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Midnight Bite

Page 8

by Hamilton, Sharon

  Her stubbornness wouldn’t let her admit what he knew she felt in her heart. He could feel the layers of attraction pulling at him through her anger. He was ashamed of himself for finding her stubbornness strangely alluring. And in spite of all, as he looked upon his wife’s face, he understood full well how dangerous he was to her.

  They were dancing on the ledge and if either of them fell, they would both go. One side of the ledge would lead to unspeakable and exquisite passion. The other side would lead to horror and death. He wondered what he would’ve done if his hand had not stopped her slap.

  His heart was aching with the knowledge that he shouldn’t back down, that he shouldn’t submit to her. But something else inside him brewed a tender thread. He leaned forward, extending his hand, and instead of taking it, she threw herself into his arms.

  Chapter 9

  Phoebe lay awake. Her husband’s sweat and arousal was still mingling with her own as her breathing slowed. Lionel slept in that deep place he always went for his restorative time. She loved him so much her heart was growing jealous of those hours he could only spend alone. These were times and places he had to go without her. And she wanted every part of him.

  He lived, he loved, and he made love just as deeply and passionately as he slept. How she wished she could delve into that cavern, that bad night of his soul. She knew this place was what was separating them. It broke her heart to know this. It was everything she could do to stop herself from making him cross that barrier into the unknown. The end of the story was unknown, but the happily ever after they sought would be dashed forever if they went too far with their lovemaking.

  But as he worked her body last night, as he pleasured her, as he needed her, every cell jumped and screamed out for him. He was drawing from her every last ounce of her resistance. All she could give him was everything she had, and that was to meet somewhere in the middle. She wanted his child, even though that would be impossible under their present condition. But even though it was wrong, she wanted it more than anything else in the world.

  It just didn’t seem logical that the God who made her, the God of vampires as he often laughed, would have created the two of them, with this strong attraction, without some way to solve the problem that attraction caused. There had to be a solution.

  His lips and his tongue did everything they could to squeeze and control her body into thinking she was being fully pleasured as a true vampire wife would be. But that little dark space in the back of her mind knew there was a locked cabinet and he had the key. With each stroke of his tongue, with each small taste of his blood and with each kiss, he was dangling the key in front of her.

  “Sweet Lionel,” she whispered, “You have no idea how much I wish I could join you in every way possible.”

  She knew he couldn’t hear her. But she stroked the side of his face and laced her fingers through his hair, dreaming about the day they would walk in the sunshine together. Or, maybe it was the day they would walk into the fire of their demise?

  Inhaling deeply, she slipped her body beneath his and allowed the heavy weight of his chest and upper torso fall upon hers as she cradled him in his deep sleep. Her hands moved down his back to his waist. Her fingers barely grazed over the enormous mounds of his buttocks, stroking him, feeling the pleasure of the bundles of muscles from his waist up to his shoulders again.

  He was a strong, complicated man. Her passion in life was to fall into his arms and give him back something close to what he gave her. It was so unfair for him to be so unfulfilled. It was so unfair for him to see her being so unfulfilled, although she tried to pretend that she was receiving everything she needed to make her happy. But he knew.

  Phoebe thought about the Book of Spawn and wondered. Maybe if she looked at the book or read the pages perhaps, she could help them discover something that could solve this problem between them. She smiled to herself. It wasn’t a real problem of course. It was the most wonderful thing that had happened to her, falling in love with Lionel. It was everything she dreamt of as a young teen growing up. And she knew that if she took the turning her strong love for Lionel would only increase.

  Her mother and some of her friends had warned her that if she turned, perhaps her attraction to her husband would wane. Phoebe wasn’t worried about this at all. She knew it wasn’t true. There was too much love she was experiencing as a human woman not to carry forward as she turned.

  Although she had intended to spend the whole day sheltering Lionel’s body, watching him sleep and being the first person he saw when he awoke in the dusk of day, she needed to speak with Marcus.

  It bothered Phoebe that Marcus was so angry with her. She understood why, even though she didn’t want to accept it. Marcus was an honorable man. He made the vow to her parents, and he’d offered her the sanctuary of his home. She’d be ungrateful if she matched his kindness with her own lack of appreciation. It was important that she made it right.

  Carefully leaving the warmth of her husband’s bed, she tiptoed across the room. In minutes she was dressed, closed the huge bedroom door behind her and scampered downstairs to find Marcus or Anne.

  She found them outside on the patio overlooking the gardens and vineyards below.

  “Oh, so there you are.” She leaned over Marcus’s frame giving him a shoulder hug and a peck on his cheek. Anne looked up from rocking little Ian and gave her a smile. The toddler stirred, breaking loose from his mother to peer up at the newcomer. Phoebe held her arms out as Anne placed him in her grasp. She jostled the beautiful brown curly haired child with the huge chocolate brown eyes the same color as Marcus’.

  “You are so lucky, Anne.” She rocked the little one back-and-forth and made faces at his enchanted, smiling expression.

  “He likes you, Phoebe,” Anne whispered. “I think mothering will come naturally to you. You enjoy children, don’t you?” she asked.

  “I adore them. And I plan to have dozens. Just like my famous ancestor, Maria Monteleone.” She made another surprise expression to Ian, which drew a giggle, then she gave a sly wink to Anne. “Who knew?”

  “I knew it the first time I saw you, dear,” Anne replied. “All of this is so fascinating to me, since my growing up was so different than yours. Now that I am turned, I have a great deal of appreciation, and I admit, some envy, of the woman you are becoming, Phoebe.”

  Marcus had been sipping his coffee quietly staring off into the distance. But he quickly glanced up at her as Phoebe handed the child back to his mother.

  “You should consider a turning, Phoebe,” he said coldly.

  Phoebe’s heart raced. “I’m not sure that would be a good idea, until you learn more—”

  “More?” Marcus angled his head and frowned.

  “Lionel says you are studying the book. I know about this book. And Marcus, I’d actually like to read it, if I could.”

  “Absolutely not. And you should not speak of it either, Phoebe.”

  Marcus’ his jaw was set, his lips in a thin line pursed together. Anne looked upon him skeptically. The baby began to fuss.

  “Marcus are you absolutely sure that that’s the only way?” his wife asked.

  Marcus stared down at his coffee again and without saying a word nodded solemnly. Then he spoke to both Phoebe and his wife. “It puts us all in danger the more people learn of this book. It’s too easy to forget and mention something that we shouldn’t. I don’t want some kind of a random mind-reading to extract information from you, Phoebe should we run across a family member or a creature who could do this without you even being aware. It’s just too risky, and there is so much at stake.”

  “But isn’t it my heritage as well as yours, Marcus?” Phoebe felt her blood pressure rise. “Why is it the women of this family can’t take part in running it?”

  “Because that’s just not the way it’s done.”

  She could see that far from straightening things out with Marcus she had picked a scab. But Phoebe’s concern was stronger than her need to b
e proper with her cousin. “Then maybe it’s time for things to change. Maybe women should have more of a say in running the family. Maybe—”

  “Stop it!” Marcus stood, pacing back-and-forth. He squeezed his hands into fists, then opened them again, took a deep breath and then stopped “It’s an argument I’ve heard before.” His brief glance at his wife told Phoebe they had already engaged in some stern discussions. She didn’t want to cause further friction.

  “Phoebe,” Anne started, “I understand completely how you feel. I consider myself somewhat of an ally. But like you, my experience with Golden vampires is limited. The family has always done things a certain way, even though we’ve had very strong women leaders. I think what Marcus is saying is that his experience trumps ours. Not that he needs to be in control, but that he has centuries of experience. Centuries of history, stories told to him ever since childhood. He has seen civilizations come and go, wars fought, men die, and vampires sacrificed. Family fortunes have been squandered, and he’s seen these struggles in his lifetime that you and I can only imagine.”

  “It isn’t fair.” Phoebes frustration rose to a dangerous level. She knew Lionel would be displeased with her. But she was angry with Marcus concerning his earlier comment about her turning.

  “So, when will someone tell me what my future is?” Phoebe blurted out, following her comment by drilling a glare at him.

  “Your future is very much in your control, within certain rules. Just like we breathe the air. Just like we cannot fly in outer space. My family existed before the modern age. We didn’t know anything about flight or rockets to the moon or anything having to do with the speed of light or cosmic forces. We have learned all these things just as humans have learned these things. They’ve learned them together. They’ve discovered them together. But, within the laws of this universe there are certain rules of nature. Regardless of how much I’d like to, I cannot travel or trace to the moon. That’s not possible. It’s also not possible right now for your husband to mate with you.”

  “But he can. I know he can.” Phoebe saw the shocked expression on both Marcus and Ann’s faces.

  “You have consummated your marriage, Phoebe?” Anne had placed her hand up to her mouth while Marcus demanded his answer.

  “No. Of course not. But we could.” Phoebe thought carefully about what she was going to say next. Marcus and Anne watched her pace back and forth until she was calm enough to deliver. “And we want to. One day, we will.”

  Marcus had dropped to his chest and he shook back-and-forth denying internally what he’d heard. She knew this message was not going to be delivered well to her husband. She knew her parents would be furious with her as well. But it was her future that she craved and wanted to have some control over the big decisions needing to be made. It seemed so wrong to be told all she could do was wait for someone else.

  “I mean you no disrespect cousin. I swear on my life’s blood I sincerely thank you for all of the opportunity that you have given Lionel for his service to you, for your family’s commitment to my safety. I sincerely appreciate all that you have done for all of the Golden families over the years. This is not disrespecting you in anyway. But I have briefly tasted something that is so miraculous that surely both of you could understand why I want more.”

  She looked from Marcus to Anne and back to Marcus again. She could see Anne’s tears streaming down her cheeks. The baby had gracefully and thankfully fallen asleep against her chest. Marcus leaned back, scanning the heavens.

  “I have thought about this myself many times, Phoebe.” Marcus whispered after a long silence. “I have discussed it with Lionel, and he has told me of your strong attraction to each other. I don’t believe I’m violating any confidence to tell you this.”

  “No that sounds exactly like him,” Phoebe confirmed. She waited.

  “Lionel is more like a brother to me than an employee. I do consider him family. Our histories are connected by our duty and are oaths. But there is something more, I know there is. I just don’t have the answers, right now.”


  He cut Anne off, holding up his palm. “Just let me handle this and say to you both that I promise we will find an answer eventually. But until that happens, we must keep to the plan. I know from the many many military man I have met in my lifetime—people who have served in and run battle commands—that it is folly to jump in to a theater without knowing the script, without knowing where all the players are and what could happen. Without a plan. This is dangerous territory, Phoebe. You have to understand that the fear of the unknown, or the fear of making a terrible mistake, is something that is holding me back. I want to be sure before we take action.”

  He walked toward her placing his enormous hands on her shoulders, gripping her, shaking her very gently. He smiled, looking down upon her as her father had done many many times during her growing up. “You bring great challenge to this house, Phoebe. But you also bring tremendous joy to your husband, my most loyal and trusted brother. In fact, Lionel and I have spent many more days and nights together, than I have my own brother, Paolo. Your husband is the finest of his clan. This joy that you bring him gives me so much satisfaction, as I’m sure it does him. He deserves you. He deserves to be happy. He’s earned it. I promise—” he placed his hand over his heart—“I promise that I will work tirelessly to research some solution to your relationship. And, if possible, I will bring you choices. Wouldn’t that be a miracle, Phoebe?”

  She placed her palms over his, and nodded, unable to look into his eyes. A shudder rippled through her body at the glimpse of her visions in that other life with Lionel. She was already walking on the beach at sunset. Being able to love him in every way, and it was worth the hole in her heart it would create if such a vision were deemed impossible.

  “I will wait, cousin Marcus. I trust you. I trust our family. I want a life like you have. I didn’t know this until a year ago. I want a family I want to create a dynasty like Maria did. I think I was given this opportunity and I’m not afraid.”

  Several days passed. Phoebe knew that she would remember this conversation for the rest of her life. She knew that somehow; she must have a hand in her own destiny. And like learning about traveling to the moon or the stars beyond as Golden vampires had done alongside their human brothers, times had changed. It was time for the Monteleones to embrace the fact that from now on women would be more prominent in making family decisions. And on route to finding her own happiness, perhaps she would also be forging a path for all the future young Golden women just like her herself. Perhaps she’d be that trailblazer, and through her love of her husband, she should be able to show them the way, and help the men in her family overcome their tradition.

  She mused at the thought it was something they would never be able to hold back anyway.

  She knew there was a war coming. She knew the dark covens and the Goldens as well as the human races were all tied together in some fashion through history. Because it would require everyone help in the cause of peace. Marcus perhaps wasn’t aware of it, but he’d need the women of his family if he was going to be successful.

  She knew Anne could be her ally, having lived in the human world until recently. She knew that and would help her and understood her plight. But Phoebe also understood that she was in love with a dark coven Lord who was more than three centuries old, and change might prove difficult for him. It was more important to Phoebe that he try to change, or show her that he wanted to, more than it was important that he do so.

  Afterall, when the day was done and when she lay in her bed and listened to his incantations and felt his ministrations and the outpouring of love for her, she had to admit, she liked living with a man of honor, even if he was a bit of a Neanderthal.

  Chapter 10

  News of the death of two Golden females in Tuscany followed the day after the Italian contingent of families arrived in California. It hit them like an ill wind, the portent of something sinister, darker, loom
ing on the horizon that would affect them all. Lionel felt like the two were connected.

  The meeting was called, and elders who were present gathered at the Monteleone home. Phoebe’s father was among the guests as were several of the other clan family elder statesman. Lionel knew most of them, however several families were introduced to him as family from other parts of California.

  Since this meeting was not a celebratory one, no one spoke in anything but a whisper. There were many frowns, many people examining their feet, pacing back-and-forth. They were a nervous group, Lionel observed. There was a younger member of the grieving family present but the elder leaders, two brothers, both prominent bankers in Italy, remained at home to attend to the funeral of their daughters.

  Lionel could feel Phoebe’s questions just as if she was standing behind him whispering in his ear. He tried to block her thoughts from him but was only successful in causing them to fade slightly, not disappear entirely. She was fighting him, protesting that he was locking her out of this important meeting.

  ‘Phoebe, it is for your own protection. There is much for me to concentrate on, and I can’t be having you piggyback.’

  ‘Husband, whatever it is involves me as well. Or do you not think this is true?’

  ‘I do. You know I do.’

  ‘Then let me stay. I promise I will be silent.’

  Lionel inhaled, found strength in the gentle California night air filling his lungs, sending fresh oxygen to his brain as if he’d done a timed run. He told her telepathically that he’d try.

  Marcus stood in the middle of the group and began.

  “So, we are gathered here today for a very solemn meeting. Tragic news from Italy has ruined this Family reunion.”


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