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Alpha's Awakening: An MM Mpreg Romance (Frisky Pines 1)

Page 7

by Alice Shaw

  “Uh, yeah we need to find the house right fucking now,” I announce.

  Third house on the left. I find it with ease. Everything is just how I left it. Even the code to get inside still works. “Come on, everyone. We can finally rest.”

  I swing the door open. I actually get pretty emotional when I see the place. It’s a perfect home, clean and beautiful. It really makes me miss my family, though. I show Jonas and Humas to their rooms, and run as fast as I can to my own. Somehow, Jackson keeps up.

  I slam the door, lock it shut, and rip off my shirt. My heart is beating hard and fast. I haven’t cum in a week. I went a long time in that hotel room, but ever since I bonded with Jackson, there’s been an innate urge to fuck that sweet slick on a daily basis.

  “On the bed,” I say. “Now.”

  “Yes, sir.” He grins and pounces on the bed, landing on his knees.

  I can smell his slick from the corner of his room. In fact, even when we were walking that tunnel, I could smell him. I’ve been tortured to death with those stupid chosen-one crap!

  I whisper in his ear, “I’ve been rock hard for days.”

  “You have? Show me,” he says.

  I slowly unzip my pants. He reaches back and massages my chest and abs. I close my eyes and bite my lip. His hands work me over until I feel totally relaxed.

  “Fuck,” I whisper. I pull out my cock, and let my pants fall to the floor.

  He juts his ass in front of my face. I can see his slick dripping from the back, soaking his pants. I pull the back down and run my palm across the round bubble of an ass. I smack it twice for good measure. He growls and extends his teeth outward.

  “I love it when you do that,” he purrs.

  I reach below where his taint is, inches below his shaft. I love feeling the skin tighten forward when I touch his balls.

  I stuff my face into his slick. I just can’t control myself any longer. The honey-like substance always gets me in the mood. I work my tongue inside that hole, loosening him up for me. He reaches back and pushes my head in deeper.

  “You know just what I want,” he groans.

  When I feel like he’s ready for me, I move my hand further upward. “What are you doing?” he whispers. “Logan, you don’t have to—”

  “Shh. I want to feel you. Let me feel you,” I say.

  He’s apprehensive and maybe a little self conscious, but there’s no need to be. He really is the sexiest mate I’ve ever seen. I touch his belly and feel the warmth exuding from it. “You’re so damn handsome,” I say.

  He curls his back against me. “You really think so?”

  He nuzzles his nose into the crook of my neck, sending shivers up and down my spin. “Oh, omega. Look at my cock right now. I know so,” I say. I reach around and stroke him slowly. His slick drips all over the bed sheets.

  “Love on me,” he whispers.

  I already have started working my hands down his shoulders. I massage each tired and stressed knot. I knead his back until he’s stomach first on the bed. My fingers curl around his waist. He puts his ass up in the air for me, slack-jawed and cute.

  His slick hole is just begging for me. I bend forward until our foreheads are touching. “I want to feel you,” I whisper.

  Closing my eyes, his lips meet mine and a thunderous feeling of excitement takes hold of my body. I slide my cock inside of his hole, feeling all sorts of emotions pile on me.

  “Mmm. Yes, keep going. Just like that,” he says.

  In this moment, it’s as if time has slowed down for us. I can feel his hole latch and tighten around my cock. I let out a howl of pleasure. His warm and juicy hole consumes me. I hold myself in deep, and take a deep breath. “It’s just so good, kitten. I can’t…”

  With each thrust I give, Jackson pushes his ass back against me. The pressure builds inside of me. “Oh yes, you can,” he purrs. I keep my hand around his cock, stroking him slowly.

  “Oh, fuck, omega” I moan. “Keep purring. It feels so fucking good.”

  My hands rub around his sweet body. I kiss the back of his spine and smell his nutty scent, as I thrust deep into his hole. “You’re hitting my spot,” he moans with pleasure. “Please keep going. Don’t ever stop.”

  Of course I just want to please my mate, but it feels too fucking good. My hand moves up and down his shaft. I feel him naturally pumping with each thrust that I give him. “You’re my everything. My world. My omega,” I moan.

  The purring increases in volume and intensity. I feel my cock expanding inside of him. I can’t stop myself. The knot gets caught inside of him.

  His slick pumps erratically. Then, the hole strengthens around my cock, more tight than usual. We’re both going to blow our loads together. I can feel it happening inside of him.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he pants. “I’m almost there.”

  “I know, baby. I can feel you. I want you to cum for me. I’m going to spill my seed inside of your slick hole. I’m going to cum so fucking much,” I say, working him up to an unnatural degree.

  He lets out a sharp howl of pleasure, arching his chin into the air. His eyes roll back suddenly, and his body lights up magnificently again. His seed spills all over my hand and the bed sheets below us. I reach back and lick up what I can. This just drives me even more crazy. I grab his hips and thrust harder.

  I feel it too, that beautiful clicking feeling coming from our rhythmic motion. My cock bounces wildly inside of him and I feel my cum shoot out in waves of pure pleasure.

  “Jackson!” I howl. “Your sweet hole is too perfect!”

  I try to pull back out because it feels too fucking good, but I can’t. My cock has swollen up against his walls. Warm cum drips out the sides of his hole, dripping over my tight balls.

  We lower ourselves to the bed, panting loudly. The satisfaction doesn’t seem to dissipate. This is how you know that you’re with the right person. When it’s all said and done, you feel totally at peace.

  I carefully put my hand around his big belly. I chuckle lightly “These twins are going to have some perverted parents.”

  “I don’t even want to know what my parents are like behind the scenes,” Jackson says.

  I laugh loudly, as the image comes to mind. “Oh, I bet Jergen is a total alpha in the sack. You know he just goes wild on Alste, like—”

  “Don’t you dare,” Jackson says. “I’m way too pregnant to hear about my dads together.”

  We both laugh, but slowly close our eyes. It has been an exhausting journey so far. It’s not over yet, either. I’m just glad I get to be with my mate.

  “I love you, Jackson,” I say.

  “I’ll love you forever.”

  Chapter 11


  “Wake up, sexy heads!” Jonas pounces onto the bed. He swings a pot in the air, wildly banging on the edges of it. “Wake up!”

  “Brother, I love you. But you need to stop.” I groan.

  I can barely think. Did I even sleep at all? I feel like I had to get up to pee about ten times last night. When you’re pregnant, there is a deep connection that you feel with your cubs. Even when before they’re born, you can feel it.

  However, you also somehow morph into the size of a whale, and you totally feel insane all of the time. I shouldn’t be on this adventure, but how was I supposed to know that I’d get this big this fast?

  Jonas won’t stop the frickin’ banging. He pounds on the metal as hard as he can. It echoes off the wall. I try and close my eyes, but it’s like a never-ending loop. Something in me just clicks.

  “JONAS STOP!” I scream like a banshee.

  Jonas quickly drops the pan and hides in the corner. “Shit, brother. I’m sorry. I keep forgetting that your pregnant.”

  I glance down at my giant belly and laugh. Somehow, small tears come out of my eyes, but that isn’t the emotion I am going for. “Is it really that hard to remember?”

  Jonas runs back up to hug me. “I’m sorry, bro. I know how much you’re going t

  “You’re damn right!” Logan announces.

  In walks Huma, flapping her large, red wings. “Arguing again, I see. Boring. Are you ready to make the journey to the caves or not?” She squawks loudly and hops onto the table.

  “I’m not,” I groan, feeling the weight of my stomach pull me down.

  “Don’t worry. All of this is necessary. But we must make haste. We are running out of time,” Huma says.

  We leave the house, but I notice when Logan pauses to look back. “You okay?” I ask him.

  He nods solemnly, and a quiet strength has fused with his body. “Yeah. It’s just hard when things change, you know? It’s going to be weird seeing my family again. I miss them so much.”

  I kiss his shoulder before hobbling across the path in front of us. “You’re going to fix everything. I know it. Stop worrying about the past. The future will be even better.”

  “Kitten, I think I’d die without you,” he says.

  “Duh,” I whisper, under my breath.

  The walk is a total frickin’ pain, but I somehow manage to do it without too much help. Logan always offers his arm, but I want to prove myself. I want to feel at least a little independent again.

  We walk for about an hour’s time. Logan points ahead of us. “There they are. The northern caves. Wow. It’s even more magnificent than I remember.”

  In front of us stand two ancient pillars, carved into the shape of large bear warriors. “Whoa,” I whisper. Logan rubs my shoulder a little, before I feel a light tapping on my stomach. I laugh and look up at Logan. “Stop that.”

  “Stop what?” he asks.

  I look down at my belly, and pull up my shirt. “Oh my goddess! I feel them. Logan, they’re here.”

  He just smiles, as if he knows something that I don’t. “I know. I felt them last night. You know, before we did the good deed.” He grins again, bashfully.

  “You didn’t tell me! You jerk!” I don’t even care. I can’t even explain the feeling. It wasn’t that long ago when they were just little beans. Now they’re kicking around in my stomach.

  “Let me feel!” Jonas puts a firm hand on my stomach. He jumps back when one of them kicks upward. You can see the tiny hand prints press against the creamy white of my belly. “Holy moly!” Jonas cries out.

  “Don’t be scared.” I laugh and grab Jonas’s hand again, putting it back on my stomach. His eyes start to water.

  “I can’t believe my big brother is having cubs,” he says.

  “You guys!” Logan stands alert and points above the caves. “Look!”

  All four of us gaze upward at the grave sight. A cunning wolf jumps down from the top of the caves, landing directly in front of me.

  “Two jaguars, a bear, and a phoenix walk into a bar. Care to finish the joke?” the wolf asks.

  Logan stands in front of me. His body shields me from any potential danger. “Chill out. We come in peace, wolf. Why are you in your shifter form? We are no threat to you. I am from this neighborhood.”

  The wolf pulls out a large peace of meat. He digs his teeth into it, anxiously ripping it apart. “Is that so? I was told to guard these caves all winter. I was paid a lot of money too. No outsiders are allowed in. If you were really from these parts, you’d know that.”

  “Who are you? What’s your name?” Logan asks.

  “The name’s Freddie. I have no affiliation to these bears. I was merely given a job.”

  Logan closes his eyes and shifts into his bear form. He extends his arm out, showing him the insignia of his family. “I am Genesis and Chip’s boy. I have to go in these caves, and they’re all coming with me. You don’t understand. This is bigger than you or me.”

  The wolf squints his eyes. “Nice tats. But I can’t let you through with the other guys. Rules are rules.”

  All of a sudden, Jonas steps forward with a glow in his eyes. “It’s you, isn’t it?”

  Freddie laughs. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, kid.”

  Jonas becomes alarmed, as a sudden realization dawns on him. “Yes, you do. I saw you at the hotel. You’re following us, aren’t you? Why are you following us?”

  Freddie takes a few steps back. “Following you? Who’s following anyone? I’m just a wolf. I think you’re a little confused. I’ve never followed anyone in my life.”

  “I’m not confused. You’re acting like you’re different from us, but we’re all connected. I don’t think you’re against us. The brotherhood, right? Please tell me you know what I’m talking about. I’ve felt it for a long time now,” Jonas says.

  Freddie gulps loudly. Slowly, he turns back into his regular form, which is actually much taller than expected. He’s pretty handsome too.“Just be quiet. Others are listening,” he whispers.

  Jonas grabs his hand eagerly. “You’re my…”

  “Don’t say it. Not now,” he says.

  I can’t help myself now. I waddle up to both Freddie and Jonas. I look at both of them and can’t believe my eyes. “Wait a second. Are you his—”

  “Can’t a guy get his privacy?” Freddie asks.

  Logan touches Freddie’s shoulder. “Just let us through.”

  The wolf sighs and looks around. “Look, I’ll let you in the caves, but I’m coming with you. I can’t let you wake everyone up in there. It’s a sacred place. You feel me?”

  “I feel you,” Jonas says. I swear he has hearts for eyes right now.

  Did my brother just meet his mate for the first time? I’m feeling extremely confused about all of this, but I’ve learned not to question things too much. I figure, if we just get to Genesis, he’ll tell us what we need to know.

  Freddie reluctantly leads us into the northern caves. Huma has remained silent this whole time, but when I turn back to look at her, she just nods. Destiny, and all that. I can’t really turn back now, even though I desperately want to.

  Inside are ancient cave drawings from the other eras. It’s breathtaking to see up close. The story is woven alongside each step we take.

  Before Frisky Pines, the packs were scattered all across the region. There were great wars. It was a dark time for everyone, from what I’ve read. In the end, Frisky Pines was just one of many places that felt safe. These caves are a rare sight into how people used to feel.

  We push forward through the darkness. It doesn’t take long before we start seeing piles of bears, dreaming away. Logan looks fondly at some of them, as we push forward. Quietly, we keep walking.

  With each step, I can feel my babies’ kicks against my belly. It shouldn’t be long now. I’m the most excited I’ve ever been for something, but I’m scared as shit too. When I think about having the actual twins, I sort of freak out. I clutch onto Logan’s hand firmly, and squeeze.

  “It’s going to be okay,” he whispers. Freddie glances at us sharply for speaking in the caves.

  Silently, we make our way to the large door at the end of the hall. Freddie doesn’t even need to say anything. I push my paw against the marking on the door. “Do you see it?” I whisper to Jonas.

  Jonas nods his head, quietly. He holds out his palm, showing everyone the scar in the shape of an arrowhead. “It’s the same shape.”

  We stand there in silence, but Jonas takes a few steps forward. He places his hand against the indentation on the door. It rushes open.

  “Whoa,” Freddie whispers.

  We step inside the golden room. It has the same aura as the arrowhead. I look at Logan for answers. He says, “This room is empty, except for this painted circle on the ground.”

  I look at the floor and notice the white circle. “All of this is new to me. I don’t know what to do.”

  Freddie throws his arms up with anger. “You’ve got to be kidding me! I broke the bear’s sacred code for this? You made me believe you were some kind of hero or something.”

  “Wait,” I say. “I have an idea.”

  I grab Logan and position him in front of me. “What are you doing?”

  “Just bear with me for a second. No pun intended,” I say. When we are standing symmetrically apart within the circle, I nod my head. “Okay, hold my hands and kiss me. But, like, really feel it. I need you to focus on your love for me and the twins.”

  Logan is totally bewildered. But he shrugs his shoulders and agrees to try. “Uh, okay,” he says.

  We both close our eyes. Our lips press firmly together. Warmth floods my body, extending out from my hands, into his. Pulsing, the energy shifts the fabric around us. The floor starts to shake wildly.

  Freddie loses his balance and falls to the ground. “Hey, what the heck are you doing? Stop that, right now!”

  Jonas has a huge smile on his face. “Holy shit! I can feel it! Keep doing that. It’s as if time is somehow shifting. See, Freddie! I told you. We’re connected.”

  “I said no more talking!” Freddie angrily quips back.

  We remain fervent and steady in our love. Nothing can change what we have. Because of that, all of time has been altered. The golden walls around us start to crumble. I open my eyes with Logan. We both smile at each other. We are eternally in love.

  “Whatever happens, I’ll always love you,” I say.

  “Nothing is going to happen. Don’t talk like that. I love you too much for that kind of talk,” Logan says.

  “Where are we?” I ask.

  The five of us look around. Instead of still being stuck inside the dingy northern caves, we are in a hotel room. In fact, we are in the same exact room that Logan had been staying in for months.

  “Logan,” I say.

  Logan simply whispers, “I know, but how?”

  “This can’t be real. I mean, it feels real. But it can’t be! Where are we?” The twins start to act up. I feel a sharp pain in my gut. I fall to the floor in agony again. “Shit!”

  Logan spins around and grabs Freddie by his ears. “I need you to quickly tell me exactly what is going on right now, or by the goddess, I’ll slash your face off.”

  “I don’t know!” The wolf stutters, kicking his feet to get out of Logan’s grasp. It’s no use. Logan is much too strong. “Hey, be careful. Don’t pinch so hard! I was given a job by Genesis. That’s all. He said all would be revealed in time. It’s not my fault!”


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