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Yours Book 1: Losing My Innocence

Page 11

by Blue Saffire

  Her eyes sweep across me before she starts glaring draggers. She gives me a fake smile and turns to whisper to him again. I turn away quickly, not wanting to witness anymore of their exchange. I feel like I am going to be sick if I don’t get away from them fast.

  “Are you ready for that dance?” I ask Mark as I shoot out of my seat.

  He looks up at me with a broad smile and stands. He wraps my fingers in his and pulls me in front of him before leading us toward the dance floor downstairs. Bailey appears with my second drink before we get too far and I down it and place the glass back on her tray before tugging Mark forward again. I stumble a little with my first few steps, but Mark steadied me with his hands on my waist.

  I would be so embarrassed if I fell tonight, especially in front of Nick. I take a few deep breathes to reclaim my footing. With Mark guiding me by my waist, I make it down to the dance floor and into the crowd of bodies. I look up to see Mark has guided us right under the view of our VIP booth upstairs. I squeeze my eyes shut against the view of the blonde still pushing herself up against Nick and start to sway my hips to the music.

  Mark pulls me into his embrace and starts to sway with me. I am definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol and decide to go with it and the feel of the music. I throw my arms in the air and get into the pulsing beat.

  “You smell great,” Mark bends to say against my ear. He brushes my hair out of the way and nuzzles my neck a little. I am a little stunned at first, but my brain is not moving fast enough for me to really process. “You’re so beautiful.”

  I can smell the alcohol on his breath as he speaks and think maybe he is not good at holding his liquor either. His lips brushed my neck and it tickles so I giggle and wiggle in his arms leaning my head against his shoulder to look at him.

  “What are you doing,” I giggle with a friendly smile.

  Mark doesn’t respond. He just stares at my lips and lets his hand roam, before I know what is going on his hands are gliding up my bare sides. I blink at him in surprise and confusion. This is Mark. He is handsome and all. I can’t ignore or deny that, but his touch doesn’t do things to me that makes my insides turn to liquid fire.

  I don’t want to ruin our friendship with me being silly. I spin in his arms and push at his chest. “Mark, please don’t,” I say shaking away my confusion.

  Mark starts to reply, but something over my shoulder gets his attention and he starts to scowl. That’s when my body does begin to hum. Hands that never fail to set me on fire splayed on my belly, pulling me flush against a hard chest. Mark takes a step back, away from me.

  “I’m cutting in,” Nick’s voice commands from behind me.

  Kimmie appears from out of nowhere, grabbing Mark by the hand and into the crowd to dance with her. I watch as Mark remains scowling while looking back over his shoulder at Nick holding me tightly to him. Although my body is on fire from being so close to him, thoughts of his date slap some sense into me.

  I try to turn in his arms to tell him where he can go, but he tightens his hold keeping me just as he wants as he starts to move with the music. He is like my puppet master, my body molds to his and moves with his fluid movements. His hand snakes up to wrap my hair around his forearm and he gently tugs, tilting my head back.

  “No one touches what’s mine Sephora,” he hisses against my ear. With his words, his hips thrust forward into my behind.

  I bite my lip to cut off the moan that escapes my lips. I can feel the fire running through my veins. Nick starts a trail of kisses down my neck, growling when I arch my back into him. His hand that is still splayed on my belly starts to slide further south. Embarrassed of where I think it is heading my hand shoots to his and I lace my fingers with his.

  His tongue flicks out over the skin on my neck and sends a shiver through me. Lost in my reaction to him I let him push our entwined hands lower. Nick reversed our hands, placing his on top of mine. I whimper when he used both our hands to cup my mound.

  “Mine,” he growls thrusting against me again.

  My eyes shut against the overwhelming need to have his hands all over me. “Nick, please,” I breathe.

  “We’re leaving,” he groans against my ear.

  I blink away my haze of lust and spun to face him so fast he barely has time to release his hold on my hair so he doesn’t snap my neck. I step back away from him and fold my arms in front of my chest, causing my breasts to squish together and the keyhole in my dress to open slightly.

  Nick’s eyes dart to my breasts and he takes a step forward, reaching for my waist. He bends his head to kiss me, but I turn away at the last minute. “What is it, Sephora? Is this about last night. I thought you would have taken today to think things over,” Nick says in a frustrated voice against my temple.

  “This is not about last night. This is about the shank you showed up here with just one night after we broke up,” I hiss.

  Nick narrows his eyes at me and leans down until we are nose to nose. “We. Never. Broke. Up,” I can feel the words rumble through his chest. “I gave you time to think, like you said you needed. Is that why you let Mark put his hands all over you, because you thought we broke up?”

  “Leave Mark out of this. That was… it was a misunderstanding we’re just friends. Besides, what do you care, I’m sure Barbie is looking for you right now.”

  Nick snorts and tightens his grip on my waist, dragging my body up against his while not breaking the connection of our foreheads. “She is friends with Craig’s new toy. Lorna or whatever her name is. She took the seat in between myself and Luke before you arrived. If you were paying more attention you would have seen that when you arrived,” Nick bites out then crushes his lips to mine.

  He is devouring my mouth. His kiss is so hot and hungry, all my anger and reluctance melts away. I can’t remember why I thought this was a bad idea and I am sure I have forgotten my own name. I am meeting him kiss for kiss with my own heat and want. His large fingers bite into my bare back and I groan into his hot wet mouth.

  “I need to be inside you,” Nick breathes hungrily. “We’re leaving.”

  I nod in a daze and Nick gives me a wicked smile. He turns me toward the doors and starts for the exit. “Wait, my purse and I have to let everyone know I’m leaving.”

  Nick nods curtly and redirects us toward the stairs. Somewhere in my brain it is registering that I am leaving to go lose my virginity, but it isn’t a big enough voice to stop me. Instead, my brain is telling my drunken feet to cooperate so that we can get out of here as fast as possible without me falling on my face.

  When we make it back to our friends Kimmie and Luke have their heads locked together in an intense conversation. George and Kathy are just as we left them. Mark is tossing back another drink while talking to Ettie and Andrew. Craig’s redhead has moved to sitting on his lap and her friend is sitting next to them now glaring at me.

  I almost laugh in her face. She was all over my boyfriend, she has some nerve. I start to get mad at him again because he was entertaining her. Nick tenses beside me and leans into my ear.

  “Don’t,” he threatens. “I was being polite and she means nothing to me. She knows you are my girlfriend.” I relax as he starts to stroke my back gently.

  “Ettie, please hand me my clutch,” I manage to say calmly. Luke’s head snaps in our direction and his eyes narrow at Nick. “I think I had enough for one night. Nick is going to make sure I get home.”

  “Oh Soph, you guys just got here,” Ettie whines.

  “Sweetheart, it’s her first night out and she may have had too much to drink,” Andrew says with a knowing smile.

  “I can take you home,” Luke says and stands.

  “Oh no you don’t,” Kimmie says and crosses her arms over her chest. Luke looks down at her and curses under his breath, rolling his eyes and sitting back down.

  “Lilla du,...” Luke starts, but sighs when Kimmie nudges him in the ribs with her elbow. “Nick take care of her. I don’t want her hurt.”
I can hear the warning in his words.

  “That makes two of us,” Nick says trail his finger across my cheek.

  “You’re a lucky man, Lincoln,” Craig chuckles. “If you ever want to know what it is really like to play, you let me know, Sephora.” Both the redhead and the blonde are grimacing at me this time. This time I have to laugh.

  “You do know that you are more Andrew’s friend than mine,” Nick hisses. “I have no problem kicking your a–.”

  “Let’s go,” I giggle cutting Nick off. Craig has enough to deal with from the looks on my brother and every other man in the groups’ face, including Mark. Craig is giving a full belly laugh now.

  Ettie stands to hand me my clutch and gives me a hug. Andrew is next, kissing my cheek and giving me a hug. Kimmie comes to give me a hug as well, squeezing me tight. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Hell and nothing I would do for that matter,” she giggles into my ear. “See you later, Lincoln.” Kimmie coos giving Nick a wink and a naughty smile.

  We say our goodnights and Nick wraps his arm around me leading us out of the club. I am surprised to see Winston waiting at the curb for us, standing outside a pearl white Bentley. Once in the car Nick has me securely tucked into his arms.

  He runs a hand through my hair leaning in to inhale its scent. “This is much better,” he says looking my face and hair over. “Now I can see my girl.”

  I giggle like a schoolgirl at his comment and realize the alcohol is still buzzing through my system. Nick chuckles at me and kisses my forehead. He retrieves a bottle of water and hands it to me. “Drink this,” he commands.

  I do as he asks while staring up into his gorgeous eyes. I can’t fight off the smile on my face. I am starting to get a little nervous. I don’t want to be drunk for my first time and I am hoping that it will wear off by the time we get to our destination.

  “You are so beautiful,” I giggle and lean in to kiss his jawline.

  “You are the beautiful one,” he murmurs against my neck. “I thought I was going to lose it when I saw you in this dress.”

  “Do you like, I bought it myself,” I chirp happily. “The shoes too.”

  Nick reaches for my legs, pulling them onto his lap. Lifting my right leg up he places a small kiss just above the ankle of my boot. “I love the dress and the shoes, but it is the woman in them that makes them exquisite.”

  His hand begins to slide up my calf to my thigh where his grip tightens and he tugs me onto his lap. He holds my gaze as his hands explored my bare back. My breath catches and I release a soft moan. Nick nuzzles my ear.

  “Are you sure you’re ready, Sephora? We don’t have to do this tonight. We can just spend the night together.” His words are sincere, but I can hear and feel the need in his voice.

  I nod my head shyly and look up through my lashes. “Tonight is fine. I- I want…I want you, Nick.”

  Nick groans and captures my lips with his. I wrap my arms around his neck trying to get as close to him as I can. Suddenly, the car brakes abruptly and horns are blurring around us. Nick tenses in my arms and swiftly shifts me off his lap and locks my seatbelt around me.

  His chest is heaving and his hands are cupping my face as his eyes frantically search me for signs of injury. When he is satisfied, he kisses my forehead, my nose, my cheeks and then my lips. His eyes snap shut and he seems to fight to control his breathing.

  “Nick, are you okay,” I whisper. “I’m fine. I was barely jolted.”

  “That was stupid of me. I should have insured you have your seat belt on from the time you were in the car,” he snaps. “Winston –”

  “Sorry Sir, I have slowed down. A vehicle cutoff the car ahead of us,” Winston explains apologetically.

  Nick punches the door next to him, startling me and effectively killing my buzz. Nick won’t look at me. He keeps his gaze trained out his passenger window with his jaw clenched tight. I reach to touch his arm and he clenches my fingers holding them tightly.

  I can feel when him relax a little. He still wouldn’t look at me, but he brings my fingers to his lips before placing them on his thigh still keeping a secure hold. The rest of the ride is silent. By the time we pull into the parking grounds to my apartment complex I am completely sober.

  I am surprised to be at my building. I thought we would go to his place. Maybe I live closer, I muse as Winston opens the door for me. I fish my key from my clutch and start for my building elevator.

  “Thank you Winston,” I hear Nick say with genuine gratitude.

  “No problem, Sir. I always endeavor to keep her safe,” Winston replies.

  “I know,” Nick sighs.

  I turn and push the button as I step into the elevator. I look up to see Nick shake Winston’s hand and clap him on the back with a smile. I never really looked at Winston to notice his sturdy build and large frame. He is clearly over six feet like Nick. Winston looks to be in his earlier forties with sharp blue eyes and blonde hair. I tilt my head and think to myself that he could be a cop. I giggle at the thought as Nick steps into the elevator.

  “What’s so funny,” Nick asks as he wraps me in his arms and looks me in the eyes.

  “Nothing,” I say with a smile.

  Nick searches my face as I watched his thoughts run across his. He goes from awe to concern to relief and then something I can’t place as easily. It is the most vulnerable and open I have ever seen his face. With a mixed emotion I can’t pinpoint, he crushes my lips with his.

  The kiss is not devouring at first, it is more possessive and desperate. As if he is pouring out his need to keep me safe. My mind is racing with want for him and the need to reassure him that I am really fine. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him as close as I can get him.

  The door chimes open and Nick swiftly lifts me off my feet and tumbles out of the elevator. I gasp and giggle at being carried like I weigh no more than a small child. Nick kisses and sucks on my neck as he makes his way to my apartment. His hands pry the key from my hand as he pushes me up against the door and unlocks it.

  “Nick,” I cry.

  “Almost most there, Baby,” he groans, “almost there.”

  “Hurry,” I whimper.

  Nick chuckles just as the lock opens and he pushes our way into the apartment. He kicks the door shut and turns the lock. We are in motion toward my room. As I clung to all six foot three of Nick, I am happy I decided to tell Luke, I wanted a Queen sized bed in my room.

  He places me on my feet in front of the bed. I reach behind my neck to unfasten my dress. Nick chuckles and wraps his arms around my waist. He shakes his head at me and lets his hands glide up my back underneath my hair. My arms fall to his forearms for support. I suddenly feel my knees go weak.

  Within a blink of an eye and without me even feeling him do it Nick unfastens the top of my dress. The fabric falls to my waist, exposing my breasts. Nick gives me a sexy half grin as his eyes travel slowly down to my bare chest. “So perfect,” he murmurs and cups my breasts. I cry out as his thumbs flick my hardened tips.

  All too soon he withdraws his hands and takes a step back. I whimper at the loss of his closeness and his touch. He gives me a knowing smile. “Turn around for me, Baby, and keep your eyes on the headboard.”

  I do as told turning to face the foot of the bed. I stand listening to my own panting and the sound of Nick moving around behind me. He appears before me pulling the covers on the bed back then disappearing from my line of sight again.

  I can make out the sound of him shrugging out of his jacket and tossing it. Next comes the sound of him breathing as he pushes button by button through the holes. The fabric rustles letting me know he is pushing it off his shoulders and then I hear it hit the floor. That is followed by the sound of his belt buckle and him shifting to step out of his shoes.

  My breathing is increasing in anticipation of seeing him and feeling his touch once again. A few moments later he is standing right behind me. I can feel his warm body only inches away from mine just before he r
eaches out and gathers my mass of hair pushing it over one shoulder.

  He wraps his arms around me stepping into me. I can feel his arousal press into me. Nick kisses my shoulder flicking his tongue against my skin, causing goose bumps all over. I bend my head to the side to open up for him and he trails kisses from my shoulder up along my neck.

  Placing one hand against my belly, he uses the other to reach for the zipper of my dress tugging it down and letting the dress fall to the ground from my waist. I am left feeling self-conscious and bare before him in just the thong I wore tonight. I reach to cover myself.

  “Don’t,” he commands pushing my hands away. His word is followed by his warm lips at the nape of my neck. So slowly, he kisses his way down my back as his hands skim my sides. When he reaches the base of my spine, he licks his way back up the same path, following with his fingers, sending a shiver up my back.

  His hand gently wraps around the nape of my neck pushing me to bend over the foot of the bed. With his foot he gently kicks my legs apart and I release a moan.

  “Absolutely perfect,” he rasps against my butt cheek. He plants several soft wet kisses on one cheek, then the other.

  “Nick,” I plead not sure what I am pleading for.

  “Shh, be patient, Baby,” Nick chuckles, then slaps me on the cheek he just finished kissing. “Mmm, so nice and responsive.”

  I jump at the feel of his first touch to my soaked folds. It is foreign, but feels so good and all he has done is run his fingertips along the wet seam. I don’t know how much more of this torture I can take. I bite down on my lip to prevent crying out again.

  I feel his length bump against my wet entrance and then his forearm wraps around my hair and he gently tugs me back into an upright stance. “Climb on the bed and face me.”

  I do as told once again, trying not to put my heels on the bed. The moment I turn I have a spectacular view of this gorgeous man in all his glory. My man, I smile to myself.


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