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Lynna's Rogue

Page 26

by Kitty Margo

  “And what is that, Michael?”

  “Why you, my darling wife.” He grinned. “He desires you above all else!” Slamming the door, she heard keys rattling as he locked it behind him.

  He knew about her and Joshua. It was no wonder he despised her and would make it his personal mission to see they were never together again. He would also make certain the remainder of her life was unbearably miserable for having cuckolded him. She threw herself on the soiled bunk and pondered her dismal future.

  Her eyes were red and swollen when Michael returned late in the afternoon. “What is this?” She suspiciously eyed the bowl he placed before her.

  “It is called salmagundi.” Michael’s anger toward her seemed to have abated for the time being. His voice was almost gentle. “Try it.”

  “What is in it?” She shoved the bowl away, refusing to eat anything that had been prepared by a filthy pirate, no matter that she was starving.

  “Oh, a little bit of everything. Fish, chicken, pork, beef, and pigeon is roasted and cut into chunks. Then you add cabbage, pickled herring, mangoes, onions, grapes and anything else you can find. You then pour in a little wine, add salt and pepper and voila.” He laughed at her shocked expression of distaste. “Do not make such a face. It really is very tasty. Just try it, Lynna. You might like it.”

  “I am not hungry,” she lied, although she did admit the stew smelled terribly tempting.

  “Take my advice and eat while you can. Once we’re out to sea and our fresh food supply has been exhausted, you will find the fare far from palatable. You can look forward to gruel, which is a mixture of wheat and water, or boiled and salted beef, and biscuits, alive with maggots and weevils. You will regret passing up this fine meal.”

  “I would find it impossible to eat any food that had been prepared aboard this stinking, infested ship.”

  The cabin was alive with vermin. Cockroaches crawled the floor and walls around her and the tiny bunk, where she was supposed to sleep, was covered with crawling insects. But a large number of the pests were on her now. She clawed at her head with her fingernails where the lice and God only knows what else were digging into her scalp. Her entire body was covered with itching red spots where the insects had fed upon her tender flesh.

  “I will leave the meal with you. Heed my advice and eat, Lynna. You will need your strength,” he said solemnly before turning to leave.

  “Michael, where are you going?” She jumped up to run after him, afraid to be left alone to fend for herself against an entire ship filled with degenerates. “Please! Do not leave me alone!”

  “I must go on deck, Lynna. Being the Captain’s brother does not mean that I don’t do my share of the work, quite the opposite. I am expected to pull twice the weight of any other man.”

  “But why, Michael? You have more money than you could ever need.” She motioned toward the box. “Do not join up with this vile gang of cutthroats.”

  “Exactly, I do have more money than I could ever need, for now. But how long do you think I would live if the men onboard this ship found out? Our lives would mean nothing. So if you treasure your life, you will keep this bit of information to yourself until we reach port. No one must learn of the money, Lynna. Not even my brother.”

  “When will we reach port?” she asked, saying a silent prayer that it would be soon. She had to get off this wretched ship and find a way to get word to Joshua.

  “Not in the near future, I would suspect. Once Sean puts out to sea, he doesn’t return until the hold is overflowing with riches.”

  “Where is his home?”


  Tortuga! The name brought to mind lurid tales of the pirate stronghold, unspeakable tales. A place where the scum of the earth congregated to torture their helpless victims.

  “I can tell from your expression that you know what to expect when we arrive.”

  She merely nodded, acknowledging that her future would not be a pleasant one, if indeed she had a future. Only one hope kept her from giving up completely. Joshua. He would rescue her. He had to. She would not permit herself to think otherwise. Her only problem would be surviving until he did.

  Michael opened the door to leave when she grabbed his sleeve. “Michael, would it be possible to perhaps have a bucket of water and a sponge?” She slapped at a cockroach boldly making its way up her skirt and watching as Michael swiped it off and crushed it beneath his boot.

  “I will see what I can do,” he answered, mumbling a remark about the foolishness of women as he locked the door behind him.

  After he left, Lynna moved to the porthole, breathing deeply of the fresh, sea air. It was the only thing around her on this godforsaken ship that was clean. Glancing at the table, she saw a steady stream of ants and other creepy crawlies advancing on the stew. She greedily grabbed the bowl. If they were to be at sea as long as Michael had suggested, she had better learn to eat what was offered. Either that or starve. Surprisingly, the concoction of meat, fruit and vegetables was a meal to be savored, and she did. She was tipping the bowl to get the last spoonful when a timid knock sounded at the door.

  “Who is it?”

  “It be Rob, maam, de cook,” someone answered in a low whisper. “Lets me in.”

  She opened the door to find the biggest, blackest man she had ever seen smiling down at her. “I brung you dis heah water an sponge you axked fo.” He sat the bucket inside the door and stepping inside, closed it quietly behind him. “I put a cup of vinegar in dis bucket, cuz you ain’t gits too far wit’ jus’ plain water.” She saw the fear register briefly on his face. “But, please, maam, you cain say nothin’ to de Cap’n bout it, he’d have me flogged ifn he found out.”

  “Thank you, Rob. You are most kind,” she said, smiling brightly. “And rest assured, the Captain will never learn of your generosity from me. I pray I never even have to see him.” As Rob opened the door and looked up and down the corridor, she whispered, “And thank you again. I simply could not live with this pestilence.”

  Rob left the cabin with pity for the slip of the girl strong inside him. She would meet the Captain. Of that he was certain. Probably before the day was over.

  First Lynna washed the bedclothes in the bucket of vinegar and water and hung them on hooks to dry. Then, she scrubbed vigorously every inch of the floor and walls, squashing hundreds of bugs in the process, until she was satisfied that the cabin was as clean as possible. Now for her! She simply had to have another bucket of water to bathe and wash her hair. Perhaps she could find Rob and ask him.

  She tried the door and was amazed to find that Rob had left it unlocked. Looking into the corridor to the right, she saw the hatchway leading to the deck. She definitely did not want to go that way. Turning left, she ran headlong into Captain Sean Devereux, alleged to be the most ruthless pirate alive. He was a strikingly handsome, well turned out man with his leather waistcoat, three-inch wide black belt with silver buckle, and cutlass strapped bandolier. He wore no bandana and surprisingly, with appropriate attire, would not have looked out of place in the parlor of some of Georgia’s more refined homes.

  “Well, shiver me timbers!” He smiled and winked as his eyes slid appreciatively over her slender form, lingering on the soft swell of breast above the bodice of her gown. “So you are the wife of my brother.”

  “Yes, I am Michael’s wife. Now, if you will excuse me, I will return to my cabin,” she murmured, rushing back inside and swiftly trying to bolt the door, only to find it blocked by his booted foot.

  “Not so fast, little one. I have a desire to become better acquainted with my new… sister.” He smiled, shoving the door open. His dark eyes were menacing as he said, “Much better acquainted.”

  Lynna read the intent in his eyes and looked around in search of a weapon, but none was to be found. The only objects in the room being a bunk, a table, and a chair. All too heavy to be lifted by her. “Do not come near me!”

  His bold laughter filled the room, sending chills over
her even though the heat in the cabin was sweltering. “And what, pray tell, will you do if I come near you?” he asked in a soothing voice. “Beat me to death with those tiny fists?” He stood looking out the porthole. “You have a long voyage ahead of you, Madame Devereux.” He turned to face her, his eyes boring into hers. “You will need a man.”

  “You forget, sir. I have a husband.” Did his brother know her husband had never shared her bed? That he refused to touch her?

  “No. I did not forget that you have a husband. If you will recall, I said that you will need a man.”

  “But, sir, Michael is a man,” she replied anxiously, trying her utmost to sound convincing. “And I might add that I find him most satisfactory in every way.”

  He laughed uproariously at her words, “And might I suggest that it takes very little, indeed, to satisfy you.” His ridicule of his brother was lost on her. “But you will soon see that, unlike my little brother, I have precisely what it takes to please a woman.”

  She tried frantically to run past him, but was halted by his steely voice. “Stay where you are!”

  Too frightened to remain still, she again bolted for the door. He jerked her around roughly to face him, causing her to cry out as his fingers dug into the tender flesh of her arm. “I am not accustomed to having my orders disobeyed,” he warned ominously.

  “And I am not accustomed to following orders,” she replied defiantly.

  “My brother should have taught you better manners.” His fingers were like vises around her arms. “You see, you have no choice whatsoever in the matter, little one. This is my ship and everyone onboard must either obey or suffer the consequences, which I can assure you, would be severe.”

  “No punishment could be worse than being raped by a filthy, disgusting pirate.”

  “We shall see, Madame. We shall see. If you prefer the cat-o-nine-tails to me, I will be happy to oblige.” She stood her ground, preferring the whip to his lust.

  Sean hated the thought of marring her perfect flesh. Flesh that would be most pleasing in the long, lonely weeks ahead. Little did Lynna know that Sean was a hard man, but soft where beautiful women were concerned. And he could never remember seeing one more beautiful.

  She was caught unaware as his hand snaked out to rip her bodice open to the waist, exposing her bosom to his hungering gaze. His hand trailed up her arm to lightly caress her breast, but he squeezed painfully when her fist crashed into his jaw with a force that stunned him. His huge hands moved to the slim column of her neck closing around it, applying gentle yet firm pressure. “I could snap your neck with one twist, as I have done so many times in the past for far less crimes than you just committed.” A muscle in his jaw twitched angrily. “It might behoove you to consider who you are dealing with the next time you feel the urge to strike a man, for all men might not be as lenient, or as swayed by your beauty, as I am. Nonetheless, you will have to be punished for your carelessness, but that can wait until after I have had my fill of you.” He lowered his head to hers and his lips were hard, demanding a response that she would not give. “And I cannot see that deed being accomplished anytime in the foreseeable future. Now, allow me to demonstrate the pleasures to be found in the arms of a real man.”

  Lynna knew she had to think fast, but her mind seemed to be scrambled and racing in several directions at once. “I am your brother’s wife, Captain Devereux. Do you feel no loyalty toward him?”

  “Unfortunately, the answer to your question is no. Believe me, at this moment, my feelings do not run toward family.” His eyes rested on her bosom. “No, that’s not true. I have rather pronounced feelings for the newest member of my family.” Without another word, he lifted her easily, carrying her flailing and screaming to the bunk where she clawed at his face and bit into his shoulder, causing him to wince painfully, but not release her. She cowered, expecting to feel the blows from his fist, but none were forthcoming. Instead, he gazed down at her in deep concentration.

  What Sean would not give to have this lovely creature come to him of her own volition. The hold of his ship was overflowing with bounty. Therefore, if he was of a mind, and he was, he could take the lady to his island and lock them both in his bedroom until his lust for the enchanting creature had been satisfied. By then, she would be his and he would devote his life to pleasing her. But even as he was contemplating his possible devotion to her, she continued with her assault, pulling fistfuls of hair, digging her knee into his groin, and trying to dig her long nails into his skin.

  Once on the bed, the strong smell of vinegar assaulted him and a workable plan began to take shape in his mind. “Who gave you vinegar?”

  She immediately stilled, and took on the look of one innocent of all crimes. “Sir, I do not know what you are referring to. What vinegar?” The lie fell from her lips with ease as she was suddenly more frightened for Rob than herself.

  “Answer me!” He jerked her face around to look into her eyes. “I will know who onboard my ship so carelessly wastes supplies!” He interpreted the fear clearly in her eyes. “Rob! That ignorant darky! He is the only one stupid enough to go against my orders and give in to a woman’s foolish whims.” He had used her fear for Rob to his advantage and the ploy was working beautifully. “He must be punished. He will receive twenty lashes for the theft.”

  “Twenty lashes!” she cried, incredulously, temporarily forgetting the danger she was in and shoving him off her to stand beside the bunk. “Twenty lashes for a cup of vinegar? You cannot be serious.”

  “Alas, I see your memory has not fled you after all, little one.”

  Ignoring his remark, she scrambled through her pocket for Michael’s gold doubloon that she had found when cleaning under the bunk. “Here, I will pay for the vinegar I used. This should more than cover…”

  “I will prove to you that I do not issue false threats!” he roared theatrically as he strode angrily out the door, slamming it behind him. “He must be punished for this disobedience!”

  Lynna sat at the table, attempting to reassure herself that the pirate captain would not execute his vicious threat. Of course he wouldn’t. No man could be so heartless. But within a few short minutes she heard footsteps and clutching the torn bodice of her dress, she cracked open the door to find a stoic Rob in the hall with a glowering Sean behind him. Sean had a sharp cutlass pointed at Rob’s back. Rob revealed no emotion, looking solemnly toward the deck, knowing exactly the excruciating fate that awaited him. He was no novice at having his skin laid open by the cat-o-nine tails. Seeing Lynna, he stopped to smile encouragingly.

  “Move!” Sean ordered. “Or do you wish to be run through right here?”

  “Please!” Lynna cried, rushing forward and attempting to pull him, and his sword, backward and away from Rob. “I implore you, sir, to cease this madness and not carry through with it!”

  Sean pretended not to hear her as he marched Rob toward the hatchway. Lynna realized that once the crew discovered what was about they would halt their work to urge their captain on, eager for any diversion from their tedious monotony. If she was to stop this vicious act of violence, it would have to be now.

  “Wait!” she cried, tugging on Sean’s sleeve until he stopped prodding Rob with his sword and looked down at her. Dreading it, but without hesitation, she timidly touched his bare chest where his shirt fell open. “I will do anything… you ask.” Standing on tiptoe she whispered close to his ear, but the words almost choked her. “Anything… if you will not flog this man.”

  He rubbed his jaw and pretended to ponder her request when in truth he had known this would be her reaction to his threat against an innocent man.

  “No, Ma’am!” Rob stated adamantly, ignoring the cutlass at his back. “Don’t do dat!”

  “Avast, you fool!” Sean commanded angrily, having no desire to whip a man without just cause. “Who do you think will be most apt to see the sun rise tomorrow morning? You, after twenty lashes from the cat-o-nine, or her after a night with me? Now shut your t
rap and return to the galley before I change my mind!”

  With a sly grin curving his lips, Sean followed Lynna to her cabin. He was elated, while she felt dead, numb all over. Could she carry through with the deed she had offered? Where was her husband? Why didn’t he stop this insanity? Silent tears coursed down her cheeks as she heard the door close and nervously turned to face the pirate captain she had just sold her body to. But she wasn’t ready, not yet! She had to stall him until she could devise a plan. “Tell me about your life, Captain Devereux. I would care to know what would make a man turn to piracy.”

  “I will be happy to discuss my upbringing with you at a later date. After I have made love to you to my heart’s content. Rest assured, little one, your stall tactics will not work. I held up my end of the bargain, now come to me as you promised.”

  There would be no turning back now. His eyes, glazed with lust, assured her of that.

  Taking her in his arms, Sean’s hands were surprisingly gentle as he slowly began to unfasten her dress, stopping often to touch, caress, and stare in amazement as her exquisite beauty was unveiled to him. He desired this stunning lady with an urgency he hadn’t felt in a long time and had a strong yearning to feel her soft, supple body beneath his.

  “My husband will kill you for this,” she whispered, as he cupped a breast in each hand and nuzzled her neck.

  “That is a risk I am willing to take, little one.” He chuckled, realizing that most likely she was still a virgin, and he would be more than happy to deflower her. Easing her down on the bunk, his lips had just closed over the pale pink tip of one luscious breast when the unmistakable sound of a cannon blast striking the ship made Sean forget his purpose. Jerking his trousers up, he turned to her and promised, “I will return shortly and we’ll continue where we left off.”


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