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Young Annabelle Series: Young Annabelle, The Truth About James, What My Heart Wants

Page 22

by Sarah Tork

  Not that it was really a lie, I was feeling horrible. Wasn’t heartbreak a form of sickness anyways, if not worse than an actual stomach bug?

  I felt like I was dying.

  I sighed quietly and answered her. “I’m not feeling good right now. I think I have a stomach bug.”


  “Really?” She asked, the disbelief in her voice obvious.

  I’d already lied to her about first meeting James and having this weird thing with him. She didn’t take it well. If she found out that James and I hung out this weekend after everything that’d happened between us, she was for sure going to blow.

  But I didn’t have a choice, even though I was scared to tell her. I couldn’t lie to her again.

  “No.” I murmured, confessing

  “I figured. It’s him again, the douchebag?” She asked, surprisingly without a trace of bitterness considering I kept the truth from her again.

  “I’m sorry.” I said quietly, feeling ashamed.

  “What am I going to do with you?” She said, amusedly. “You don’t have to say what happened right now.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks.”

  “But to be honest I kind of figured something involving him happened.” She confessed.

  “How?” I asked, confused.

  “Because he keeps taking peeks at my table. Ohh and there he goes again, should I wave?”

  My eyes widened and I jerked off my pillow. “No!”

  “How about the finger, can I give him that?” She offered, almost jokingly.

  I didn’t think she was joking.

  “I’ll deal with it, don’t worry.” I muttered, lowering back on to the pillow.

  “Oh wait a minute, the rumor right?” She hissed.

  “You heard too?” I asked, slowly.

  Just great! It hadn’t even been a full school day and it was already top news. Who was I trying to kid, thinking he was going to be exclusively with me.

  “Anna, everybody heard!”


  A soft knock broke the silence. “Anna can I come in?” Mom called from behind my closed door.

  “My mom’s knocking on the door, can we talk later?”

  “Call me later for sure. I need to know exactly what happened?” Jenna ordered.


  I hung up and called to the door. “Yeah.”

  Mom entered in with a tray. “I brought you some soup.”

  “Thanks.” I told her, sitting up on my bed.

  She lowered the tray down in front of my folded legs, sitting on the other side. “It’s just some chicken noodle, nothing crazy calorie wise.”

  As I leaned over and picked up the bowl, mom placed the back of her hand against my forehead, taking me by surprise. Where did this motherly compassion come from?

  “You do feel a bit clammy, finish the bowl and rest.” She ordered. I nodded and she left the room without another word.


  My phone buzzed, waking me up from my nap. I brought it to my ear and answered the call without checking who it was.

  “Hello?” I answered groggily.

  “Where are you?” a familiar voice asked.

  “Who’s this?” I muttered, holding the phone as my head lay deeper in the pillow.

  “James.” He answered, impatiently.

  My eyes flung open, shocked. “James!”

  “Where are you?” He asked again.

  I couldn’t believe it, he’d actually called me. I think this is the first time we’ve talked on the phone. What should I say to him? Why did I even answer? I was too sleepy to check call display otherwise I probably would have ignored the call from him.

  “I’m at home.” I answered, nonchalantly.

  “Are you sick?”

  “Yes.” I answered stoically.

  “Is there something wrong?”

  “Nope!” I snipped.

  James snorted. “Bullshit!”

  “I’ve got nothing to say to you!” I screeched lowly, tucking myself under my covers to mask the noise level of my growls.

  “Great, what did I do now?” James exasperated.

  “What did you do?” I repeated, confused and appalled that he had the nerve to pretend he didn’t know what was going on, when he knew exactly what was going on.

  He was the star…yet again.

  “Yeah, because one minute I think we’re cool and then next you’re back to being pissed at me!” He snapped.

  “You know what you did, stop acting innocent!” I snapped back.

  “I didn’t do anything!” James pleaded, as if I were accusing him of a crime he didn’t commit. He did.

  “You’re a liar!” I informed him.

  “Oh yeah, then what the hell did I lie about?” James counterattacked.

  “You hooked up with Donna, Sunday night!” My screeches were getting louder, so I tucked myself underneath the pillow, which was also underneath the blanket.

  “You actually believed that stupid rumor!” James said in disbelief.

  “So you’re denying it again?” I told him slowly.

  “I’m stating a fact. I didn’t hook up with her!”

  I shook my head. “Oh really, well answer me this, did you go to a party Sunday night!”

  He stalled for a few seconds before answering. “Yeah, but_”

  “And was Donna there?” I asked.

  “Yes, but_” He started, but I interrupted him. I heard what I needed to hear. And I’d had enough of his games.

  “Don’t ever talk to me again, you hear!” I ordered him sternly.

  “Will you shut up and let me explain!” James snapped.

  “Why should I?”

  “You know what, fuck this, I don’t need this!” James announced.

  “That’s fine by me, bye douchebag!” I growled.

  I hung up the call, fuming, feeling slightly better after ripping him a new one. As I exhaled the angry breath from my system, my door knocked, hard.

  “Annabelle!” Mom called worriedly. “Is everything okay? I heard yelling!”

  “Everything’s fine, I just had a nightmare!” I called at the door.

  “Okay, are you okay?” Mom’s voice went down a peg.

  “I’m fine. I’m going to take another nap, calm my nerves.” I announced.

  “Okay sweetheart.” She said and I heard her footsteps stalking away from my door.



  My phone buzzed again, waking me up. It felt as if I had only slept five minutes. I checked the time before answering the call. It was ten after three, school was over.

  I checked call display this time, just in case. I wasn’t worried that James would call again, he seemed pretty angry during the demise of our ‘not-even-a-relationship’.

  It was Jenna.

  I answered the call. “Jenna?”

  “Bitch! Of course it’s me.” She yelled through. “You better be filled with answers, because I have questions, a lot of them!”

  I sighed. Great! “Alright.”

  “I’m coming over.” She declared firmly.

  “No, don’t, my parents are home, I don’t want them listening in. I’ll meet you somewhere.”

  “Fine, but be quick. I’ve been on edge since lunch!” She exclaimed.


  We met at a park in-between our houses. Children were running around, screaming and laughing while playing tag. I remembered that used to be Jenna and me, back when things were simple and easy. And no boys to disease our brains and make our bodies betray us.

  “So, spill!” Jenna ordered as we sat down on a park bench that was ten feet away from a water fountain.

  Taking a breath, I explained. “He cornered me at the party, we talked, and I forgave him because he explained why he didn’t tell me about the party last Friday. We hung out on Saturday and he took me to the movies. We made a pact that going to the movies was our thing now. I liked that a lot and it made forgiving him e
asier. Then on Sunday we hung out again, at his house.”

  Jenna’s jaw dropped, but snapped it closed and took a noticeable gulp. “What did you do at his house?” She asked me slowly.

  “Not what you’re thinking! We watched movies in his basement and talked.”

  “I’m sure.” Jenna rolled her eyes, the disbelief evident in her tone.

  “Fine, we kissed a little, but that was it.” I confessed.

  “Really? No over the clothes action? How about under the clothes action? Come on now, out with it!” Jenna ordered, clearly amused by the twinkle in her eyes.

  God, my friend is funny! I stifled a smile knowing that it would only grow into laughter.

  Screw it! I smiled big and laughter spilled. It filled me with joy and peace, something I’d been lacking since opening my locker this morning and hearing the echoes of the scandal dance from person to person.

  “There she is!” Jenna shouted, happily.

  “I’m here.” I sighed.

  “So what happened next?” Jenna pressed.

  “He dropped me off at home at 6pm, he had to go somewhere with his friend after.” I explained.

  “And then?”

  I continued. “Then this morning as I was opening my locker I heard some stuff traveling through the hallway. Everyone was talking about it.”

  “Wait, that thing about Donna hooking up? That was him?” Jenna’s eyes bulged, she looked deadly.

  “I heard someone say it was the new guy on the Baseball team, the really cute one.” I explained further.

  “And there’s only one new, really cute guy on the Baseball team!” Jenna scowled.

  “James.” I answered.

  “But that’s hearsay. You don’t know if he actually did hook up with her.” Jenna informed.

  I looked at her incredulously. “Why wouldn’t he?”

  “Anna, do you hear yourself right now? How do you know if he did any of that stuff?” Jenna asked.

  Shit, I didn’t know if actually kissed her.

  “Well I talked to him before coming here, he said he did go to that thing at the Baseball field, and she was there.” I informed her, replaying my last conversation with James in my head. It gave me a bad taste in my mouth.

  Jenna’s eyes bulged. “Oh really!”

  “Yep, and he lied about going to it. That’s the second party he hasn’t told me about.” I explained, adding to his list of infractions.

  “That’s true!” Jenna agreed.

  “So in my eyes, there was a reason he didn’t tell me he was going to either of them, because he doesn’t want to stand beside me. I bet he just wanted to keep me his little secret, to have fun with on his time off from his crew.” I said bitterly.

  Jenna shook her head, grabbing my shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. “Anna, don’t say that.”

  “Why, its true isn’t it!” I snapped, jerking my shoulder out of her grasp.

  I didn’t want to be touched, my entire body felt irritated.

  “Stop thinking about yourself like that. He’d be stupid to think that you’re not good enough to stand beside him in front of his idiot friends.” Jenna said.

  “I wish I could believe that, but the facts are the facts, and he’s already proven himself twice as a liar.” I sighed.

  Jenna nodded. “I don’t like him, every time you’ve been with him you’ve been too ashamed to come and tell me about it. I always have to find out afterwards when shit hits the fan!”

  “Well trust me now, it’s never going to happen again!” I vowed.


  “Anna, why is that guy waving at us?” Jenna asked, worriedly.

  I glanced up, squinting through the sunshine as the person coming towards us began to run.

  Familiar frame, blonde hair, cute face, he wore a Baseball jersey and a Baseball cap.

  Was that Dean?

  “Hey Anna!” Dean called almost in reach. “Thought that was you.”

  “Hey Dean.” I called back, shocked. “Um, this is my best friend Jenna.”

  “Hey Jenna, I’m Dean.” He said, slowing down to a walk. He stretched out his hand to her.

  “Nice to meet you.” Jenna shook his hand. “You’re from Peter’s party right?”

  “Yeah, but I kind of screwed up there with Anna in the end.” Dean confessed breathily, taking a seat beside me on the bench.

  What was going on? I felt my face beginning to heat up. I hoped I wasn’t turning red!

  “Why, what did you do to my friend?” Jenna accused, jokingly. She got up and began walking backwards down the field. “I’m going to get a drink of water. Dean you have until that time to fix this!”

  Dean laughed. “Got it chief!”

  I couldn’t believe this was happening!

  There was silence as we watched Jenna stalk across the field to the water fountain. She’s an amazing friend. That’s because there was a water fountain right beside us.

  “Anna?” Dean murmured. “I’m sorry.”

  “Why are you sorry?” I asked, looking at the grass.

  “For the way I left things at the party.” He explained softly.

  I looked up from the grass, facing him. “Why did you just get up and leave like that? I thought we were having a good time?”

  “We were, but then you kept calling me nice, and I drank a few too many cups of that punch and it was kicking in. You kept calling me nice and it was rubbing me the wrong way.” Dean confessed, kicking at the grass.

  “What’s wrong with nice?” I asked, confused.

  “Anna, a guy doesn’t want hear he’s being really ‘nice’ with the girl he likes.” Dean laughed bitterly.

  I froze.

  “You like me?” I murmured in disbelief.

  He didn’t look up from the grass. “Couldn’t you tell, I practically followed you to the couch.”

  I leaned closer. “Really?”

  He looked up from the grass and our eyes met. “Yeah, I think you’re funny, cute, amazing!” He exclaimed.

  “That’s so…..not nice!” I told him, stopping myself in the end.

  Almost blew it again!

  Dean laughed. “Hilarious!”

  I heard Dean’s name being called from down the field. I followed the sounds to a group of guys with Baseball bats and catchers mitts. They were waving, trying to get Dean’s attention.

  “I think that’s for you.” Jerking my chin at them.

  “Yeah, came here with some friends to play some ball, the field here is nice.” Dean explained, getting off the bench. He turned and faced down at me. “Anna, can we start over?”

  But….what about James?

  Screw James, he was busy lying his ass off and kissing Donna, doing things with her behind my back.

  I nodded. “I’d like that.”

  “Can I put my number in your phone?” He asked, looking hopeful.

  “Okay.” I handed him my phone and he quickly tapped at the screen before handing it back to me.

  “You’ll be hearing from me!” He laughed, walking backwards back to his friends.

  “You’d better!” I yelled back. He gave me one last smile before turning around and running back to his buddies.

  Wow, I couldn’t believe that just happened.

  Goodbye James, hello Dean.


  “Well?” Jenna called from a distance. I shot out two thumbs up and a huge smile broke across her face as she ran the rest of the way.

  “Tell me exactly what happened!” She screeched excitedly, plopping breathlessly next to me.

  In a matter of minutes, I had gone from miserable and scorned to happy and carefree. These boys had power and it was going to be up to me to learn how to not let them use it over me, whether it was good or bad.


  After telling Jenna every single detail about my conversation with Dean, we headed home. My phone beeped as I strolled home peacefully, a far cry from earlier.

  My eyes bulged, shocked when I saw
who it was that texted me.


  I couldn’t believe it, the nerve of him thinking he could text me after what he had pulled. I should have blocked his number for life.

  I was a glutton for punishment, because I read it anyways.

  Tiger: Have you cooled off? We need to talk.

  We need to talk……how about no!

  The damage was done.

  I tucked my phone back in my pocket as another text came through. Sighing, I took out my phone and checked who it was.

  It was James, again.

  Tiger: So now you aren’t going to answer my texts. Real nice. We need to talk.

  I ignored his plea with pleasure. But then after a few minutes, there were no more new messages. Right when I thought he wasn’t going to text me anymore, my phone rang.


  He’s calling me now.

  I pressed ignore.

  After a few seconds, he called again and I happily ignored that call too. Now incredibly nervous I picked up the pace. I was ten minutes away from my house and I needed to get inside as fast as possible. I didn’t want to take the chance of him driving by and noticing me, thinking that it was the perfect time to have another beautiful conversation.

  Screw that and screw him.

  Speed walking turned into a jog. After a few minutes, I had to stop from being breathless. As I regained my breathing, my phone rang again.

  Will he just quit it now! I stared bewilderedly at my phone’s screen. Couldn’t he take a hint? I wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

  I was a block and half away from my house, in the home stretch when I noticed a black SUV racing down the street, coming towards me.

  Oh no! I stalled, glued to the sidewalk as the car came closer and closer. Thankfully it drove past me. I breathed a sigh of relief.

  My phone beeped. I got another message. It was probably from James again.


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