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The Vampyre Legal Chronicles - Marcus

Page 5

by CC MacKenzie

  The way she bent her head to study the stone made the vulnerable curve of the back of her neck terribly enticing. Especially to an aroused and ravenous vampyre.

  No matter how hard he tried, Marcus couldn't drag his eyes from the hectic pulse rabbiting in her neck.

  "It's beautiful. But I can't accept..."

  She went utterly still as his hands brushed the delicate skin on her neck to make the clasp safe. His fingertip followed the path of her vertebrae down, down to where her dress hugged her tight little bottom. The way she trembled thrilled him and made him press his body closer.

  His breath caressed her hot cheek as he inhaled her mind-blowing scent before he spoke,

  "Call it a bonus. And do me a favour." He bent his head, pressed the whisper of a kiss on her cheek. "Do not remove it," he said in a tone that meant business.

  Her inward breath was pleasingly shaky.


  Anais was used to travelling in the limousine with Marcus.

  But he'd never held her hand before. And at the moment he was refusing to let it go.

  James was sitting at the front with the driver.

  Now she was tucked up in the corner of the back seat with Marcus all but surrounding her while her mind was spinning. He'd given her a gift and whispered a kiss across her cheek. The flesh where his lips had settled for a second still burned. The pulse in her neck fluttered madly.


  Was this a real date?

  She was on a date with Marcus Gillespie?

  Her heart took a leap into her throat.

  "Your heart is beating too fast," he murmured in her ear. The tone was friendly mixed with a gentle amusement that made her eyes go wide. That amusement was seasoned with a cutting edge that stroked like a steel blade across her skin.

  She turned her head to look at him.

  His face was... perfect, even gorgeous.

  She'd be wise to remember that Marcus loved to play with her, even though the knowledge infuriated her.

  "No it isn't," she lied straight to his face.

  The amusement turned into a grin that lit up his whole face and changed him from gorgeous to beautiful.

  Transfixed, she watched him.

  My God, who on earth was this man?

  "It is. I can see it. I can hear it."

  Her brows met as her eyes held his.

  "Only if you have the ears of a bat."

  In an instant the smile changed, it didn't reach his eyes.

  This smile reminded her forcibly of a killer shark.

  "Vampire... bats, have incredible hearing," he said in a low voice. A voice that did terrible things to the liquid heat low in her belly as his eyes held hers.

  She couldn't look away.

  The way he said it had every single one of her fight or flight senses along with her heart go crazy, and Anais felt like a deer unable to move, paralysed by panic, in the headlights of a fast approaching car.

  "Vampires," he continued in a silky voice that had goose flesh rise across her skin, "can recognise the unique rhythm of a specific heart beat among the beating hearts of hundreds, if not thousands, and are able to differentiate the scented breath of a potential... food source."

  She wanted to look away, wanted to think.

  For some reason the ability to do both had deserted her.



  Alarms rang too loud in her brain.

  The feeling of being cornered, ensnared even, utterly terrified her.

  The limousine stopped and the driver got out and opened the door.

  But still Anais couldn't tear her eyes from his.

  Then she blinked.

  His eyes released hers, and the horrible sensation of being in terrible danger simply bled away.

  In a smooth move Marcus got out and still holding her trembling hand in his, helped her out of the vehicle and led her up the stairs and into the entrance of the club.

  Situated in front of a wall of mirrors, the winding bar of the Pepper club ran like a glossy river of black marble through the vast room.

  They'd lost James to a business associate he'd spotted as they arrived.

  As Marcus sat Anais on a stool at the bar, he used the reflection of the room the mirror provided, to take a careful note of the clientele. There was the usual mix of businessmen and people out just to have fun, both western and Chinese, and human and...vampyre.

  Busy place.

  He ordered drinks while they studied the dinner menu and he noted Anais appeared incredibly flustered.

  Her nerves around him charmed him. The gold chopsticks edged with glittering beads, a nod to China, that pinned the hair to the top of her head fascinated him, too. He looked forward to removing those chopsticks one by one, to watch the waterfall of shiny hair cascade down her bare back.

  Dark eyes, careful eyes, rose to meet his in the mirror and Marcus stayed behind her stool and bent his head to press a chaste kiss to her flushed cheek. The scent of her flesh, her arousal, was mouth-watering, like honey, a light floral perfume and warm and willing woman.

  His renowned patience was fraying a little bit around the edges. The sharp teeth of a brutal arousal made his vampyre stir again in his mind.

  She is mine.



  Very soon.

  "You look stunningly beautiful," he whispered in her ear. The little shudder along with goose bumps that rose along the fine hair on her slim arms made him smile. She was so terribly responsive to him. And he couldn't wait to test that response in his bed. "Let us move to our table, it will be more comfortable than sitting here."

  She nodded in agreement and rose as a waiter placed their drinks on a silver tray and led the way.

  In one of the many wall mirrors, Marcus permitted his eyes again to scan the area. And found what he was looking for. He sent a narrow-eyed warning to the vampyres watching him and feasting hungry eyes on Anais from the dark recesses of the room. Using telepathy to convey his deep displeasure, he roared, 'MINE.'

  The way the vampyres dipped their head and melted back into darkness made his mouth curve.

  The word would spread fast that prince Marcus Gillespie had found his woman and no one would dare touch a single hair on her beautiful head.

  Everything was good.

  Everything was fine.

  And Marcus was in control.

  Chapter Four

  Anais, to her surprise, found she was hugely enjoying herself.

  Unlike the bar, the ambiance in the restaurant was subdued. The room was lit by low up-lights and many thick candles placed in vast jars of crystal clear glass. Their table overlooked a breath-taking night-time view over Shanghai. The sky was black lit by a fat moon surrounded by dazzling constellations. And the murmur of guests, low tones, easy laughter added to the mellow atmosphere. The light scent of fresh flowers arranged in vast goldfish bowls mixed with the aroma of exotic food and candle wax. With the soporific effect of fine wine buzzing pleasantly in her mind, Anais permitted all the cares and worries of the day to simply slip away.

  An attentive waiter set a square plate of lime-cured salmon with a beetroot fennel salad for her and a platter of steak tartar drizzled with chilli oil in front of Marcus.

  Then the sommelier topped up their champagne.

  Since she wanted to keep her wits about her Anais took a tiny sip.

  As usual Marcus didn't miss a trick.

  "Would you like something else to drink?"

  Her eyes flew to his.

  His mouth curved, the blue eyes warmed.

  "No. As a rule I don't drink very much. Thank you for bringing me here, Marcus, it all looks lovely."

  He leaned closer.

  "You're very welcome. So, no vices, Anais?"

  His mouth fascinated her.

  She studied his face, intrigued to see a different side of him, enjoying the easy humour in his vivid eyes.

  "Not really." Her low laugh made those vivid eye
s narrow and darken. "I'm a good girl."

  His hand reached out to touch the gold beads dangling from a chopstick in her hair. His fingertips whispered down her cheek. And the fork slipped out of her hand to clatter on her plate.

  "I think I could corrupt you," he said, his voice no more than a low murmur. "If I really put my mind to it."

  He was still smiling but the light of fun had gone from those dark eyes.

  Anais no longer felt at ease, was sure she saw a flash of something dangerous, something deadly, in eyes that pinned her to the spot.

  "Why bother?" she asked and then wondered if she was losing her tiny mind to challenge this man. They were colleagues, professionals. When she'd first arrived at Gillespie, Pattullo and Hindmarch a couple of young studs had made a move on her wanting to get up close and very, very personal. A single look from a stony-faced Marcus had had them back off. So she'd received the message loud and clear. No intimate relationships in the office. Now Anais found, for her own peace of mind, that she needed clarity of his intentions. "I don't have time for... romance," she stated baldly.

  He moved closer and that incredible scent, so unique to Marcus, spun around her and seemed to draw her in.

  "Then I must do something about that, Anais. Very soon."

  She asked the question that was screaming in her brain.


  "You are a beautiful and desirable woman." Again his fingertip burned a path down her cheek. "Never been tempted to... marry?"

  She blinked.


  Where on earth had that come from?

  Attraction was one thing, but marriage?

  Not once in six months had Marcus asked or shown an interest in her or her personal life. Probably because he had her working seven days a week, and knew she didn't have one. For the life of her, she couldn't understand where this sudden interest came from.

  "My focus, at the moment, is my career. And then there is the lack of time element to centre on a relationship."

  "Ah yes, we have been very busy, have we not?" Again he toyed with a bead on the chopstick in her hair. She frowned because Anais had the strange feeling he was toying with her, too. "What do you do for fun?"

  "Fun?" Bewildered by the turn of their conversation, she found her eyes again mesmerised by his. "Why do you want to know?"

  "Because, Anais." His thumb rubbed across her full bottom lip. "I want to have fun with you."

  Steady eyes the color of dark chocolate stayed on his.

  He read mild bafflement, which made his lips twitch. Then a perfect dark brow rose as if to say, 'Not a chance in hell, Sunshine.' And irritation with her and with himself rose. Why hadn't he taken his brother's advice and stayed with her in their suite this evening? If he had, he'd have had her naked and under him by now.

  As if on cue a three piece band struck a chord and a singer began to croon a love ballad.


  He stood and held out his hand.

  "Dance with me."


  It was late when the call came.

  The creature seated behind a heavy desk made of plate glass studied the wall of flat screens and reached for his cell phone.


  "Prince Marcus is in the Pepper club. He is with a woman, a human."

  Frowning, the creature reached for the mouse, hovered above an icon and watched the screens flicker. Fascinating scenes in the Pepper club unfolded. Well, well, well, two Vampyre Princes and a Precedential Elder were partying in his city this evening. Interesting. Then he spotted Centuri guards, tens of them, watching the entrances to the bar and restaurant.

  He clicked on a screen to get a better view of the woman. And smiled when he saw the jewel. She wore the bloodstone of her mate. The arrogance of Prince Marcus Gillespie knew no bounds.

  "She is very beautiful," the creature said into the receiver, and adjusted the soft black trousers that had become tight at the groin.

  "Put your dick away," the deep voice snapped in his ear. Then it went soft and as cold as ice. "I want her. Unharmed. Do you understand me?"

  A flicker of fear rose up in the creature's abruptly tight throat.

  "Yes, my Lord."

  "We may never get another chance. Did I tell you I love the magic of spying technology in this world?"

  Indeed, his master had mentioned his joy in the technological advances of humans many times.

  "Yes, my Lord. However, there are many Centuri in attendance. It might be difficult to..."

  "If it was easy I would take her myself..." The pause made the tightness in the creature's throat squeeze so hard his hand clutched his neck as he fought for breath. Then the pressure eased as the voice in his ear whispered, "No mistakes. And remember, unharmed."

  The creature coughed, wheezed in a breath.

  "Yes, my Lord."

  Chapter Five

  She'd always loved to dance, enjoyed the wonderful sensation of being held, safe and secure, in a man's strong arms.

  However, Anais did not enjoy being the centre of attention in a room full of people. She certainly didn't enjoy being a part of the only couple on an empty dance floor. As Marcus took her hand in his and turned her into him, his other hand slid around her waist to rest intimately on the too sensitive skin just above her buttocks. The jolt of electricity that ran up her spine had her bite down hard on her bottom lip as her heart went wild.

  "Relax," he murmured, pulling her close as they swayed in time to the slow steady beat of the music. Her breasts brushed against the heat of him and his scent made her dizzy with an arousal that seemed to hum through her system.


  Not a chance.

  Not when he took her hands and placed them around his neck. And not when he clasped his hands low on her bare back and pulled her even closer.


  "Look at me," he said in a voice no more than a soft whisper filled with desire.

  It was the whisper that did it.

  After a never-ending moment, she dared to look up.

  She would have stumbled if he hadn't held her tight.

  His erection swelled, hard, against her soft belly, actually pulsing with need.

  And her body responded, her breasts blooming as her nipples grew too tight.

  His head dipped, his mouth took hers.

  For too many months she'd dreamed of this moment, this kiss.

  It was nothing like she expected.

  His lips were warm, gentle, searching and... The pounding of her heart echoed in her ears. There was a roaring, a sensation of drowning. To steady herself she gripped wide shoulders and held on tight.

  When he raised his head the room spun.

  "You forgot to breathe,"' he said.

  Her forehead dropped onto his shoulder.

  "I couldn't help it."

  His hand cupped the back of her neck, the move one of possession, to tilt her head back.

  Dark eyes burning with desire held hers.

  "I can't help this."

  This time when his mouth took hers there was nothing gentle about it.

  Her lips parted and his tongue met hers, exploring, tormenting, taking. His flavour was unexpectedly spicy, deliciously dark and exciting. She couldn't get enough. Starving, Anais demanded more and pressed closer. His deep moan shocked and surprised her that she could affect him like this, that she could make Marcus Gillespie shudder. Then an urge to hurry filled her so fast it took total control. She wanted more, his arms, his mouth and the rock hard length of him inside her.


  A curiously alien force rose within her. A force more powerful than mere arousal, and the way Marcus responded he felt it, too. Now his kiss turned brutal, aggressive. And Anais gave as good as she got. It was more than excitement, it was a feeding frenzy, a burst of heat ignited around them, possession, passion.

  'Touch me,' she wanted to cry as her hands slid around his neck and up to grip his hair. 'For God's sake take me. Now.' Need, warm and li
quid swelled between her legs. And she strained against him, her need a loud demand for more. And blissfully she felt the strength in is his arousal swell and grow even harder. But his need of her was nothing, nothing compared to the one that ached, throbbed within her, thundering through the blood in her veins.

  "You two need to get a room," said James Gillespie in a very loud voice. Then he moved to whisper in his brother's ear. "Shit, Marcus, the scent of your yearning is arousing every single vampyre here. What the fuck are you doing, bro?"

  His whole body went rigid as the hard fist of reality punched Marcus in the solar plexus.

  He'd forgotten himself.

  Worse, he'd forgotten that they were in the middle of a crowded room. For a man used to being in absolute control of his environment, and of himself, he was more than shocked. When she'd responded to his kiss, it was as if his mind had been wiped clean.

  Shaken, he stared down to study Anais.

  She looked too pale and as stunned as he felt.

  What in the name of God was he doing? he demanded as he heaved in a shuddering breath and took a careful step back. With just a single kiss, he'd totally forgotten everything. Where he was. Who he was. His heart was hammering too fast against his ribs.

  Suspicion rose as he eyed her, standing there before him, her breasts rising and falling in time with his breath.

  This was more than just his yearning.

  Much more.

  His need of her was a wild and vicious thing, clawing at his loins.

  No wonder he'd been wary of Anais.

  No wonder he'd been careful.

  Why had no one told him it could be like this?

  What the hell had she done to him?

  Eyes huge in her face, her lips were trembling with reaction.

  Now Anais simply stared at him, mouth swollen from his, eyes almost black with passion and lust, with her chest rising and falling too fast.

  "Marcus." Voice hoarse with a need that echoed his own, blindly she reached for him.

  He caught her wrist, but stepped back before she could do more damage.

  "Do not touch me," his voice was no more than a snarl of self-preservation.


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