His Little Courtesan

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His Little Courtesan Page 2

by Breanna Hayse

  "We thought you would be more comfortable if we all joined you in your lesson," she explained, taking Jane's hand and offering her a pillow seat at the low table, while Philip went to seat himself next to his friend.

  "Thank you! This gesture means a lot to me."

  "That lotus is beautiful," Lynette said, touching the flower that Jane had tucked into her hair. "Where in the world did you find it?"

  "The old woman in the garden gave it to me."

  "Old woman?"

  "She was collecting herbs for the kitchen. She just came over and handed it to me."

  "We don't have an old woman who works in the kitchens. Nor do we have blue lotus flowers in our gardens," Lynette said.

  "These are very rare," Usha said, touching the petals gently. "This flower represents victory of the spirit over the senses, and intelligence and wisdom of knowledge. See how it is not yet opened? This is the embodiment of the perfection of wisdom, the knowledge that enlightenment comes with learning."

  "This is the strangest coincidence. Back in Epsom, a woman who looked exactly the same as the one in the garden touched my face and handed me a white lotus flower. That was the night that Philip returned from India and proclaimed his love for me. This woman touched me in the same way. I also found a red lotus flower sitting on my windowsill on the night of the ball, but never saw who put it there."

  "I believe you were touched by the goddess, my Little Monkey," Rama said, overhearing the conversation. "She saw your fear and your beauty, and wanted to help you succeed in your quest, and encourage you to continue to open the purity in your heart to learn."

  "Learn what? The Kama Sutra?"

  "Knowledge touches the mind and the body. Your eyes open to the world and take in its beauty with learning. Likewise, when a paste is made of various roots, powders, and the petals of a blue lotus, and applied to the yoni of the young bride, her body will expand for her partner to invite him deeper."


  "The sacred feminine place."

  Jane blushed as Lynnette whispered, "Pussy," into her ear. She cleared her throat and gently pushed the giggling Lynette from her. "Uncle Rama, there has got to be a logical explanation for this. Goddesses just don't appear in gardens and give out flowers."

  "Who said there had to be a logical explanation? And a goddess can appear anywhere she desires, and give out whatever flower she chooses. Blessings and miracles are not intended to be understood, my dear Little Monkey. They are merely to be embraced and accepted. Ah! Food! Please, eat."

  Jane pondered his words through the night. Why couldn't she just accept the mystery at face value? She sat in silence, observing the interaction between Rama and the other wives. It was relaxed, pleasurable and even amusing; clearly they enjoyed being together. Even Lynette, who perched on her knees upon the floor cushions, engaged comfortably with Usha without showing contempt for the earlier switching that had left her bottom speckled with little purple bruises.

  "What are you thinking about so seriously, Janie?" Philip whispered in her ear.

  "Rana Usha said that I would learn to read the need of others by watching. I only feel the need within me to have what I see. To be like them."

  "The first lesson has already touched her spirit, Most Loved. I mean you no embarrassment for pointing out this accomplishment," Rama said to Usha, who humbly lowered her face. "Lynette?"

  "Yes, Daddy?"

  "Would you honor me with a dance?"

  "Really?" Lynette brightened.

  "Yes. She has a natural talent that pleases me greatly," Rama explained. "Her sisters have taught her how to move her body in the ancient form of temple dances. To do so naked shows the grace of the human spirit like none else. Dharma, my sweet, gather your sitar. Girls! Sing!"

  Jane's mouth hung open as she watched Lynette's limbs undulate as though made of water. Her body was snake-like as she slowly moved her hips and torso in rippling waves to the plaintive tune of the music. It was sensual, seductive, alluring, and arousing. Jane felt her abdominal muscles involuntarily rolling along with Lynette as she studied the beautiful artistry of her dance.

  "That was breathtaking," Jane gasped when it was over. "Can you teach me?"

  "Music and dance will be part of your education, Little Monkey," Rama announced. "I do have a question for you. Did you notice her nakedness once the dance began?"

  "No, sir, Uncle Rama. It seemed natural."

  "Excellent. Lynette? To my chambers. I will reward you tonight." Rama stood, ending the intimate dinner party. "Philip? Are we still going into the city tomorrow?"

  "Yes. Jane has her lessons in the morning."

  "Then let us sleep. Come to me, child," Rama ordered Jane. She approached him timidly. He kissed the center of her forehead and thumbed her chin. "You are a good friend to Lynette. She will continue lessons with you."

  "Thank you, Uncle Rama," Jane said, suddenly throwing her arms around his waist and hugging him tightly. He laughed, patted her bottom, and then departed, with his other three wives behind him.

  Philip offered Jane his arm and walked with her towards the guest quarters, their path lit by the full moon as it cast a pale yellow sheen upon the ground. He paused next to a sparkling pond and pulled her into his arms, crushing his mouth to hers, and roaming his hands over her nakedness.

  "I want you," he said hoarsely.

  "You cannot have me," Jane answered mischievously, pulling away. "Those are the rules, remember? You are to drink of my beauty with your eyes, or something of the sort. What do you think you are doing?"

  "To hell with the bloody rules. I'm going to make love to you."

  "Without my permission?" Jane's eyes twinkled, enjoying the power that came with her newly discovered sexuality.

  "I will not beg to have you in my bed. You are mine to enjoy as I desire," Philip murmured, biting the curve of her neck gently.

  "And you, my darling, need to cool down."

  With a giggle, she pushed, and sent him falling backward into the lily pond. She stuck out her tongue and ran at full speed back to their quarters, laughing loudly as the playful joy emerged from nowhere.

  "That was very naughty of you, young lady," Philip scolded, as he entered the room several minutes later. He grabbed a towel from the bathing area to mop off the water. "That was an invitation for a spanking."

  "Was it, Papa?" Jane asked slyly. What was wrong with her? "Isn't that a means of touching me?"

  "You sly little weasel," Philip growled with his mouth in a half grin. "You think you're so smart. Let's see," he glanced around the room. He snatched up a breadboard and brushed crumbs from it, before smacking it on his palm. "This will solve the rules about no touching."

  "Uh oh," Jane ran to the other side of the bed. "That is not fair."

  "What is not fair is how you tease me. Bad Little Monkey." He started around the bed.

  "No!" Jane squeaked, diving under the frame. Philip's fingers brushed her foot as she narrowly escaped his grip. "Haha, you missed me!"

  "Do you think you can get away from me?" Philip asked, pushing the bed frame over the wood floor in Jane's direction. The bed moved easily with the layers of thick felt under the posts, and Jane soon found herself cornered against the wall.

  "Over or under, little girl. Either way, you're mine. Your bottom is going to be so red!"

  "That is what you think!" Jane's laughter increased as she quickly jumped onto the post to her right, and scrambled out of the open window.

  Philip overtook her in record time, and tackled her to the soft grass.

  "What has happened to us," Jane asked, still laughing as he pinned her wrists over her head and straddled her naked hips.

  "We are free. India has allowed us to behave like children again. Except one of us is quite naked. Do you remember the last time you pushed me into a pond?"

  "How could I forget? You were getting ready to leave for the university. When you caught up with me, you held me down in this same manner, only…" Her voice tra
iled off.

  Philip leaned closer to her. "Only what?"

  "You were not going to kiss me back then, but you will now."

  "I will?" His mouth was so close that she could feel the heat of his breath.

  "You will," Jane whispered, running the tip of her tongue along his lips, flitting upon them like a bee to a flower. The tip of his tongue touched hers back, flirting and teasing. They then collided into a breathless embrace.

  "You're breaking the rules." Jane stretched her throat for him to nibble.

  "Rules were made to be broken."

  "I'm telling Usha."

  "Do you really want me to stop?" he asked, pulling her thighs apart as they were bathed in the moonlight. He lifted her ankles onto his shoulders and slid his cock smoothly into her moist entrance.


  Chapter Two

  "How many times did you break the rules last evening, Jane?" Usha asked the following morning, when the four wives and Jane met for the morning meal.

  Jane looked up from her plate. "Pardon?"

  "Lynette? Go teach Jane how to cut a switch."

  "But, Usha…" Jane stuttered, as Lynette grabbed her by the arm and began to pull Jane with her into the trees. "Lynette? Am I in trouble?"

  "You broke the rules, so yes," Lynette laughed. "Don't worry, it will not hurt for long."

  "But I tried to stop him. At first, anyway."

  "Usha knows these things, so do not fib to her. Was it fun?"

  "It was very enjoyable." Jane giggled. "I never thought he would be so proficient in personal pleasure!"

  "Uncle Philip has been coming here for years and training in the art of love. That news does not surprise me."

  "Wait!" Jane held her friend's arm and frowned. "Has Philip been coming here and spending his time with other women? Consorts?"

  "Indeed! But we call them courtesans, remember?"

  Jane paled. "I'm being trained as a courtesan," she whispered.

  "I know!" Lynette answered enthusiastically. "Our goal is to reach the proficiency of the professionals. They have been trained almost from birth in the art of sexual pleasure, and are called upon to teach the young men the skills they need to pleasure us. Uncle Philip should be well-versed in the skills of divine lovemaking by now. Jane? Why are you crying? Janie?"

  Jane raced to the guesthouse and threw open the trunk. She grabbed a simple white cotton shift and threw it over her head, slipped on a pair of drawers, and then left through the other door. She ignored Lynette's calls, and ran through the side yards to the palace proper. The guards offered slight genuflections as she ran by them and towards the throne room.

  "I must see Raj Rama immediately!" she demanded.

  "He is not available, Marchioness. He went into the city with your husband. We expect him back shortly."

  She did not bother to correct their assumptions of her marriage. "Damn!" Jane stamped her foot. "May I please just wait for him?"

  "It is not allowed."

  Jane stamped her bare foot again, then looked around. She waved them away and then ventured outside into the heat, finding it easy to slip outside the gates and hide in the bushes outside the castle walls. There she waited for the royal carriage.

  Approximately an hour passed before the sound of the six horses clopping against the cobble-paved road reached Jane's ears. She jumped out of her hiding place and waved it down. Philip ran to her, with Rama right behind him.

  "Baby? Are you all right? What are you doing outside of the gates?"

  "I never want to speak to you again! Uncle Rama!" Jane broke into a sob as she tossed her arms around the prince's waist and clung to him. "Please take me away from him."

  "Are you injured? What happened?" the Raj asked, pressing her to him.

  "I'm begging you," she looked up into his dark brown eyes. "Take me away."

  "Bring her inside the carriage," Philip said. "I will walk to the palace."

  "No, you will ride with us. Come, child," Rama ordered, taking Jane's hand and pulling her into the elaborate coach. "What has made you so upset?"

  "She is dressed. Did you have a problem during your lesson, honey?"

  "I never, ever want to speak to you," Jane hissed angrily in Philip's direction. "It is over with us. You are never to touch me again."

  "What did you do?" Rama asked.

  "I have no idea. Are you suffering from hysteria again? We engaged last night—"

  "Philip! You were not to be touching her during this phase of the lessons," Rama scolded, shaking his head. "I told you that it would only bring about confusion. So much energy is wasted on youth!" He sounded exasperated. "What is done, is done. Did you not satisfy her need?"

  "Yes, she was satisfied several times. My body overtook my mind. She is my weakness."

  "She is not your weakness, your body and lack of self-control are. I will get to the bottom of this, my friend. Girls this age often react to their feelings."

  "I did nothing wrong," Jane sobbed into the older man's shoulder. "She wanted to switch me because he touched me and I responded. Then—"

  "Usha was going to punish you for making love to me? That is absurd! Rama?"

  "No, it would not have been punishment. It would have been discipline, to teach her how to control her impulses. Is that why you do not wish to speak to your papa?"

  "He is not my papa or anything. He is a cheating bastard."


  "Don't you 'Jane' me, you loathsome dog," Jane shouted. "All you did was fuck anything you could get your hands on while you were away. Now I know why you spent so much time here, instead of staying at home with me. How dare you! You were so worried about another man looking at me while you frolicked around this continent, getting your jollies in as many ways as you could." She glared at him with hatred. "I cannot believe that you abandoned me for months at a time, just so you could have your 'exotic needs' met. We are no more, Philip!"

  "What is she talking about?" Rama asked, holding the hysterical girl against his chest.

  "I have no idea. Janie, I swear to you that is not true. Where did you come up with such a thought?" Philip asked, touching her knee.

  Jane's slap echoed within the carriage's walls. "I said that you are never to touch me again."

  "Philip." Rama lifted his hand. "Allow her some space. Clearly this is a misunderstanding of sorts. Let it rest for now. Meanwhile, Miss Jane, you and I are going to have a talk about your language and your temper."

  "I hate him," she wept.

  Rama rocked her and kissed the top of her head. "Your heart is hurting and it feels like hate, but true hatred poisons and kills. We are almost home. I will retrieve Lynette, and…"

  "I do not wish to speak to Lynette or any of your wives. I am sorry if you think me as rude, but I cannot tolerate any more of their lessons. I want to go back to England immediately. Alone."

  "Don't you remember what happened during your last trip? You would not have survived your misery if you hadn't had Philip caring for you. No, you are not going back. You will take some time to compose yourself, and then you and I will talk and solve this dilemma. Philip? Would you care to go to the cottage and supervise its final preparation? I know it is modest, but I wish you to be comfortable there."

  "I will leave right away." Philip's voice held a note of despondency. "Is there really a purpose, if Jane and I…"

  "Jane and you are too intertwined to be parted. I know she is angry and hurt right now, but I also know of love, my friend. Time is the greatest healer of all wounds. Go to the cottage and find a place of sanctuary there. Pray and meditate. Your peace will come."

  Rama took Jane by the hand and led her inside the palace, raising his palm to prevent any questions from being thrown his way. He led her into his private chambers and sat her upon the sofa.

  "Drink this slowly," he ordered, handing her a glass of lightly spiced brandy. He sat down by her side. "Tell me, what has broken your heart so much that you would depart from the one person who fu
lfills your destiny?"

  "He came here to have relations with women, and left me alone."

  "He is a man, and I am certain that he had pleasure prior to his knowledge of your upcoming nuptials. Would you hold that against him?"

  "Not those women, Uncle Rama. Women here. Ones who taught him the art of lovemaking."

  "What women, Little Monkey?"

  "Lynette told me that he was well-versed in your Kama Sutra because he had been engaging with these courtesans for years. I know what that entails! How could I have been so wrong about him? I thought he loved me."

  "Ahh, now I understand. He does love you, my dear. His training, however, had nothing to do with his relationship with you. His mentors were older, experienced women, who feared neither social disgrace nor pregnancy. They are well-respected and honored. I am responsible for leading him to them. Please listen carefully," Rama said, taking her drink and setting it aside before lifting her hands in his. "The Kama Sutra teaches the erotic practice of holding life together. My people believe that need is within our control, and that attraction is created and maintained through various erotic means. Philip needed to learn how to attract, and maintain, a relationship with you. He was lost and fearful, and the courtesans provided him with the tools he required to be the husband you deserve."

  "So all this time, Philip was finding a way to be with all of those old women instead of coming home to me?"

  "You are not listening to me. He was learning how to become himself again. The university and the death of your fathers changed him inside, Jane. I knew him as a boy, just as you did. These teachings gave him the strength and courage to regain himself and pursue happiness. With you."

  "Is that how you men justify having sex with all these women? Unbelievable!"

  "No, my darling. I know this is difficult for you to understand because of your culture. You have always been the one thing that caused him the most happiness, and the most pain."

  "How did I cause him pain? I did nothing but stay at home and wait, like a bloody fool."


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