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Initiative [Suncoast Society] (Siren Publishing Sensations)

Page 14

by Tymber Dalton

  “I’m collaring her in four weeks.” Grant looked at Darryl. “That’s the next Sunday you have off, right?”


  “We’re doing it that Saturday night. And that gives us a few weeks to make sure she’s really okay with all of this.”

  “Good,” Ed said. “We’ll be there. And then you and I can talk the next week about…your question.”

  “Seriously? You’re going to make me wait that long?”

  “I’m an attorney. Would you want me half-assing something you asked me to do?”


  They made it back to the table just as Susie was emerging from the bathroom. If she noticed anything amiss, she didn’t say.

  Grant hoped he was right, that in four weeks they’d be formally collaring her in front of everyone.

  Because it would break his heart to lose her again, and he damn sure didn’t want to do that.

  Especially when he knew it’d devastate Darryl, too.

  * * * *

  By the time dinner ended nearly two hours later, Susie had almost managed to forget the final objective of the evening was to get her to the club. Everyone she’d met so far was absolutely friendly and…


  This could have been a group of people from the dealership. Or any of the people she and John used to see socially on a regular basis.


  She supposed that was the point Grant and Darryl had tried to hammer home to her all week as they kept talking her through her nerves.

  On the car ride over to the club, Darryl turned. “So?”

  “Yes, they were nice and almost normal. You were right.”

  He laughed. “Not exactly the answer I was looking for, but I’ll take it.”

  “I didn’t freak out,” she said. “Do I get brownie points for that?”

  “Of course you do.”

  She did, however, feel a little badly that she and John had never met with any of these people before. Several of them, people who’d been around for a while, like Ross and Loren, Eliza and Rusty, Tony, even Cris, remembered John from the early days, as they called them.

  “We’re very proud of you,” Grant told her. “Just keep in mind how nice everyone there was if you start to get overwhelmed at the club.”

  “Are you going to…”

  “To what?” Grant asked.

  “Are you going to play with me there?”

  “Not tonight. But yes, at some point, we will. Don’t worry, I’ll probably beat his ass first that night anyway, just to get you in the mood.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Darryl said, snickering.

  “You’re complaining?” Grant asked.

  “Nope. Not at all, Sir.”

  Even though they’d warned her ahead of time, she was still a little underwhelmed to see that they were pulling into an industrial warehouse complex.

  “It’s in here?”

  “Yep. Right under everyone’s noses,” Darryl said. “Don’t worry, they’re perfectly legal.”

  She wasn’t sure what she’d expected, but walking into the club’s office, she realized it wasn’t anything like she’d expected. Tony and his wife and slave, Shayla, had walked in right after them. Apparently he was a volunteer there, too, and told the volunteer he’d handle Susie’s orientation.

  After filling out paperwork and having her driver’s license checked and run through a national database for sex offenders, Grant paid her membership fee and the entry fee for the men and they were sent inside.

  And…again with the underwhelmed.

  “Well?” Darryl asked.

  She looked around. It was dimly lit, but…

  “It’s not supposed to be a strip club,” Grant said, looking amused.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to think.”

  Tony walked up. “Don’t worry, you’re not the first person to think like that when they come here.”

  He went over the basic rules with her, none of which she’d have any problems adhering to. “If you guys want,” he offered, “Shayla can shadow you for the evening, if Susie has questions.” Someone called for him, and Tony excused himself.

  Darryl and Grant turned to Susie.

  “What?” she asked.

  Grant smiled. “Would you feel more comfortable if Shayla stayed with us?”

  She looked around again. There appeared to be a doorway to a whole other section on the far side of the room. “I guess I’m being pretty silly, huh?”

  Shayla smiled. “Not at all. Lots of people are really nervous or downright scared their first time here. As Loren likes to tell newbies, it’s both the weirdest and most boring thing you’ll ever see.”

  “How is that even possible?”

  “You’ll see,” Shayla, Darryl, and Grant all said in unison, which cracked them up.

  “Thank you for the offer, but I guess I’ll be okay,” Susie finally said. “I know they wouldn’t bring me here if there was going to be a problem.”

  “And that’s exactly the good kind of trust to have. Holler if you need me. Uh, unless Sir has me tied up.” And with that, Shayla took off.

  The first item on the agenda seemed to be a rope bondage demo by a guy named Kel and his wife and slave, Mallory. Grant and Darryl staked out chairs at a table in the social area and sat on either side of Susie, explaining what was going on to her. Periodically, people would stop by to chat with the men and by the time eleven o’clock rolled around, Susie couldn’t even remember everyone she’d met.

  She certainly wouldn’t deny her eyes had been opened. Compared to what she was used to—which she’d thought was some pretty out there, kinky shit—she was actually on the vanilla end of the scale, all things considered.

  Okay, sure, there were things she saw that she wouldn’t mind trying. Some of the rope bondage, and even a few variations on forced orgasm play.

  When they finally said their good-byes and got out the door around midnight, Darryl stopped her before she got into the backseat of Grant’s car.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  “I…” She let out a sad sigh. “Shayla was right,” she quietly said. “You guys were right. That was…” She didn’t even know if she had the words to describe it. “Not scary.”

  “That’s good, right?” Grant asked.


  “Then what’s wrong?” Darryl asked.

  “So many people knew John. People I didn’t even know. I feel horrible that because of my fear, he basically cut himself off from them. They could have been my friends all this time.”

  “Don’t think like that,” Grant said. “Did you order him to stop being friends with them?”

  “Thhppt. Hell, no. Not that I could have done that anyway, but I wouldn’t have done that.”

  “Did you even know he was friends with them?”

  “Not really. When we met he mentioned he sometimes got together with other kinky people, and I said I was scared of anyone finding out we were doing that, and he never mentioned it again.”

  “Okay, then. He is the one who made the call. Not you.”

  “But he did it because of me.”

  “Because he loved you,” Darryl said. “Not because you forced him to. He loved you that much, he wanted your peace of mind to be put first.”

  “Thank you for pushing me to do this,” she said. “I promise I’ll try to be more open-minded about stuff in the future.”

  “Good,” Grant said. “Because in four weeks, we’re going to formally collar you. That’ll be long enough for any of us to change our minds.”

  “I’m not changing my mind,” she said.

  “Good. I hope not. But in four weeks, we’re going to collar you, and I’m going to put my marks on your ass in front of everyone.” He kissed her. “Got it?”

  The good kind of fear ran through her. “Yes, Sir.”

  He smiled. “That’s my good girl.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  In the four weeks that followed, S
usie got better at the new version of D and D, grew closer to Kyle, smiled a lot more than she had in what felt like a lifetime, and made dozens of new friends. Not just new friends, but good friends, friends who’d quickly become as close—even closer, in her case—than family.

  And she realized she truly had found the loves of her life.

  It was a rare night she didn’t spend the night with one or both men. Except for a three-day training seminar Grant had to attend in Las Vegas, the three saw each other every day, even if only to have dinner together.

  It scared her in the good way how quickly this new routine had taken root in her soul.

  Ed called her at work the day before the collaring.

  “Hope and I will be there tomorrow night,” he said. “How you doing?”

  She’d had her office door closed because she’d been working on some spreadsheets and didn’t want to be disturbed. She leaned back in her chair, able to speak freely, without worrying about anyone overhearing her.

  “If you’d told me two months ago that I’d be here, doing this, and feeling this damn good, I probably would have fired you as my attorney because I’d be worried about your mental health.”

  Ed laughed. “That great, huh?”

  “When does Grant get the letter?”

  “Next week. I’ll consider the collaring as good as a wedding, because I know John would have.”

  “Do you think he’d be okay with this? With me being with them?”

  “Are you happy?”

  “I thought I just said that.”

  “Then yes, I know he’d be okay with this. He wouldn’t have shared you with anyone, ever. But this isn’t a situation he would have foreseen.”

  “I know I sure didn’t.”

  “Life’s too short not to be happy. Enjoy what you have. Appreciate it.”

  “I do, believe me.”

  No one knew that better than her, how short life could be.

  * * * *

  Later that afternoon, she was working with her door open when three familiar faces appeared.

  “Knock-knock,” Tilly said. “Someone said we might be able to buy a new ride here?”

  Susie had to remember she had a persona to keep up and not just go squeeing into Tilly’s arms for a hug. Even Susie’s personality had changed, and she was the first to admit it. When with her Suncoast Society friends, she was no longer reserved, wondering who was watching them.

  She didn’t care.

  She handed over all worries and all concerns to Grant and Darryl and was finally able to just…be.

  “What are you guys doing here?”

  “I’ve been playing Aunt Tilly a lot lately for Leigh, as well as for Leo and Eva and everyone. One SUV in our household is not cutting it. Time to trade the big shot’s car in for a duller ride.” She poked Landry in the chest.

  Susie had seen the vicious sadist beat the crap out of Cris in a scene, but today he was the dutiful husband. “Yes, dear,” he joked, winking at Susie. “She only loves me for my credit card. Except this will be a cash purchase today. Well, so to speak.”

  “That’s not true, you big softy, and you know it,” Tilly said. “I love you for more than your money. I love your…other assets, too,” Tilly said, censoring herself.

  Kristin stuck her head in. “Do you want me to grab one of the sales guys for you?” she asked.

  “Nope, but thanks. I’ll handle this one myself. They get the real friends and family discount.”

  She knew that might confuse Kristin a little, since Kristin had never met Tilly and her men before, but no way in hell would Susie let her friends pay more than true cost.

  “That’s kind of you,” Landry said, “but we weren’t looking for a discount.”

  “I know,” Susie said. “That’s exactly why you’re getting one. I’m sort of the boss around here. I can make those kinds of deals.” She grinned. “Besides, I can’t let Aunt Tilly drive around in a substandard ride when she’s got little ones to transport.”

  “You got a big, yellow bus?” Cris teased.

  Tilly swatted him. “Goober.”

  He cupped his hand around the back of her neck. “What was that?” he quietly asked.

  Hell, Susie’s panties grew a little damp.

  Tilly swallowed. “Dammit, I hate it when you two gang up on me.”

  Landry laughed. “Why do you think we enjoy doing it so, darling?”

  * * * *

  Darryl knew Grant’s order to Susie to wear the same little black dress for their collaring as she’d worn at the reunion and to her first night at the club might confuse her, but that Grant had his reasons.

  Because both of them instantly hardened when they saw her in it. They couldn’t help it. Their minds immediately recalled that weekend when they reunited.

  Operant conditioning, thou art a heartless bitch.

  That, and she looked beautiful in it because it was so simple. She was the only decoration it needed, her gorgeous body and her beautiful, long hair.

  Grant had also ordered her not to wear makeup tonight.

  Darryl knew that was a practical matter. She would be getting caned tonight, and neither man was a fan of the “raccoon eyes” look when mascara and eye makeup ran.

  She’d actually played twice at the club with them already, on Friday nights with both of them topping her.

  Grant assured Darryl it didn’t make him a shitty father for his own happiness finally becoming a real and tangible thing, but Darryl still waited for the other shoe to drop.

  Not with her, because he knew with every ounce of his heart that Susie was there to stay.

  Somehow, something had to give. He wasn’t sure if it’d be with Chelsey starting shit, or Kyle getting wind of what was going on and getting upset, or his job catching on, but in the back of Darryl’s mind hovered a certainty that it couldn’t last.

  Well, they could last, but what shitstorms they’d have to weather in the process remained to be seen. He knew with the two of them by his side that he could survive anything, but he’d already seen his share of heartache. He didn’t want to go through anything else. The divorce and having his ass and dignity handed to him by Chelsey had been bad enough.

  I just want us to have peace.

  He desperately wanted it for Susie, too. She no longer resembled the sad, careworn woman they’d first seen at the reunion. Even Kristin, who apparently wasn’t quite sure what was going on but who wasn’t going to question it, remarked to the men how much happier Susie seemed now.

  He wanted to keep making her that happy, would do anything for her. Sharing her with Grant was a no-brainer. Or was that sharing Grant with her? It wasn’t just about the sex, either. Not even the kinky play. They could head for bed and realize three hours later that they were still talking.

  It felt so damn good.

  He loved Grant for letting him help pick the charms for her bracelet, her new day collar, one she could wear anywhere.

  Although three times now she’d accidentally gone to work wearing her other day collar and had completely forgotten to take it off until the middle of the day, when she didn’t even have a spare hex key with her.

  They’d found a twenty-sided dice charm, a book charm, a charm that was a heart-shaped lock with an attached key, a charm each with birth stones for him, Grant, Kyle, and John, and a seashell, which reflected the “seaside paradise” theme at their senior prom.

  For her formal collar, Grant had scoured the Internet until he found the exact company who made her day collar. He ordered her a matching collar in the same niobium material, as well as a matching bracelet. They wouldn’t be an exact match, but close enough.

  She’d have a matching set of cuffs then, but still incorporating John’s into the set. Grant still allowed—insisted—she wear her locket John had given her as her other day collar. The men were on the same page there, too, wanting to keep John a part of their lives for her as much as they could. They knew they could never take the man’s place, or make
her forget the years she had with him, and they didn’t want to, either.

  Dinner at Sigalo’s happened first, with their friends. As time crawled, the closer it got to their collaring, which would be a quick ceremony before the regular play session opened, Darryl grew more and more nervous.

  Grant had gone over things with him, although they were keeping Susie in the dark. He wanted Darryl to put the other cuff on her first. Then Grant would put the collar on her, and her new day collar. She wouldn’t keep them all on all night, but for the ceremony, Grant wanted Darryl to be part of it.

  Hell, he almost felt as nervous as he did for their collaring, when in front of everyone, Grant had put the day collar on his wrist.

  It’d terrified him at the time, afraid someone would…he didn’t know what. Rationally he knew there wouldn’t be anything but celebration.

  Living in fear in the real world, the cold, cruel world outside the protective walls of the club or their home, away from their friends, was something different.

  He knew some of the people he worked with thought he was quiet, distant. Aloof, even.

  The truth was, he couldn’t talk about most of his life. He couldn’t laugh and joke about gaming, or any of this, for fear of accidentally revealing something.

  He had to pretend not to be who he really was.

  Only at home and here, with the people he loved, and his friends, could he be his real self.

  As they gathered around and Grant had Susie kneel on a large pillow in front of them, Loren raised her hands for everyone to quiet down. Kel and Mallory were taking photos and videoing it for them, careful only to get the three of them and Loren in the shots.

  Loren lowered her hands once it was quiet. “Long story short—”

  “Too late,” Gilo called out, earning him a round of laughter. “Ow,” he said as Tilly poked his shoulder, but from the way she then hooked her arm through his, Abbey on his other side and also with their arms hooked, Darryl knew they were just playing around.

  Loren smiled. “Long story short, there once were three kids in high school who knew they loved each other, but didn’t know how to really express it. Life happened, tragedy happened, and love had a second chance. For those of you thinking you saw Grant collar Darryl a couple of years ago, you’re not wrong. But they’ve happily added to their family, three friends and hearts once again complete. Maybe one day I’ll get a wedding out of them, but for tonight, Grant wants to claim their girl.”


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