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Wolves and Roses

Page 24

by Christina Bauer

“Oh, yes.” Alec gestures across the square, where Elle is wearing black body armor and shooting Denarii with some kind of fairy gun. I know the fairy part because the bullets drop right before their target where they expand into massive Venus flytraps, eat their prey whole, and vanish into thin air. A total fairy spell if I ever saw one.

  One Denarii girl with black hair and pale skin keeps screaming that she’s in charge and the rest of the Denarii aren’t allowed to retreat. Something about her seems familiar, but I can’t quite place it. Also, something about that chick says trouble to me. The rest of the Denarii look like crap, but this girl is dressed perfectly.

  I look to Alec. “I don’t like the look of that one.”

  “We better go in and help Elle,” says Alec.


  Bry chuckles. “Don’t worry about Elle. She’s got this.”

  Sure enough, Elle is having the time of her life. She faces off with the Denarii chick, who’s holding a cleaver high. “Hey, Blanche. Haven’t seen you since group.”

  “You biiiiiiiiitch!” the Denarii girl—who I guess is named Blanche—races toward Elle like a deranged sushi chef.

  I don’t care what Bry says, I don’t stand around when someone’s being attacked. Neither can Alec. He and I rush to jump in, but Elle’s too fast for us. She aims the gun straight at Blanche and pulls the trigger. A seed impacts on the ground right at Blanche’s feet. A heartbeat later, a twelve-foot-tall Venus flytrap appears, opens its huge maw wide, and gulps down the girl and her meat cleaver in one swallow. After that, a flash of silver fairy dust surrounds the plant, and it’s back to being a seed again.

  Whoa. That Blanche chick is toast.

  Bry winks. “Blanche and Elle never did get along in group.”

  “Why do I not even want to know what that means?” asks Alec.

  I scratch my neck. “What I don’t want to know is how she got hold of a fairy-seed gun.” That stuff is way illegal.

  “Don’t ask,” says Bry. “It’s really the only way to go.”

  Alec reaches into his pocket and pulls out another handful of gems. “You two should go. We’ll stay and clean up.”

  Colonel Mallory swoops by in his dragon form while he fries up a line of Denarii. There aren’t too many left now. I look to Bry. “What do you think?”

  “I’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

  “We’ll take off. Can you conjure us something else to wear?”

  Alec searches in his pockets. “I’ve got lots of body armor gems in here. Does that work?”

  “It’s fine.” I don’t usually talk in my wolf form, and it’s giving me a headache. “You should turn away, Bryar Rose.”

  She blushes, which is about the highest compliment I can pay her right now. After everything that’s happened today, my girl turns red at the thought of seeing me naked.

  “Not just girl,” complains my inner wolf. “Mate.”

  “Look, that’s her decision. She needs to understand the full story before she commits.”

  “No story. Magic says mate. Bryar Rose mate.”

  “And the fact that she could die if we go through a mating ceremony?”

  My wolf pauses. “We talk.”


  Closing my eyes, I pull in the magic to start my shift. After fighting Jules, this kind of pain feels like nothing. My body snaps and realigns until I’m naked and human again. Alec pulls out some more gems, shiny onyx ones this time. He lights them up, and then, Bry and I are wearing fitted body armor. It’s black and pretty badass.

  I give him a bro punch on the shoulder. “Thanks, man.”

  “Is it okay to turn around?” Bry gestures to a pack of Denarii that are getting Venus flytrapped by Elle. “This view isn’t too great.”


  Bry turns back around. She looks so much better without that torn-up jacket on. Makes me feel all warm inside. “You look good.”

  “Alec healed my cuts, too.”

  “That’s another one you both owe me,” says Alec.

  Elle now saunters in. She spins her firearm on her index finger. “I love this gun.” She spies Bry and squeals. It’s a girl-thing with lots of yelling. It’s also really cute. Not that I’d ever admit that out loud.

  Elle wraps Bry in a big hug. “You’re okay!”

  “I am. Thanks for coming to help. We were cutting it pretty close at the end.”

  Elle clasps Bry’s hands. “So, I have good news and bad news. What do you want first?”

  “Bad news.”

  Elle taps her chin. “Nah, I’ll start with the good news.”

  I give Alec a sly look. Is this girl made for him or what?

  Bry narrows her eyes. “Okay, shoot.”

  “Colonel Mallory just barbecued the last of the Denarii.”

  “Cool.” I move to stand closer to Bryar Rose. Somehow, I feel like the bad news will affect her deeply.

  “The bad news is that your aunties are burning up every phone I have.”

  Bry slips her hand into mine. “Considering the day we’ve lived through, that’s not too bad.”

  Elle winces. “They’re threatening to use magic to locate you and transport to wherever you are.”

  Bry groans. “Okay, that’s bad.”

  “I’ve been trying to stall them, but they won’t believe anything I say.” Elle’s eyes widen with sympathy. “And you know what’s tonight, right?”

  Bry groans again, only louder. “My birthday party with Queen Nyxa.”

  A jolt of shock moves through me. I may be a werewolf, but even I’ve heard stories about Queen Nyxa. “She’s a psycho.”

  Bry rubs her neck. “All fairies are a little crazy.”

  I give her hand a gentle squeeze. “This one’s off the charts. She rules the Summer Court. Likes asking impossible riddles and killing anyone who can’t answer.”

  “She comes every year for my birthday.”

  Bry trembles underneath my touch. It makes me want to destroy anyone who’s making her afraid. Right now, that means I want to go after her damned aunties.

  My wolf thinks the same thing. He growls inside my head. “Protect mate. Save mate.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, bud.”

  “Give us a minute, guys.” I guide Bry away from Elle and Alec. They aren’t the type to snoop, but still. What I have to say needs some privacy. When I speak, I keep my voice low. “Look, I know you’ve had a hell of a day, but it’s about to get a lot worse.”

  She sighs, and the sound tears through my heart. “I can’t handle anything else right now.”

  “You’ve got to. I hate to say this, but I think your aunties were in league with Jules.”

  Bry shivers even more. “He said something like that.”

  “What happened to him, anyway?” Bry won’t even look at me. I’m pretty sure she killed him, but there were no signs of a body. Something strange went down; that’s for sure. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  She shakes her head. “I want to read some papyri about it. Until I know things for certain, it’s best for everyone if I stay quiet.”

  “Whatever you want.” I press my forehead to hers. The connection feels comforting. A long pause follows before Bry speaks again.

  “I think Jules somehow got me as a baby. Before he could kill me, Colonel Mallory gave me this curse. It protected me until my eighteenth birthday, so Jules gave me to my aunties to raise until then.”

  I nod. “That would explain a lot.”

  “Tonight isn’t a birthday party. It’s a wedding reception for me and Philpot. I mean, Jules.”

  My eyes narrow. “So, if you walk into that penthouse without Jules, you could be walking into a fight. They wanted you married to Jules. Who knows what they’ll do when they find out the truth?”

  “Right.” Bry’s brows dip into a V shape. I’m learning her faces, and this one means she’s thinking things through. She’s quiet for almost a full minute before she straightens her spine and speaks i
n a steady and confident voice. “I have had it with that damned Sleeping Beauty template. I want it all over with, forever. That means my aunties need to drop it, too.”

  I grin. “That’s the spirit.” She’s even stopped shivering. That’s a great sign.

  My wolf prances around in my soul. His voice is almost a croon, the guy’s so happy. “Strong mate. Good mate. OUR mate.”

  I hate to crush him, but we don’t know that. “Patience, buddy. The ceremony alone would kill her. And even if it didn’t, Bry probably deserves better than us.”

  “Bryar Rose mate.” My wolf says that last bit with a huffy tone. I can sense him curling up into a corner to sulk.

  Much as I hate for my wolf to be bummed out, there’s other stuff to focus on. Like how Bryar Rose is going to end this situation with her aunties. “Tell me what you need. I can help.”

  “The party doesn’t officially start until midnight.” Bryar Rose scans the horizon. “It’s a little past sunset. If I get over there early, I can confront my aunties without having to deal with a fairy queen at the same time.”

  “Good plan.” I kiss her temple. “When do we leave?”

  All of a sudden, Bry won’t meet my gaze anymore. “I think it’s better if I go alone.”

  That’s not an option.

  I wind my arm around her waist and pull her against me. Damn, she feels good. “I’m going with you, end of story. And if you sneak off, I’ll find you.”

  Bry half smiles. “I thought you didn’t want to be a stalker.”

  “I changed my mind. And Alec here will help.” I cup my hand by my mouth. “Will you transport me anywhere Bry is going tonight?”

  “Even if it’s dangerous?” adds Bry.

  Alec shoots me a thumbs-up. “Absolutely. It’s bro code.”

  Elle steps up closer. “I know I shouldn’t have been eavesdropping, but I couldn’t help it. It’s a big risk for me to go with you to confront your aunties, especially with Queen Nyxa there.” All the color drains from Elle’s face. Whatever happened with her and the fairy world, it must have been pretty nasty. “So if Knox doesn’t go with you, then I’ll stalk you too.”

  Bry frowns, but I can tell she’s not really angry. “You guys aren’t making it easy on me.”

  I lean in and nuzzle her ear. It’s unnecessary, but it sure feels good. “Don’t make me go alpha on you again. I can just order you to take me.”

  She laughs, and I like that about her, too. “You can try, but I’m pretty sure I could alpha you one better.”

  And the great thing is, Bry probably could. Sure, she needs a lot more practice with her animal side, but she’ll get there. I inhale her scent and smile. When it comes to a mate, you want someone with the skills to make both of you better. Bry’s perfect.

  “Wait a second.” Elle’s mouth falls open. “You’re a werewolf?” She pokes Bryar Rose in the shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Bry sets her fists on her hips. “Look who’s talking. You’re a fairy, and you didn’t tell me.” She rounds on me. “And I don’t want to talk about werewolf stuff right now. We need to confront my aunties.” Her mouth quivers. “About you know, everything.”

  Now, I can’t help but notice how she said “we” have to go confront her aunties. Those three ladies have known for years that Bryar Rose is really a werewolf. They better answer her questions straight up, or I swear, I will go werewolf on their bony asses.

  I give Bry a gentle squeeze. “I’m ready when you are.”

  “Okay, then.”

  I point to Alec. “You got us covered?”

  Alec reaches into yet another pocket. “I suppose that means you want transport spells as well?”

  “Please,” says Bry. She shoots a quick look at Elle, who has her arms folded across her chest and is staring at the hotel like it’s her job. If this were me and Alec, we’d just fight it out until we were too bloody to care anymore. But girls have their ways of doing stuff, too. I don’t judge.

  Alec raises his fist. Red light glows inside his palm. “Ready or not, here you go.”

  A column of red light surrounds us as Bry and I disappear. We’re off for another battle. Only this one, I’m actually looking forward to.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Bryar Rose

  After Alec starts the transport spell, my skin tingles with wizard magic. I’ve never traveled by magic before. On reflex, I step closer to Knox. He tightens his grip on my waist, pulling me against his side. His body is warm, firm, and comforting. I lean into his touch. It’s been a crazy day.

  The next thing I know, Knox and I stand somewhere that is most definitely not my aunties’ penthouse.

  I frown. “Did something go wrong with Alec’s spell?”

  “Nah.” Knox’s voice is deep and calm. “Alec brought us to my place. He can only send us to spots that he’s seen before, and he doesn’t know your aunties.”

  “He could send us to LeCharme.”

  “And we’d appear right in the middle of his office or something? He’s worked hard to hide that he’s a wizard.” Knox rolls his eyes. “You know how humans can get.”

  “I’ve seen it.” Last month, I saw some fae get mobbed on the sidewalk for casting a minor spell. Everyone wanted to take a pic and get their autograph. It was creepy.

  Now that I know we weren’t delivered to the wrong place, I scan Knox’s apartment. It’s somewhere between a man-cave and a bunker. The place is large and open with lots of exposed concrete and black leather. He’s got a massive screen and couch set up for movies and a whole gaming station against one wall, along with a wall rack that’s filled with all sorts of magical weapons.

  I gesture to his wall-o’-guns. “Is that legal?”

  “Mostly. Alec knows people who know people. And most of the time, I keep the weapons out of sight.” Knox enters a code into the keypad by the door, and the gun display slides into the wall, only to get covered up by a huge painting of the Manhattan skyline.

  “That’s pretty slick.”

  “Wait until you see the guns. Most of those are specifically built to kill Denarii.”

  Kill Denarii. In my mind, I once again see the image of Jules turning into ash. A shiver twists up my spine. Within the span of a heartbeat, Knox is standing at my side. “What’s wrong? You smell confused and frightened.”

  “I’m fine.”

  Knox isn’t buying it. He stares at the weapons for a moment and then looks back to me. “How did Jules die?”

  “I can’t tell you that. Not now anyway.” I swallow. “I thought you were dead, Knox. I can’t do anything to put you at risk again. And until I know what’s really going on, that’s all details will do. Put you at risk.”

  Knox pulls me into a warm hug. “I’m a big, bad wolf, you know. I’m not afraid of a little risk.”

  I nuzzle into his chest. “I know.”

  “But you tell me when you’re ready, yeah?”

  “When I’m ready.” And I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready.

  His hug is awesome, but if I stay in it, I’ll do something crazy like tell him everything. So, I step away and finish sizing up the apartment. There are no less than three different hallways lined with doors. For New York, this place is massive.

  “You live here all on your own?”

  “Yeah.” Knox steps over to the window. “We’re in the LeCharme building. Alec and I have this understanding. I rent this place from him.” Knox makes little quotation marks with his fingers when he says, “rent.” “And then, he can bring his lady friends over when he wants. Sometimes, he’ll have parties here, too. The place has five bedrooms.”

  Wow. Alec is a major player.

  “So what happens when a lady friend comes back and says she forgot her scarf or something?”

  Knox chuckles. “That’s where I earn my rent.”

  I pull on the neck of my body armor. This stuff looks cool, but Kevlar isn’t exactly comfy. “You don’t have anything I could change into, do you? This stuf
f is uncomfortable, and besides, the conversation will be tough enough without having it in body armor.”

  “People do leave stuff around after the parties. I tell the cleaners to wash it up and leave it in the last bedroom on the right.” He gestures down the hallway. “You might find something in there.”


  He hitches his thumb over his shoulder. “My room is down this way. I’ll change as well, and then we can grab a cab, okay?”

  “Perfect. I know we have time until midnight, but sometimes Queen Nyxa shows up early. The sooner we get there, the better.”

  “Cool.” Knox grips the body armor at his waist. A prickle of awareness moves over my skin. Yet again, Knox is going to strip down naked near me. We’ve only kissed twice, but the nakedness has happened three times. Not that I’m keeping track or something. My face starts to heat. I definitely don’t want him to see me blush again, so I speed my way to the last bedroom on the right. Like the rest of the place, it’s decorated in bare concrete and black furniture. The closet is massive and filled with clothes.

  Mostly girl stuff.

  A lot of it is ball gowns and cocktail dresses. Some are torn straight up the front. I slide past those hangers with extra speed. Alec is a nice guy and all, but there are some things about him that I just don’t want to know.

  My breath catches. Unless Knox has been at all these parties, too?

  I push the thought aside. I’ve been doing that a lot today, and I think I’m getting pretty good at it. I soon find some clean leggings and a long sweater. It’s a little more casual than my aunties are used to, but it’s certainly better than body armor. I run a brush through my hair and scheme my head off.

  The more I think about it, the more having Knox along is an awesome idea, especially if Queen Nyxa is there. I know just how to bring them all to their knees. It’s not very mature of me, but once I’m finished fixing my face, I rub my hands together and say, “Mwah hah hah” at the mirror.

  Aunties, here I come.

  I step out of the room. Knox is already standing by the door. He’s back in black leather pants and a dark T-shirt. With his black hair and ice-blue eyes, he looks like a rock star. My heart does this strange fluttery thing in my chest. I try to ignore that too, but it’s not so easy.


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