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Leather and Grace

Page 24

by Maggie Ryan

“You need to obey.”

  “I’m trying!”

  Knowing that she was and that it would take additional training to achieve orgasm control, he took pity and began to thrust in long, slow strokes, making sure he was focused on her impending explosion rather than his own. “Good girl,” he praised, giving the ring at the end of the beads a little tug, causing her to utter a groan that had his cock jerking. “I’m going to count to three and then, Grace, I want you to come for me. Ready?”

  “God, yes, hurry!”

  He chuckled. Yes, they had several more things to work on but, for now, it was time to reward her for her submission. Slipping an arm around her waist, he said, “One… two…” before pulling back until his cockhead was barely inside her slick channel. He then did three things simultaneously. Burying his cock as deeply as he could, he said the word three and pulled the string of beads from her ass in one smooth movement. The result was far more than he’d bargained for as she screamed and her body convulsed, her fluids spurting from her despite the presence of his cock in her pussy. Her contractions had the walls of her cunt clamping around his cock, the grip tighter than any he’d ever experienced as she continued to convulse.

  “Shit,” he groaned, his control lost and his seed jetting into her as he collapsed onto her back.

  It was several minutes before her body stopped twitching, her pussy gradually loosening its vise-like grip on his shaft. Sitting back, he slipped from her and immediately pulled her to sit on his lap.

  “Are you all right?”

  “I-I think I died,” she said, her eyes glazed as she looked up before collapsing against his chest.

  “Ah, la petite mort,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “Did you enjoy it?”

  “Absolutely,” she said, lifting her head, her cheeks flushing as if the admission were embarrassing. He kissed her again, the passion shared only moments earlier reflected in the crush of her mouth against his. It was several minutes before he gave her a final kiss and then watched her eyes widen when he ordered back into position.

  “Shouldn’t we be getting ready to go?”

  “Not yet. There is the matter of learning what happens to subs who were warned to be good but then chose to be not only naughty, but deliberately naughty.”

  “I… I…”


  “Geeze, are you always going to be so single minded?”

  Chuckling, he wrapped her in his arms. “Absolutely. I wouldn’t want my girl to ever wonder what to expect from her Dom.”

  “So, this is another lesson on trust, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, Grace, it is exactly that.” He saw her head bob and was pleased with her next words.

  “Then, I have no more questions, sir, as I trust you with my very life.”

  He felt a wave of both responsibility and honor flood through him. “Thank you, my love.”


  A half hour later, after they’d enjoyed their first shower together, her face constantly flushing as his hands ran over her body but feeling on fire when his fingers played with the plug he’d seated inside her, Grace was giving him a look that had him grinning as he put the box of cookies Hannah had insisted he take to Brody and the nurses in the saddlebag of the Indian.

  “Seriously? How can you expect me to ride on a motorcycle with this… this thing in my ass?”

  “That thing is called a butt plug and, babe, if you don’t want it in your butt, then, my darling girl, don’t be naughty.”

  “What’s the world coming to when a girl can’t compliment her man on how incredible she thinks his ink is?”

  “The kind of world you wanted to explore, I suppose,” he said, pulling the helmet onto her head and tightening the straps. “The kind of world where your Dominant won’t hesitate to press beads up your ass for pleasure or place a nice fat plug in your bottom to remind you to be a good girl. Now, hop on.”

  “You are a sadist,” she mock-complained, carefully straddling the bike and slowly lowering herself as if expecting to be shooting up the moment her ass hit the seat. Instead, she only gave a small moan as the position and her body weight seemed to press the invader a little deeper inside.

  “And you are adorable,” he said, kissing her cheek before taking his place in front of her. She wrapped her arms around him and he wondered how long she could keep her butt lifted a bit before her legs tired. Deciding that as long as she hung on it didn’t matter, he gave the bike gas and they roared out onto the street.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Babe, you can walk normally,” Quentin said after helping her off the bike.

  “That’s easy for you to say,” she muttered, accepting the smaller box of cookies. “I feel as if I’m sitting on a telephone pole.”

  “I assure you that analogy isn’t even close to being true.” He swatted her bottom, causing her to skip forward a step. “It will only become true once I’ve got my cock buried inside that gorgeous little backdoor of yours.”

  “Quentin!” she exclaimed before her eyes darted around the parking lot. “What if someone heard you?”

  “Then they would know that you have a man who can’t stop thinking about how much he wants you,” he said, taking her hand and lifting it for a kiss before he began walking towards the hospital.

  “Hmph, all they’d know was that same man has an awfully inflated opinion of himself,” she said.

  “Ah, babe, you wound me,” he said, pulling their linked hands to his chest to cover his heart. “But I’ll remind you that you said that the first time I sink into your—”


  He chuckled as she somehow managed to use both their hands to swat him. He would never tire of either loving her, sinking into her, or just plain teasing her.

  After delivering the cookies to the nurses’ station and hearing one state that she swore she’d already gained five pounds since Brody had been admitted, they stepped down the hall to his room. Pushing through the door, Quentin saw that Jason had yet to arrive but Laurie was seated on the bed beside her fiancé. Well, she was until she saw Grace, at which point she gave a screech, hopped up, and flew across the room.

  Though he’d heard about it, he’d never actually witnessed two women clinging to each other and dancing around in circles like a pair of excited puppies, both talking over the other. He grinned as he shook his head. So much for her whining. If she could hop and dance so joyously, then that plug was definitely going to need to be retired and the next size up taking its place.

  “So much for keeping your mouth shut,” he said, approaching the bed.

  “You can’t expect me to keep secrets from my soon-to-be-wife, can you?” Brody said, grinning from ear to ear. “Besides, just one look at that stupid grin on your face and anyone can tell that you, my friend, are definitely hooked and not even squirming to slip off.”

  “What can I say?” Quentin asked as he gave the women another glance to find that while they were no longer spinning like little dervishes, they were standing with their heads together, their conversation appearing quite animated. “She’s the most incredible thing that has ever entered my life.” He shrugged sheepishly and then grinned. “Though I’m not guaranteeing that there will be anything left but cookie crumbs after that rather fetching dance.”

  “Cookies, hell, why didn’t you say so! Grace Hensley, get your cute little ass over here!”

  Brody’s semi-yell had both women looking up and Quentin almost strangled on his laugh when her eyes widened and she dropped a hand behind her as if afraid her jeans had somehow disappeared as well as her panties, to display the flange of the plug in her butt.

  “Babe, really?” he managed to ask after he calmed a bit, motioning her forward. “Brody just meant he wants the cookies. I promise he had no idea your cute little ass is stretched around a naughty plug.”

  “Oh my God, Quentin!” He began to laugh again when the women shouted the same words at the same time. He accepted the two quick slaps at his arm as they joined
him without complaint though he did snag Grace and give her a kiss, loving the fact that she kissed him back without hesitation.

  Laurie had the box open and Brody had his first cookie half eaten by the time Quentin pulled back.

  “Like I said, hook, line and sinker,” Brody said.

  “Good grief, and I thought it was just Grace who talks with her mouth full,” Quentin quipped, even as he snagged a cookie from the box and held it to her lips.

  “I suppose I shouldn’t, not if I eat like some little piggy,” she said, though he’d seen her nostrils flare at the aroma of warm chocolate chips that had been generously added to the dough.

  “Yes, you should,” Quentin countered. “You’re going to need your strength when I get you home.”

  “Promises, promises. A girl can’t live on promises alone. Nope, she definitely needs chocolate,” Laurie quipped, taking a cookie for herself only to find it plucked from her fingers by Brody. “Hey!”

  He didn’t respond but broke off a piece and beckoned with his fingers for her to come closer. When she bent forward and opened her mouth, she not only moaned with the first taste of chocolate but from the swat he’d delivered. “Are you insinuating that I haven’t kept my promises? Brody asked.

  “Absolutely not, sir. I’m just saying that women need chocolate,” Laurie said, batting her lashes.

  “Good, because I was about to promise that you’ll be adding another set to that book you’ve been keeping. You know, the one that will take about six months to atone for at the rate you are going?”

  “Hmmm, now where did I put that?”

  “Oh, honey, I promise that if you don’t know exactly where it is, I’ve been keeping the count as well.”

  Quentin had to laugh at the look on Laurie’s face. She seemed to be wavering between making another joke and wondering if what he said could possibly be true. When she shrugged and bent forward further to press her lips against her Dom’s, he knew that she didn’t really care about the count at all.

  The door opening had him looking towards it. “Am I interrupting?” Detective Stewart asked.

  “Not at all,” Quentin said. “Nurse Laurie just seemed to believe her patient needed a bit of mouth-to-mouth.”

  “Ah, think he’ll survive?” Jason asked, striding into the room.

  “He will if he isn’t smothered first,” Quentin said, lifting the box Laurie had left on the bed. “Cookie?”

  “Don’t mind if I do.”

  After he’d taken one, Quentin introduced him to Grace.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Grace said.

  “The pleasure is mine. In fact, I tried to tell you how very talented I believe you are but the gallery was swamped and my wife wasn’t feeling well, so we had to leave before I could. I’m glad I’m able to do so now.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear about your wife. Is she all right?”

  “Yes, thank you. Instead of morning sickness, she gets nauseated in the evenings. But we both really enjoyed your work.”

  By this time, the couple on the bed had come up for air and Laurie had moved to stand. It was as if her moving was a signal for them to begin discussing what had brought them all together. Last bites of cookies were taken and the two women moved towards the window seat; still close enough to be included in the conversation, yet allowing the men to see the computer that Brody was opening on the tray table.

  “Maybe I should leave,” Grace said softly.

  “No,” Quentin said, glancing over his shoulder. “There is no reason for you not to hear what’s said.” He didn’t turn back until she gave him a nod, and tried not to let the fact that she was wiggling a bit on the seat as if to try to find a more comfortable position keep his focus off what he needed to do.

  “You’ve got the floor, Jason,” Quentin said, leaning against the wall next to the bed, his arms crossed over his chest as the detective took the only chair. “What did you learn about Brooks?”

  The detective pulled a notepad from his pocket and flipped it open. “He hemmed and hawed but finally admitted that he was at the club that night. Seems he’d been waiting until there was an open night and thought it would make a great article. Prick stated that he was going to title it something about the real definition of the Big Easy. How the god-fearing citizens of New Orleans should know that it had yet another stain of depravity on its reputation with such a club as Plaisir operating only blocks away from the historic French Quarter.”

  “Prick is one word, total hypocrite is another,” Brody said, “he’s been trying to obtain membership into the club for years.”

  “Forget that, did he say who let him in?” Quentin asked.

  “No, though he admitted he switched his name around and was gathering information for his article, he then started spouting his constitutional rights as a member of the press. Refusal to reveal his sources and all that shit. He stated that even if I arrested him, he would remain mute. When I said it would be a pleasure to test his resolve, he said he’d actually just waited until there was a large group, signed in as if he belonged, and no one had questioned it. Would that have been possible?”

  “Hell. I’d love to swear it wouldn’t, but we already know our security wasn’t as tight back then and, yeah, I suppose if some member used his ring to open the door and then more than one or two guests followed, Brooks could have gotten in,” Brody admitted.

  Jason shook his head. “I suppose it could have been worse. I have to give his boss credit. I asked why I’d never seen the article and he said that when he pitched the idea, his boss immediately nixed it. Seems like the man also believes in constitutional rights, though he meant the right to privacy. He also stated that he expected his reporters to do their basic research. Did you know that this city developed an entire community in the 1800s to pander to all types of vices, including those dealing with sex?”

  “Yeah, Storyville was quite the place. You could pick up all sorts of things there, kickbacks if you were a city official, or a roll in the hay with the bonus of a sexual disease if you were a regular Joe,” Quentin said.

  “Anyway, he told Brooks that unless he could prove that there were illegal things going on at the club, he wasn’t interested.”

  “Well, at least there’s one intelligent man in the news business,” Brody said.

  “Evidently not too intelligent,” Jason said. “After all, he did assign him to investigate Beth’s disappearance and subsequent murder.”

  “Yeah, but he must have realized his mistake, because when Brooks started writing shit he had no evidence to prove, he was yanked when we informed him that we had every intention of suing for slander,” Brody offered.

  “Fuck,” Quentin said, “I hate to admit it, but with his sleazy treatment of Grace, I really thought we might be on to something.”

  “Excuse me, I hate to interrupt, but I’ve got to get back,” Laurie said, stepping in front of Quentin to bend and give Brody a kiss.

  “Wait, I’ll go out with you to get something to drink if that’s all right?” Grace asked. When Quentin seemed to hesitate, she added, “I’m only going down the hall. I know talking makes you thirsty, and I’ll be glad to bring all of you something back as well.”

  “I am a bit parched and am sick of water. A Coke would sure hit the spot,” Brody said before Quentin responded.

  “Of course. Quentin, Detective Stewart?”

  “I’d like a Sprite if they have it, or a Coke if they don’t,” Jason said.

  Quentin still hesitated but finally nodded. “Anything is fine, babe, but hurry back.”

  “I’ll be back in a jiffy.” She stood on her tiptoes in order to press her lips to Quentin’s cheek before she whispered, “Thanks for caring so much.”

  “Always, but a fat lot of good it did. It seems Brooks is just that, a sleaze.”

  “That doesn’t matter,” she said, cupping her palm against his cheek. “You’ll always be my hero.”

  The women left together, though Quentin only
had eyes for one as his heart skipped a beat. Brody was right, he already knew he was hooked for life. It took him a moment before he was able to pull himself back to the conversation.

  “We’re not giving up,” Brody said. “What I haven’t told you is that Peter Zinger called about an hour ago. He found Marti Ansell. Her full name is actually Morticia, and she is one smart lady. She just graduated from Tulane and has been accepted into the medical program. He says that she often made money for tuition working in various temporary positions, choosing the ones in clubs such as ours as the wages were significantly higher. Peter said that the only thing she remembered that struck her as being even the slightest bit odd was that for such a small building, there was not one but two elevators.”

  “Why would she even know there were two?” Quentin asked.

  “Peter asked her what she meant. She said that she’d been instructed to keep her eyes on the elevator at the end of the hall, the one that members use that goes directly from the first floor to the club. She was to greet anyone who stepped off and to make sure they stopped at the desk to register any guests they had brought with them. It was late, and some people had already left when she said she was surprised to see the wall in front of the desk opening.”

  “That makes sense,” Jason said. “I remember thinking that elevator was pretty well concealed, as there are no actual buttons or metal doors visible.”

  “Yeah, we didn’t think there was any need to advertise that another elevator was available because it only operates for Quentin, myself, Laurie and, at the time, Beth.”

  “Are you saying she actually saw Beth?” Quentin asked.

  “No, in fact, she states that even though there were a lot of women there that night, she was pretty positive she never saw Beth.”

  “Then who the hell was on the elevator?”

  “According to Marti, no one.”

  “What? How can that be?”

  “All I can think of is that someone either got on without being noticed, which I find hard to believe, or someone was already on either the first or second floor and, for some reason, sent the elevator back up and hit the wrong button. All I know for sure is that it wasn’t me or Laurie, as we went upstairs early to make sure everything was in place for the mixer and left early when we were sure the staff had everything under control. You had already left town, and we had that hospital fundraiser to attend,” Brody said.


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