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Dirty Wife Games

Page 12

by Clarissa Wild

  I wonder if he’s spying on me now. Looking right through the window, watching me like a hawk. I fantasize about him jerking off right in front of me, and me enjoying the view. It’s so forbidden, so wrong, but it turns me on like nothing else ever has. It calms my soul, makes me feel okay when everything around me is falling apart. When my life is ruined, this thing I have with Drake is all that’s left.

  So I smile and take a sip of the soup, imagining I’m serving it to him tonight.

  Of course, I’m eating alone at a table for one, but I can still fake it.

  Besides, when I finish eating, I already know what I’m going to do.

  Grab my cell phone and contact him.

  I already checked the phone when I got home, and it turns out he put his own number in there. Perfect. With a smile on my face, I start texting him.

  Hyun: Hey. Are you watching me?

  It takes him a while to reply.

  Drake: No. Are you in danger?

  Hyun: No. I just wanted to know if you were there.

  Drake: I’m not. And if I were, you wouldn’t know. Telling spoils the fun.

  I grin from his comment, wondering if he’s lying just to make me question myself. It only makes me want to go check all the windows and peek outside.

  Hyun: I’ve seen you looking plenty of times before. It wouldn’t be the first time I caught you in the act.

  Drake: Only because I wanted you to see me.

  Hyun: And now, I want you to see me. Did you know I’m not even wearing panties today?

  Drake: You don’t want to go down this route.

  Hyun: Yes, I do.

  I lick my lips and get up to look at myself in the mirror so I can give him a more accurate description.

  Hyun: I’m wearing a short, red top with a lace bra underneath. And below that a secretary’s skirt with black tights. Interested yet?

  Drake: Why are you doing this?

  A frown appears on my face. He really isn’t easy.

  Hyun: Because I’m bored.

  Drake: Then get busy.

  Hyun: I’d rather get busy with you …

  I bite my lip to hide a devious grin. I hope he finally gets the message. I want him to come over. And yes, I know how insane that sounds, but I don’t care anymore. I’m lonely in this house, and all I can think about is him and what he can do to my body. I’m completely lost to him.

  Drake: There’s no going back if you do this, Hyun. I don’t take sex with you lightly.

  I think about it for a second, wondering if this is really the right thing to do. It isn’t, but screw what’s right and wrong. I don’t care anymore. I want what I want.

  Hyun: I don’t want you to take it lightly. I want this to be heavy. And hard.

  I’m already drooling at the thought of seeing his cock again. This so isn’t me. But Drake does something to me, and I can’t deny it any longer.

  Drake: Really? Prove it. Sit down on your bed and take a picture of your pussy. Send it to me.

  Hyun: Why?

  Drake: If you ask questions, this conversation ends now.

  I sigh as I go into my bedroom, sit down on the bed, and take a picture. My finger lingers over the send button, and it takes me a minute to actually gather the courage to press it. But he’s already seen me. What harm could it be?

  Drake: Good. Stay put. I will be there in a minute, and I’ll fuck that pretty pussy raw after I’ve eaten it.

  My heart practically beats out of my chest as I read that. He’s so straightforward when it comes to his words that it scares me sometimes. But in a good way.

  I put the cell phone away and sit on my bed. Smiling like an idiot, I count down the minutes shown on the clock hanging in the living room. I can honestly say, yes … I am waiting for my stalker to come and take me. And at this point, I don’t care anymore what anyone thinks of that.

  As soon as someone rings my doorbell, I jump up and run to the door, patting down my skirt, so it still looks mildly appropriate in case someone passes by on the street and looks inside.

  However, when I open the door, the biggest shock of my life meets me.


  Accompanying Song: “A Reflection” by Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross

  “Hello, Hyun. Wishing I were someone else?”

  Greg’s raging face is the first thing I see, and it makes me scream.

  He latches onto the door as I try to block him out, ramming the door against his fingers several times. He yells out loud.

  “You fucking whore!” he hisses. “I know you’ve been cheating. That bitch Annushka was right.”

  Oh god, I knew it. He’s been getting his info from Mr. Reed.

  I told Annushka everything—where I live, how I’m doing, who else is in my life—and now, he knows it too.

  “It’s too late to deny it,” he growls, trying to force his way inside.

  “Get out of my house!” I yell back, but his foot is stuck in the door.

  I look around to see if I can grasp anything in my reach, but the nearest scissors are too far away. I can’t go anywhere without giving him free rein of my home. I can’t reach for my gun, and I can’t win this by force.

  So I do the only thing I can do.

  I scream as loud as I can.

  Harder than I ever have before. So loud, my lungs feel like they’re about to burst.

  And for some reason, this sudden outburst of energy that I’ve been keeping locked inside has him frozen. Completely still, like time itself has stopped, and he’s just staring at me.

  Then his eyes shift toward something else. To the right … away from my home.

  His fingers unfurl from the doorjamb, and he slowly backs away from my home. With tears in my eyes and sweat rolling down my back, I watch him leave. I’m determined to find out where he’s going, so I’ll know for a fact he won’t come back.

  Only when I look outside do I realize what made him leave.

  My neighbor. Multiple neighbors, actually. All of them standing outside their doors with their arms folded and with fire in their eyes. They’ve heard my screaming and yelling. Seen him try to force his way inside. Finally, they know.

  With them as my witnesses, Greg has no choice but to consider this a defeat. For now.

  However, from the look in his eyes, I can tell … he’s not going to give up. Not until one of two things happens.

  Either I come back to him.

  Or I die.

  Part III

  The Descend


  Accompanying Song: “Logos” by Ludovico Einaudi


  One month before

  As Greg eats his breakfast like a pig, I muster up all the courage I’ve been gathering over the past few weeks and walk up to him, planting the paper right underneath his nose. I’ve been planning this for so long. Annushka helped me make the arrangements. After all the things he said and did, I’m not staying one more day. Not for my parents. Not for the money. And not for the people working at the coffee shop. I refuse to sacrifice myself for others any longer.

  For months, I swallowed all the shit he threw at me. I took it all, thinking I was too weak to stand up for myself. But one thing changed that.

  When he tried to give me to one of his co-workers, and I had to lock myself in the bedroom until the man was gone. I can deal with a lot, but I will not let any man trample on my dignity like that. The line has been crossed.

  Fear only lasts for a limited amount of time, and even though it prevented me from trying to escape before now, its chokehold on my throat has weakened with every passing day. And now, I’ve had enough.

  I finally made the decision to pull the plug and decide my own fate. To stand up against my fears and face them. I’ve been waiting for this moment for so long, and now, it’s finally here.

  “What is this?” Greg grumbles, still chewing on his bacon.

  “Divorce papers.”

laughs out loud. “That’s a joke, right?”

  When he looks up, my face is cold, and his turns from ridicule into sour nothingness.

  “You ignorant little brat!” he hisses, scrunching the paper with his hands. “How dare you?”

  “I don’t want this; I never wanted this, and you know that,” I say, trying to remain strong.

  “I don’t care what you want. You are mine.” He grabs my wrist, twisting it. “You don’t get to decide when this is over. I do.”

  “Let go.” I jerk my arm away, but a red mark still lingers. I tell myself to stay strong and fight for my rights. “I’m not taking no for an answer.”

  He laughs again. “What? You think this will actually work? Like I’d actually let you divorce me? I own you,” he growls. “And last I checked, your parents received my money in exchange for you. You don’t want them to lose all that cash, do you?”

  “I don’t care,” I reply, grabbing a pen from my pocket and placing it down on the table beside the crumpled paper. “Sign it.”

  “You’ll lose their respect. They’ll never talk to you again. And I will ruin you, your family, and your fucking jobs. You’ll never have anything in your entire life!”

  I try to let my face remain as blank as I can even though I’m boiling on the inside. “It doesn’t matter what you say. Nothing can sway me. I’ve already made my decision.”

  “And what then? Where will you go, huh?”

  “I’m leaving. Where I end up is none of your business,” I reply. “Goodbye, Greg.”

  I turn around and start walking, heading straight for the door that I know is open. It’s always been open. I just never dared to make the step. To finally choose me over everyone else.

  He chuckles like a madman. “You can’t do that. You can’t do this to me!”

  “Watch me,” I say, grabbing my bags I so neatly hid underneath a stack of clean clothes.

  “If you walk out of here, you’ll never be safe.”

  “You can threaten me all you want, Greg. I know what you can do, and still, I don’t care.”

  “I’ll kill you!” he yells, marching after me.

  I quickly open the door and run out before he has a chance to catch up, slamming the door right in his face.

  I don’t think twice before crossing the street and running straight to the nearest bus stop. I timed it right because of the bus right there, almost ready to go. I get in with the ticket Annushka bought for me and tell the driver to hurry because I’m escaping my husband.

  And right before the monster can get to me, the bus drives off, leaving a cursing Greg in the middle of the street.

  I smile. It’s the first time in ages I can finally say I feel good about myself.

  Now, only time will tell what the future holds. But one thing’s for certain … I will never let a man have reign over my life like that ever again. And if someone even dares … I’ll give him hell.


  Accompanying Song: “Burning Desire” by Lana Del Rey


  When Drake gets here, and I let him into my house, I hug him tight, refusing to let go.

  “What’s the matter?” he asks.

  “I just wanted a hug,” I say, not wanting to make him worry by telling him the truth.

  But he pushes me off him and gazes at me with a stern look on his face. “Tell me the truth.”

  A pang of guilt stings me, and I swallow away the lump in my throat. “Greg was here.”

  His eyes immediately flare up, and he barges farther into my home. “Is he still here?”

  “No, he left after I screamed. The whole neighborhood heard.”

  “Good,” he says, turning back around to face me. “Did he hurt you?”

  I shake my head.

  He grabs my arms and lowers his head. “Are you sure?”

  “Positive. But I can’t say I’m the same.”

  “What do you mean?” he asks.

  “I feel … different.” I lick my lips. “As a person. Since I left him. Since you started following me.”

  “Different how?” He frowns.

  “Different good. Like I can finally say no to him. Like if he’d dare to come inside my house or harm me in any way, I’d shoot him.” A tiny smile creeps onto my face, thinking about it.

  “That’s a good thing. It means he can’t control you anymore.”

  I nod and let him pull me close again. I bury my face in his chest and take in his familiar smell, the scent calming me down immediately.

  Still, I can’t shake the image of Greg yelling at me, the looming threat of his violence, his voice, and all the memories I have of him. I want it all to disappear, and I realize there’s only one way to do that.

  Palming Drake’s chest, I say, “I want you to replace him.”


  “I can’t get what he did to me out of my head. The pain. The yelling. The sex …” I look away, not wanting him to see the shame in my eyes when I think about what he’s done to me.

  Drake gently cups my chin and makes me look at him. “What did he do to you? Tell me.”

  “When I still lived with him, he … tied me up … forced himself onto me … came in my mouth.” I still feel icky when I think about it.

  “Do you want me to override your memories?”

  I nod.

  “It will be harsh and degrading. Are you sure?”

  I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and say, “Yes. I don’t want him there anymore. I want you.”

  He grabs my hand, brings my fingers to his lips, and kisses them softly. “All right.”

  Suddenly, he lifts me into his arms and carries me into my bedroom. The look on his face has changed from sweet to stern, and it makes goose bumps scatter on my skin. He places me on the bed and pulls his belt from his pants. Pinning my wrists down, he ties them above my head and tightens them until it becomes slightly painful.

  His hand travels down my blouse, and when he reaches between my breasts, he rips it open, buttons flying everywhere. He grabs my breast and squeezes hard, making me hiss.

  As I part my lips, he places a finger on my mouth and says, “No talking. You talk, you get punished.”


  He smacks my breast, making me squeal.

  “I told you it was going to be harsh. Degrading. This is what you wanted. What you asked for. Now lie still and let me use you.”

  His words sound unreal. Like they’re coming from someone else entirely. Like he’s changed with the snap of a finger, and it scares me a little.

  Is this what I asked for?

  Yes … yes, I did.

  I want him to replace the memories I have of Greg, even if it means feeling the pain all over again. I’ll face it, for myself.

  He zips down my pants, unbuttons them, and tears them off in one go, throwing them in the corner. He doesn’t even bother with my panties, though. He just rips them off, and I suck in a breath from the sharp pull.

  He immediately swipes his finger up and down my slit, not waiting one second before ravaging me. With his other hand, he toys with my nipple, taking it between his finger and thumb and tugging hard. Hard enough to make me squeal again.

  This makes him smack my breast once more. Tears sting my eyes.

  “Focus on me, Hyun,” he growls. “Only me.”

  I nod swiftly as he keeps rubbing my pussy, owning it completely.

  “I’m gonna fuck you raw, and then I’m gonna come in your mouth,” he murmurs.

  He takes off his own jeans and boxer shorts and pulls his shirt over his head then crawls on top. Naked and buff, he sits between my legs, showing me his rock-hard dick before swiping it along my pussy.

  “Who does this belong to?” he growls.

  “You,” I reply.

  He twists both my nipples with his fingers, making me scream. “I didn’t hear you.”

  “You!” I yell.

Because I’m gonna take what’s mine now.”

  Out of nowhere, he shoves two fingers up my pussy, making me clench and suck in air like nothing else.

  “Deep breaths, Hyun,” he says, swirling around inside me. “I’m not done with you yet. Not for a long time.”

  After he thrusts a few times, he pulls out his fingers and licks them. “Delicious.” Then he leans up, grabs my body, and twists me around, so I’m on my belly.

  “What are you doing?”

  He smacks my ass so hard I jolt up and down.

  “I said no talking!”

  My lip quivers as he rubs my other cheek, wondering if he’s going to smack that too. This feeling of anticipation is all too familiar, but the last time it was done wasn’t in trust. Now it is. I trust him.

  I trust him. I trust him.

  This mantra helps me turn this experience into something positive, allows me to convert the pain into pleasure. Because when he rubs between my legs, I feel my pussy thumping.

  He settles between my legs and lifts my body up to meet his, the tip of his cock at my entrance. Then he slowly burrows himself deep inside me, making me gasp for air.

  “Oh … so fucking good.” He smacks my ass again as he thrusts in and out, and my body tenses from the truckload of sensations hitting me.

  In and out, so far, so deep. It feels so full … so good.

  As he hits the spot, my eyes roll into the back of my head, and I almost come.


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