Book Read Free

Leather and Grace

Page 12

by Maggie Ryan

  “You okay?”

  “Yes, I was just thinking about what you said.” She leaned a bit closer. “What do Doms think when they pull those panties down and find them… um, damp?”

  “Ah, they consider that a sign of a natural submissive. And, if they find you becoming even damper during that spanking they are delivering, then, my friend, they consider that a huge success.”

  Grace knew she was blushing and yet it wasn’t due to Laurie’s answer. It was because she was wondering if that was truly what Quentin had thought. Though she wasn’t sure if it had been intentional or not, she still could almost feel that feather light touch of his finger against her sex, and she knew she’d been dripping.

  They returned to their apartment two hours later. “Okay, go change into your new lingerie and stockings. Put on your high heels.”

  “Why? It’s too early to get dressed,” Grace said.

  “Because we are going to practice,” Laurie said. “And, if you want, I’ll show you the next position you’ll be learning.”

  “Isn’t that cheating?”

  Laurie laughed. “Nope. Consider it being a proactive student who takes her classes seriously. Besides, won’t Master Quentin be shocked when you move flawlessly into position right beside that snooty Miss Wilson?” She’d barely finished her statement before Grace was flying down the hall to the guestroom. Laurie took her purchases into the master bedroom and changed as well, returning to the living room in her new purple bra and panties, a pair of thigh high stockings, and her new purple heels.

  “Now I know why you didn’t bat an eye when I mentioned purple shoes won’t go with many outfits. They are stunning now.”

  “Aren’t they?” Laurie said, looking down at the purple suede. “There is a very good reason women have a lot of shoes. It is not because they are hoarders, it is because shoes are just as much an accessory as earrings. And I must say, you make quite the erotic picture yourself, Miss Hensley.”

  Grace smiled and didn’t protest the compliment. She felt quite sexy. She’d chosen to mix it up. Her bra was red but had a tiny black bow in the center. The black lace panties felt almost nonexistent over her ass and the red garter belt and sheer stockings completed her clothing. She had on her new, very expensive heels. She’d been very surprised when Laurie insisted she try them despite the fact that they were at least an inch higher than any she’d worn before. Once the salesman had slipped them on her feet and she had stood, fully expecting to wobble, she’d been shocked to discover that the shoes had to be magical. Her toes weren’t instantly screaming, and when she’d walked a few steps to look into the floor length mirror, she had an idea of why the high heel had been invented.

  “All right,” Laurie said. “Show me what you learned last night.”

  Grace moved into the standing position and Laurie walked in a circle around her and nodded. “That’s good. But you don’t have to stand so stiffly. Yes, you are at attention, but you aren’t in the army.”

  When Grace relaxed just a bit, Laurie moved in front of her and when Grace saw her hand, the fingers pointing to the floor, she carefully sank to her knees, only tilting a tiny bit, though it took her a second to remember to move her hands from her back and cross them on her lap.

  “That was pretty darn good,” Laurie said.

  “Well, I practiced last night until my thighs were killing me.”

  “Just another price of submission,” Laurie said, waving it off. “Okay, now, I’m expecting them to teach you the basic variation of this kneeling position. It can be given with the word, ‘Nadu’, or it can also be given silently. Look at my hand.”

  Grace did so and noticed the signal was the same, except that the two fingers that had been pressed together were now spread apart.

  “If you see the fingers spread, then you are to spread your knees apart.” As Grace shifted, Laurie shook her head. “‘Fraid not, hon. Wide apart.” A moment later, she nodded. “Better. Now, put your hands on your thighs, palms up. Some Doms prefer palms down but as that allows a submissive to perhaps grip her thighs, we’re taught to turn them up.” Again, Grace obeyed. “Okay, rise and we’ll run through them together. I won’t use hand signals as I’ll be doing them with you, but remember, rise, kneel or Nadu, okay?”

  The two women spent the next half hour running through the three positions. Though her thighs were once again burning by the time Laurie called a halt, Grace felt far less clumsy. Throwing her arms around her friend, she thanked her.

  “You’re welcome,” Laurie said. “Of course, these are the easiest positions, and the less revealing ones.”

  “Quentin said that we’d be doing them in the nude.”

  “You will, and let me tell you, the first time you do, don’t be shocked to find that your inner thighs are glistening.”

  “Ah, another sign of success for the Dom?”

  “More like a sign that you are born into this dynamic. After all, if you just wanted to serve a man drinks, you could work in some bar wearing some silly uniform. What women like you and I want is to serve in a far more primal, intimate way. Never be ashamed of that need, Grace.”

  “I’ll try. Now, if I don’t sit down, my legs are gonna collapse. Remind me to take the stairs from now on. I’ve got to build up some muscle!”

  Laurie laughed. “Deal. I’ve got to change and run off to the hospital. We’ll talk after your class. Good luck and have fun.”

  When Laurie left a half-hour later, Grace was curled up on the couch with her sketchpad, but she noticed that Laurie still had on those purple ‘fuck me’ heels and had changed into a dress that would, as Master Quentin had said, “Be easy to remove.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Quentin bent closer to the computer screen. “Wait, run it back a little.”

  As Brody manipulated the mouse to do so, Quentin suddenly said, “Stop!” Reaching out, he tapped his fingertip against the frozen image of a man. It didn’t show his face fully, as he was turned to the side. Still, there was something about him, maybe his pose or his physical shape that was pulling at Quentin’s gut.

  “Who is that?”

  Brody lifted the laptop from the table and brought it closer to his face.

  “Getting old?” Quentin quipped, in an effort to ease his sudden tension.

  “I’m not one of our subs, you ass. While they may be able to bend and contort their beautiful bodies for hours at a time, you try doing it with your fucking leg hanging up in the air.”

  “Sorry,” Quentin said.

  “To answer your first question, I can’t identify him from this frame but something about him seems familiar.”

  “That’s what I was thinking. Shit, we’ve got to find a better shot.”

  “We will if there is one. We’ve still got the outside footage to go over. Maybe he’s caught on tape entering the building.” Brody returned the computer to the tray table.

  Quentin stood to move the chair he’d occupied for the past few hours back where it belonged. “I’m thinking we need to call someone to see if they have better luck tracking Mike down.”

  “I agree,” Brody said, making a note on the pad. “We still have a few faces to identify, but the film shows Farraday as being there that night. The fact that he up and quit the next day is something I feel needs explaining.”

  “Especially since he quit before we even knew Beth was truly missing,” Quentin agreed from where he had moved to look out the window but not really seeing the scenery. Instead, his mind was running like a loop through the security tapes he and Brody had just finished poring over. “Add Marti’s name as well. I know she just stepped in to help out, but I still want to see if perhaps she remembers anything out of the ordinary that might have happened that night.”

  “I’ve got them both down. I’ll contact Peter Zinger tomorrow. He’s not the cheapest, but he’s a member of the club so knows about the importance of discretion.”

  Quentin nodded as he turned back. “While that’s important, I still
want him to turn over every rock and probe every cranny. I don’t really care about the cost. I’ve got enough saved to cover expenses.”

  “You mean we have enough saved,” Brody countered. As Quentin began to protest, Brody shook his head. “Don’t piss me off, Quent. We are partners and Beth disappeared from our club… I’m not going to let you shoulder the blame nor all the expense. Discovering who killed her will be worth whatever the price.”

  “Thanks, man.” Quentin wasn’t surprised to hear the comments, and yet they still had him remembering just how close the two of them were.

  The door swung open and the men turned, both giving long wolf-whistles as an ethereal creature swept into the room, the familiar scent of White Diamonds perfume wafting along the air with her entrance.

  “Well, thank you, gentlemen,” Laurie said, as she moved slowly towards the bed, using every step to the best advantage. Her skirt swished around her legs at mid-thigh, her freshly washed and curled blonde hair swinging enticingly. When she stepped in front of Quentin to bend over to kiss Brody, Quentin grinned.

  “Bend over any further and I’ll be able to swat that pretty ass of yours without having to lift your skirt.” She didn’t answer, as her lips were pressed to her fiancé‘s, but he had to chuckle when she wiggled her hips as if to provoke him into action. He shook his head, wondering why instead of taking her up on her silent dare, he was picturing another lovely bottom instead. Looking at his watch, he said, “While I’d love to stay and visit longer, I’ve got to run.”

  Laurie pulled away from Brody and straightened. “Before you do, would you help me?”

  “Ah, so you do feel the need to get your tushie tanned?”

  “Not at all,” Laurie countered. “I have Brody’s dinner in the car. Hannah insisted she send along a big pot for the nurses, and it’s too hot and too heavy for me to carry.”

  “I was rather enjoying my appetizer,” Brody said, his hand reaching to caress Laurie’s arm.

  “Oh, babe, I promise there are many more courses for you to enjoy this evening. Now, be a good boy and I’ll be right back. Jennifer is going to come take your vitals a tad early so that we won’t be disturbed for a while.”

  “In that case, Quentin, get the woman’s pot. I want to keep the nurses both happy and occupied.”

  Quentin chuckled and bowed. “After you, my lady,” he said, sweeping his hand towards the door. Laurie took a moment to drop one more kiss on Brody’s lips and then the two left.

  “In case I haven’t told you recently, you’re good for him,” Quentin said as they walked across the parking lot. “That man thinks you walk on water.”

  Laurie pressed the button to unlock her car and smiled. “That man is my life. I can’t tell you how terrified I was when Connie called and told me they were bringing him in. He looked so pale and was in such pain…” She paused and shook her head. “I’ll be eternally grateful that he is going to be all right.”

  Quentin gave her a hug before reaching into the trunk to lift out the heavy stew pot. “Just keep doing what you’re doing and he’ll be back up in no time.”

  “That’s what I’m counting on,” Laurie said, taking the smaller covered plate and shutting the trunk. As they begin to walk back to the hospital, she grinned. “Back up being the operative word tonight.”

  “Hence those killer heels and short skirt?”

  “You are so astute, kind sir. Hannah practically guaranteed that after eating a plate of shrimp etouffee, he’ll be ready for a bit of, shall we say, intimate physical therapy?”

  Quentin chuckled again, happy for his friends and yet, for the first time in a long time, acutely feeling the loss of such a deep connection with a woman. Again a picture of a petite beauty with the most expressive green eyes crossed his mind and stirred his cock. Well, he might not have the connection, but at least he’d be seeing Grace in a short while.

  He delivered the pot to the nurses’ station, receiving smiles all around as one lifted the lid and moaned. “Keep feeding us like this and we might just have to break that man’s other leg.”

  “How about you wait for at least a couple of hours?” Laurie asked. “I’ve got some other plans right now.”

  Jennifer joined them after taking Brody’s vital signs. “Consider that room as secure, hon. I’m afraid all of us will be far too busy to respond to any calls for a while.”

  The other women and one male nurse all laughed as Laurie said, “A good long while.”

  Quentin left the hospital to head for his bike. It had been both a frustrating day in that they still hadn’t finished making a complete list, but it had also been one of action. He felt they were getting closer. For now, he put the investigation aside. He needed to eat, shower and change before meeting his students. With a grin, he rode towards the club, wondering how many of the lovely ladies would be leaving class early after discovering what was on tonight’s agenda. He truly hoped that Miss Hensley would not be one of them.


  Grace considered breaking her recent vow to take the stairs as she exited the apartment. It wasn’t that she didn’t think she needed both the tiny bit of exercise it would provide, or because she knew she needed the practice in her new heels. The fact was that she was more than a little pissed off, basically at herself. She’d been finishing getting dressed for class when her cell phone rang. Instead of ignoring it and not even bothering to look at the ID, she had reached to press the receive button on her phone lying on the coffee table.


  “Good evening, Grace,” a man’s voice she didn’t instantly recognize said in greeting.

  “Who is this?” she asked, reaching for her shoe.

  “I’m a bit disappointed you don’t recognize my voice.”

  With the shoe in one hand, she’d picked up the phone, which did no good as the display read unknown number. “I’m sorry, but—”

  “You can make it up to me. Are you free for dinner tonight? We never did get the chance to discuss your future.”

  “My future? Look, I don’t want to be rude but…”

  “This is David Brooks,” the man said, a bit of exasperation in his tone. “Since we were rudely interrupted at the show, I thought I’d give you another chance to speak about your genre of choice in your artistic work. What time can you be ready?”

  Grace rolled her eyes. The man was not only presumptuous, she thought he’d understood she had absolutely no intention of meeting with him. “Mr. Brooks, I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that I’m open to anything you have to offer. I sell my art, not myself.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “You may be a newcomer to New Orleans, Grace, but I find it hard to believe that after your little tête-à-tête, you have no idea what sort of lifestyle Doucet practices. I finally remembered where I’d seen that blonde before, though seeing her with Doucet threw me for a moment. She’s his partner’s eye candy… or perhaps the stories I’ve heard are true and they share her. All I know is that you really need to rethink being seen with either of them.”

  Grace wanted to slap the man but instead used as cold a tone as she could muster. “Mr. Brooks, I don’t appreciate you maligning my friends. I’m not positive what you have against Quentin but I really don’t care. He’s been nothing but a gentleman…”

  “Gentlemen aren’t arrested for murder.”

  That was it. No more Miss Nice Guy. “Look, even you should know that slandering a person can lead to a lawsuit. I suggest you remember that he was never arrested. He was questioned and released. I don’t care for your—”

  “You might care after tomorrow, Miss Hensley,” he said, this time with no attempt to disguise the rancor in his voice. “I’ll give you one more chance. Meet with me tonight and we can clarify your mistaken illusions.”

  “Mr. Brooks, I’m trying to be polite but you just aren’t listening…”

  “I’m afraid, Miss Hensley, it is you who isn’t l
istening. Ask yourself this. Can you afford not to meet with me? I need not only write about your naughty paintings, my readers appreciate a full in-depth report. Imagine what they’ll believe when they discover that while you might not be willing to sell yourself, you are obviously quite willing to give your body away to any man who kotows to that scum Doucet.”

  Grace felt her heart skip a beat. She actually looked up and around the apartment, as if expecting to see Brooks’ face looking through the window. How did he even know where she was staying or… no, there was no possible way he knew she was taking lessons in submission. Remembering that Laurie had stated he’d been involved in the reporting of Beth’s murder, she thought he was simply using prior knowledge in his bluff. From what she understood, the club had taken a hit, and yet Brody and Quentin had managed to not only keep it open, but to increase its membership, obviously not with any help from reporters like Brooks.

  “I seriously urge you to remember there are consequences for libel, Mr. Brooks.”

  “Look, I’m not interested in destroying your career. As I said the other night, I find your work quite… stimulating. Come out with me…”

  “No, not tonight nor any other night. Please don’t call me again, Mr. Brooks.”

  “You’ll be very sorry…”

  “Too late. I was sorry the moment I answered the phone.” Without further thought, she pressed the end call button. She told herself that if she was trembling, it was because she was furious, not because his words had unsettled her. How dare he disparage an innocent man and basically threaten her? Looking at the heel she was still holding, she shook her head. There was absolutely nothing wrong with what she was doing. She was an adult and perfectly capable of making her own decisions, her own choices. Putting her shoes on, she stood and purposely left her cell phone where it lay.

  Still, standing at the top of the stairs, she took several deep breaths. It would be a shame to tumble ass over teakettle. Purposely pushing the call from her mind, she thought of how excited she’d been when dressing. She’d chosen the tiered skirt and paired it with a silk t-shirt. It had taken her at least a half hour to decide whether to wear the garter belt or just the thigh hugging stockings. Standing before the full-length mirror, she’d changed in and out of both until she decided to go all in. Though she’d had plenty of opportunities to dress up during her life, she had never felt so… well, sexy. She wore minimal makeup, concentrating on only accentuating her eyes and applying a pale lip-gloss, not bothering with any blusher. If tonight’s lessons were anything like the previous evening, her cheeks would be pink enough. Thinking of what she might learn that evening had her smiling. With her hand on the railing, she began to carefully descend.


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