Seducing Sarah - Book 5: The Advocate: Al

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Seducing Sarah - Book 5: The Advocate: Al Page 5

by Ami LeCoeur

  Once again, I was sorry when it came time to go our separate ways for the evening. I was already looking forward to the next time we could get together, even though I had no assurance when that might be. But I saw the way he smiled at me as he drove me home, and I figured he liked me enough to want to do this again.

  When we got to my building, instead of leaving the car in drive with his foot on the brake, this time Al put the car in park and let his hazards blink. I turned to him to say goodnight, and he surprised me with a hard, passionate kiss. I squirmed a little, more out of surprise than anything else. It wasn’t that I was opposed to him kissing me, I was just surprised that he would kiss me with such passion, after being so formally polite earlier.

  His lips were warm and inviting as he sucked on my lower lip, pulling it into his mouth and stroking it with his tongue. As surprised as I was, it didn’t stop my body from responding to his touch, turning my surprise into tingles that spread down my chest. His kiss swept away all thoughts. I might try to fight it, but there was no sense in trying to be ‘just friends’ when he could kiss like that. He set my entire body on fire with just his lips on mine. I sighed, melting against him as he devoured my mouth.

  When he broke the kiss, our mouths parting just enough to let us breathe, I laughed shakily.

  I placed my hand on his cheek, looking into his deep brown eyes. “Would you like to come up?” It was a daring move on my part, but it seemed reasonable considering what just happened.

  “Not yet.” He pulled me close again, whispering into my ear as he stroked my cheek with gentle fingers. “Next time.”

  “Oh,” I moaned. “When will that be?”

  He laughed at the directness of my question. “How about Friday night?”

  “Okay. I guess I can wait that long. If you must insist on waiting. But you’re being very unfair.” I grinned, then got out of the car on shaky legs. Damn, the man could kiss.

  Suddenly I was grateful I’d been smart enough to get to my doctor and receive a clean bill of health after the unfortunate—and unprotected—experience with Kris.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I’d spent the intervening days going back and forth between being remorseful for everything I’d gone through since I made my “Put Sarah First” pledge to myself, and looking forward to seeing Al again. Call me an eternal optimist, but even the crap I’d been through didn’t entirely deter me. Sure, I was more cautious, but I still hoped, somewhere, somehow I’d find my someone.

  Between work and my warring thoughts, it seemed like Friday night would never come—until it was Friday night and I realized I had no idea what to wear, let alone where we were going. All I knew is that sometime over the past couple of days, things had changed for me.

  Maybe I hadn’t been very lucky so far. But then, none of the guys I’d tried to date lately had been so sincere. Or polite. Or patient. I sighed, hoping this would be different. There was only one way to find out.

  I no longer wanted to simply spend time talking with this man. I understood the promise of what that kiss meant the last time we were together. Now, I was much more interested in where the kiss might take us.

  With that in mind, I looked through my closet in a fit of despair. Nothing seemed appropriate. Most of what I had was formal or conservative. Not that I wanted to come across like the wanton groupie Kris seemed to like, but I also didn’t want to be stuck in an old-fashioned courtship that simply dragged on forever before anything happened. I wanted something in between the two, and I needed to dress the part.

  Most of what was in the closet served the dual purpose of work and meetings. Nothing in my wardrobe was very alluring… not on the outside, at least. I ended up settling for a lacy black dress. Still conservative, but classy.

  Then, on a whim, I fished around in my lingerie drawer for the sexiest thong I could find—a little black lace number with a tiny red bow in the back. Perfect contrast to the dress.

  I wondered what Al would think if he knew how little I was wearing beneath my relatively conservative-looking little black dress. It didn’t really matter because I knew. For a moment, I almost backed out, then I remembered the hallway with Kris and knew the flush on my cheeks wasn’t just about the embarrassment.

  “I thought we could go dancing,” Al said, holding open the door to his car. “And now that I see the way you look tonight, I know we absolutely have to. It’ll be the perfect chance to show you off.”

  It wasn’t a club he took me to, though. It was more of a ballroom, with rather sedate music coming from a band on stage. The couples on the floor looked to be in their forties and fifties. Older than the two of us.

  “I like to dance,” he said, then laughed. “That’s not a euphemism for something else. I really like to dance.”

  And I’d really like to have you hold me, I thought as he led me onto the floor. I smiled, admiring the light blue button down and navy slacks he wore. The blue contrasted nicely with the warm cocoa of his skin. The color suited him well.

  In true Al fashion, he’d left the top button of his shirt undone, giving his look an air of casual sexiness that got my engine humming as he pulled me close.

  “You really do look gorgeous,” he murmured into my ear. The song was a slow, slightly jazzy number. His hand on my back was firm and steady. The natural flow of the music, along with his confidence, was sensual and appealing. He certainly knew his way around a dance floor, and following his lead was easy and effortless. Even though I was used to being the one in charge, this was one time I was thoroughly enjoying being led.

  “You’re a great dancer,” I said, just before he spun me and pulled me back to him. I gasped a little when our bodies collided softly, fitting together naturally.

  “Thanks. I took lessons,” he admitted a little sheepishly. “It was something to do that didn’t involve hanging out in the streets. My mom loved it.” I laughed softly at the thought of a teenage version of Al taking ballroom lessons.

  “I’ll bet you were cute,” I said. Obviously, the lessons had paid off. I mean, what woman didn’t appreciate a really good dancer?

  Tonight, he smelled amazing, and I found myself leaning in ever so slightly to get a better whiff of his cologne. Paco Rabanne. A little old fashioned maybe, but yummy. Just like him. It was very masculine, sensual. Like the way he moved.

  The song changed to a tango, and while I wasn’t sure I was up for it, Al clearly excelled. He guided me to and fro, sliding his hand over my back, leading me expertly. He held me very close, so it was easy to shift direction based on the way he moved. I felt his muscles working beneath his shirt and wondered what his chest looked like without the fabric covering him. I dug my fingers into his shoulder, loving the way he felt beneath my hand.

  As the song ended, and he pulled me close again, I felt his bulge through his pants. Surprised by how much it turned me on, I realized we might be having the same thoughts. That was enough to make my knees weak and my heart race even faster than it had from the dancing. I was glad to have his strong arm around my waist, keeping me on my feet.

  “You feel how much I want you,” he whispered. “I’ve wanted you for ages, but when I saw you in that dress, there was no question.” I shivered a little at his breath against my ear, and even more when I heard the words he whispered into it. “I want to take you and make love to you all night long.”

  I sighed, leaning into him. He pulled me tight again, my thigh between his legs as we danced a slow foxtrot. His hips moved sensuously against mine, rubbing his thick cock against my hip and across my pelvis, sending shivers all the way through me. Thank goodness he was such a good dancer; my mind was certainly not focused on what my feet were doing.

  When he suggested we leave at the end of the foxtrot, it was almost a relief. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take with him literally making love to me on the dance floor.

  “Yes, please let’s get out of here,” I begged, my libido taking over. “You’re a wonderful dancer, but right now, t
hat’s not nearly enough.” He pulled back, looking me in the eye to make sure I was serious. I couldn’t take it anymore. My entire body ached for him and those promises he’d awakened in me.

  With that, he took me by the hand and led me out of the ballroom, to his car, and to his apartment—all without a single word.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Al’s apartment was just as I would have expected it to be. Neat, organized, nothing out of place and nothing unnecessary. No clutter. Clear surfaces. A large, airy living room. An open kitchen with a breakfast bar and adjoining dining room.

  And then, his bedroom. He didn’t waste time with preliminaries, pulling me into his bedroom as soon as he turned on some soft jazz in the background. But I was okay with that. He’d already tackled seduction and foreplay at the ballroom, and lord knows I was ready to move on to the real thing.

  He gave me one more meaningful look, and before I knew it, his hands were all over me. His mouth rained kisses along my face and neck as he ran his fingers over my shoulders and across my breasts, cupping them gently as he explored my body through my clothing.

  Then it seemed like a million things were happening at once—unzipping my dress, unhooking my bra. Unbuckling his pants, unbuttoning his shirt.

  I ran my hands over his body, the muscles of his chest as I eased the shirt over his shoulders. Kissing him everywhere I could reach, feeling the way his muscles jumped under my tongue. He tasted as good as he looked.

  He reached under my legs and lifted me easily into his arms, moving to the bed, where he laid me gently on the spread. Smiling, he leaned down to kiss me, settling his tall body over mine, leaning slightly to one side as his mouth and hand explored me.

  His mouth found my breasts, licking and sucking gently, nipping lightly as my nipples hardened. Trailing his free hand down my naked belly, he reached my aching cleft, massaging the mound until I nearly begged him to touch me lower. Pressing his hand against my legs to open the way, I arched into his hand.

  He laughed softly, kissing his way down to my core. Softly, gently, he licked and pressed, sliding his tongue inside me with a deftness that made me gasp with pleasure.

  “More,” I whispered. “More, please…”

  He grinned up at me, obvious pleasure in his eyes. “You want more?” He pressed his fingers inside me, sliding them in and out as he nearly buried his face between my legs. He licked and sucked and pressed and moaned. Generously taking his time, working me into a frenzy at his own pace, he milked every ounce of pleasure from my body.

  Not just once, but twice and even three times I shuddered to climax.

  Here was a man who was incredibly skilled and patient when it came to oral sex, and while I was panting for breath and nearly passed out from the intensity of his lovemaking, I wasn’t about to complain.

  He leaned away to grab a condom from the side drawer. I watched him roll it over his glistening cock. When he slid his long, thick member inside me, I nearly came again at the first thrust. I cried out, tightening my arms and legs around him in a sudden spasm of joy. He waited until I relaxed, then started a slow, steady rhythm, filling me to the hilt and thrilling me into ecstasy. And still, he pleasured me with his mouth, his hands, worshiping me as he thrust into me hard. I nearly wept with joy as pleasure rolled through me again and again.

  Afterward, once we’d both calmed down enough to think straight, he turned to me with a smile. We lay side by side in his bed, the sheets still tangled up all around us. I had been admiring his naked body, all lean muscle. I’d made the mistake of thinking he was skinny when we first met. He wasn’t at all, but rather lean and trim. And healthy. Very, very healthy.

  I couldn’t believe my good fortune at finding this man. He was intelligent, respectful, even a little old-fashioned. But who could have imagined he was this great in bed. The same focus and attention he put on his work were evident in his lovemaking.

  “So, when you’re ready, we can do one of two things,” he said, playing with a tendril of my hair. “I can take you home, and that would be fine if it’s what you want. Or… you could stay here, and I’ll take you home in the morning. You’re welcome to choose. Whatever you want is fine with me.”

  I smiled at his careful, slightly hesitant tone, his formal way of offering to let me choose. “I think I’ll stay,” I whispered. His smile showed that he was glad I made that choice. I settled in, his arm around my waist as we snuggled under the covers, as close as two spoons in the drawer.

  Drifting off to sleep was effortless and swift.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The sun had barely risen when I felt Al against my back—or, rather, I felt his sizeable erection. My eyes flew open wide. I wondered if he was awake, or just having a normal physical reaction common to almost all men while they slept?

  When he flexed his hips, driving himself against me, there was no question that he was awake and ready for action. I sighed happily, ready for him. I rolled over, letting him take me in his arms and make love to me again. There was no better way to start the day.

  This time, it wasn’t an epic performance like the night before. Instead, it was slow and steady and very sensual. I loved every minute of it and was still smiling long after we’d finished. I was enjoying being held, lying there close together.

  I’d almost drifted off to sleep again when his phone began to buzz on the nightstand. He immediately released me and turned his attention to the instrument.

  “Sorry,” he murmured, texting. I made an understanding noise and waited until he was through with his message to reply.

  “That’s okay. As long as you make it up to me with a big kiss.” He grinned, taking me up on that.

  “I’m starving,” he announced, releasing me and leaning up on one elbow.

  “I can imagine, after all the work you’ve done since last night.”

  He laughed, then got out of bed to put some clothes on. I admired the view for as long as I could. He went through a drawer and pulled out a t-shirt for me. I was a tall girl, but he was an even taller man. His shirt fell midway to my knees.

  “Very fancy,” he said, cocking an eyebrow before leading me to his kitchen.

  He fixed scrambled eggs and toast while I made coffee. Throughout the process, while we talked and joked, his damn phone continued to buzz intermittently. Again and again, he stopped what he was doing, right down to cutting me off in mid-sentence in order to address the message that had just come through. I turned my attention to the coffee, telling myself not to be too critical. He was a good man—a very good man. I couldn’t be too hard on him. He was obviously dedicated to his work. Thorough, conscientious, and worked like a maniac was all.

  Still, all the understanding in the world wasn’t enough to help me lose the sour taste in my mouth as our breakfast continued to be interrupted by the sound of his phone buzzing. I was starting to lose patience, even though Al was terribly charming in between his messaging.

  Finally, I had enough. Once we’d finished eating and carried our plates to the sink, the phone buzzed again. This time I was too quick for him, snatching it from the table and turning it off before he could do anything.

  “Why did you do that?” he asked, making a sound that was something between a choke and a laugh. I couldn’t tell if he thought it was amusing, or if he was a little ticked that I’d gone so far.

  “I don’t know. I guess I wanted your attention,” I said, pursing my lips suggestively.

  “Oh? What could you possibly have in mind that might be more important than my public?” he asked snatching the phone out of my hand with a grin.

  Then he turned the damned thing back on. “I’m sorry,” he said, “I can’t let my messages pile up. I can’t forget my work, as much as I would love to sometimes.” I shook my head and decided to leave it at that. The man was worse than I was.

  “Why don’t you grab a shower while I take care of this?” he suggested. “You’ll find extra towels in the closet inside the bathroom.” He gestured vague
ly with his hand, not bothering to show me the way as he stared at his phone. I shook my head, wondering at how quickly he had already shifted gears.

  The water was warm, nearly hot, but I still shivered a little. If this was the way it was going to be, maybe I had some thinking to do. Suddenly, I wasn’t sure if developing a relationship with Al was a blessing or another misstep.

  By the time I came out, rubbing a towel over my wet hair, he was fully dressed. I raised an eyebrow.

  “Sorry, some things have come up that need to be handled. It’s sort of an emergency. Do you mind if I drop you off on the way to my office?”

  After everything else that morning, I shouldn’t have been surprised. So I did my best to hide my disappointment.

  “No, not at all.” I slid into my dress and hoped no one would see me entering my apartment building in last night’s dress and wet stringy hair. Well, if they did, it would be a first.

  “I’ll give you a call on Monday so we can make plans to get together again,” Al said as he pulled up at my place. I turned to give him a kiss, only to be surprised by the way he quickly brushed his lips against my cheek.

  “Oh. Okay. We’ll talk then.” As I got out of the car, I was still full of questions but decided to let it go for now. I could always bring this up with him another time. I could tell that while he was this consumed by whatever work issue was on his mind, there would be no getting through to him.

  We’d have to talk at some point, that was a given, but for now I was happy to be home.

  Chapter Sixteen

  By late Monday afternoon, it was clear Al wasn’t going to call. Rather than sit and stew, which I’d been doing ever since lunch came and went, I decided to simply call him instead.

  “Hey,” he said, sounding terribly distracted. “What’s up?”

  I paused before speaking. “Oh, nothing. You know me, I was just sitting here waiting for your phone call,” I teased, “and got tired of waiting. I was afraid there was something wrong with my phone. Or that you might have lost my number. You know, forgotten my name, that kind of thing.”


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