Book Read Free

7 Miles High

Page 8

by Pike, Leslie

  “Seven hundred forty thousand. There’s no use looking at homes out of your price range, but you should buy at the top of your comfort zone.”

  “Let’s give it a look.”

  We walk through a great looking arched gate that leads in to the small property.

  “What a perfect sized garden. And the succulents require little water,” Natalie remarks as we pass.

  The door is open, and I see another couple walking through the slider that leads to the backyard.

  “This place has a good feel to it,” I add, walking into the home.

  It’s not a big living room, but it’s warm.

  “This was built in eighty-seven,” Natalie says, reading the flyer on the table. “It’s 1,870 square feet. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms.”

  The couple I watched walk inside heads for the front door. As they pass, we get a look that says ‘back off, this is our house.’

  Maybe I’m reading too much into the scene.

  “Where’s the realtor?” the woman whispers to her husband.

  “In the kitchen. Let’s call her after we talk.” He says it in low tones, but my supersonic hearing makes out every word.

  I catch Natalie’s eye and a message passes between us. If I like this one we have to move fast. Shit. I haven’t even seen two rooms yet.

  We walk through the rooms passing the occasional person or family. Natalie wasn’t kidding. This place has attracted buyers within hours of going on the market. They see what I see. It’s a great house. For a small family or a single person. I don’t think it can get much better than this. The kitchen is small, but I don’t give a shit. I don’t cook much anyway. And the master bedroom’s large. That’s the one I’d rather have space in. The ceilings are high and there’s lots of windows. It makes the house look so much bigger than its square footage.

  “What do you think?” Natalie says.

  “I think it’s great. What do you think?”

  She smiles and touches my hand. “I think this decision is yours. It’s the first house you’ve seen, but I have to say this one is going to go quickly. It’s got great value.”

  I think about her words as we move to the slider.

  “The yard is just the right size,” I say, passing through.

  What I didn’t expect was the view of the ocean. It’s not much, but it’s there. The sparkling blue Pacific peeking through the tall Eucalyptus trees.

  A man and a teenager stand taking in the view. As I pass behind them I hear the kid’s comment.

  “Dad! I love this house! Looks like I can get down to the beach in ten minutes. That’s a good surf spot to the right.”

  I hover near the man and his son and try to gage the father’s response. But he picks up on my plan, motions for the kid to follow him and moves back into the house.

  “What do you like about this place?” Natalie says.

  “Everything. The size is right. The location works. I like the vibe. It’s kind of old California, before the neighborhoods started to look alike.”

  “Yes. I agree. There’s a good chance it will be snatched quickly. Having said that, you shouldn’t make rash decisions. It’s a thirty-year promise and this is just the first place we’ve looked at.”

  I take her hands and put them around my waist. Her eyes looking up at me settles my soul. She calms my mind.

  “I want your opinion,” I say.

  “It’s not really ethical for me to give a client my personal opinion.”

  “Oh come on. Bend the rules for me.”

  Her beautiful smile precedes her words.

  “I love it.”

  “Let’s go make a phone call. I need to get my bid in before the rest of these people jump ahead of me.”

  * * *

  The restaurant is crowded. Patrons overflow the bar, waiting for their names to be called. Getting here early was a happy coincidence for us, because neither she nor I knew its reputation. We chose it based solely on its proximity to the bar we’re headed to after dinner.

  Natalie filled out all the forms required. Included with the offer was her well written note outlining why I would be a solid buyer. Pre-qualified, short or long escrow, according to the seller, and twenty-percent down. I wouldn’t have thought to include that information, but it can’t hurt. With a signature I was officially making an offer. Now is the hard part.

  * * *

  Waiting for the phone call accepting or rejecting my bid is torture. But arguably a good kind. The lyrics it hurts so good flashes in my mind. I won’t deny the excitement I’m feeling. The two whiskeys I’ve had have helped put the drama in perspective. A slightly blurred one, but nevertheless it’s softened the wait.

  “How’s your steak? And by the way, I love that you can appreciate a beautiful piece of meat.”

  As soon as the words leave me I see her sexy reaction. Eyes wide, eyebrows lifted, crooked grin. I didn’t mean it that way, but it’s good to see the pleasure it evoked.

  “I’m a big meat eater. As you know.” She says it all innocent-like, but there’s no naïveté in the delivery. It makes my dick twitch.

  “I’ve got some prime beef, if you’re interested,” I tease.

  “Oh, I’m interested. I might even have a taste when we get…”

  We’re interrupted by Natalie’s cell. By her crossed fingers I know it’s the seller’s realtor.

  “Hi, Judi. Do you have some good news for my client?”

  She listens without giving me a clue as to which way things are moving. Or if they’ve moved at all. Her chin is down as she listens intently. There’s only a nod and an occasional ‘Yes’. My stomach is in a big twisted knot, as if I’m waiting to hear if I’ve been found innocent or guilty in a trial.

  I don’t even think I’ve ever felt this apprehensive before a stunt. Everything hangs on this call. Suddenly I want this house on another level. Really badly. This is my home. I know it’s meant for me. Shit! Come on, people, get the hell out of my house and let me in. You’ve been there long enough!

  “Okay. Thank you, Judi. We’ll get back to you.”

  She disconnects and looks up at me. “This is good. They’ve countered and it’s reasonable.”

  “What’s their price?”

  “You offered seven hundred even and they’ve come back at seven twenty. They came down twenty thousand from their asking. And, Parker, believe me that’s a great price for this property. I’m just happy there’s no bidding war. But if you pass or take too long to respond, there will be, believe me.”

  It takes me zero point two seconds to come to a decision. “Accept their counter. Seven hundred twenty thousand.” I’m so fucking happy but it’s tempered by the fact it could still all fall apart. We haven’t signed the contracts yet.

  “Do it. Call her.”

  Natalie taps on Judi’s number and waits. “Hi, it’s Natalie. My client has agreed to the seller’s terms, as long as the inspections don’t reveal something major. We’ll get the paperwork to you right away. Congratulations, Judi, on the sale.”

  After disconnecting, she reaches across the table for my hands. Her beautiful face lit by the soft candlelight. I’m certain my face shows just how fucking happy I am at this moment.

  “Congratulations, Parker. You’re a homeowner!”

  “Thank you, babe. Man, I’m really happy! How long before I get to move in?”

  “They wanted a sixty day escrow. That works according to the terms you told me.”

  Would it be inappropriate to jump up yelling and chest bumping with the other diners? That’s how I feel. It’s so much bigger a moment than I realized it would be. It feels as if I’ve never accomplished something as big in my life. But it’s tied to my psychological makeup. I know it’s just a house, but for me it means more.

  The idea of the American dream was big in my family’s life. It was like the proverbial golden egg. My parents struggled to make it a reality for my siblings and I. And to that end they worked their asses off to make it happen.<
br />
  It wasn’t until I was eight that we moved into a house of our own in Santa Monica. And that one thing defined all our lives in the most positive of ways. Suddenly we were middle class homeowners. For my parents it was the result of a lifetime of planning and sacrificing. For us kids it was stability and normalcy. No more moving from rental to rental, school to school. We had a neighborhood filled with kids to play with and grow with. 711 Easy Street. Even the address proclaimed our good luck.

  When James and I got to know the other boys who lived on the block, it sealed our fate. We lived in a great neighborhood, on a good street, with the best friends any kid could hope for. Matt, Elliott, James, and I became forever kind of friends. We went from bicycles and skateboards to cars and motorcycles. And girls. They were the most meaningful and surprising change of all.

  “Hey there! Did you get lost in thoughts of your new house?” Natalie chuckles.

  I snap out of my reverie and lock eyes with the girl of my dreams.

  “Sorry. Actually I was thinking of my childhood neighborhood.”

  “Was it a good place to grow up?”

  “The best. You’ll see. My parent still live in the same house. I want you to meet them. You up for that?”

  Her smile tells me she is before the words do.

  “I’d love to meet your parents.”

  Chapter 14


  The last few days of my visit to San Juan Capistrano have been bittersweet. Sweet because every moment spent with Parker is …what? Right? Perfect? Happy? All of the above. And bitter because it’s about to come to an end. I’ve got one more day before I fly back home.

  The good news is we already find it hard to be apart, and in two weeks it will be my turn when Parker comes to Santa Barbara.

  “What time are your guests going to be here?” I ask the retreating figure.

  “Soon!” Parker calls from the kitchen.

  I straighten the silverware he’s laid and make sure the glasses are all on the same side of the plates. They were not. It makes me want to laugh. This is a man’s idea of a dinner party table. At least this man. He didn’t have enough matching plates or stemware, so the table is a hodgepodge of diversity.

  There’s three wine goblets and two champagne flutes. One person will be drinking from Parker’s college beer stein and the rest from his regular glasses. Everyone has a white paper napkin folded under the knife and spoon. God he’s so friggin cute!

  “Whatcha doin?” He says it laughing as he enters the dining room.

  “Just making sure everything is where it should be.”

  “Natalie this is as good as it gets. I’m no Martha Stewart.”

  I put my arms around his neck and lean my forehead against his. “I know. You’ve done a great job. Really.”

  “Then why are you moving things around? Fess up.”

  I lift my shoulders and scrunch up my face. “I’m just anal about certain things. Am I bugging you? I can stop.”

  I give him my best don’t be mad look and bat my eyelashes. He laughs.

  “You think that’s going to work on me, Princess?”


  He comes in for a kiss. “Cause it does.”

  I get the most delicious kiss, made up of equal parts love and lust. Yeah, I said it. It feels an awful lot like love. I think even he’s surprised at the depth of feeling the moment conjures. We pause and I look into his ocean eyes. Ohhhh.

  “You feel that?” Parker says softly.

  Before I have time to answer the doorbell sounds.

  “Hold that thought,” I say as we part. I feel his fingertips leaving mine.

  “Is that Matt’s voice?”

  “Yeah. He’s always the one you hear first.”

  As soon as the door is swung open, Matt’s talking.

  “The party has arrived! Hello, Natalie!”

  He comes in for a cheek kiss, which I gladly accept.

  “Girl! Come here! I’ve missed you!”

  Beautiful Maggie takes me in a familiar embrace. She holds a small wrapped gift.

  “This is for the new homeowner,” she says, passing it to Parker.

  “Thank you. Come in, you two.” Parker steps aside to let our guests in.

  “I need a big drink. Matt drives like a maniac. He almost killed us three times.”

  “That’s a gross exaggeration, darlin’. It was only once,” he says as if once is acceptable.

  As the door closes behind them I hear another car pulling into the driveway.

  “Think we’ve got another arrival.”

  “Oh! That’ll be Nicki, Bliss’s business partner, and her husband. I told you she was married to Jack Alden, didn’t I?”

  Immediately I see Maggie’s wide-eyed expression. Pretty sure it mirrors mine.

  I may be having a stroke. Jack Alden is coming here? Oh shit! My blood pressure just spiked.

  “No you did not! He’s coming to our dinner party?”

  I barely hear Parker’s answer because I’m in another zone, on a different planet. This is so freakin’ exciting! I grab Maggie’s hand and we hold on for dear life. As if we are about to meet the Queen.

  “You two are funny,” Parker laughs. “He’s just a regular guy. You’ll love both of them.”

  My mouth suddenly goes dry. Every ounce of moisture is sapped from my lips. Are my hands shaking? Get it together, Natalie!

  “Open the door. I’m going to get the drinks started. Don’t pee your pants, ladies. It wouldn’t be a good look,” he chuckles.

  All I can think of is he wants me to introduce myself to the movie star and his wife. I hold on to Maggie’s hand, not giving her any opportunity to leave my side. This is awesome and frightening at the same time. I want to stop time and call Jenna who I wish was here. She’s the Hollywood lover. The star chaser. And tonight I may join her. Maggie too. She’s remained silent. Only her face is giving away the excitement.

  She and I stand arms linked as I open the door. Before I have a chance to think about what I’m doing. Oh crap! They’re out of the car and Jack’s put a hand on Nicki’s back, guiding her up the stone stairs that lead to Parker’s house. They both look up at the same moment, to find Maggie and I staring.

  He must see this look on a regular. Star-crossed fans googling the actor whose face we have only seen on the big screen.

  “Look at his hair! I was hoping it was going to be wild! I love how it’s so crazy!”

  God he looks so handsome! I squeeze Maggie’s hand so hard my ring digs into her flesh.

  “Ow! Shit!”

  No time for apologies. Here he comes. I have to pee.

  “Hi!” Nicki says, breaking our spell.

  I let go of my friend and extend my hand. I’m trying to act cool. Yeah. He’s just a man. So what if the entire planet knows who he is? So what? Then he smiles and all bets are off. There’s the face we all fell in love with. I’m so friggin’ excited!

  “Hi. I’m Natalie, and this is my friend Maggie.” That went smoother than I thought it would.

  Nicki takes my hand and covers it with her other one. “I’m Nicki. So nice to meet you Natalie, Maggie.”

  “I’m Jack. Nicki’s better half.”

  Maggie and I both laugh a little too much for his comment, but it just happened without thinking. Hope he doesn’t think we’re fools.

  “Hello, Jack. We’re both big fans of course.”

  “Well that’s a great way to start the night. Thank you, girls. Now where’s that man of yours, Natalie? I’m ready for one of his margaritas.”

  They walk inside and make their way to where Parker and Matt are standing. As they pass by us, Maggie opens her mouth in a silent scream. That’s hysterical. Usually she’s the cool one. Always she’s the cool one. But not tonight. She is just as gobsmacked as I am.

  Within the hour, all eight guests have made their way, claimed their margaritas and relaxed into the sort of conversations only old friends can have. Bliss and Steven arrive a
fter a bumper to bumper drive. James and Elizabeth were the last to show. Think they were having an argument because there is a look on her face I recognize. She’s pissed about something. He doesn’t look too happy either.

  But as soon as Elizabeth spotted the movie star, whatever was bothering her evaporated. I see the effect he must have on every person he meets. Nicki handles it well. She’s relaxed and approachable. I think she understands how people feel. It’s a pretty crazy way to live when you think of it. Everyone is watching you.

  * * *

  The table is crowded with Parker’s taco fixings. I love how he decided what to serve. When I asked about the menu he said ‘Everybody loves Mexican, and it’s easy’, and he was right. That’s all that mattered to him. Besides the main course, there’s rice, beans, and a big green salad. The one thing he had delivered from his favorite Mexican restaurant was the chili relleno with a big carton of its sauce.

  “Pass me some of that rice, Natalie,” Jack says.

  “Tell me about your work. Bliss told us you’re in real estate too,” Nicki says.

  “I am. Santa Barbara is a great spot to build a solid business. I’m in the luxury division of the county’s largest agency. I concentrate on high end clients who are looking for unique properties.”

  “Really? That’s our clientele as well. I’ve been with Bliss since she started the company.”

  “I know the name. It’s come up many times over the years when clients have talked about their previous properties or second homes. Your reputation is sterling.”

  “Thank you. So you concentrate on Santa Barbara exclusively?” Bliss asks.

  “Not exclusively. Once in a while I have to come out of my cocoon and show a client a property I’ve found outside of city limits. You know how it is. We can evaluate any property in any town. As long as you do your due diligence.”

  Nicki smiles with recognition. “Yes. That’s right. Not every realtor is comfortable doing that, but the good ones are.”

  “I’m a digital marketing specialist and so that serves me well too,” I reply.


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