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Lynna's Rogue

Page 30

by Kitty Margo

  “Does Rob have to fight you every time he takes you? Is that how you like it? Or do you go willingly to his bed?” He hated her for the pain she was causing him. No, he knew that was a lie meant to justify his depraved actions. He could never hate her. Glancing down into her tear-stained visage, Joshua’s heart melted and he realized that if the only way he could have her was by force, he didn’t want her. Overwhelmed with tenderness for her, his lips descended and he drank of her sweet mouth one last time before he made to leave her.

  He was about to pull away when her body began responding to his and she pressed seductively up against him. He released her hands and moved his own behind her to cup her buttocks and pull her against him as he entered her. They had been too long without each other and were near starved. Joshua buried deep inside her and after mere seconds, their insides exploded with an ecstasy that left them breathless. He heaved a deep sigh, and left the cave without a word.

  Turning her face to the wall, Lynna was in the midst of a good cry when Rob entered the cave. “Buttercup, who is all dem mens out yonder?”

  At the sound of his voice, Lynna wrapped the spread around her and flew into his welcoming arms. She heard his sharp intake of breath and then felt his huge body tremble with unsuppressed rage as he glared at the blood smeared across her neck and chest. “Who done dis to you?”

  She was afraid to tell him, having no desire to see Joshua suffer. “As you can see, I am unharmed, Rob.” She tried to sound brave. “This is his blood, not mine. He faired much worse than I did.”

  “Buttercup, you done give yoself to save me from bein’ flogged, and long as I live, ain’t no man gwine hurt you and live to brag bout it.”

  Leaving her helplessly clutching the canvas spread, he strode determinedly toward the beach. Rob had hoped and prayed to never see or deal with another white man as long as he lived, but he had a wrong to make right and he would see it done. Lynna quickly donned her good sarong and followed him.

  Joshua and Rob were face to face when she reached the beach. Rob’s huge form towered over Joshua’s as he stood at the water’s edge, washing smears of blood from his arms and chest. “Is you da one whut done rape Buttercup?” Rob demanded with his fists clenched tightly by his sides and ready to take on the entire crew if they dared interfere.

  “Did she tell you I raped her?” Joshua asked casually, not realizing who Rob was nor the depth of his anger.

  “She ain’t gots to tell me, I done seed the blood on her. You gwine answer me?”

  It was slowly dawning on Joshua just how angry this giant black man was. “No, I certainly would not describe our encounter as rape.”

  “Well, whatever you calls it I aims to kill you fo it!” Rob warned as his meaty fist connected with Joshua’s jaw, sending him sprawling backward into the sand. Joshua tried to stand, but Rob kicked him viciously under the chin, snapping his head back with enough force to break his neck. Rob lunged again, but Joshua grabbed his legs, toppling him and bringing the huge man down. They exchanged blow for blow rolling in the sand until Rob won the advantage when he landed on top of Joshua with his hands going around his neck to squeeze. Joshua clawed at the massive hands to no avail as blackness rapidly closed around him and his life flashed before his eyes.

  “Rob, stop!” The scream was torn from Lynna’s throat as she raced toward them. “Stop! You’ll kill him.”

  “He need to die fo whut he done to you!”

  She made to throw herself on Rob’s back at the same time as Rob drew back his fist to pummel Joshua. Rob’s fist caught Lynna below her left eye, knocking her out cold.

  Joshua’s men, hearing Lynna’s scream, came running, and it took four of the stoutest to subdue Rob and tie him to a coconut tree. Two of those men would be incapacitated for days. “You need me to get the cat-o-nine-tails, Captain?”

  “Yes, get it.” Joshua hoped to intimidate the goliath who’d almost sent him to an early grave and keep him still long enough to find out who he was.

  Seconds later, Lynna opened her eyes to see Joshua kneeling over her. “Lynna, are you unharmed, my love?”

  “I’s sorry, Buttercup. I sho nuff is sorry,” Rob was struggling ferociously against the ropes that bound him.

  “Nonsense, Rob, it was an accident,” she replied, still dazed. “I should have made my presence known. I know you would never intentionally harm me or anyone else.”

  “Here’s that whip, Captain,” the eager crewman grinned.

  Whip? At that moment, the fact that Rob was tied to a tree with his back exposed sank into Lynna’s spinning head. She leapt to her feet, forcefully shoving Joshua aside and rushed to Rob’s side. “Untie him this second! Bring me your knife, Joshua! If you inflict one lash on this man, I swear I will murder you all while you sleep!”

  Moving to take the distraught girl in his arms, Joshua held her against his chest until she stilled. “Calm yourself, Lynna,” he said as gently as possible. “I will untie him if he gives his word not to try to kill me again.” He had never seen her so angry or upset before. Her slight figure trembled with rage. Joshua turned to Sam and ordered him to gather six of his most able-bodied seaman close before he saw the behemoth untied.

  That voice! Lynna knew that voice! Words and voices and faces seemed to scramble around in her head before it finally cleared. It was Joshua! Dear God! With a cry of delight she raced to an astonished Joshua and leapt into his arms, finding his lips for a long, heartfelt kiss that did not end until Sam began coughing to gain their attention. “Oh, my darling, Joshua,” she whispered, lowering her lips to his again. “It really is you! I remember now. I remember everything.”

  “It’s about damn time!” Joshua grinned, twirling her in his arms. “I feared I would be forced to resort to kidnapping you off this island.” Then he nudged his head toward Rob. “Who’s the goliath?”

  “This is Rob, of course.” She grinned at his shocked expression. “I would not be alive now if he had not taken such good care of me. I owe him my life, Joshua.”

  “Then I am forever in your debt, sir.” Joshua looked at Rob and his mouth gaped open, marveling at his own stupidity. “Rob?” He had been a fool to jump to such hair-brained conclusions without first finding out the details. Would she ever forgive him?

  Rob’s serious tone brought him back to the present. “I knows no black man ain’t ‘pose to threat no white man. But out heah on dis island, dey ain’t no law to speak of and Buttercup done said we was equals, so I’s tellin’ you now. Ifn you or any other man touch her agin, an she ain’t want you to, I rip you apart wit’ my bare hands.”

  No man there doubted the sincerity in his words as he disappeared into the forest.

  Lynna and Joshua were eating breakfast after a night of breathtaking passion that had left both of them trembling and gasping for air, when Rob entered the cave two days later. Standing to shake his hand, Joshua said, “My ship is ready to sail with the morning tide, Rob. Are you sure we cannot persuade you to join us?”

  “Naw sir, I’s stayin’ heah. Dey’s huntin’ fo me back in Jawga. Heah I ain’t got no boss and nobody standin’ over me wit’ a whip.”

  “Nobody would stand over you with a whip at Sea Grove. You would have my word on that. You would have your own cabin and live life as leisurely as you pleased.”

  “Please, Rob. Come home with us,” Lynna pleaded.

  “I’s happy heah.”

  “I understand Rob,” Lynna replied softly, moving toward the big man and hugging him in a warm embrace. Then she turned to Joshua. “Could we come back to the island next year for a visit? Perhaps by then he will have changed his mind and be willing to return home with us.”

  “Of course we can. We will return periodically and bring you supplies, Rob.” Joshua extended his hand to the huge man. “I owe you a debt of gratitude, my friend. One that I will never be able to repay. If you hadn’t thrown Lynna over the side of that pirate ship, odds are great that both of you would have perished along with the others.
And if you hadn’t been with her here on the island… thank you again.” Then he turned to Lynna with a beaming countenance. “We set sail for Jamaica to bring Crystal onboard, and then to Magnolia House for Judith, so you can instruct her to begin designing her most magnificent wedding gown to date, and then to Sea Grove, your new home.” Joshua held out his hand to her. “The Windjammer awaits, my love.”


  She could not be still. “Aunt Judith, it is absolutely your most stunning and fabulous creation ever!” Lynna marveled, twirling in front of the cheval glass.

  “I am so pleased you approve, my darling,” Judith smiled, radiantly. “However it required so many weeks to complete. Are you sure it was worth it?”

  “It was worth every second of the delay. And I’m sorry I was growing so impatient, it is just that I am truly eager to become Joshua’s wife.”

  “I realize how anxious you are, my dear. And in less than one hour, your dreams will at long last become reality.”

  The wedding gown was a magnificent work of art. Off the shoulder, creamy organza with row upon row of lacy ruffles cascading over the full, flowing skirt and handsewn beading, causing the gown to glitter. Her tulle veil fell over her face, and a long train, attached to the skirt, trailed behind her.

  Lynna stood at the top of the mahogany staircase at Sea Grove with their family and friends gathered below. She hoped Joshua admired the gown as much as she did and considered her to be as beautiful as she felt in it. She heard the music begin downstairs and knew that was her cue. She lifted the skirt of her wedding gown and slowly descended the stairs with Myriah, Crystal, and Bethany Breanne holding the hem of her flowing train. Many gasps, sighs and whispers were heard as she reached the bottom of the stairs and slowly came into view.

  Peering into the ballroom, Lynna saw Joshua watching her with eager anticipation and a wide grin splitting his handsome features. She saw her Aunt Judith in widow’s weeds. Her uncle had met with an early demise in a drunken brawl in one of the taverns he frequented.

  Judith smiled a secretive smile, noticing the slight rounding to Lynna’s stomach. Just yesterday she had altered her wedding gown again.

  Lynna smiled at Aunt Gypsie, Aunt Bertie, and Uncle Cliff, who returned her smile with tears of joy. She noticed Joshua’s parents and sister gazing at her with loving eyes, next to a beaming Samuel and Beth. Everyone she loved was in attendance, except her beloved father. But she could not allow herself to think about that now and spoil her wedding day. Instead, she drew a deep, cleansing breath, held her body erect, and continued down the aisle toward the man she would love until the day she drew her final breath. And he was so handsome in his wedding raiment.

  At last she stood in front of the pastor and Joshua took her hand.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today...”

  Lynna barely registered the pastor’s words as she gazed into Joshua’s sparkling emerald eyes and wickedly anticipated her wedding night. He had reluctantly acquiesced to her wish to not make love on the journey home. Lynna wanted her wedding night to be special, reminiscent of their first time in each other’s arms onboard his ship. She tried to concentrate on the pastor as he intoned, “If there is anyone here who objects to the joining of Lynna Makensie Mathison and Joshua Daniel Jordan, let him speak now or forevermore hold his peace.”

  “I object! And her name is Lynna Rhodes!”

  Lynna gasped as a hush fell over the waiting crowd. Could it be? At the sound of the familiar voice, she turned toward the door. “Father!” she cried, as her suddenly trembling legs threatened to give way beneath her. Leaving a grinning Joshua, she rushed down the aisle to launch herself into her father’s outstretched arms. “Oh, Father! Father! Is it really you? Where have you been? What took you so long? I have so much to tell you! Oh Father, you have made me the happiest bride on earth!”

  “My own darling daughter is about to be wed. I would not have missed it for the world.” Nathan Rhodes struggled to maintain his composure as he held his daughter close. “Here, my child. Let me look at you.”

  Thank God, Joshua thought, breathing a sigh of relief. He had instructed Judith to stall the completion of the wedding gown to allow enough time for Sam to deliver Nathan, hogtied if necessary.

  After several minutes of holding his cherished daughter in his arms, Nathan brushed a betraying tear from his cheek, cleared his throat and said, “As the father of the bride, I have but one objection. I was not permitted to give my daughter away. I would but request that the wedding be started again from the beginning so I may have the honor of escorting my beautiful daughter down the aisle.”

  “Of course, Father,” Lynna laughed and cried at the same time as she walked with her father to the bottom of the stairs to begin the wedding march again. “But, father, why didn’t you write me? I have been so worried about you. It has been so long since you sent me away. And why didn’t you send us funds as you promised?”

  “Why did I not send funds?” he blustered. “Why you were given a monthly allowance that should have kept both you and my sister living like queens. What is the meaning of this? Are you telling me you did not receive your monthly allotment? Who had access to your aunt’s account?”

  “Tobias,” Lynna mumbled. “I should have known. One of his distant relatives owns the bank.”

  “Each and every day was torture for me, Lynna. However, I simply could not risk corresponding with you, my darling. I refused to leave a paper trail leading the villains straightaway to you. Nevertheless, when I received the missive from Joshua stating that you were to be wed, I had to come. I could not miss the wedding of my most beloved. And now that I am here, I find I enjoy having my feet planted in Georgia soil again and just might decide to stay a while.”

  “I have something to tell you, Father, that might help with your decision.” Patting her stomach, she blushed prettily as she whispered in his ear.

  Nathan’s fists clenched at his sides and he gave his soon-to-be son-in-law a quelling glance before relaxing and taking a deep breath. What was done was done, and his daughter had never looked happier. According to Sam, Joshua had proven his love for Lynna many times over.

  Placing his daughter’s hand in the crook of his arm, Nathan walked her down the aisle, and handed her over to Joshua. “Again, I implore you, Captain Jordan. Guard my most treasured procession well.”

  “With my life, Mr. Rhodes,” Joshua promised. “With my very life.”

  The End

  Books By This Author

  Beware the River

  (Southern Fiction)

  Lynna’s Rogue

  (Historical Romance)

  Midsummer’s Eve

  (Women’s Fiction)

  Dedicated to

  Teri Lovo, always the first person

  to read my rough drafts. For your

  years of friendship and invaluable

  input. I wouldn’t have gotten this

  far without you encouraging me

  every step of the way.

  To my sister, Malinda, without

  doubt, the best sister and best

  friend a girl could ever have. For

  reading my books and for

  your enthusiasm.

  To my brother, Michael, who has

  never been more than a phone

  call away when I needed him.

  And to my amazing parents,

  Bert and Cliff. Thank you for

  a wonderful life.

  Author’s Note s

  To my knowledge, there were no earthquakes in Charleston, South Carolina during the time frame of this book. Thank goodness! In order to propel the story along, I invented one. The 7.3 earthquake that would devastate the city occurred several decades later on August 31, 1886.

  I truly enjoy hearing from my readers. You can reach me at or visit my website at

  Thanks so much for reading my book! I hope you enjoyed Lynna’s Rogue and will look for the sequel
in late 2013. It’s entirely possible that Captain Sean Devereux did not go down with his ship.

  Happy Reading!




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