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The Chimera Affair: Gay Romance

Page 17

by Keira Andrews

  A breathless guard returned from upstairs. “I searched everywhere. It’s gone.”

  Digging the tip of his gun into Kyle’s temple, Arrigo shouted to his minions. “You said you searched him!”

  “We did, sir. He didn’t have the vial.”

  “Search again!”

  Rough hands shoved Kyle facedown on the marble and snaked under his clothing. One of the men yanked on Kyle’s boots, and made a triumphant shout when the dagger clattered to the floor. Kyle glanced back as they tipped the boots over and stripped off Kyle’s socks. The guard’s jaw clenched. “No vial.”

  “Vial? What is he talking about, Father?” Ben asked.

  Arrigo ignored him as an intercom buzzed. A tinny voice announced the arrival of guests, and judging by the panicked expressions, Kyle guessed it was the buyers. Arrigo hauled Kyle back up to his knees, fingers squeezed in Kyle’s hair. “Where are you hiding it?”

  A guard spoke up. “Unless it’s up his ass, it’s not on him.”

  Arrigo snarled. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Filthy faggot.” He glanced around the room, his gaze landing on the ornate fireplace set into the interior wall. Surrounded by glittering stones, the white fireplace was likely rarely used, but a poker set stood by it. Arrigo gestured to it impatiently.

  Kyle said nothing as a minion hurried over with the poker. Arrigo held it up to Kyle’s face. “Maybe I should check for the vial, hmm?”

  Kyle kept his expression impassive.

  “I think you’d like it too much!” Arrigo’s arm whipped back, and he struck across Kyle’s back.

  Kyle bit his tongue as he struggled to stay upright, the pain sucking the air from his lungs.

  “Papa!” Ben exclaimed. “Stop. What are you doing?”

  The intercom buzzed again. Bruno spoke calmly. “Take him upstairs. I’ll entertain our guests for the time being. It has to be somewhere in the house or on the grounds.” He nodded to one of his men, who was approximately seven feet tall and made of muscle. “Salvatore should be able to coax the location out of him.”

  Kyle didn’t struggle as they towed him upstairs. Water glistened on the floor down the marble hallway—along with blood. It went unnoticed by his opponents, but as Kyle was thrown into a study, he considered possible candidates. Possibly Marie had reassigned one of the operatives from the Association’s other teams, guessing Kyle might need assistance and hedging her bets on acquiring the Chimera.

  Or it could be him. He’s surprised you before. He could have escaped his father’s men—could he have killed them? He could be hurt. It might be his blood. If Sebastian was in the villa, he could be anywhere. He was in danger. He was in over his head. God, please let him still be alive. Kyle needed to find him. Now.

  He barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes as Salvatore put on his best menacing face and cracked his knuckles. “Now, my friend—”

  “Where is my son?” Arrigo interrupted. “You took him. Did you kill him?”

  Kyle said nothing.

  Arrigo clenched his fists. “He has shamed me to my very core. He is a disgrace. He should have been born a girl.” He spat the last word as if it was a curse.

  “He’s more of a man than you’ll ever be.” Stop. Plant seeds of doubt. Kyle concentrated on breathing evenly and modulating his tone. “At least he was. I killed him myself hours ago.” He chuckled. “I’m not sure what your lackeys told you, but they lied. Your son is dead.”

  Arrigo frowned. “No. He’s out there, running away. They brought him here so I could ensure the job was done properly, but now they’re dead.”

  Kyle laughed. “And you think Sebastian killed them? Two professional hit men? Surely you’re not that gullible.” He felt a bloom of pride. Sebastian wasn’t to be underestimated. “I don’t know what their plan was, but I guarantee you that your son is not here.”

  Still cautious, Arrigo narrowed his eyes. “Why would you kill him?”

  “He knew too much. A man in your position surely understands that. He’s dead, and his body will never be found.”

  For a moment Arrigo’s face contorted into something Kyle thought might be grief before relaxing into a smile. “Well, for that I can be grateful.”

  The door burst open, and Ben stared at his father in disbelief. “You can’t mean that.”

  Arrigo waved Ben away as if he were a fly. “You’ll understand one day, my son. The honor of the family must be preserved.”

  “Honor? This is honor?” His eyes shone as he addressed Kyle. “My brother’s dead? You killed him?”


  With a growl, Ben wrenched a gun away from one of the two guards that had accompanied them upstairs. His arm shook as he pointed it at Kyle. “My brother was good. Basi was…good. He can’t be dead. He can’t!” He inhaled sharply. “You’re going to pay.”

  Arrigo lowered Ben’s arm with a gentle push. “Later. First we need the vial.”

  “Vial of what? What is this business deal, Father?”

  “Shh, shh. Just be quiet and learn, Beniamino. Watch. You will understand everything in time.”

  With an electronic whine, the power snapped off and the room plunged into darkness. Kyle rolled toward the desk against the wall to his right, grabbing the letter opener he’d spotted when they brought him in. One of the guards lumbered toward him, and Kyle stabbed the opener into the side of the man’s neck as he snatched his gun away.

  He turned to fire at the advancing Salvatore, but the weapon jammed and Salvatore slammed into him, sending them both tumbling into the bookshelf against the wall. The air whooshed from Kyle’s lungs as he crashed to the floor, his opponent on top of him. Almost immediately Salvatore choked him, meaty fingers crushing Kyle’s larynx. He struck out with the useless gun, but it was like a fly on a horse’s back. In the darkness, stars appeared in his vision, and Kyle reached out.

  He flexed and grasped with his fingers, raising his knees in a vain attempt to dislodge Salvatore while he searched for something—anything—he could use. His lungs burned as his fingertips grazed the edge of the wooden desk chair, and he lunged toward it with all his strength, his fingers closing around the leg—

  The shot seemed incredibly loud in the darkness, and Kyle gasped in a breath as Salvatore’s hands loosened reflexively. As Salvatore’s bulk collapsed on top of him, the man choking and twitching in what Kyle guessed were his last moments, Kyle shoved against the weight and squirmed out. He felt for Salvatore’s waist and yanked a gun free.

  Blinking, he tried to clear his hazy vision. In the dark he could see the shapes of several people and hear harsh breathing. A man stood in the middle of the room, and Kyle raised his gun toward him as lightning flashed through the cracks in the heavy curtains. He breathed in sharply and tried to say Sebastian’s name, but his vocal cords were too bruised. He felt a mess of emotions as he watched a blood-spattered Sebastian: concern, guilt, pride. Love.

  But there was no time for emotions. He scrabbled backward and tugged on the curtains to let in more light. Sebastian still stood with gun raised, his father and one of the two guards—the other slumped over by the door—keeping their distance in the corner to Kyle’s left. From downstairs shots suddenly rang out. It was all going south, the buyers likely feeling as if they’d walked into a trap.

  “Basi?” Ben still held a gun, but his arm dangled at his side. He addressed Kyle. “You said…” He looked to his brother, shell-shocked. “Basi, he said he killed you.”

  Sebastian trained his gun on his father and the guard, his lips quirking up into a half smile. “Apparently I’m hard to kill.”

  More gunshots echoed through the villa, making Ben jump. They needed to get the hell out and fast. Sebastian’s gazed was zeroed in on his father. “He’s the one who’s really responsible. For all of it. Do you know what he’s doing here tonight, Ben? What horrible weapon he’s willing to unleash on innocent people just to line his pockets? How can you be here?”

  Ben stared at Arrigo. “Is this
true, Papa? I knew…I knew you were involved in some…unsavory things, but…” He turned to Sebastian. “He told me he sent you away. To get help.”

  “Help? For what? To fix me?” Sebastian’s laugh was harsh.

  “I told him there was nothing wrong with you! I told him that he’d accept it if he could just understand. Open his mind. He said he would try.” To Arrigo he added, “You promised you would try.”

  Arrigo only smiled grimly. “To think I once believed you would follow in my footsteps. Be a worthy heir. Too much of your mother, both of you. Nothing but a disappointment to me!”

  Stricken, Ben shook his head. “You’re the disappointment, Papa.”

  Sebastian took a step toward his father. “You’re never going to hurt anyone again. I’ll make sure of it.”

  “You?” Arrigo laughed again. “Useless little faggot. Weak, pathetic—”

  Kyle saw the shadow in the doorway a moment before all hell broke loose. He launched himself toward Sebastian, shoving him to the floor as bullets and glass flew through the air. Kyle fired at the new gunman, who fell. Arrigo broke for the door, the remaining guard at his heels, but a moment later another bullet fired and he slumped against the door frame, clutching his side. He turned back to regard his eldest son, who trembled slightly, his gun still extended.

  “For our mother. For my brother. For all the years I let myself believe in you.”

  “Go ahead. Finish me off.” Arrigo coughed, then bared his teeth in grimace.

  Sebastian pushed at Kyle, sliding out and raising his gun. “I will.” He aimed squarely, but a moment later his arm quivered and he took a shuddering breath.

  As footsteps roared up the stairs, Kyle reeled off two shots—the first piercing Arrigo’s heart, the second slamming into the guard, who’d moved to tackle Ben. Kyle slammed the door shut, Arrigo’s body blocking it. He raced across the room and threw open the window, tearing the curtains and tying one end to the oak desk.

  When he glanced back, Ben and Sebastian stood motionless, staring at their father’s body. Kyle heaved the desk across the door as an attempt was made to push it open. Reaching out, he grabbed Sebastian’s hand and tugged him toward the window, wishing he could speak.

  Sebastian resisted. “No! I’m not leaving Ben.”

  Bruno’s low voice thundered out. “Brambani!”

  Ben gently shoved his brother. “Basi, go. I need to speak with Mr. Bruno. I’m in charge now, and I can’t just run away.” To Kyle he whispered, “Do you have this vial? This weapon?”

  Kyle nodded.

  “Then take it and my brother, and get them both to safety.” He hugged Sebastian tightly. “I’m sorry, Basi. For everything. As far as Bruno or anyone knows, you were never here. You’re dead.”

  Sebastian shook his head. “Come with us!”

  “I need to clean up this mess. I’m in too deep to just run. I have a baby on the way.”

  Sebastian made a shocked sound. “Valentina?”

  “I love her, Basi.” Ben smiled ruefully. “Like I said, in too deep.” He pressed a kiss to each of his brother’s cheeks. “Now go.”

  Kyle pulled Sebastian with him as he swung one leg over the windowsill. Sebastian tensed but didn’t fight as they grabbed on to the curtain and slid out, quickly dropping to the ground. From above Ben called out. “Mr. Bruno? My God, what’s happened?”

  The power was fortunately still out, and the rain had tapered to a drizzle. Kyle kept close to the side of the villa as he peeked around the corner toward the front. He was about to make the turn when an armed guard appeared, and Kyle pushed Sebastian back, slapping his hand over Sebastian’s mouth as he started to say something.

  He pressed Sebastian into the villa wall, listening carefully as the footsteps neared. He’d dispatch the guard if he had to, but it would be much preferable if the carnage inside distracted everyone for at least a few more minutes.

  The guard neared, and Kyle wished he had one of his knives with him, or a silencer. As if reading his mind, Sebastian passed Kyle his gun, which still had its silencer attached. A moment later a distant voice called out, and the guard answered from a few scant feet around the corner of the villa.

  As he hurried away, Kyle and Sebastian exhaled in unison, and their eyes met for a long moment. Then they were kissing, tongues thrusting, panting into each other’s mouths. Breathing hard, Kyle pulled back an inch. He wanted to tell Sebastian how proud he was, how glad he was that Sebastian was still alive. Yet words had never been his strength, even without damaged vocal chords.

  Instead he wiped some of the splattered blood from Sebastian’s face and pressed a light kiss to the bump on his head. Sebastian’s fingers tightened on Kyle’s waist. Sebastian murmured, “I’m okay.”

  All Kyle wanted to do was take him in his arms and never let go, but they had to get the job done. Keeping low, they advanced, Kyle going to his knees in the trampled, muddy bed of tropical flowers. Beneath a bird of paradise, his fingers sank into the muck and closed around the vial of Chimera. He peeked into the living room window, relieved to see the room deserted but for several bodies.

  After indicating to Sebastian to stay put, Kyle opened a sliding glass door. A tense argument echoed down from upstairs, but he ignored it as he grabbed his pack and dagger and slipped back outside. He hoped the guard hadn’t damaged anything in the search; they were in big trouble if he had.

  Kyle returned to where Sebastian waited and carefully slipped the vial into one of the secure, waterproof inside pockets of the pack. He put it over Sebastian’s shoulders, making sure it was securely fastened. Sebastian’s brow furrowed, but he didn’t ask why Kyle didn’t wear the pack himself.

  Turning back in the direction of the cliff, Kyle crouched and led the way. Almost immediately Sebastian whispered, “But we have to go out over the front gate. That was the plan.”

  Kyle only shook his head and urged him on, crossing the rain-slicked grass toward the cliffside at a run. Chest tightening, Sebastian reached for Kyle’s arm. “What are we doing?” He looked forward as the bluff neared. “We can’t climb down!” His stride faltered.

  One hand firm on Sebastian’s pack, Kyle sped up as shouts behind them filled the air. The edge of the cliff neared, and he croaked out, “Plan B!”

  With the force of their momentum, they tumbled off the edge into darkness.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The scream lodged in Sebastian’s throat as his feet left solid ground, Kyle’s grip on him like a vise as they plummeted. No, no, no! God! Please! There was a mighty tug on his back, and suddenly he jerked upward, their fall somehow slowed. Heart in his mouth, adrenaline and terror screaming in his veins, Sebastian looked up at the dark swath of material ballooning above him.

  The parachute slowed their descent, a sea wind lifting them mercifully away from the edge of the cliff and the jagged rocks below. Kyle was wrapped around Sebastian’s body with arms and legs, and Sebastian grasped him tightly as they plunged.

  Even with the chute, they were falling far too quickly, the dark sea rising up to meet them. They hit the water as if it was concrete, the wind knocked from Sebastian’s lungs, Kyle torn away from him by the force of the impact as they plunged below the surface. Kicking and reaching with his arms, Sebastian fought his way back to the top, his body screaming with pain.

  He gulped in a breath in the humid night air, wiping water from his eyes as he cast about for Kyle. In the aftermath of the storm, the water had calmed considerably, and Sebastian frantically looked for a sign of where Kyle had gone under. “Kyle!” He splashed about desperately, reaching down into the water, unable to see beneath its murky depths.

  Ten feet away there was a splash, and Kyle broke the surface, gasping. Sebastian paddled toward him but felt a strange resistance. Undertow? He kicked harder, but the pulling increased. As he went under, he realized it was the parachute filling with water. His pulse racing, he tugged at the pack’s straps, kicking violently to fight the inexorable drag of the parac
hute as it sank and was pulled by the current.

  The pack was on too tight, and he couldn’t get his arms free. His lungs burned, needing more air as he struggled to return to the surface. Mind screaming, he was pulled deeper into the sea, and he jerked, kicking and reaching out in a panic as he tried to shrug free of the pack.

  He got an arm loose, and suddenly Kyle was there in the darkness, tugging at the pack and then on the ropes of the parachute. A few moments later the pressure was released, and they ascended. Coughing and spluttering, Sebastian treaded water, the pack still hanging over his left shoulder. “How?”

  Kyle held up a small knife and mimed a cutting motion, the wet blade gleaming as the clouds began to clear and the moon blinked back into sight.

  “Now what?” They were surprisingly far away from the shore, Sebastian realized. “Won’t they be waiting for us if we try to go back?”

  Kyle jerked his head in a nod. He squinted, peering out to sea. He seemed to be waiting for something, and soon Sebastian thought he could see a small boat moving toward them. He sighed, relieved. If they’d had to swim down the coast and then to shore, he wasn’t sure he could have made it.

  The vessel was nothing more than a fishing boat. It ran without lights, and as it neared, the outboard motor cut out. In the silence Kyle whistled in a short-long-short sequence, and someone in the boat whistled back. They swam to it, and Sebastian saw that the man on board wore night-vision goggles. He peered down at Sebastian, his face obscured. To Kyle the man said, “I have orders for one.”

  Kyle heaved himself up into the boat. He shook his head and held up two fingers as he leaned back over the side, reaching for Sebastian. Then Kyle was suddenly lunging at the man, the dagger pressed to the stranger’s throat. The man lifted his hands in surrender, and Sebastian saw the butt of the gun he’d been reaching for.

  With a few sideways motions, Kyle rocked the boat, still holding the man at knifepoint. Sebastian lifted himself up and rolled over the side when it swayed toward him. He took the man’s gun, and Kyle patted him down before releasing him. Kyle cleared his throat, grimacing. “He’s with us. Rendezvous point. Now.” He could barely rasp the words out.


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