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Wolves and Roses

Page 28

by Christina Bauer

  I don’t know how it exactly happens, but the next thing I know, Knox and I have changed back into humans. Some part of me thinks I should be shocked, but I can’t muster up the emotion. Being with Knox simply feels natural, whatever the form. Maybe it has something to do with being mates.

  We lay side by side, facing each other. Knox’s ice-blue eyes shine with a reverent glow as he gently brushes the hair off my cheek. When he speaks, his voice is a gentle whisper. “Do you want to change back into your wolf?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Good.” He gaze stays locked with mine.

  “Does this happen a lot?”

  Knox lets out a rumbling chuckle. “Changing into a human without consciously wishing it? Can’t say I’ve ever had that happen before.” His blue eyes flare with golden light. “I’m not complaining, though.”

  “Me neither.” I lean in closer until our lips meet. If I thought our first kiss was intense, it’s nothing compared to this time. My inner wolf rouses.

  “Mate.” Her voice sounds rusty inside my head. Still, there’s a fierceness and eloquence to her that I wouldn’t expect. “He’s our mate.”

  Before I can think of a reply, Knox breaks the kiss. “Did I convince you?”

  It takes me a moment to realize he asked me a question. Those kisses were so good they drained my mind of any rational thought. “What did you say?”

  “Did I convince you?” The knowing look in his ice-blue eyes tells me that Knox realizes exactly what his kisses do to me. “You wanted both of us to act human. I brought you here to show you that embracing the Magicorum can become the greatest adventure of our lives.” Knox brushes the backs of his fingers up my jawline. “Did it work?”

  All of a sudden, being this exposed doesn’t feel so comfortable. “I’ve loved running in my wolf form, but being a human is safer, you know? I know the rules there. I know who I am.”

  Knox frowns. “You know that pack of lies your aunties fed you. There’s no need for you to hide as a human. I mean that. Bry, you’re the most beautiful and powerful person I know.”

  My soul trembles at those words. “Keep telling me that. One of these days I might just believe it.”

  “You’ve got a deal.” He cups my face in his hands. “And there’s something else I want you to know, too. We’ll find that fountain and activate it, together. I won’t let the fact that I’m a warden stop us from having the choice of a full future together, if that’s what you want.”

  My inner wolf paces inside me. “Of course, we want cubs with him. Say that. Now.”

  I close my eyes. “Shut up, I’m trying to have a conversation.”

  “Is your wolf talking to you?”

  I reopen my eyes. A blush heats my cheeks. “Oops. Did I just say that out loud?”

  “Yeah. It’s okay. Mine talks to me all the time. It’s not something most wolves do, you know. Lucky us.” He grins. “I’d like to show you the view from my favorite mountain. Want to run there? I’ll warn you though, it’s pretty steep.”

  “I’d love to go.”

  Changing back into our wolf forms only takes a matter of seconds. It hardly stings at all. I wonder if that’s another side effect of changing beside my mate, but there’s no time to hang around and wonder.

  Knox nudges me in the shoulder with his muzzle. He wants to run. And with every fiber of my soul, I want the same thing. We race back toward the trees.

  And here, in the woods, with Knox at my side, a few thoughts keep echoing through my heart, drowning out years of hurtful words from my aunties.

  I am Magicorum.

  And I am strong enough to face the future, whatever it holds.

  Together, Knox and I race toward the mountaintop. And what could be a tough journey becomes all things simple and joyful.

  The End

  The adventure continues with Shifters and Glyphs, Book 2 in the Fairy Tales of the Magicorum

  The journey continues with SHIFTERS AND GLYPHS, Book 2 in the Fairy Tales of the Magicorum Series

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  Online Exclusive: MOONLIGHT AND MIDTOWN, Novella 1.5 in the Fairy Tales of the Magicorum series

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  Also from Christina Bauer: ANGELBOUND, the best-selling young adult urban fantasy

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  Also from Christina Bauer: CURSED, a combination of romance, fantasy and witchcraft

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  Also from Christina Bauer: DIMENSION DRIFT, a snarky urban fantasy

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  Also from Monster House Books: MORIBUND, Book 1 of the Circuit Fae series

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  To begin with, I’d like to acknowledge my super-secret (about to be not-so-secret) list of what makes for a kick-ass chick in a kick-ass story. I use this list to write Wolves & Roses, and well, everything. It’s also the standard I hold up in my reading as well.

  Now, you may be aware of the Bechdel test to see if a story meets a standard for feminism. Basically, it asks if the story has two female characters with names, do they talk to each other, and do they talk about something other than guys? When I first heard it, I thought that most stories probably met that criteria. They don’t. And as I started to write more, I started to read more. Over time, I got even pickier about what kind of stories I liked (don’t we all?), and I like me a book with kick-ass chicks.

  Without further ado, here are my rules of kick-ass chick-ness:

  The least you can do is throw a shoe. In a story about kick-ass chicks, you can’t have someone cowering in a corner while someone else fights the big bad. The very least you can do is yell, “Go get ‘em” or chuck your stiletto into the battle. And honestly? In real life, no one wants to go into the battle of life with someone they have to protect twenty-four/seven. Or if they do, you might want to get them a psychiatric evaluation. I love stories where the good folks fight the big bads together (more on that later).

  He offered her the world; she said she had her own. I love world building. If the story is built around a world that is focused on our heroine’s love interest, that’s fine. However, the heroine also needs to have her own something-something going on that she’s passionate about. It can be raising a family, working at a diner, making crafts in the garage, or mastering a superpower that saves the universe. I don’t care as long as it’s hers.

  Being an active participant in your own superpower. Speaking of superpowers, I love a story where the heroine has one…but with one caveat: she has to choose to work her ass off to develop it. Here’s why. As women, society gives us a lot of power for just blossoming into young womanhood (at least, that’s what they called looking grown up and sexy when I was a teen). There’s a ton of emphasis on beauty, and youth is the most important kind of beauty.

  Pro tip: Actually, there are four kinds of beauty—heart, mind, soul, and body—and only one of them gets worse as you age, no matter what you do. I wrote a series of books (BEHOLDER) about a world where all four types of beauty were valued equally.

  Okay, back to the physical beauty thing and choosing to own your superpower. To me, kick-ass chicks work for more than the physical. A kick-ass chick grits her teeth and makes a conscious choice to develop her mind, heart, and soul. You don’t grit your teeth to choose to develop physical beauty. That’s more bowing down under the overwhelming crush of society telling you that’s what’s important. All of which is why I like stories where someone has to make a conscious choice to develop or abandon their power. As a storyteller, I find it more interesting.

  Physical attraction and anger. My experience of growing up was that proper women didn’t have either of these emotions. Today, I like telling stories where the heroine must deal with both of these emotions, especially as a young adult. I wrote a whole series about this (ANGELBOUND) around this topic.

  You plus me equals “we.” I also like stories where the hero and heroine fit together and create something altogether new and positive between them. Sure, this can b
e a new sense of obsession and seeing each other as a drug, but a little of that goes a long way. Kick-ass chicks in kick-ass relationships hook up with someone where they make their significant other a better person for being in their lives, and vice versa. I love it if there is something between them—like magic or battle strategies—where they create a physical manifestation of that “we.” This can also be done with children, too. For me, I like to see the “we” manifest before the kiddos start.

  Okay. So, that’s my list of kick-ass chick-ness. It’s behind all the stuff I write as well as what I read. My reviews are all on my Goodreads account, and I read about a book a day on average. With that preamble behind me, I’d like to get to the important stuff: showing my heartfelt appreciation to everyone who made this book possible.

  To begin with, I would like to send a massive thank-you out to my readers. The second I posted that I was writing Wolves & Roses, you hopped online and told me how excited you were for this story. All that enthusiasm kept me going through long nights and extra revisions. You are awesome.

  Next, I must bow down to the amazing folks at INscribe Digital, who move mountains and make it look easy. This includes the wonderful Kelly Peterson, Stephanie Gomes, Allison Davis, and Larry Norton. You all are totes awesome. Also, a big welcome to the new team at IPG; I look forward to getting to know you all!

  Behind the scenes is a team of crazies who keep me writing and happy. Top of the list is my kick-ass editor, Genevieve Iseult Eldredge. It’s been a joy to work with you, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

  Best for last. Huge and heartfelt thanks to my husband and son. None of this would be possible without you. First and last, you’re the best.

  Christina Bauer thinks that fantasy books are like bacon: they just make life better. All of which is why she writes romance novels that feature demons, dragons, wizards, witches, elves, elementals, and a bunch of random stuff that she brainstorms while riding the Boston T. Oh, and she includes lots of humor and kick-ass chicks, too. Christina lives in Newton, MA with her husband, son, and semi-insane golden retriever, Ruby.

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