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Elegant Death

Page 7

by M. L. Bullock

  Levi twisted a straw in his fingers nervously. "How did you know where to go? How did you know where to find us?"

  "I guessed."

  "That's bull," he declared as he kicked back and eyed me suspiciously. “You aren’t that smart.”

  I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, maybe that’s true but that's the answer I'm giving you. I took a shot on finding you at Jimmy's. That's usually where you liked to hang out to get high. You guys were so close to getting busted. You have no idea."

  Jackson and Levi passed a surprised glance to one another but neither confirmed nor denied they ever got high.

  "How did you get away from the Creep? He's pretty powerful."

  I looked down at my hands. I was so cold and my wound throbbed on my back. I rubbed them together to warm them up.

  "The Agency. They found me. I'm not even sure how I got on their radar. I'm not sure if it was just an accident or what but they found me. I can thank them for that, at least. They scooped me up in their van and brought me here. I was out of it for weeks and then when I came to you I was made to understand what happened to me. I have the scars to prove it; if you'd like to see them.”

  Naomi accepted Jackson’s can of soda and took a swig before passing it back to him. A tad too personal for me but I didn’t complain about it. I’d abandoned my family for my own safety. “What kind of scar?”

  “I have a wound. One that won't heal. I had some kind of infection that they can't figure out. They’ve been studying me but I don't know much more than that.”

  Levi interrupted me, “And they just let you walk out of here? Don’t you see they let you leave? They let you steal that van. Virgil.”

  “I don’t know that and neither do you. It’s possible. At the time I thought they just let their guard down. Did they know that I was going to come find you all along? I'm not sure. I don't regret going but of course, I regret not going sooner. I hope you guys can forgive me. Eventually."

  To my surprise, my wife reached over and squeezed my hand momentarily. She's always been good at comforting people. I squeezed her hand back.

  "Thank you."

  Levi did not thank me but brushed off the emotional exchange with his typical eye roll. “Okay, Virgil. How do we get out of here and where are we exactly?"

  "We are about fifty miles from our house. So it'll take us a good hour, hour and a half to get back. The questions are how do we get there and how to get out of this building? I'm pretty sure they aren’t stupid enough to leave the keys lying around again. We will need a vehicle and we need a way to get these locks open. The only thing we can do," and I lowered my voice to share this idea, "is to wait until one of them comes back. Then we overtake them and steal the key. That's it's the only way. But it doesn't look like they're in any hurry to come back here. There is another residence hall and all of their computers and offices are located in the middle between the two halls. That's probably where they are keeping her. You know...her. I don’t want to say her name too loudly.”

  Jackson said dryly, “Ford is so busy studying her they aren't worried about any of us or our loved ones.”

  "Let me see your wound, Virgil. Where is it?" Naomi asked in her pretty voice. She’d always hoped to go to nursing school. Another dream lost. I felt uncomfortable at the prospect of bearing my body to my family but they wanted to know the truth. They wanted to see the truth. I pulled off my turtleneck and twisted in the seat to show my back. I wasn’t prepared for their collective gasps.

  “As you can see, the Creep’s fang marks left a permanent scar. It’s decayed and the bite left an area about four inches wide. Like a black widow spider leaves. It killed the skin and it is deep in the flesh too. The Agency has worked on it for quite a while and they stopped the spread of the decay but the hole is having a difficult time healing."

  Naomi asked softly, “Are you in a lot of pain?”

  "Strangely enough it doesn't really hurt anymore. It does make me tired and sometimes I get sick but I'm feeling better than I did." Even Levi’s eyes were worried. That was something at least. Only took a four inch wide hole in my back to move my son’s heart.

  "I thought a Sustainer was supposed to repel the poison? I thought that you and I were immune to it?"

  "Typically, yes but the Creep is no typical creature. That’s what they tell me. He is incredibly strong and venomous, some sort of creature hybrid that they can’t identify. I can't say anything else about it because that is all I know."

  Jackson shivered at the sight as I put my shirt back on. “Sorry, man. I had no idea. I for one am not for waiting around until one of these so-called agents come back. They could wait us out for months with all the food and everything we have at our fingertips. Maybe that was their plan?”

  Levi added sourly, “Yeah, and we could knock on doors until the cows come home and they could ignore us. What else can we do? There's no air vent or attic or basement or anything like that?"

  It felt good to have my shirt back on. I was extremely cold now. "Not that I've seen but there is another way. There is someone that might be able to help us. If they haven't weakened her to the point where she can't communicate. She’s reached out to you, hasn’t she?”

  Levi didn’t answer right away but eventually, he came out with it. “Yes, but I haven’t made it easy for her. I told her to get lost.”

  “She’s the key. She can move things, like locks, when she’s willing--and when she is strong.”

  Naomi said in her quiet voice, "I don't like the sound of this at all, Virgil. I don't like it. Are you suggesting that Levi speak to this creature and ask for her help?"

  I squeeze her hand and then remembered myself. We were husband and wife in name only but at least now we could try to be friends. Maybe. If I could manage to get us out of here without getting our son killed. “It’s the only way, Naomi. The only way I can think of.”

  She wasn’t going for it. “Keep thinking. There has to be another way.”

  Levi rose from the table. “There’s not. I have to do this. Come on, Virgil. Show me how. Let’s get this over with.”

  The four of us left the cafeteria and headed to the common area. It was closer to the Lab which I assumed would help us connect with Alice.

  Time to wake up the queen.

  Chapter Twelve--Levi

  Naomi left us to our own devices. She wanted no part of this and made that quite clear. Jackie tried to reason with her but there was no changing her mind. Naomi stormed out of the common room and presumably went to her own bedroom to either cry herself to sleep or take another pill and forget all about it. I hated that but there was nothing for it. There was no going back now. Virgil guided me through the process of focusing my mind on Alice, visualizing her, reaching out to her. I didn’t ask how he knew all about this hippy stuff, but I found it humorous that he could lead a guided meditation. The trick was to talk to be open to Alice and speak with her not just with my voice but with my brain. It was harder than I first thought. I’d always been on the receiving end of these mental invasions, never the one making the call out.

  It didn't take me long to connect with Alice.

  “Hey, can you hear me? I'm not sure how to do this so I hope you can hear me. Hey, Alice. It's me. Levi Wallace."


  Her voice had a dreamy quality, kind of like Naomi when she overindulged with her nerve pills. It sounded distant as if Alice were whispering to me from the stars or some cloudy space above us.

  Lee-vi. You there?

  I cleared my throat nervously and kept my eyes closed as Virgil reminded me. God, this was uncomfortable. Her voice made my skin crawl.

  “Yes, I’m here. I need your help, Alice.”


  "She said she's too weak,” I conveyed the information to Virgil and Jackie. “She says she can't help.”

  “Keep trying, son. She’s our only hope. Focus on Alice; not us. Focus on her.”

  I took an even breath and leaned back in the
chair in an attempt at relaxing, which was supposed to help me focus harder on connecting with Alice, according to Virgil, at any rate. Who the hell knew? This was some serious voodoo, mine screw crap. I decided to try talking to her with just my mind. I already had a plan and knew what I wanted to say to her. I knew how far I was willing to go to get this creature to help me. I knew but nobody else did.

  I reached for her clumsily, like a teenage boy on his first date reaches for his sweetheart. I wouldn’t speak aloud what I had to say. Virgil would argue me down but this was the way it would have to be.

  Alice, can you hear me like this?

  Yes, Levi. This is better. Stronger.

  Good.What now genius? What are you going to do now?

  Locked in here. You have Lisa. I want her alive. If you help me, I will help you.

  Help? Help how, Levi?

  Give me Lisa and you can have me.

  "What is she saying, Levi? Is she there?" Jackson asked nervously as my father reminded him to keep quiet.

  "Yeah, she's here. Hold on. I can’t talk to both of you."

  I will not let you out if you are going to kill my family. You killed Debbie. I owe you for that. I will not forget.

  Debbie? What Debbie?

  My sister. You killed my sister. I will not forgive you for that.

  No. Not me. Nikolai. Help…Levi...

  I shook my head unsure about her denial. Could she really be innocent? What vampire was innocent? None that I knew and I knew far too many at this point.

  I can have you? Promise, Levi?

  Yes, I promise but Lisa has to live and these that are with me. You cannot hurt them.


  Virgil, Naomi, and Jackson. Do not pretend you don't know who's here. I can feel you moving around the room, Alice.

  I didn't hear her laughter but I sensed it. Wicked laughter.

  Strong. Levi is strong. I am happy.

  Promise. I know that you have to stick to your promises. I know that about you. Promise me, Alice.

  Prom-iss, Levi. Lisa for you.

  Lisa for me.

  Promise, Levi?

  Tears streamed down my face. I felt Virgil's hand on me. He was trying to calm me down, give me advice. I didn’t hear a word he was saying to me. I ignored him because I didn't want to answer his questions and I was sure he would have many.

  Rex. Alice whispered his name with fervor.

  What about him?

  I can see…Lisa is with Rex. He wants to make her one. I see him...

  One of you?

  Yes… One of me. Soon, Levi.

  We have to stop him, Alice or no deal. I will kill him if he hurts her.

  Nooo! You will kill no vampire. Those are mine. Mine to kill.

  Lisa better be alive.

  She laughed again but did not answer me right away.

  “Alice?” I asked aloud. “Where did you go?”

  I go see. Very much alive. More laughter. I didn’t like the sound of that.

  “Now what? Alice?”

  We swim...come to me.


  Come now...I will show you...Levi...

  Chapter Thirteen--Levi

  Without warning the green lights on the white painted ceilings above us began to flash and until that very second, I hadn't even realized that there were green lights on the ceiling. Or that the place was rigged with alarms. Along with the flashing lights, the normal lighting dimmed and a terrible screeching sound, like a tornado siren, blared through the place. And then just a few milliseconds after that, the doors connected the residence hall to the inner rooms began popping open.

  Naomi reappeared in the common room clearly shaken by what was happening. She was still clutching her fringed purse and her blonde hair wildly framed her pale face. “Levi?”

  Virgil grabbed my hand, “What did Alice say? What's going on? Tell us! This is Alice’s doing, isn’t it?"

  I rubbed my face and watched Jackson who was heading down the hall without waiting for us. So much for going together, huh? "She said we were going to swim. I don’t know what that means. There’s no water down here.”

  My confession puzzled Virgil but only for a few seconds. He snapped his fingers. “She's talking about the lake. We're so close to the lake. There's no other water source that can do what she needs. Alice is going to flood this place; they’ll have to open the doors if the place is flooded."

  “I can’t swim!” Naomi confessed as she held on to Virgil with both hands. “You know I can’t swim, Virgil! What do we do? I have to get out of here!”

  "She’s right but I have to get Alice out too. Go!” But neither one of them listened to me. Not at all and Jackson wasn’t waiting for us either. He disappeared down the hall. Old buddy, best friend, my ass. Surprised Agency folks were scrambling around trying to figure out what was happening. We walked through two hallways before someone tried to stop us.

  "Hey! This place this area is off-limits to civilians! You can't be in here!”

  “You don’t understand, this place is going to flood. Please, you have to let us out. All of us!” I begged the closest person, a man holding a clipboard and a set of silver keys. He wasn’t wearing a white Lab coat but was dressed like a security guard. “Where is Agent Ford?”

  Suddenly the man's eyes rolled back in his head and he simply collapsed into the chair behind him. Once again I could feel Alice’s laughter around me.

  Closer, Levi.

  The security guard’s partner who was about ten feet away witnessed all this and smartly didn't come at us. The outer doors were opening, I could hear them. Water began to fill the place. Cold icy water.

  Levi… here...

  Another door that led to a smaller unlit room unlocked and inside the room nothing but blackness. Whatever was in this room had no lighting whatsoever.

  “Virgil! Take Naomi and Jackson and get out of here.”

  Yes, just Levi…

  “I’m not leaving you,” Naomi swore as the water rose to her knees. “Levi, come on!” She was sobbing now. Virgil was holding her but he looked as unsure and nervous as she did. I had no words of comfort to give them. What did they want from me? The doors were open--they needed to make a run for it!

  “Please, listen to me, Virgil. I have to help Alice. You can’t be here; I have to go in alone. It’s not safe for you--either of you. I’m not arguing about this. Get out of here, Virgil! Take her and go!”

  I waded through the cold water towards the opened door. A woman in a white coat warned me not to go in. When she saw I wasn’t listening she added some colorful language to her threat but it did not deter me. As she reached for me she got slapped by an invisible hand for her trouble. Alice, don’t kill her! The woman fell back in the water but she wasn’t harmed in any significant way. She rose out of the water rubbing her face with both hands. She moved quickly in the opposite direction.

  I gave Virgil one last look. I hoped it conveyed all I mean to say.

  I forgive you. It’s okay. This is my decision. I have to do this.

  Whether he got the message or not he nodded briefly and led Naomi out by her shoulders. A trio of white coats scrambled towards me. I hurried through the open door and watched in surprise as it closed behind me. The white coats were banging on the door but there were no windows and it was pitch black in here. I couldn't open it if I wanted to. I hope they had enough sense to get out of here. I stumbled forward remembering that I had seen the edge of a silver cylinder as I came in. Was that a silver coffin? No doubt it was something similar. Probably insulated with salt. No wonder Alice was weak.

  I tapped on the cylinder with my knuckles trying to feel my way around for a latch or an opening of some sort. I could see none.

  "Alice? It's me. Levi. Are you there?"

  Levi. Help. Too weak now.

  "Just a little bit more. Tell me what to do. I can’t find the handle! Alice!”

  At least the water wasn’t coming in this room but the building c
reaked and made weird sounds all around me. It was certainly possible that I would be crushed and I was no damn immortal! “Alice!” I screamed as I smacked the smooth human-sized canister. I couldn’t see a thing but I must have hit the right button because it cracked open. Yes, there were flat buttons on the surface of the canister. I heard a hissing sound, like the kind of hissing you hear when big trucks release their hydraulics. And I could feel the canister moving beneath me. It was opening!

  The floor had a few inches of water in it; I sloshed backward, my eyes blinking furiously in an attempt at adjusting to the light. I couldn’t see a thing; it was darker than the salt cave.


  “Help you do what?” I asked nervously. “It is opening. You can get out, Alice. You are free!”

  No, can’t rise...Levi, help…

  Her voice in my head pleaded pitifully with me but I was suspicious. She could easily kill me and nobody could stop her.

  No. Not kill. Lisa. Help Lisa. You for her.

  With some misgivings, I sloshed back to the open cylinder and peered into the void.

  With the quickness of a striking cobra, Alice’s hand flew out of the canister and pulled my neck to her mouth. She wasn’t even present, not in a real way.

  I could hear her hungry. So hungry! Her thoughts were so much larger than mine, much more all-consuming. They weren’t my thoughts anymore.

  There was no Levi only Alice. Beautiful Alice. Queen Alice.

  Only Alice.

  Le-vi...I need you, Levi.

  As I lay in her grasp I believed her. I believed she needed me but that did not negate the terror I experienced. A few seconds later I was sliding to the floor, grasping my neck with one hand. It was still bleeding and I wanted to do nothing but weep. That had been one of the most traumatic experiences of my life.

  Why was I here? Was I going to die? Lisa?

  A subtle movement behind me interested me but I was in shock. Too shocked to fight Alice off if she came at me again.

  “Get up. You are young and healthy. I did not kill you, Sustainer. No time for this, Levi. We must get out.” She stood over me and I could feel her impatient stare, even in the darkness. “I will open the door but you must be ready.”


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