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Wicked After Midnight (Midnight Blue Beach Book 1)

Page 15

by Olivia Jaymes

  “I bet there’s an initiation process though,” Peyton laughed. “Don’t most of these secret groups have some sort of ceremony along with funny hats?”

  Frank had never worn a hat in all the time she’d known him. Not even a baseball cap when it was sunny.

  “Did Greg have a funny hat?”

  “Not that I know of but it’s a secret, remember?”

  Not likely that she’d forget. How many other secrets did Frank have?

  “Did you speak with Guy Eckley yet?”

  “That’s one of the reasons I’m calling. He’s not here.”

  Bailey levered up from the comfortable sofa to head into the kitchen where Chase was putting away the groceries and delicious smells were wafting from the take out bag. “Ellis’s information was incorrect?”

  “Kind of. Eckley did live at that address at one time. We talked to a former neighbor. But he moved up to Vermont a few years ago. He said he wanted to get away from the city and get some peace and quiet.”

  Bailey reached for a pen and scribbled a note to Chase before pushing it his way. He looked at it and frowned before writing something back.

  I’ll talk to Ellis. He’ll get the new address.

  “Chase will have Ellis find Eckley’s whereabouts, Peyton. In the meantime, are you headed back here?”

  “Actually he doesn’t need to bother. The neighbor had the forwarding address and often sends a piece or two of mail up there.” Peyton rattled it off while Bailey took notes. “Ellis also called us today with the address of the swim coach. It turns out she’s right here in the city so we thought we’d stop in and talk to her tomorrow since we’re already here.”

  “That makes sense. Maybe Chase and I can head to Vermont in the morning while you speak with the swim coach.”

  Chase slipped the eggs and milk into the refrigerator. “We can do that. I haven’t been up there in years. It will be nice and cool, I bet.”

  “It sounds like a plan.” Bailey could hear Peyton’s indrawn breath even through the phone. “By the way, what is it with Chase’s friend Ellis? What’s his deal?”

  “I’ve only met him briefly so I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” Bailey raised her eyebrows at Chase, lifting the phone slightly from her ear so he could listen in. “Did Ellis do something to make you upset?”

  Chase leaned forward, shaking his head, a smile playing on his lips. He didn’t seem shocked that the subject was being brought up.

  “Not really.” Peyton paused as if collecting her thoughts. “He’s just…different. I’m not sure how to describe him really. Okay, actually I do know how to describe him but I didn’t want to. He’s abrupt, rude, and fucking condescending. I think he thinks I have the intelligence of a bag of hammers. He acted all sweet but then he kept asking if he needed to repeat anything. Asshole.”

  Throwing back his head, Chase howled with laughter. “That sounds like Ellis. It’s not personal, Peyton. He thinks everyone is an idiot and he doesn’t mean to come off that way. Once you get to know him he’s absolutely the most patient and loyal guy you’d ever hope to find.”

  “So is a cocker spaniel,” Peyton said dryly. “He thinks I’m stupid, Chase. Does he have a low opinion of women or something?”

  “Not in the least. He reveres his mother and sisters. It’s just his way of dealing with people. He’s not exactly an extrovert with a personality-plus. He works alone and doesn’t cooperate well with others but I swear that he’s a great guy. He’d take a bullet for you.”

  “Let’s hope that doesn’t get tested,” Peyton muttered. “It’s no skin off of my nose anyway. From now on Willow is going to deal with him. She says she’ll have him eating out of the palm of her hand in no time.”

  Of that, Bailey had no doubt.

  They talked some more and then promised to call tomorrow when they had more news. Bailey was anxious to talk to Guy Eckley and she also wanted to hear what the swim coach had to say. After all, she’d been a suspect at one point. By the time they ended the call Chase had filled two plates with steaming lasagna and garlic bread.

  “Your friend Ellis is a real piece of work.”

  Chase laughed and pulled out her chair, his fingertips briefly brushing her arm as he rounded the table to his own seat. “You don’t know the half of it. He’s an ornery son of a bitch but he really is a great detective. And a good friend too.”

  At this point, they couldn’t have too many of those. They needed every one of them they could get.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Is it done yet?”

  Bailey sighed and rolled her eyes as Chase paced around her, practically wearing a hole in the kitchen tile. She was putting the finishing touches on a salted caramel cheesecake that she was sure wouldn’t survive the night despite the big meal they’d eaten not that long ago.

  “Almost.” She sprinkled the shaved salt on the top of the caramel and stepped back with a happy smile. “All done. This is one of my favorite recipes. Classic yet modern at the same time. You were a good helper too.”

  She’d given him a few small jobs when he’d offered to assist. “Can we eat it now or do we have to stand here some more and admire it? I can take a picture with my phone.”

  Smacking him on the arm, she gave him a mean look. “Of course we can eat it. I was simply taking a moment to appreciate the result of our hard work. Get the plates and I’ll get the forks.”

  Two plates appeared quicker than lightning and she cut two pieces – a small one for her as she was still full, and a larger one for him. He could go back for seconds and thirds if he was still hungry. She didn’t dig into hers immediately, preferring to watch him take his first bite. His eyes closed and his face went slack as a groan of delight was torn from his lips.

  “Heaven on a plate.”

  Chase wore a big grin as he tore into the cheesecake as if he hadn’t eaten in days instead of a few hours.

  “Slow down. I don’t want you to get sick. There’s plenty more if that’s not enough. I made this for you.”

  She took a bite of her own and enjoyed the delicate balance of sweet and salty on her tongue. Chocolate was her absolute favorite but every now and then she wanted something a little different. This fit the bill perfectly.

  Scraping his plate with his fork, he patted his stomach. “Damn, that was good. I am going to have another slice. You’re one hell of a baker. Your business must be booming.”

  “We do fine.” She cut him another slice just as large as the last one. “And thank you. It’s nice to have my baking appreciated so enthusiastically.”

  Chase shoveled another bite into his mouth, although slower than the first piece. “You can bake for me anytime.”

  “Good to know. Now what time are you picking me up in the morning?”

  “Early again. Our flight leaves at eight-thirty so we’ll need to be there a few hours early to get through security.”

  “Hurry up and wait. Maybe I should have asked Willow to send the jet for us.”

  Chase laughed and popped the last bite into his mouth. “Is that how you usually fly?”

  He had a strange idea of what her life was like and it was time to set him straight. “Absolutely not. I admit I’ve been on a private jet before but it was hardly the norm for me. Honestly, the trappings of high society make me a little nervous at times. I can navigate my way around the country club or a cocktail party but I’m equally as comfortable with a few friends at a dive bar. Money’s never been a big thing in my life although Frank left me plenty of it.”

  He picked up both plates and set them in the sink. “I’m glad to hear that. I would never want to get involved with a woman who likes money more than me.”

  Jerking her gaze away, she stared at the wine glass still in her hand as if it held the secrets of the universe. Sadly it didn’t. “Involved? Is that what we are? What happened to giving me time and space?”

  He was standing too close to her. Much too close. She could feel his warm breath on her c
heek and the heat from his body made her want to run her hands down his torso. She finally looked up at him from under her lashes only to find his bright blue eyes staring intently at her. Not in an unkind way. Far from it. There was admiration and more than a hint of desire. She could have him here and now if she wanted to. It wasn’t vanity that told her that but the way he touched her, spoke to her, gazed at her when he thought she wasn’t looking. She’d ignored it all day; after all, they’d had important business to attend to. But now that they were here alone…

  Did she want him tonight?

  More than a little attracted to him, she was scared of her own emotions. She’d thought at first they might have something casual. A fling but clearly she was feeling too much for him to sleep with him and walk away when this was all over. If she was going to do this she had to be all in.

  All in was scary.

  “Okay, I admit I’m not giving you much space,” Chase chuckled, his chest rumbling with the sound. “Physical, that is. But I am giving you time. You can have all the time you want. But…”

  “But?” she prompted as she turned on the island stool to face him more fully, searching his features for a clue as to what he expected of her. Was he pressing for them to make love? Could she resist him if that was the case? Doubtful. She wanted him and it had been too long since a man had made his intentions known.

  His fingers found her chin, tilting her face up so she was looking up into his eyes. The mere touch of his skin against hers sent a quiver through her body and a sigh escaped from her lips. It felt good to be desired, wanted. For a moment she allowed herself to revel in it. Later she’d be more rational and practical.

  “But does that mean we can’t kiss? I’ve wanted to hold you in my arms all day and taste that sweet mouth. I bet you taste better than the cheesecake. Leaving me wanting like this would be downright cruel, Bailey.”

  Staring at his well-shaped lips, she almost swooned at his soft tone and sweet words. She wanted to kiss him so damn badly and that little voice inside of her head that warned her when things were a bad idea was nowhere to be found. That bitch was never around when Bailey needed her and now she’d bailed again.

  “Don’t you think you’re being overly dramatic?” Bailey teased. “It would be just a kiss.”

  Chase shook his head as his strong arms lifted her from the stool and onto the island so they were almost at eye level. “Kissing you could never be described as just anything. Are you going to take pity on me? Just one.”

  What would it hurt? It wasn’t like she didn’t want this.

  “Just one,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down. “But I’m not ready—”

  His fingers pressed against her mouth. “I know that and I meant it last night when I said I wouldn’t push. I just really want to kiss you. No further. Not unless you ask me to.”

  She didn’t bother to reply, instead pressing her lips to his in a kiss that took her breath away. They started out slow and tender, his tongue exploring her mouth as if he had all day and night. Then his arms tightened around her body and the kiss deepened into something far more. It was a promise of much more to come; maybe not tonight, but eventually and soon. By the time he lifted his head she was ready to beg him to do more. Asking didn’t even begin to cover the need she felt.

  A bar of arousal had taken up residence in her abdomen and a shiver of pleasure ran down to her toes as his lips explored her jaw and neck, coming to rest right at the spot where her pulse beat frantically. His tongue snaked out and licked at her collarbone and then nipped at the sensitive flesh, causing a low moan to tear from somewhere deep inside of her.

  So it was a shock when she felt him move away, his heat suddenly gone, leaving her cold and bereft. She reached for him again and he caught up her wrists in his hands, turning them to place a soft kiss on each palm.

  “I made you a promise and I keep my word, Bailey. You’re in charge here and you make the rules. We do this on your timetable. Just don’t ask me not to touch you every now and then. I need to kiss and hold you. I need to tell you how goddamn beautiful you are, not just right now but every moment of every day.”

  Chase certainly was good for her ego. Her late husband hadn’t been effusive with the compliments, although she’d known he thought she was attractive. But she was shallow enough to enjoy the warm rush in her heart when he complimented her. She wanted to say something in return but she didn’t know what.

  You make me feel safe.

  You make me feel special.

  You’re amazingly handsome.

  And sexy.

  You’re the best kisser. Ever.

  You treat me like I matter.

  It all sounded stupid and rather like a teenager with her first crush so she didn’t say anything at all, simply jerking him back to her and fusing their lips together. There was no tentative exploring this time. Just passion and carnal lust. Heat swept through her veins like lava from a volcano, but instead of running from this feeling she welcomed it. No more numbness. She felt incredibly alive. It was terrifying and wonderful all at the same time.

  She was sucking oxygen into her starved lungs when they finally pulled apart. She raised her fingers to her lips, fully expecting them to be singed off. Surprisingly they were intact, albeit slightly swollen from their efforts.

  “You have lethal lips, lady. You ought to be outlawed in all fifty states.”

  She loved this playful side to him. Laughter wasn’t something she was used to at moments such as these. “How do you know I’m not?”

  He dropped a kiss on top of her head but his arms holding her closely didn’t budge an inch.

  “I’ll take my chances. You’re worth it.”

  Those words sobered her up quickly. Was she worth it? She had a mountain of baggage she was dragging behind her and he did too, but not nearly as much. She wanted to move forward but the past kept beckoning to her, pulling her back.

  Would she ever truly be free?

  “I’m not so sure about that.”

  “I am, so you’ll have to trust me.”

  Which seemed to suggest he dated quite a bit, which was a little intimidating. “Have you dated a lot of women since your divorce?”

  She wasn’t jealous. She was simply curious. Just curious.

  “How do you define a lot?”

  She pushed at his shoulder and groaned. “Really? We’re going to play those games? More than two and less than a hundred. How does that sound?”

  “Definitely more than two and well under a hundred.” He tugged her back into his arms and leaned down to briefly kiss her lips. “I didn’t keep count but it doesn’t take that many females to realize that finding someone that you’re attracted to and can have fun with isn’t easy. Add in the great kisses and the cheesecake and I’m sold.”

  “I think you might like my cheesecake more than the kisses.”

  “Not in this lifetime. I’d give up the cheesecake if I had to.”

  “What will happen when all of this is over? I’ll go back to my home and you’ll stay here. Are you willing to do the long distance thing?”

  He led her back into the living room where they could both relax on the couch, snuggled together. “Considering that less than twenty-four hours ago you were telling me this relationship was a no-go I think we’re making progress. You’re actually talking about a future.”

  Scowling, she tapped his nose. “Don’t think I didn’t notice your non-answer, because I did.”

  “I didn’t answer because I don’t have an answer except that I’m willing to do all sorts of things for the right woman. Didn’t you say that you had a manager to run your bakery? Williamsburg is a lovely place to live.”

  He was suggesting she move? For someone she’d just met?

  “First off, I do have a manager and she’s amazing but I’m not sure I’m ready to pull up stakes and start all over again in a new city for a man I’ve known for a week. Call me crazy…”

  He sh
ook his head and smiled. “I meant eventually, not right away. I’m not crazy either. But I have a very flexible schedule with the work I do so I can travel down there quite a bit. You never know, you might get tired of me being around so much.”

  They’d spent practically every waking moment with each other these last few days and she wasn’t sick of him yet. In fact, she enjoyed his company immensely. They talked about more than just the case. They talked about politics, sports, books, movies, and whether dark chocolate was better than milk chocolate.

  It totally was.

  “I think the important thing is that we’re willing to make compromises for each other,” Chase said. “That’s how I always pictured how it should be. Two people working as a team, compromising and even sacrificing for each other.”

  That’s what she’d hoped for as well but it wasn’t to be. Sadly not with Frank.

  “I sacrificed a cheesecake for you, what more do you want from me?”

  His expression was perfectly serious when he answered. “Red velvet cake. That’s all I’ll ask for right now.”

  That was a request she could handle.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Guy Eckley’s home caught Chase by surprise. He’d remembered Eckley as a spoiled rich kid who sneered and smirked his way through camp, barely cognizant of anything but his own selfish wants. Chase hadn’t been all that excited about visiting him, to be honest, but this was completely unexpected.

  “What a lovely little farm. Is that sheep back there?”

  Chase squinted into the distance and shook his head. “I think it’s alpaca. I never thought to see the day that Guy Eckley raised alpaca. Or any animal, to be honest. Last I heard he planned to be an investment banker.”

  The two-story white farmhouse was charming and well-cared for, as were the grounds all around. The window boxes had bright pink flowers and the front porch featured two wooden rocking chairs. It looked homey and inviting and not at all like the Guy Eckley Chase had known.

  People can change. I have too.


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