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Dominick's Secret Baby

Page 20

by Iris Parker

  Dominick pulled his mouth away from my breast once again, looking me straight in the eyes. "Take it off. Now," he said, his voice heavy with the authority of a man who knew he would be obeyed without question.

  He didn't have to tell me twice.

  Lifting myself a couple of inches off the couch, I quickly slid my hands down to grab the hem of the skirt, but I was too slow. Dominick took over again the moment I raised my body up, and he didn't waste any time before yanking my skirt all the way down. The garment fell past my knees and joined the rest of my clothes on the floor, leaving me naked and exposed.

  Completely exposed.

  While Dominick was still fully dressed.

  Somehow, I didn't care about that. Not one little bit.

  The moment was still glorious, and so was Dominick.

  He leaned into me and wrapped one arm behind my back, pulling me in close enough that my breasts pressed against the hard planes of his own chest. His other hand remained down by my legs, and I willingly parted my thighs for him when his fingers began to explore the area.

  The cool air kissed against my slick skin, making me feel even more exposed than I had been before. I felt incredibly vulnerable, but yet I didn't run from the feelings. I knew that I was safe here; safe to be a woman just as Dominick was unapologetically a man. I embraced our differences, willingly taking on the role of Dominick's prize.

  There was no denying it, I wanted him to conquer me—to possess me fully, to make me his own, to never let me go again. I closed my eyes and took another sharp breath, enjoying the feeling of Dominick's fingers dancing across my skin.

  I wanted the moment to last forever, but it ended all too soon. My eyes shot wide open as he pulled away from me, once again taking the whole world with him as he went. I felt disoriented and lost, my breath ragged as I trembled beneath him.

  Why had he stopped?

  I didn't need to wonder for long. The sharp, metallic clinking of his belt buckle explained everything, and I sighed in relief as everything fell back into place.

  The world made sense again.

  Dominick didn't take his clothes off though, not entirely. Once the belt was loose his hands returned to me, once again curling one arm behind me while his free hand explored my most intimate curves.

  I could've melted then and there, but Dominick wouldn't let me. His skilled fingers had no trouble bringing me right to the edge of release, but every time I could feel an orgasm approaching he slowed down and left me teetering on the brink. I had no idea how long he teased me for; by the end of it I couldn't even have told him what my name was if he asked. If I had been a wild woman before, Dominick's constant edging had transformed me to something closer to a wild animal, mewling and moaning and desperate for more.

  I was loving every second of it, from the intense pleasure to the feeling of Dominick's heart against my chest as he pulled me in closer. The embrace continued to tighten, and soon I realized that Dominick was lifting me up, quieting his fingers for a moment as he repositioned my body as easily as a weightless doll.

  Once I was in a sitting position, Dominick let go and stood himself straight. I stared up at him, confused by the sudden change and wondering if I'd done something wrong. The grin on his face told me everything was okay, but I still didn't know what was going on.

  He spoke before I did.

  "Your turn," he said heavily, and I could almost feel his breath on my skin despite the distance between us. The words took a moment to sink in, to be heard past the loud throbbing of my body and my desire for more. "Take them off," Dominick said in a commanding voice.

  My confusion lasted another split second, and then I looked down far enough to see straight ahead. Dominick's shorts were directly in front of my face, and there was no hiding his erection. I reached out and touched the large, hard lump that was pressing into the now-tight fabric, the undeniable sign of his arousal. He breathed in sharply as my fingers traced the outline, making my heart pound even harder than before.

  I was suddenly glad that Dominick had stopped touching me when he did.

  This was clearly what I needed.

  "Off," Dominick repeated, and I nodded enthusiastically. With trembling hands, I unbuttoned Dominick's shorts and opened his zipper. Just as he had done with me, I pulled down his shorts and felt triumphant as they fell on the floor, covering my discarded skirt and panties.

  I'd almost forgotten how large Dominick was, but the moment his manhood sprang free from the underwear I immediately remembered what it'd felt like to have him inside of me. I groaned in desperation, anticipating that I would soon feel that way again.

  Somehow resisting the urge to take him into my mouth, I looked back up at him. He'd been calling all the shots tonight, and I had no problem with allowing that to continue.

  Especially after hearing his next instructions.

  "Scoot to the edge of the couch," he ordered. "And spread your legs."

  "Yes," I moaned, and got into position as quickly as I could move. As Dominick climbed to his knees, I tilted my upper body back against the couch and stared at the ceiling, eager to feel him finally claim me.

  But the sensation that followed wasn't what I was expecting. Instead of feeling his cock stretch me open, I felt something scratching against my thighs. I looked down to see that he was kneeling further away than I'd imagined, far enough that his face was mere inches away from my crotch.

  "What—" I began to ask, silencing myself with a sharp whimper as his tongue made contact with my skin. As skilled as his fingers had been earlier, Dominick's mouth felt even better. Moaning, I threw my head back against the couch again and closed my eyes, savoring the sensation between my legs.

  While earlier Dominick had quickly brought me to the edge and kept me there, this was more of a slow burn. He clearly knew what he was doing, and he was definitely taking his time. Starting out slow and subtle, he stretched out my pleasure by starting small and building.


  And building.

  This time when I approached an orgasm, he didn't stop. Sensing it coming, he increased his efforts, dragging me past the edge and into full-blown release. It was amazing, stronger and longer than any I'd had before. It left me exhausted and breathless, the aftershocks continuing to come for long minutes.

  It was pure bliss.

  But I needed more.

  Dominick still hadn't claimed me for himself, still hadn't filled me up the way that only he could do. As I came to my senses, I looked back down to him, recognizing the hard lust in his eyes.

  I gave him a nod.

  It was all he needed.

  My legs felt like rubber, but Dominick had a plan for that. He wasted no time at all before getting up and repositioning me once again, this time bending me over the armrest of the couch so that I didn't need to support my full weight. I was also lined up perfectly with him, and I didn't have to wait very long before I felt his hardness at my entrance.

  He was big, but I was more than ready for him. He stood behind me and began to push forward, sliding inside my depths without pain despite the way I had to stretch to accommodate his width. I let out a groan of lust as he finished entering me the first time, filling me up completely.

  Gentle and careful at first, Dominick gave me a few minutes of slow and sensual penetration as my body adjusted to his girth. Soon, he was able to glide into me with ease, and by that point I'd recovered enough from my orgasm to enjoy every moment of it. As Dominick picked up speed, his strokes became more forceful, pressing me into the couch whenever he pushed into me.

  He became more eager and more forceful, pushing into me even harder. The couch shifted below me, the strength of his thrusts making it shake and creek forward. It moved just enough to shift my weight slightly, and suddenly I could feel my most sensitive area rubbing against the armrest each time Dominick entered me. I gasped with unexpected pleasure, enticing him to go further and harder. He must've realized what was going on, because he quickly found an an
gle that stimulated me as much as I seemed to be stimulating him.

  As Dominick picked up even more speed, I felt a familiar pressure building up. He continued to ravage me and I drifted closer to a second release, until finally the dam broke and I exploded into a second mind-blowing orgasm. My body reacted on its own, clenching down and tightening all around him as the waves of pleasure broke through me.

  Dominick froze suddenly and let out a loud grunt that reverberated throughout the room. I could feel his cock shifting around inside of me, twitching and straining as he released his seed deep into my body. It continued for many seconds, as did the sound of his grunting. Now exhausted, I closed my eyes. With a happy sigh, I floated on feelings of satisfaction and pride, pleasure and happiness.

  Neither of us spoke for a while, we didn't have to.

  It was the perfect moment.

  "Dominick?" I asked finally, just to hear the sound of his voice more than anything.

  "Yeah?" he replied.

  I didn't know what to say. Did I want to thank him for forgiving me? To tell him how amazing he was? To break into giggles and tell him that he was, like, just the best guy ever? All of those things were true, but they seemed best left unspoken.

  "Remember how we kind of ruined my dress, the first time we did this?"

  "Of course," Dominick said, his rubbing the length of my back with one of his warm hands.

  "Well," I began, feeling giddy and silly. "I think you might need a new couch."

  The sound of our mutual, lighthearted and warm laughter made me realize that I'd been wrong earlier. It hadn't been the perfect moment at all—because this was the perfect moment.

  I wouldn't have traded it for the world.


  I looked out across the yard, lost in thought as I sipped my tea.

  Sitting on a porch that hadn't even existed yesterday morning.

  As amazing as it had been to stay the entire night at Dominick's place, getting back home had reminded me of the wonder that he'd accomplished here. I still had no idea how the heck he'd managed to build it so quickly, but I knew that it must've been a ton of work.

  Had yesterday not been such an outright crazy day, I was sure that it would've made a huge impression on me. As it was, though, I wasn't sure I'd even gotten the chance to thank him for it.

  I hoped he could forgive me for that, along with everything else. Last night had been both wonderful and healing, but a small part of me was already suffering from doubt creeping back into my mind. I knew—hoped—that I was being ridiculous, that I was inventing baseless fears on the drive back home.

  But I'd gone home by myself, and that alone was enough to nag at me. He'd been quiet for most of the morning, and I wasn't quite sure if it was comfortable silence or if a night's sleep had reminded him that he had every right to hate me. I hoped that I was being paranoid, but my mind kept worrying at the thought—like pulling a loose thread and discovering that it's unraveling half your dress.

  We hadn't even had sex in the morning.

  I mean, if you were being technical we'd had sex several times that morning. But only because it had been well after midnight before the two of us finally collapsed into an exhausted, happy, sweaty heap on Dominick's bed, passing out for a few hours of sleep.

  The point was, there hadn't been any sex after that.

  Unless you count oral.

  I shook my head, reminding myself that I was being a stupid paranoid girl and that nothing was wrong. If Dominick was holding a grudge, he would've told me about it—not given me more orgasms than I knew were physically possible to have in a single night.



  Maybe everything was going to work out after all.

  And maybe a unicorn will crawl out from under this porch to grant me three wishes, the cynical side of my brain added. It had a voice today, no matter how many times I tried to silence it or remind myself that anyone would be tired after a day like yesterday. I certainly was, and I hadn't gotten news about a baby dropped on my head with no warning.

  Unlike Dominick.

  Why was I so sure that he wasn't mad, again?

  I took a deep breath and a long sip of tea, hoping it would calm my nerves. Breaking the news to Dominick had gone better than I ever, ever would've imagined, and I needed to remember that. Of course he was going to need time to adjust—I'd known about the pregnancy for months, and had been planning it for even longer than that, but for Dominick the news was sudden, life-altering, and hit him less than a day ago.

  Anyone would need time to adjust. So what if I'd come home to an empty house? The fact that it was empty was just further proof of what an amazing man Dominick was. He hadn't just thrown me a surprise party and magically completed a construction project in a single day. He had also seen me off to the hospital and taken my car there so I wouldn't be stranded. On top of all that, he'd taken care of Ali and made arrangements for her to stay with my father so that she wouldn't worry.

  Yeah, Dominick was great.

  He was downright incredible.

  He was…five minutes late.

  And I was such a nervous wreck that I was more than willing to interpret the slight tardiness as proof that the world was ending, and I'd never see him again. Of course there were any number of excellent reasons why he wouldn't show up at the exact time we'd agreed on this morning, but knowing and believing were two different things.

  Neurotic much, Helena?

  Well, at least I could blame the pregnancy hormones.

  Still, when I heard someone pulling into the driveway, I bolted to the front as fast as my legs could carry me. I was halfway through the house before I remembered that I wasn't supposed to stand up quickly, but luckily for me nothing bad happened this time.

  Something told me that, at least until all of this was fully settled, low blood pressure was going to be the least of my concerns.

  And then I made it to the front of the house and saw Dominick.

  And then I saw that he'd taken his car, not his bike.

  And then I saw what was inside the car.

  And then, I laughed.

  And laughed.

  And just like that, everything was once again right with the world.


  "I uh, know what you're probably thinking," I said sheepishly as Helena howled with laughter, peering into the back seat of my car.

  She was gorgeous when she smiled.

  "There were just so many of them, and I couldn't decide. And I wanted your input too, obviously," I explained. "I made sure to get receipts. We can take the other four back, of course. Or all five, if you had something else in mind."

  "Dom," Helena said, trailing off in another fit of giggles. I would've been worried, but the joy in her eyes made it impossible to feel bad.

  Soon enough, I was chuckling along with her.

  "Maybe I got a bit overzealous. But I mean, you loved the porch so much," I joked sarcastically. "So I just thought—well, why not keep it up? Buying you surprise furniture seemed like the next logical step. If you can't take the mother to a crib store, you might as well just take an entire crib store to the mother."

  "If you're trying to outdo me," Helena said, wiping away tears of laughter. "You'll need to do a lot better than that. As far as surprises go, I'm pretty sure that a surprise baby beats both unexpected construction and ambush-renovations."

  "Probably," I agreed. "Is there a scoring sheet somewhere I can check? I might need to do something really drastic here. Like put Ali through college or buy you a surprise hou—"

  Helena spun around, throwing her arms around my shoulders and surprising me with a sudden, deep kiss. I stopped talking immediately, using my mouth for more important things—like returning the kiss—and traced my fingertips along her shirt, feeling the curves beneath. I wanted to take her into my arms and squeeze her as tightly as I could, to never let go, to never let the kiss end.

  Of course, thanks to the pregnancy I needed t
o be a bit more careful than that.

  Even so, it wasn't long before the two of us were shamelessly making out right in the middle of the driveway. We were in full view of the neighborhood, exposed to any passing cars or nosy neighbors that might've been looking out the window. We were taking a risk by doing this so publicly, but I just couldn't bring myself to end the moment or worry about details like that.

  Not when I had the most beautiful, smartest woman in the world in front of me.

  Carrying our son.


  Against all odds, everything really was okay between us.

  I could hardly believe it. With luck like that, maybe there really was a magical wish-granting unicorn just waiting for me under the porch.

  But even if one really had been there, I wouldn't have bothered.

  I didn't need it. All my wishes were already coming true.

  Dominick and I spent the next few hours cleaning the spare room together. I'd been using it as storage, but emptying it out had been easier than I had expected.

  The benefits of having a strong man around the house, I supposed.



  But also damn useful.

  Dominick singlehandedly banished several boxes of junk, heirlooms, and heirlooms-that-were-junk. Once they were all safely packed away in the attic, he brought in the five different cribs that he'd bought earlier that morning.

  "I just couldn't decide," he'd said, explaining the benefits and drawbacks of each one. It quickly became apparent why Dominick had gotten here later than usual. In fact, now I was actually surprised that he'd arrived as early as he did. He hadn't simply grabbed the first five cribs he'd seen, he actually had specific opinions about each one.

  He'd taken the time to learn about them.


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