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Young Annabelle Series: Young Annabelle, The Truth About James, What My Heart Wants

Page 40

by Sarah Tork

  He was kind of cute.

  “Yeah, um…hi.” I stammered back, eyeing his two other friends who were too busy scanning me.

  What was his name again?

  Damn it....Why was I so bad with remembering names?

  I think it started with a ‘D’?

  “I’m Derek, don’t know if you remembered, but we had Chemistry last year.” Derek grinned, taking a step closer.

  Now that I thought about it, I did remember him from Chemistry last year. But before I had a chance to smile and reply my own memory of him, a mocking voice spoke out first, clearly interrupting our conversation.

  “No way!” Peter’s annoying voice exclaimed beside us. “You had Chemistry with our Fireball last year too? What a small world.”

  Our Fireball? I scowled at Peter, who stood with his arms crossed and a sneer across his face, as if he were assessing the situation.


  My heart stopped beating as my sight trailed behind Peter. A few feet behind him stood Tom and Roy. They were busy holding back a very angry looking……James?

  I closed my eyes and turned away, groaning. Not this again…God! Why couldn’t they all mind their own business?

  Especially him, considering he didn’t care anymore.

  “My name isn’t Fireball….it’s Anna.” I stated, eyeing Peter, Roy, Tom and lastly James with a stern look. “And I’m not their anything.”

  The cafeteria’s restaurant door popped open and the lunch attendant stepped out. “Next ten,”

  “We don’t want any trouble,” Derek’s friend said, pulling Derek away from our messed up little group. My shoulder slumped as the three guys disappeared inside the restaurant.

  “You can thank me later.” Peter grinned, putting an arm over my shoulder. I nudged him off and stepped away. He laughed and followed by Roy and Tom, they went back to their table, leaving James and I in a little stare-off.

  Why was he acting like this? Did he still care?

  I marched slowly up to James, staring into his beautiful green eyes. “You have to let me move on.”

  His eyes looked sad for a brief moment before returning back to his usual smugness. He sneered. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not doing anything to you.” He walked away without another glance at me, leaving me dumbfounded.

  “If you’re not doing anything…then what the hell was that?” I murmured, watching him walk away. I shook my head in frustration and headed into the restaurant before I lost it.

  He needed to stop mind fucking me!

  I headed to the refrigerator and slid it open, grabbing a salad and water bottle. So much for eating better. Derek and his friends were waiting for the lunch lady to finish their hamburgers.

  “Hey Derek,” I called.

  “Don’t go there bro,” I heard one of his friends murmur. Don’t go where? I was a free woman?

  “Yeah,” Derek answered anyways, ignoring his friend’s warning.

  “Sorry about that, those guys are a little crazy.” I laughed, trying to make the situation a little lighter.

  “Crazy about you, obviously.” His friend said loudly. “You’re obviously off limits, so, we’re just not going to go there.”

  “I’m off limits?” I repeated, confusedly. “I’m not off limits!”

  “You are,” Derek stated. “That James guy was about to pop a vein. We had a two sentence conversation and those guys looked like they wanted to kick the shit of me and my friends. Sorry Anna, it’s not worth it.”

  I’m not worth it?

  “Whatever.” I murmured. I paid for my food and exited the restaurant. I eyed the popular table, making eye contact with the Kings who were smirking with one another. I headed to Jenna’s table and plopped down, huffing out my frustration.

  “What happened now?” Jenna groaned, pulling away from her conversation with Dana.

  I sighed. “They won’t leave me alone….he won’t leave me alone.”

  Jenna snorted. “Next time, tell me. I’ll kick him in him in the nuts….in front of everyone.”

  Everyone at the table burst out laughing, including me.

  I stopped laughing and sighed. “He’s mind fucking me. Why?” I told her quietly, but not quiet enough because Dana’s attention was now focused this way.

  Dana’s blue eyes met mine. “I know what it feels like.” She said quietly all of a sudden, looking sad.

  “Roy?” I said, remembering Jenna saying something about Dana and Roy having a fight last week. “You guys were together?”

  “Were, being the operative word. He thinks he can play with my emotions like I’m a freaking yoyo!” She hissed, shaking her head. “I’m a human being, I have feelings. Good thing was, once I found out what his game was, I dumped his ass.”

  “I wish I was more like you from the start.” I sighed, peeling my salad lid off.

  “Better late than never, right?” Jenna added, eyeing the both of us. “Those guys should be off limits, but not because they’re so popular, but because they’re diseased!”

  “And for our hearts. I’m never going there again.” Dana added before staring past my shoulder.

  “I can’t believe him!” She hissed all of sudden. “I can’t believe him! Right in front of me.”

  “What? You can’t believe who?” Jenna asked, looking in the same direction as Dana. Her eyes widened. “No! I can’t believe her.”

  “What?” I muttered, twisting my neck to see what they were staring at. The Baseball team and Donna’s hot girl crew were sitting together. James was now sitting at the end of the table with none other than Miss Donna right next to him, rubbing shoulders with him, laughing into his ear, probably at something stupid he’s said. My sight trailed down the table, two people catching my eye, halting the trail.

  Roy….and Latisha?

  Roy’s arm was over Latisha’s shoulder. Her dark blonde hair was pushed to the side, showing her love sick expression.

  “He’s…he’s,” Dana stuttered. “I can’t believe him.”

  I turned back, facing her and Jenna.

  “Dude, I can’t believe Latisha.” Jenna shook her head, still looking shell shocked at she glared across the cafeteria. “Whatever happened to Swim team members for life?”

  “She’s a traitor!” Dana growled, and then got up from the table in a huff. “I’m not taking this crap. They’re going to know! He’s going to know, you don’t mess with Dana Marie Kosopolos like that!”

  “What are you going to do?” I almost screeched as she rounded the table. Everyone at our table was looking at her, wide eyed, jaws down, and shocked as hell.

  “I’m going to confront them!” She growled.

  “Now?” Jenna grinned, fist pumping her approval.

  “Hell yeah!” Dana stated. “Just watch me!”

  Ugh – oh, here we go again!

  “Just watch me!” Dana growled again, marching towards the popular table.

  Jenna grinned, pounding the table enthusiastically. “This is going to be so good, maybe even better than those old school Jerry Springer episodes my mom watches.”

  How is this happening? I thought as I stared at the back of Dana’s Swim team jacket as she charged determinedly.

  I thought I was the one fighting back today?

  Apparently it wasn’t just me who was ready to bite a certain asshole’s head off, an asshole that wasn’t James for once. Roy was the designated asshole today…or hour.

  Roy’s arm dropped from Latisha’s shoulders immediately upon seeing Dana steam roll towards them.

  “Roy, what’s the matter?” Latisha asked. We heard only because the cafeteria became suddenly quieter.

  “I’ll tell you what the matter is.” Dana growled before Roy could get a word out, not that he could even if he wanted to from the way he looked.

  Pure terror.

  I chuckled at the sight of him. Who’s cocky now?

  “Baby, it didn’t mean anything. I didn’t do anything with her!”
Roy stammered, getting off the bench, trying to embrace Dana. She ducked his arms quickly and leaned over the table, getting right into Latisha’s flabbergasted, lip rippling, reddening face.

  “Roy,” Latisha stammered, trying to duck her head to the side, but Dana wasn’t having it, making sure her face was the only one Latisha saw. None of the hot girls were getting up to defend her, in fact the entire table at slid down, as in away from Latisha.

  She was officially on her own.

  “This is better than going to Disney World, I swear to God!” Jenna giggled, deliriously. “Today is the best day ever.”

  I didn’t know about that, but it was getting crazier.

  “I’m so disappointed in you.” Dana snarled into Latisha’s face. Latisha pushed off the bench and tried to stand next to Roy, but he quickly stepped away from her as if she had a contagious disease. Roy reached out for Dana, but she wasn’t having it.

  “Don’t touch me, cheater.” Dana growled. She pushed off the table and marched right back into Latisha’s shocked face. “Whatever happened to the oath we made at the beginning of the Swim season? Whatever happened to Swim team members for life?”

  “I didn’t cheat on you!” Roy exclaimed, eyeing his boys for back up. Their heads were down. I guess James used the bro-code quota for the week.

  Roy was definitely on his own now.

  “You dumped him!” Latisha screeched, her lips rippling as she eyed the entire room. It seemed like it was solely focused on her. She was the center of attention now, and not the good kind.

  “I told you Anna, there’s a fight every other day here.” Jenna reminded behind me, my eyes never left the dual. I was kind of glad I didn’t start anything earlier. The whole cafeteria watching was a little different than a portion of the hallway watching.

  “Whatever happened to girl code?” Dana growled. “I thought we were closer than that.”

  Latisha eyed her girls and sneered all of a sudden, pushing her chest out a little. “Whatever.”

  Dana’s head looked like it was going to blow. She eyed Latisha venomously. “Don’t even go there Latisha. You think because you sit on this side of the cafeteria that you’re something special, when you’re obviously not.”

  Latisha stopped sneering and Dana leaned in more. “You’re not better than me.”

  “Babe,” Roy tried to step in but Dana put her palm in his face.

  Latisha smiled all of a sudden and said something quietly. Dana nodded and came back to our table. She grabbed her bag and left the cafeteria.

  “Okay, what just happened?” Jenna exclaimed as the entire room slowly went back to normal. Latisha sat back down, looking anything but contrite.

  “Where did she go?” I asked.

  “Maybe the bathroom. Let’s go.” Jenna got up and I followed behind with every girl on the Swim team. I was glad to leave behind the hectic, James ridden cafeteria. In the hallway, Jenna pulled out her cellphone. “I’m going to text her.”

  Seconds later, her phone beeped. “She’s in the bathroom beside our lockers.”

  “Dana?” Jenna called out once we were in their bathroom, not mine. “Are you in here?”

  “I’m here.” Dana sniffed.

  “Dude, what happened?” Jenna asked, going to the first stall closest to the exit.

  “We took an oath!” Dana sniffed louder. “She broke it.”

  “Latisha broke what? What did she do?” One of the Swim members asked.

  “She said last weekend during their getaway that she and Roy hooked up.” Dana cried. “We’d barely broken up, and it wasn’t a serious breakup and he’s already hooking up with other girls!”

  “That little skanky skank!” Jenna growled.

  As they consoled a heartbroken Dana, I wanted to welcome her to the club, but decided against it just in case it was too soon. So instead of opening my mouth and vomiting words that had no business being spoken, then wondering why I barely had any friends, I left the bathroom without another word. It was for the better that her fellow Swim team members consoled the last bit of her recovery. I barely knew Dana anyways.

  My phone rang once I was in the hallway. “Hello?” I answered, eyeing the quiet hallway.

  “Anna?” Shelby screeched, violating my ear. I had to pull the phone away from my ear because it hurt.

  “Yeah it’s me,” I said after a second to recoup. “Why are you calling me at school Shelby?”

  “The club is having a little soirée tonight out on the golf course and I need you to come in for a couple of hours and help at the lemonade stand.” Shelby informed.

  “I don’t work on school nights, I already spoke to Rob (General Manager) about this before school started.” I told her.

  “I know, but Maria called in sick and we need another person. It’s time and a half tonight, 4pm to 6pm.” Shelby said.

  “I’ll have to ask my mom, let me call you back.” I told her.

  She grunted from the other end. “Fine, but hurry up, I don’t have all day.” She said and hung up.

  “Bitch,” I murmured. I texted mom asking her if it was okay for me to work tonight and that I’d be getting double pay.

  “Annabelle?” A familiar voice called me as I finished the text. I pressed send and looked up. Roy jogged down the empty hallway towards me. “Is she in there?”

  I bit my tongue, unsure if I should answer. I didn’t owe him an explanation. He made his bed, now he had to lay in it. I stood silent, eyeing him blankly.

  My phone beeped.

  Mom: Alright, but don’t come home too late. Text if you need a ride.

  “Please,” He murmured, looking somewhat sad. “I’ve got to talk to her.”

  Oh, now he wanted to talk with her. Well, it’s too bad for him, the time for talking was officially over.

  Unless Dana wanted to…then it was totally back on.

  “Is she in there?” Roy asked, his eyes pleading. “I need to explain, I need to tell her I’m sorry.”

  I took a deep breath and against my common sense, I spoke back. “I think it’s too late for that Roy.” I murmured. “She’s devastated.”

  “I didn’t cheat.” Roy assured. “It was a dare.”

  “What was a dare?” Dana called as the washroom door slammed open.

  “No Dana, don’t talk to that douchebag anymore!” Jenna urged, trying to block her. Dana slid passed her and stopped beside us. Her eyes were red. Roy reached for her, but she pulled her arm back.

  “Please, let me explain.” He murmured. “It’s not what you think.”

  “Explain what?” Dana sniffed, wiping her teary eyes. “You hooked up with her.”

  Roy took a step closer to her. Dana didn’t move back. She tilted her head back, looking deep into his eyes.

  Ugh – oh, I knew that look. A few more minutes and some carefully said words from Roy, and I was almost positive that Dana would be a goner.

  “Baby, I didn’t. It was a dare.” Roy pleaded, quietly. “They dared me to kiss her. That chick_”

  Dana jerked back, her eyes widening with fury. “That chick? She’s a chick now!”

  “No,” Roy shook his head. “That’s not what I meant. I meant Latisha, she got carried away. I pecked her for a second, and then all of a sudden her arms were around me holding me tightly.”

  Dana cringed at the description, looking away. “Why didn’t you pull away? You’re stronger than she is!”

  “She grabbed my shirt with all her strength, the only way to get her off was to push her off.” Roy explained.

  “So! You should have pushed her off.” Dana cried. “You should have.”

  Roy stepped closer. “I didn’t. All I thought while she kissed me was you.”

  Even without looking at Jenna, I knew her eyes were rolling in disgust and shock. Shock only because Dana was falling again.

  So obvious.

  Was this me last week?

  Damn, these boys worked quickly.

  Dana took a deep breath and jerked away
. “It doesn’t matter anyways, aren’t we over?”

  If you’re over, then why are you so upset? If you’re over, isn’t he allowed to do what he wants?

  Was this how I was with James?

  Roy took a step closer to her and whispered something as his hand caressed her arm, making her eyelids flutter momentarily.

  Watching their reconciliation was weird. That used to be me.

  Now that she was swooning, she was officially a goner. Roy caught her with his web.

  Roy grabbed Dana’s arm and pulled her down the hallway, passing an open mouthed Jenna, who for the first time since knowing her, couldn’t muster out a sentence.

  “I can’t believe this?” Jenna murmured after few seconds of silence, as we watched Roy delicately lead Dana out the front doors to the front patio. “She fell for it.”

  “Where’s Roy?” A screechy voice demanded from behind us. We all turned in unison, finding a red eyed Latisha with most of the hot girl crew behind her.

  Guess who was missing…..Donna. She wasn’t going to leave James’s side for her friend in need. That act would actually require her to care for someone besides herself.

  “He’s outside with Dana.” Jenna told her, and then eyed me with amusement in her eyes. “They’re having a heart to heart, right Anna?”

  “Yeah, they’re having a heart to heart, probably getting back together as we speak.” I told a now wide eyed Latisha.

  Before Latisha could say anything, Jenna got in her face. “Whatever happened to Swim team members for life?” She hissed, shaking her head. “You took an oath.”

  “She broke up with him.” Latisha’s lips rippled, giving pleading looks to the girls on the team as they circled around her.

  “So,” Jenna grimaced. “Your actions have consequences.”

  “What are you talking about?” Latisha stammered.

  “What I’m talking about?” Jenna sneered, eyeing her fellow Swim team members funnily. “It means you’re out.”

  “I’m out.” Latisha repeated, sounding confused.

  “Out of the brotherhood,” Jenna announced, with a sound of approval from the girls around. “No more Swim team parties and no more Swim team members for life.”

  “Like I care, I was never friends with you guys anyways.” Latisha scowled. “You’re just jealous.”


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