His Little Courtesan

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by Breanna Hayse

  His Little Courtesan

  The Adventures of Lady Jane, Book 2


  Breanna Hayse

  ©2015 by Blushing Books® and Breanna Hayse

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  Hayse, Breanna

  His Little Courtesan

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-709-7

  Cover Design by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Kama Sutra

  About Breanna Hayse

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  About Blushing Books

  Chapter One

  "The purpose of these lessons is not just to teach you about the joy a man and woman can experience together," Usha said. She gestured to a bench in the garden. "Please, sit."

  "That's easier said than done," Lynette whined, lowering herself next to Jane.

  "You earned those bruises on your bottom because you were disobedient again. I do not wish to hear your complaints," the Raj's first wife said sternly.

  "I was not complaining. I was merely making an observation. Why am I here, anyway? I have learned the art of lovemaking already," his youngest of four wives grumbled.

  "Our husband felt it necessary that you be reminded of the physical and mental discipline that comes with instruction. He wishes all of us to learn the skills of a courtesan."

  "What exactly is a courtesan?" Jane asked, as she glanced at her scowling friend. "Forgive my silly questions, but the Kama Sutra and your culture are still very, very new to me. We did not have such things back in England."

  "What a dreary place you hail from, Janie," Lynette sighed. "I was there once as a child, long before I met Raj Rama and became his wife. I instantly missed the color and music that was here."

  "India is definitely more vibrant in its culture," Jane said, squeezing her friend's hand. "But England has beautiful, rolling countryside that lights up with flowers in the spring. The gardens are breathtaking, and each one is different."

  "Do you miss the English gardens, Jane?" the older woman asked with concern.

  "Yes. I have many fond memories of the one Philip and I used to play in when I was a girl. Never mind that. Please tell me what a courtesan is."

  "One must put personal prejudice aside when dealing with other cultures," Usha explained, thoughtfully. She paused to study the young, red-headed English girl, who had recently become an honorary member of the royal family. "You and Philip were raised in a country where words like prostitute and mistress are considered degrading to a woman's character. It is not so in all countries, and certainly not here. We are taught that every wife is to be a courtesan, a woman of sexual and sensual strengths, for her husband—but not every courtesan can be a wife. Do you understand?"

  "Not really. How can a woman of questionable behavior be viewed with honor through her husband's eyes?" Jane wrinkled her forehead.

  "Again, that disposition is taught through your social upbringing, Jane. Courtesans were revered and considered an honored part of society in ancient India. Their company was sought by the wealthy and educated men and, for a long period of time, they were the only women who could actually be seen in public at gatherings and community events. They were known to be highly educated in current affairs, languages, the arts and sciences, and, especially, in the art of love."

  "What she is saying is that when you are in the bedroom, you are to give your body and your mind to your husband in the way of a trained prostitute. Hold nothing back from him in the art of pleasure and the stimulation of thought," Lynette explained.

  "She is correct. I wish to teach you to be a Ganika. That is the term for a courtesan who is virtuous, generous, and devoted to her lover."

  "She doesn't want you to be a Kumbhadasi, whose aim is the acquisition of wealth, physical comfort, and an easy life," Lynette added. "Although having those things are not necessarily bad…"

  Usha cleared her throat, giving the younger, gregarious woman a look of warning. "May I continue? Thank you. There is a list of the qualities desirable in a courtesan. Among them are inner beauty, youth of the spirit, sweet speech, appreciation for the virtues and accomplishments of her man, the desire for love and physical union, consistency of mind, honesty and frankness in her dealings, and not being driven by the desire for material wealth."

  "That is quite the list," Jane exclaimed.

  Lynette rolled her eyes. "Beware of lists, my friend. Usha adores them."

  "Since you are so intent on interjecting comments, would you care to tell Jane what characteristics a courtesan does not possess?"

  "Not really." Lynette pouted.

  "A woman of true character does not beg—"

  "Unless her lover desires it," Lynette said, and giggled loudly.

  "She abstains from raucous laughter, does not speak ill or cite the faults of others, is neither covetous, disrespectful, nor fickle minded, and does not interrupt another's speech," Usha said, ignoring the obvious sinking in Lynette's posture.

  "So being a proper courtesan is about exercising manners?"

  "There are other, more practical reasons, to share these lessons with you. My culture believes that the words in the Kama Sutra teach us how to direct our sexual energy not just for pleasure, but to better our relationships. The lessons are both mental and physical, and require focus and discipline to accomplish. It is very spiritual, the art of lovemaking, and if you prove to be a good student, you will learn to not only control and direct your own body, but become attuned to the needs of others by observation and intuition."

  "Usha? How can teaching me about sex make me attentive to people other than Philip?" Jane asked, rapping the fidgeting Lynette on the thigh with her knuckles. "Sit still, please. This is new to me."

  "My bottom still hurts," Lynette whined. "And this is boring."

  "The Kama Sutra teaches us awareness," Usha said, narrowing her eyes at Lynette, "and respect for our partner's needs. Kama is the enjoyment of objects, like the flesh, by the five senses—hearing, feeling, seeing, tasting and smelling, and the consciousness of pleasure which arises from those objects. We use our senses to discover his desires, and we use our minds to discover how to how to meet them. As you learn, I expect you to go home and practice the techniques you were taught. Do not go beyond that lesson, though. You will be tempted."

  "What she is saying is that you can't fuck Philip until you get to the lessons about insertion." Lynette scowled.

  "Lynette! Go fetch a switch, and be quick about it!" Usha commanded.

  "Aw, come on," Lynette rolled her eyes. "I was only joking."

  "Must I call Rama?"

  Jane watched her new friend stomp off in a huff. "I was not o
ffended. Please don't punish her."

  "Self-control and self-discipline of both body and mind are necessary in order to become proficient. Lynette lacks both, and disrupts the harmony of our home. My husband indulges her because of her youth. I will not."

  Jane watched silently as Lynette handed Usha the long, thin stick, and bent over with her palms on the marble bench beside her. Usha lifted the sari skirt from the girl's backside and pushed the material up past her waistline. Jane lifted her hands to her mouth as she observed the criss-crossed bruises that remained from Lynette's strapping two nights before.

  Lynette squealed as the switch sliced across her backside, leaving behind a narrow, raised welt. She yelped as it struck her again, this time connecting with the backs of her untouched thighs. No part of her bottom or upper legs were safe from the First Wife's rapid application of the nasty stinging switch, and it descended over and over again, until the slender lines were no longer distinguishable one from another. Lynette wagged her backside, and danced on her toes to avoid further lashes as the switch's flexibility allowed it to wrap cleanly around the girl's ample bottom. Jane shook her head in disbelief; both awed and intimidated by the degree to which Usha reinforced her position in the household. She was certainly ensuring that the youngest of the wives would think twice the next time she was tempted to challenge her!

  The switching ceased at about the count of twenty-five, and only because the switch finally broke in half. By then, Lynette was sobbing pathetically into her hands, and begging forgiveness for her disrespect to both Usha and their guest as she clutched her discolored flesh.

  "Go to Rama and tell him of your behavior," Usha ordered.

  "No, please! He will punish me again! I beg you," Lynette sobbed, grabbing Usha's hand and falling to her knees on the soft grass.

  Usha stroked Lynette's wet face. "He will do what he feels is necessary. Go now," the older woman said softly.

  Jane fought back tears as Lynette left them. "Usha? She is so bruised. Would he really spank her again?"

  "No, I do not believe so. Rama is a just man, and she must trust him to make decisions which are for the best. He will probably console her." Usha shook her head with disapproval. "Let us return to the lesson. Sit upon the grass and lift up your skirt."

  "My skirt?"

  "Yes. I want you to look at your feet."

  "My feet?" Jane's mouth hung open.

  "You looked surprised," Usha laughed lightly. "Never forget that every inch of flesh is to be made love to. Do you remember when I cured you of the hysteria?"

  "Yes. Vividly."

  "When I placed pressure on your feet, you responded by relaxing. You also relaxed as you were being spanked. We cannot assume that only one expression will served our purposes. We must explore."

  Usha took Jane through a series of stretching and balancing exercises associated with different positions in the book. When not giggling hysterically at the awkwardness of the positions, Jane moaned and grimaced.

  "I feel like a wishbone," she said. "I'm stuck. My legs simply will not split apart in that way, and I can't move."

  "Because you are small, you have the opportunity to practice positions that most couples are unable to. That is, if Philip is endowed sufficiently."

  "I assure you, he is more than sufficiently endowed. Help me!"

  "No, you can unravel yourself without my help," Usha said with a grin, squatting on the ground and watching Jane with amplified amusement.

  Jane made a face, rolled backwards on the lush grass, and disentangled her legs. "When is this going to be fun?" she asked, panting for breath as she looked up at the brilliant, blue sky.

  "When? I am thoroughly enjoying myself right now," Usha laughed. "Stand up and remove your clothes."

  "Right here? But there are people throughout the grounds!"

  "Being comfortable with your body is vital to the freedom in a sexual relationship. You are to spend the entire next day unclothed, and pay attention to your senses and how they speak to you."

  "What! I cannot do that! Philip…"

  "Philip has agreed that I teach you what is necessary. You have already witnessed the means in which I achieve obedience. Will it be necessary for me to gather another switch?"

  Jane shook her head, the vision of Lynette's bottom still quite fresh in her mind. Layer by layer, her clothing fell upon the thick grass at her feet until she stood, completely naked, in the open garden.

  "Before your countrymen came here, many of us were not permitted to cover our breasts," Usha said, walking around Jane's naked form. "We had no shame, for it was part of our culture. Lift your chin and thrust out your breasts. More," she ordered, using her hands to adjust the arch of Jane's body. "Modesty and the covering of one's body differ from state to state in our country. North and south take different views of what is considered decent and proper. I am not concerned about either of our cultures right now. I am only interested in you, and your happiness with your husband-to-be."

  "This is very uncomfortable for me, Usha. At the baths, the exposure was brief, and I could submerge below the water. Here," Jane gestured, "there is no water to hide in."

  "Until sunset tomorrow, you are to conduct all your activities without clothing. That includes joining us at the table for meals."

  "What?" Jane was appalled. "I cannot be seen like this before Uncle Rama!"

  "He is family to you, and nothing more. In his eyes, you are but a child. This is your first lesson, Jane. Go about your day in peace."

  Jane blinked dumbly as Usha walked away. Once the woman was out of sight, she scurried behind trees and bushes on her way back to the guest chambers. Philip was lounging on the couch, reading a book, as she barged inside.


  "This is not my doing!" she proclaimed, snatching the coverlet off the bed and quickly wrapping it around her body. "Usha is trying to make me remain naked until tomorrow night. She even said I had to attend meals without clothing!"

  "Then why are you covering yourself?"

  "I beg your pardon? Did you just hear what I told you?"

  "I did. Drop the blanket, Jane." Philip put his book down and slowly stood, his hand stretched out to receive the item from her hand. With a pout, Jane handed him the blanket, and then lifted her hands to hide her breasts from his view.

  "Put your hands down. I don't want to see you hiding your body from me. Good girl," Philip praised. "This lesson is as difficult for me as it is for you, baby. You are to stay naked, and I am supposedly forbidden to touch you."

  "You are?"

  "Yes. Rama said that my eyes need to drink in your beauty so that my mind may enhance what my body desires. That is not something a man my age wants to hear when a beautiful, naked woman stands before him. Let's take a walk and distract ourselves from our plight."

  "Philip, please! I am naked!" Jane crossed her arms, frowning at his attempt at humor.

  "My dear," Philip snickered, "you are the apple of my eye and the delight of my soul. Are you going to deny me the pleasure of walking beside such a radiant beauty?"

  "Will you kindly dispense with the flowery words of the Kama Sutra and consider my discomfort for just one minute?"

  "I could certainly consider your discomfort. Would you like to walk with your bottom glowing red? I would be very happy to assist with turning it so."

  "You are despicable at times, Philip de Courtier!" Jane grumbled, rolling her eyes as he laughed.

  Jane was grateful that the only person they encountered in the garden was an old woman picking herbs. She offered a toothless smile as they approached, bowed her greeting to the couple, and handed Jane a vibrant blue flower with pink-tipped petals and a yellow center. It was so large that she had to hold it cradled in both hands.

  "H-have we met?" Jane stuttered, staring at the woman in disbelief.

  The woman touched Jane's cheek and hurried away, disappearing behind the hedges.

  "It appears as though she just blessed your lessons, little one,"
Philip chuckled, as Jane stared between the magnificent flower in her hands and the empty spot where the old woman had stood.

  "Philip? She looks exactly like the woman I met back in Epsom. The one who gave me the white lotus. She even touched my face in the same way. How can that be?"

  "There are many old, toothless women in the world, and the gesture is common among the elderly. I am certain it's just a coincidence."

  "If you say so," Jane said doubtfully. "What did you mean when you said she blessed me? And does a blue lotus mean anything like the white one?"

  "When someone offers you a flower, they bless you. We will have to ask Rama about the meaning of the blue flower."

  "Why a lotus?"

  "I don't know much, except that the Hindus believe the goddess Saraswathi sits upon a lotus blossom. She is the muse of learning, and will help bring you to new heights of understanding. Like you, my love, this flower," he gently touched the soft petal, "blossoms slowly, one petal at a time, and does not fully bloom until the sun's rays kiss the very center. It is like when I make love to you with my mouth."

  "It is?"

  Philip cupped her cheek and said, in Tamil, "Passion allows your beauty to unfold in the light of my love, and opens to the fullest when I press kisses to the center of your bud."

  Jane stared at Philip, captivated by the hypnotic tone of his voice and the words he was speaking in the ancient, musical language of love. Gone was the stiff, controlling and ever-so-proper Marquis de Courtier and, in his place, stood a seductive, hungry tiger, who sought to devour her innocence and bring her to places untold. Her heart swelled with love, and she lifted her chin as she had done in the days when she attended the baths. Only this time, the feigned confidence while exposing her Blessing Ring was replaced by honest poise and self-assurance. Her ring, and her body, was meant to be admired as a work of art—a work of art made for Philip's enjoyment.

  The evening meal was one of further surprises. Rama's wives, sans children, were all in attendance—and all naked. Lynette greeted Jane with a hug, and bowed before Philip respectfully.


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