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Young Annabelle Series: Young Annabelle, The Truth About James, What My Heart Wants

Page 34

by Sarah Tork

  There was no way I was wearing high heels to the movies. That would have been stupid and impractical, especially with all the stairs.

  Dean leaned against the hood of his car, smiling at me. I smiled shyly back at him.

  “Don’t move!” Jenna ordered, pulling out her iPhone and pointing it at us. “Annabelle, sit next to Dean.”

  My eyes rolled and I slid next to Dean, eying him apologetically. “Sorry, she’s trying to spice up my Facebook page.”

  “That’s cool.” Dean grinned, putting his arm around me.

  “Smile guys.” Jenna ordered, snapping the photo. “Got it!”

  Dean lowered his arm and pulled out his phone.

  “What are you doing?” I grinned, extending my arm back to lean on it.

  “Friending you.” Dean said, playing with his phone.

  I blinked. “Really?”

  “Yep,” Jenna answered for him. “Just got it and I’m accepting him for you right now!”

  Jenna had my account open on her phone so she could add pictures as she saw fit. My profile pic was the first thing she changed. It was a far cry from my original profile pic, a photo of me when I was fourteen in a witch’s costume for Halloween.

  “Just uploaded the photo, and Dean, totally just tagged you now!” Jenna confirmed.

  “Great.” I muttered, feeling my face heat at an accelerated rate. Her enthusiasm was killing me. “Can we go now?”

  Dean laughed. I could feel his eyes on me. “You two are funny.”

  “And hot.” Jenna added as she pulled me off the hood and linked her arm through mine. We headed to the theatre’s entrance.

  “That’s for sure,” Dean said smoothly, right behind us.

  “What else have you been adding on my page?” I whispered to Jenna.

  “Oh nothing really, just a few updates on your timeline, accepting a few friend requests.” Jenna answered.

  My jaw dropped. “Who? You didn’t say anything about friend requests.” I hissed.

  “Relax, it’s no big deal, it’s just a few people from the swim team.” Jenna explained, looking straight ahead.

  “Like who?” I pressed.

  “Like, Don, Tina, Jerry, Sally, Dana,” Jenna said. “And Latisha.”

  “Latisha!” My jaw dropped, again. “Why would she friend request me, we don’t talk.”

  Jenna snorted. “You think she cares about that, she just likes having a lot of ‘friends’ on Facebook, and also because she’s nosy. I put our pictures up on my timeline and that’s how she found you.”

  “That’s it, log out of my account.” I ordered her.

  “You’re no fun!” Jenna pouted, tapping her phone. “There, all logged out.”

  My eyes rolled. “It might be too late, the damage is already done.”

  “You should be kneeling before me, praying for my thanks. I saved you!” Jenna exclaimed dramatically, then chuckled.

  “Whatever.” I muttered then twisted my neck catching Dean’s amused expression.

  “You guys,” Dean chuckled. “Are interesting.”

  “And you love it!” Jenna snorted.

  “That too!” Dean grinned, jogging up to us. We crossed the parking lot and entered the crowded theatre. The excitement of everyone around us was contagious, even though I still felt slightly hollow. The last time I came to the movies was with James. It was supposed to be our thing, he’d promised that. He didn’t keep that promise for too long along with all the other ones, always having his reasons for doing things that seemed sketchy.

  I took a deep breath and casted away the thoughts that came with being at the theatre. I shouldn’t be thinking about him anyways, it wasn’t healthy. I was out with my friends, especially with a boy who was interested in me. I needed to focus my attention on that instead of something that clearly just wasn’t meant to be.

  We followed Dean as he led us to the waiting line at the Box Office.

  “Joe!” Dean called at a tall, very familiar figure busy staring up at the movie time board. His dark brown hair was smoothed back and he was wearing a dark blue button down with black jeans.

  Joe? Then it came to me, he was Dean’s best friend. The last time I saw him was at the park where he got into a fight with James.

  Joe faced us with a huge grin. He slapped hands with Dean, who then introduced us. Joe smiled at me for a second as he remembered who I was. When his eyes scanned over to Jenna, they twinkled, seeming mesmerized.

  “Hey.” Joe said to her, seeming captivated, his eyes never leaving hers.

  I stared at her, amused at her just as captivated expression. Jenna gave him a small smile. “Hi.”

  Well look whose boy struck now! I thought, stifling a huge smile.

  “Let’s get tickets!” Dean said loudly, breaking their stare off. He eyed me and I could see that he’d caught on and thought it was funny too.

  Joe broke eye contact first. “Yeah, tickets.” He coughed. We got in line, the boys in front, Jenna and I behind them. I shoved my shoulder playfully into hers, eyeing her like ‘I know’.

  “Shut up.” She muttered, rolling her eyes.

  “Wait, let me get my phone out, I can take a picture of you two and you can put it on your Facebook page! Then you can friend him and tag him in it.” I giggled, pretending to reach for my phone. Her hand shot out, stopping me.

  “Don’t you dare.” She hissed, her face turning red. This was new. Jenna didn’t get flustered this easily. I guess someone’s got a crush.

  Today will go down in the books. The day Jenna turned red over a boy that had nothing to do with being angry.

  I quietly laughed as she seemed to be having a hard time breathing. I wanted to yell out congratulations to her, welcoming her to the world of crushing on boys.

  But because I was a good friend, I decided not to.

  She should totally learn from me.

  When it’s our turn to buy tickets, the boys pushed themselves forward and crowded the front register. Jenna and I tried to squeeze through to pay for our own tickets, but the boys weren’t having it, barely acknowledging us as we pleaded with them to contribute. The boys paid and the ticket agent slid over four tickets. Dean took two and Joes took two.

  Jenna and I gave each other bewildered looks, like we couldn’t believe that had just happened.

  Dean handed me a ticket. “Here you go.”

  I took it from his hand, his fingers grazing my skin purposefully. “Dean,” I murmured. “Thank you.”

  He waved me off like it was no big deal, but looked away embarrassed.

  I glanced at Jenna who was taking the ticket out of Joe’s hand slowly. Clearly he’s worn her down. They stared at each other longer than normal.

  “Hey, let’s get snacks!” I yelled, breaking their trance. “Jenna and I will buy the snacks!”


  Half way through the movie, my phone vibrated. I had my phone in my jacket pocket, which was resting on my lap. For some strange reason, I had a feeling ‘who’ it could be.

  I knew it wasn’t mom or dad, they were out with their friends, and I told them I was staying over at Jenna’s tonight.

  Besides Jenna and my parents, there was only one other person who actually called and texted me.


  My heart started beating faster. I wiped my sweaty palms against my jacket. It started vibrating again and the sound was more noticeable because the scene on was a quiet one. I felt Jenna nudge my shoulder. I glanced at her questioning glare.

  “Who is it?” She mouthed. I shrugged. I glanced to my right at Dean, he was really into the movie but quickly noticed me staring at him. I gave him a small smile before turning back to the movie. My arm took up most of the arm rest and I felt his fingers rub at my skin, taking my mind off the vibrating phone on my lap.

  My phone continued to vibrate for the next few minutes. Jenna got up and grabbed my arm.

  “Bathroom.” She whispered to the boys. Joe was sitting next to her and nodded.
/>   She dragged me to the bathroom and pulled out her hand. “Phone please.”

  I handed over my phone without looking at the screen. “Who is it?”

  “Who do you think?” Jenna smirked, tapping away.

  I blinked. “James?”

  “You got that right, golden boy has been texting and calling you like crazy!” Jenna sneered.

  “How many?” I asked.

  “He’s called you twice and sent you five texts in the past ten minutes. Do I have permission to read your texts?” Jenna asked.

  I thought about the type of texts going back and forth between James and me. I didn’t know if I wanted her to read the intimate details between us. That’s if they even were intimate. He could have sent me a text saying that he wasn’t interested in me and that last night I was just a matter of convenience for him. I’d rather her read the harsh words than me.

  I nodded and she opened the texts, quickly scanning them.

  Jenna snorted. “Well will you look at this! Mr. Smarty pants wants to know where you are right now.”

  “Really?” My jaw dropped. After everything he’s done today, the promises he didn’t keep, he wanted to know where I was.

  The nerve!

  “I’m not joking!” Jenna exclaimed in disbelief, and then started laughing. “Oh, the next one is a good one. He wants to know what’s up with the pictures you just put up on Facebook!”

  It worked! It actually worked.

  She grinned at me. “Mission accomplished!”

  I leaned back against the counter. “I don’t know about that.”

  “Oh my God! You have to read this last text!” Jenna pressed, shoving my phone into my hands. I turned it over and my eyes bulged at the message.

  Tiger: Why are you playing with me?

  “Why am I playing with him?” I screeched, looking up at Jenna who was still shocked. “Is he joking me?”

  “If anything he’s playing with you!” Jenna sneered. “He’s trying to make you feel guilty!”

  “I’m not the one who broke a promise!” I growled.

  “He’s so manipulative!” Jenna declared. “Well, I’d like to see him try and get himself out of this one. I know he’s gotten away with it in the past with you, but come on, this time, he’s gone past the point of no return!”

  I nodded. “Yeah, he’s gone too far this time.”


  After the movie, we’d all decided to go to the park. Apparently there was a little game going on with Dean’s friends and he and Joe thought it would be fun to go and watch, maybe even play a little.

  Them not us though.

  I rode with Dean as Jenna opted to go with Joe in his car. The thought of the two of them hitting it off this fast had made me smile big.

  Who would have thought, not her that’s for sure. I guess when stars hit you, they take you by surprise and since meeting Joe a few hours ago, she’s had stars in her eyes. Not that Joe didn’t either, he was completely enamored by her, practically following her like a little puppy dog, begging for instruction just as long as she never left his side.

  He was officially obsessed. Not that I could blame him, my best friend was awesome.

  “Did I tell you, that you look amazing tonight?” Dean grinned, driving into the parks parking lot. I’d recognized it immediately, it was the same park he brought me to last time.

  Let’s hope there isn’t a repeat of that this time.

  “Yeah, but you don’t have to stop saying it. A girl could get used to hearing endless amounts of compliments per second.” I grinned.

  Dean pulled his car to a stop. “You do, you look amazing tonight. I’m a lucky guy.”

  I looked away embarrassed. “Dean, come on.”

  “No, I’m being real with you. I’m lucky.” He assured, grabbing my hand, rubbing his fingers in my palm.

  “Then I’m lucky too.” I smiled looking back at him.

  “Duh, of course you are. You’re out with Pleasant Views Star Pitcher!” He laughed and got out of the car. I shook my head and got out too.

  “Still lacking in confidence I see!” I said across the hood of the car as he gave me a playful grin.

  “What’s taking you guys so long, come on!” Jenna yelled as she and Joe crossed the parking lot.

  “We’ve been summoned, let’s go before she chops off our heads!” I smirked, grabbing him and pulling him towards them.

  “I’ll go anywhere you wanna pull me to.” Dean said.

  “Are you sure about that?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  He nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  Considering everything that’s happened in the last twenty four hours, I didn’t know how I felt about Dean professing his devotion to me like that. He obviously liked me a lot, and I liked him, but I was still trying to get out of the mess I’d created.

  I needed time to sort my stuff out before I could commit to anyone else. Including a nice guy like Dean, even though he didn’t like being considered as ‘nice’, but that’s what he was.

  “Come on.” I murmured, tugging his arm again.


  I’d been dreading every single minute this past weekend.

  It was finally Monday morning.

  Last weekend besides Friday night had me at my most nerve wrecking, all in anticipation for today. The first time I was going to see James since Thursday during what I thought was us finally moving forward in our relationship.

  Just breathe.

  After our dates with Dean and Joe, I’d slept over at Jenna’s house. She made me promise not to answer James back, no matter what. I swore on my life I wouldn’t and thankfully he didn’t send me any more texts. He hadn’t called me either. The promise was still kept. But even if he had, I wasn’t going to go back on my word, that guy already made me a fool too many times. I didn’t even go to work on Saturday morning, calling in sick just in case he decided to show up.

  Now it was Monday morning and I was on my way to school in a pair of size six blue skinny jeans and a short sleeved black shirt that went past my hips.

  Add some black chucks and that was my style. Although I did spend a little extra time on my hair, straightening it and putting it up in a sleek pony tail. I’d also applied some mascara with a tiny bit of blush.

  More effort than I was used to, but I could see the difference.

  “Anna!” Jenna yelled, pushing off the railing at the bottom of the stairs in front of school. “You actually came today. I thought you would have passed out from the nerves. Today’s the day!”

  “Don’t remind me.” I muttered, walking past her and heading up the stairs, feeling a new bundle of nerves grow inside of me. “Is it me or are you having a hard time breathing too?”

  Jenna laughed behind me, catching up by skipping steps. “No, it’s just you!”

  “That’s not the answer I wanted to hear! I need words of encouragement, I need help!” I exclaimed.

  “You’re going to be fine, just ignore the douche!” Jenna advised, as if it were that simple. “If you want I can take care of him for you.”

  I stopped mid-step. “You will not! Don’t talk to him, he has a way with words.” I gave her a pointed look then continued up the stairs.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice, you’re clearly the example of that.” Jenna panted.

  My eyes rolled. “Thank you for reminding me.”

  We crossed the crowded patio and entered inside. I gulped nervously as our feet hit the freshly cleaned floor of the hallway.

  “Just be strong.” Jenna urged, squeezing my shoulder one last time before heading off to her locker.

  I looked down the hallway and breathed a sigh of relief, James and his boys were nowhere in sight. Class was starting in ten minutes, so they should be on their way. I decided to not go to my locker and just go straight to English. I didn’t want that awkward moment of walking passed them. I went to English and thankfully there were students already inside. I picked a seat in the middle as f
ar away from where he normally would sit, which was at the back beside the wall. I was covered completely.

  I became enamored with my notebook, looking over my notes from the last class when the bell rang.

  My heart took off in a sprint.

  This was it.

  Just breathe.

  It’s going to be okay.

  Don’t even look in his direction.

  Pretend like he doesn’t even exist.

  He doesn’t exist for you anymore.

  A stampede of students rushed inside, I didn’t look up, instead focusing on the floor watching their feet shuffle in. Then I saw his mixed in with the crowd as they rushed inside.

  Don’t look up. I ordered myself for the hundredth time. The final bell rang and everyone took their seats. Mr. Doors began his lesson.

  It was going to be okay, James was probably sitting in the back. All I had to do was keep my eye sight straight.


  I headed to the cafeteria without waiting for Jenna. I needed to get in the lunch line before he showed up and I’d get stuck in a staring match with him. English went better than I thought, I kept my eyesight straight and as soon as the bell rang I quickly got out and headed to my next class.

  I could feel him staring at me, urging me to turn so he could trap me with his gaze. It was a very powerful gaze, one that I wasn’t sure I would be able to look away from. I was proud of myself for fighting the urge to look at him and his beautiful green eyes.

  By the time I made it inside the cafeteria, the lunch line was quickly lengthening. I quickly took my place. As the line moved forward, my phone rang. I checked the screen and smiled, it was Dean.

  “Hey.” I answered. “Long time no talk.”

  “Hi, yeah I know. I didn’t want seem desperate. Do you have lunch now?” He laughed.

  “Yeah, in the lunch line now. Do you have lunch too?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I’m actually sitting across Joe right now. He says hey,” Dean said.


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