to touch the arousal highlighting her pussy. “So. Damn. Tempting.” I groan and cup my heavy sack with one hand while moving the other up and down my cock, squeezing with force to get that bite and ease the building tension.

  Her eyes are on me, watching my cock that’s hardening even more underneath her gaze. The moans that are slipping out along with the rapid gasps of air let me know she’s close to coming already.

  “You gonna come for me, Goldie? Show me how your pussy tightens on your fingers while your mind is picturing my cock sliding in and out. You would feel so good around me, I fucking crave you. Nothing this damn world can offer me that would even tempt me to leave this’re fucking it, sweetheart, now show me how gorgeous my woman is when pleasure consumes you. I want to see your face when you come, give me that look, I need it. Fuck, yeah.”

  My name tumbles from her lips while her pussy ripples. Oh, how I want to lean forward and put my mouth on her. Forget jerking off to claim my own orgasm, if I could only taste her, just once...

  I realize I’ve stopped stroking myself when Goldie eyes me with a smug smile. “I made my personal porn actor press the pause button.”

  “Give me a taste.” I absolutely ignore her comment and demand in such a guttural tone, I shock the hell out of myself.

  But my woman? She doesn’t even blink but slowly eases up and slides her finger over my lips, forcing me to open so I can flick my tongue against it and taste the pleasure she gave herself by watching me. My movements are choppy but in the end it doesn’t take much to have my orgasm. Mind-blowing. I come so hard it’s like a never-ending spray what covers her pussy. And this visual might be the most awesome sight I’ve come across till now.

  My cum dripping down, how’s that for bypassing touching that fucking heavenly pussy. Straight fucking hit. Fucking perfect, and in my mind it’s trying to slide its way in. One little swimmer can be a roll of the dice to impregnate her. Now there’s an even better thought. Pill or not, my mind needs the visual.

  “Play with yourself, Goldie.” My voice is barely a hoarse whisper but her eyes flare with understanding.

  She slides her fingers through my cum that’s even managed to land on some parts of her belly, though it’s not going toward her pussy. Her gaze is steady on mine as her finger slides into her mouth, she’s tasting me. The beauty in front of me closes her eyes briefly as if she’s savoring my taste. Her finger slides out and trails a path through my cum until finally sliding inside her pussy.

  I. Am. Enthralled. Fucking magical temptress, luring me in. Hell, not even touching is satisfying enough when we can pleasure ourselves by watching one another. I squeeze my cock and it takes me a moment to fire it back up. That little fact is stunning since the fucker never goes down, basically unaffected by other women and yet she manages to drain it. Probably due to the massive orgasm my woman ripped from my body.

  Dammit, the way she’s finger-fucking herself while staring at my hand that’s pumping up and down is boiling pleasure inside my veins once again. The way my heart leaps for this woman is creating the kind of longing to keep her close and never let go. And that’s exactly what I intend to do; make her mine and stay by her side.

  Chapter 08


  Oh, boy. This man. Pure strength and the way he’s tugging his dick? Short strokes with a slight rotation, sometimes he includes rubbing the thick head. There are veins wrapped around his thick length and it’s the same with his forearms.

  Amazing how his biceps flex...his pecs, every muscle moves while his eyes are frozen on one spot; my pussy. He looks at it in such a raw and intense way it’s like my pussy is one of the seven wonders of the world. No, scratch that...the only one in the world.

  Droplets of sweat slide down his torso, heavy breathing is filling the air from the both of us. We’re consumed by each other without actually touching. The smell of sex is all around us, but also mixed with the pineapple fragrance of the shower cream, every element is overwhelming.

  I’m losing the battle to prolong another orgasm and by the bellow ripping from Titan, he’s experiencing the same thing as my pussy starts to ripple and wave after wave of ultimate pleasure washes over me as his cum lands in hot ropes on my skin.

  My heart feels like it’s ran a race and conquered first place. Hell, maybe it did and it’s a scary thought. This man makes me wish for things that till now I could only dream of. The thought flows through my mind the way he so fiercely told me he wasn’t ever letting me go. Maybe just once I can have a shot of having a relationship, a man, a future. Everything I want for myself without my father’s interference.

  Titan slides off the bed and disappears into the bathroom where I hear water
running. He comes back with a warm washcloth and gently cleans me up before disposing the cloth into the hamper.

  “What happens now?” The words slide out of me and even if it’s three simple words I feel like there’s a heavy weight hanging on them.

  “Now?” Titan chuckles as he falls on the mattress beside me. “Now I need to catch my damn breath. For fuck’s sake, you drained me and that never fucking happens. Dammit...we didn’t even actually fuck. I knew you were the right woman for me, I fucking knew it.”

  I poke him in the chest, earning a delicious grunt that rips from him. “You’re just tired from hours on a plane and staying up.”

  Instantly he starts to shake his head. “Nah, that’s not it. I’ve stayed awake longer than that, done more,” he growls and adds, “Not fuck, I meant hard work with loading shipments for hours lifting heavy shit after riding for two days straight. I damn well know what my body can take and you drain away my sexual energy along with the stamina. Never had that.”

  “Well, you did mention something about not letting me go and keep calling me your Old Lady. Plus, it would make my father happy—and me along with it—for getting rid of his ridiculous interference.”

  “You’re mine,” he growls. “Your father needs to fuck off, and I told him so when he offered the cash, fuckin’ insane.”

  “He’s always been like that, don’t worry about it. What I worry about more is my brother. Luka wouldn’t just disappear. It’s those damn Mexicans my father warned us about not to sell guns to. They wanted a shipment but my father heard a rumor about an uprising of a new Mexican gang. He found out there was a large group who was split in two because a woman left her husband and took half the gang with her. The woman needs to arm herself, and her new gang, against her ex-husband. My father didn’t want to get caught in the middle of it. My brother might have run into them, or they kidnapped him, to force my father to give them the guns...hell, I don’t know. What I do know is, when I walked into Luka’s house that guy I shot was looking around, he pulled a gun on me but I was faster.”


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