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Claiming the Alpha

Page 9

by Alicia Montgomery

  Frankly, she didn’t know if she preferred the cold indifferent Darius, or this … whatever this Darius was.

  “Do you want me to wait here or inside?”

  She was taken aback by his question as she never considered what he would be doing while she waited for Lucas. “Will you come inside with me? At least until he comes.” She told herself because she didn’t want to look like a loser, all by herself. But somehow, despite his buzzing around her, she found his presence oddly soothing.

  “Of course.”

  She didn’t wait for him to come around to open the door for her and let herself out. It was only five more minutes before six o’clock, the time she told Lucas to meet her. She told him in her message she would be here, whether or not he decided to come. He didn’t answer, but she knew she had to be here in case he decided to show up.

  The sign outside was faded, but she could still make out the “Mike’s Diner” written in an old-fashioned font. When they walked inside, she was relieved to see their usual table—the third booth on the left—was empty. She immediately made a beeline for it, lest anyone grab it first, though that seemed unlikely. The place was half-empty, despite it being dinnertime. She slid into the booth on the side facing away from the door and Darius sat opposite her.

  He picked up the laminated menu on the table. “What’s good here?”

  “Nothing,” she answered. “Everything’s pretty gross. Though you can’t go wrong with the milkshakes.” He raised a brow at her and she laughed. “I know what you’re thinking. We own a successful chain of restaurants but we’re eating at a greasy spoon in the middle of nowhere. You did tell me to choose a place only he and I knew about, right? Well, trust me. No one else we know comes here.”

  Mike’s Diner was just like any other diner off the New Jersey turnpike. It didn’t have any specialties nor had it been featured on any TV show, glossy magazines, or foodie blogs. But she and Lucas discovered this place the summer after got their drivers’ licenses and drove to the New Jersey house for their first time by themselves—albeit trailed discreetly by two members of the Lycan Security Team. It was the perfect stop, halfway between New York and Jersey, and since then, it had been their ritual to eat here whenever they went to Barnsville.

  He glanced around. The crowd was mostly truckers and some questionable-looking patrons. “I believe that.”


  For a second, she doubted what her eyes saw. But he was really here, standing right beside her. “Lucas!” She couldn’t help herself and leapt up to embrace him. His arms went around her and as she pressed her nose to his lapel, she breathed in his familiar scent—salty ocean breeze. “You came.”

  “Of course.” He smirked at her. “You didn’t give me much of a choice.” The smirk turned into a warm smile. “Though I’m glad I did. It’s nice to see you.” When his gaze flickered behind her, his body tensed. “Who’s this?”

  “Oh.” She looked back and saw Darius had stood up. “This is Darius.”

  Darius bowed his head. “It is an honor to meet you.”

  “Darius Corvinus, right? Julianna’s told me all about you.”

  Huh. What could her sister possibly have told him about Darius?

  “She said you were keeping a close eye on Adrianna,” Lucas continued. “Thank you.”

  “It is my duty to serve my Alpha. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll give you some privacy. I shall be waiting right outside the door.” Darius bowed his head again, then strode out the door.

  “Interesting guy.” Lucas had a dark brow raised at her.

  “Sit,” she said, hoping to not have to discuss the subject of Darius.

  Lucas sat down across from her in his usual seat. “So, are we having greasy, cold burgers or soggy, salty fries?”

  She laughed. “How about the usual?”

  He called the waitress over and gave them their order—a vanilla milkshake for him, chocolate for her, and a plate of onion rings to share.

  “So,” he began. “Why did you want me to meet you here?”

  “Why have you been ignoring my calls and my messages?” she shot back.

  He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not ignoring you.”

  “Yes you have,” she insisted. “What’s wrong?” She cocked her head at him, trying to look him in the eye. “Tell me. You know I’ll find out one way or another.”

  His shoulders tensed for a second, then slumped. When he finally did look her straight on, she saw it. Or maybe, she felt it. Doubt. Uneasiness.

  “Lucas?” Was he having second thoughts about taking over Fenrir Corp. from their father? Or being Alpha? Ridiculous. Lucas had been born to be Alpha. He never had any doubts. But now he seemed off-kilter. “Please. Tell me what’s the matter.”

  “It’s nothing.” He suddenly found the menu very interesting, despite the fact they probably never changed the items and they’d seen it a million times.

  She’d seen this only once before in her brother. Placing her hands on the table, she leaned over. “What’s her name?”

  His head snapped up, and he looked like an animal caught in a trap. “No one you would know.”

  Ah, she was right. “And why wouldn’t I know her?” Lucas kept a very small circle of friends and acquaintances. He almost lived like a monk.

  “Because she’s human.”

  “Oh.” Wow. This was something else. No wonder Lucas was acting strange. He barely tolerated humans, much less felt anything for them.

  “And she’s investigating me for a murder.”

  “Oh.” Double wow. Well, this certainly wasn’t what she expected. “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Self-assured, confident, and capable Lucas Michael Anderson didn’t know what to do. This woman really was doing a number on him.

  “What about you? What’s the deal with that Darius guy?”

  “Huh?” That question came out of left field. “What about him?”

  “Don’t play innocent with me, Adrianna.” He gave her that know-it-all smirk that irritated the heck out of her. And he knew it too, which is why he used it a lot. “No bodyguard looks at their client that way. Or the other way around.”

  “This isn’t fair.” Her cheeks were on fire. Damn Lucas. He always was too smart for his own good. “It’s nothing.”

  “He’s part of The Family, right? Those people causing trouble for Mama in Jersey?” His voice took on a serious tone.

  “We’ve taken care of it,” she said.

  “It’s your territory and your business.” He reached out and placed a hand on hers. “I know the women in our family are capable and strong. None of you would stand for me and Papa coming in like white knights, but promise me you’ll tread carefully. Especially around that one.”

  “I—yes, I promise!” She hated to sound like a petulant child, but she also hated being treated like one. “But you have to promise me that you won’t ignore me again. That really hurt, Lucas.”

  “I’m sorry, Adrianna.” He squeezed her hand. “I swear I won’t do that to you again.”


  Thankfully, their waitress arrived with their order. She didn’t want to press him anymore about this woman because she was afraid she’d have to open up about Darius. Things were too complicated and messy right now, and she suspected it was the same for him. Besides, it had been forever since they’d just hung out like this—teasing each other and laughing, talking about nothing. Just two normal siblings without a care in the world, like that first time they sat here so many years ago.

  “Let me get this,” she said when the waitress put the check on their table. “I invited you, after all.”

  He chuckled and held his hands up. “Whatever you want.”

  They walked over to the cashier and she handed over some cash. “Did you drive by yourself here?” she asked.

  “No, but I had Zac with me, so we didn’t have to get anyone on the Lycan Security Team to come
and follow me.” Their father would certainly not be happy if he found out they were disobeying his orders to not be in the same place together. “He’s waiting outside.”

  “He is? Why didn’t he come in with you?” Zac was their oldest friend. They were all practically raised together.

  “Don’t worry, Astrid’s with him. He couldn’t lie to her and then she insisted in coming. Besides, she took one look at the reviews of this place and gave a hard no. Do you want to say hello?”

  “It’s okay.” She gave him a dismissive wave. “You guys should go before anyone suspects anything.” Besides, she didn’t want to get the third degree from Zac and Astrid about Darius.

  He enveloped her in a hug. “This was nice, Adrianna. I really needed this. Thanks for telling me to come here. I knew your bossiness would come in handy someday.”

  “Ha!” She tightened her arms around him. “Now you admit I’m the boss because I’m older.”

  “By one minute,” he said. “I’ll talk to Mama and Papa, and we can figure something out. It’s ridiculous that we can’t even be in the same room together.”

  “I know.” Reluctantly, she let go of him. “Have a safe drive back. And call me if you need to talk. About anything.”

  He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I will.”

  She watched him leave, then waited a few minutes before leaving herself. As she expected, Darius magically appeared by her side. “Did you have a good dinner?”

  “The food was tolerable, but the company was stellar.” She breathed a sigh. Even her wolf was content for now.

  “Someone is following your brother.”

  “What?” The look on his face was dead serious. “Who?”

  “I’m not sure. But,” his eyebrows knitted together, “it was your standard unmarked dark sedan. Like what undercover police use in stakeouts.”

  “And how would you know how police—” He gave her a pointed look. “Right.” Knowing The Family’s reputation, he’d probably been on the receiving end of police surveillance many times before.

  “Should we follow them? If they are headed back to Manhattan, we can catch them.”

  Hmm. She was mighty curious what this mystery woman looked like, but she and her brother had a silent truce for now that they wouldn’t get into each other’s business. Still, she should make sure Lucas knew he was being followed. “I’ll send him a message to make sure he knows.” She got her phone out of her purse and typed off a message, telling him about his tail and asked if they needed help. A reply came quickly saying he was taking care of it and that she didn’t have anything to worry about. Her instinct—or maybe it was that twin bond they shared—

  told her he was in no immediate danger. “Let’s go home.”

  “Of course.”

  “And Darius?” He tilted his head. “Thank you. For suggesting this.”

  “You’re very welcome.”

  He led her to the car, his hand on her lower back. The touch sent a warmth through her—non-sexual but so intimate. He was just so kind and considerate today, and if it wasn’t for him, she wouldn’t have seen Lucas.

  She was having dangerous thoughts, one that could have deeper consequences if she wasn’t careful. As he drove them out of the parking lot, she sneaked a glance at him. His handsome face was drawn into its usual serious expression. She couldn’t help but drop her gaze down to his lips—those lips that had kissed her so thoroughly last night and made her knees all wobbly. Lucas was right about treading carefully around Darius. He was right, of course. Things could get seriously complicated. But, right now, she didn’t really care.

  Chapter Twelve

  Darius didn’t know what this feeling inside him was. It felt warm and tranquil. His wolf too, wasn’t fighting him for once. It lay inside him, curled up and contented.

  He glanced over at Adrianna for what seemed like the hundredth time since they started the drive back. Her face was serene, and once in a while, he could see the slight tug at the corner of her lips, as if she was remembering a private joke in her head. He would do anything to see her like this all the time. There wasn’t even any of the contentious energy or nervous tension between them.

  Had he known this peace wouldn’t last longer than the ride home, he would have savored it.

  “Hmm, I thought the recruits would have all gone home by now,” Adrianna remarked. “Julianna said she wasn’t going to make anyone stay later than five.”

  “What do you mean?” When he pulled into the driveway, he saw a black van parked in front of the porch. His wolf suddenly jolted into a defensive stance.

  He swerved the car and pressed the remote to open the garage door before parking inside.

  “Darius? What’s wrong?”

  This was not good. “Stay here,” he said. “At least until I come back for you.”

  “What? No way!” She unbuckled her seat belt. “Whose car is that? Why are you reacting this way?”

  “It’s …” How could he explain it to her? “I’m not sure, but we may be in danger.”

  “Danger? But Julianna’s in there! You can’t just expect me to stay in the car and sit on my hands.”

  “Fine, you can come, but stay behind me and I’ll go inside first.” He had known telling her to stay behind was useless, but he had to try.

  From the garage he led her through the backyard, intending to enter through the rear door that led to the kitchen. Everything seemed normal—the lights were on inside the kitchen and he could hear two people talking inside, as well as the clinking of cups and silverware. They crept up the porch steps, and he reached for the doorknob, slowly turning it.

  “What are you doing creeping around out there?” Julianna called brashly. “And where the heck have you guys been?”

  “Julianna? Are you okay?” Adrianna had rushed inside, evading his grasp when he tried to pull her back. “Are you hurt and—oh! Who’s this?”

  “I told you to stay behind,” he bit out.

  “Hello, Darius.”

  When he saw the vehicle in the driveway, he knew something was wrong. It was one of the black, nondescript delivery vans they used for a variety of purposes, and not just for transporting goods.

  It was obvious Anatoli had sent someone over and he had run various scenarios in his head about how things could possibly go wrong. But now, seeing who was in the kitchen, he knew it was probably much worse.

  “Mila,” he said. “What are you doing here?”

  The woman was sitting across from Julianna, drinking tea like she was the Queen of England, a devious smile on her face. “Whatever do you mean?”

  “You know each other?” Julianna asked.

  “She is part of The Family.”

  Adrianna’s gaze narrowed at the other female. “You are?”

  “We don’t carry membership cards or anything,” she shrugged. “And I do live in this territory.”

  “Then you greet your Alpha with the proper respect,” he demanded. “Stand up and conduct yourself properly.”

  “Alpha?” Mila innocently. “I don’t see Frankie Anderson around.”

  Adrianna looked at him, at Mila, and then at Julianna. “Who is this?”

  “This is Mila Georgescu, one of our newest recruits.

  “I don’t recall seeing her application.” Adrianna glared at Mila. “How did you get here?”

  “She was a last-minute addition,” Julianna said. “She showed up and asked to be part of the training group.”

  “Surely every Lycan in New Jersey should have a chance at this opportunity to serve the Alpha,” Mila said slyly.

  “And she’s kind of amazing,” Julianna admitted sheepishly. “She kicked everyone else’s ass.”

  Mila laughed and tossed her hair. “It was nothing, and you’re far better than me, Julianna.”

  “But you didn’t tell me the part about you being in The Family.”

  Mila’s demeanor changed. “I know the reputation our organization has with you.” She gave a small sniff.
“I … I don’t want to be part of that anymore. Besides, being a woman, they treated me so badly. The men especially …” Her voice trembled. “Please, I need to get out of that situation. I just want a fair chance. A new start.”

  Julianna’s face softened. “Of course you’ll get it.”


  The younger Anderson glared at her sister. “I’ve already decided she’s in.”

  “But I haven’t approved it,” Adrianna countered.

  “And you’re not Alpha yet. Mama is. And I’m going to talk to her directly,” Julianna threatened.

  “Why—” Adrianna shut her mouth unceremoniously. “Can we talk in private, please, Julianna?”

  She stood up. “Fine. Let’s go in the study.”

  When the two sisters left, Darius grabbed Mila by the arm and dragged her out the door, not caring at her protests.

  “Darius, if you want to be rough, just say so,” Mila cooed. “I like it rough.”

  “You may have fooled Julianna Anderson, with that ‘give me a fair chance’ act, but you can’t fool me or Adrianna,” he said, hauling her across the porch. “I know why you’re here.”

  Mila rubbed at her arm. “Oh, are you on a first-name basis with the future Alpha now?” She laughed. “So, why do you think I am here?”

  “Anatoli sent you, didn’t he?” His teeth gnashed together. “Why?”

  “Why do you think?” she spat. “Anatoli is not pleased with your silence.”

  “I’ve only been here three nights,” he said. “What does he expect me to find out in that short time?”

  “Oh? And how have you been spending those nights?” She sidled up to him. “Between the legs of that would-be Alpha? Tell me, Darius, what could she possibly offer you that I can’t?”

  “Mila, stop this. Go home and never come back here.”

  “Has she bewitched you?” She pressed up against him and reached up to stroke the hair at his temples. “Should I tell Anatoli how—”

  “What’s going on here?”

  He pushed Mila away as soon as he heard Adrianna’s voice. “Nothing.”


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