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Sebastian's Chance (The King Brother's series Book 2)

Page 16

by G. Bailey

  It's over half an hour later before Maisy is brought in. They said it would be a while before she wakes up. I sit in the seat next to her, bottle feeding our hungry baby and feeling complete in a way I didn't know I could.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I wake up slowly to the sound of beeping and Allie’s voice as she talks to someone. The bright room hurts my eyes as I try to open them and the room spins a little. I try to focus on Allie's voice as she speaks and not the urge to sleep again.

  "He is so perfect; he looks so much like his mum," Allie says sounding completely in wonder about something.

  "That's true." I hear Seb say, my heart flutters at his gravelly voice, it’s deeper than usual. I wonder who they’re talking about, I can feel wires in my hand and smell the clean smell of a hospital. I remember the party suddenly and then what happened after. I blink my eyes open with some force and I feel the pain of a cut on my stomach as I try to sit up.

  "Maisy, thank god you’re awake." Seb face comes into view and I smile at him, he looks worn out but happy and that relaxes me a little. I'm in the hospital now; I want to see my baby. I go to feel my stomach somehow expecting it to have gone down after having the baby and Seb stops my hands holding them. I did have my baby, I think. Everything is a little confusing.

  "Do you want a drink?" He asks and I nod feeling a little more than confused and weak. I look over to see Allie standing over a baby cot, smiling at me.

  "Here drink this and I’ll get our son for you to meet him." Seb smiles widely at me and I do as I'm told. The drink feels amazing as my throat is very dry and I pull myself up to a sitting position, using the bed controls.

  "Hey take it easy," Allie says coming to my side, and holding my shaking hand.

  "Seb, is he ok?" I ask as Seb walks over, gently whispering something to a bundle of white blankets in his arms.

  "See for yourself." He smiles down at me, a look full of love but I can see the tears in his eyes, which he is holding back.

  I carefully take my son off Seb and look down into his bright green eyes as my baby stares up at me. He is beautiful, with lots of black hair like mine but curls like my dad’s and he has my facial features. The eyes are purely Seb’s and he is so cute as he yawns. I run a finger down his soft cheek, loving the smell of him. I’ve heard new babies smell amazing but I didn’t believe it till now.

  "He is perfect," I say, not able to stop myself crying now.

  "No tears baby." Seb kisses me gently and we both stare down at our little baby.

  "I'm going to leave you alone," Allie says walking out, I send a grateful look her way and she winks at me.

  "What happened?" I ask still staring at my son, trying to remember every part of his face.

  "Your waters went at the party and then you ended up needing an emergency section. God May, I thought I lost you both," he says resting his head on my legs, I can see he is crying even if he doesn’t make a sound. I run my spare hand though his hair, ignoring the slight pain from my stomach at the movement.

  "We are both ok. I'm never leaving you my Sebby," I sob quietly.

  He looks up at me before taking my small hand in his large one.

  “Marry me May. I have this whole day planned out to ask you but I don't want to waste another day. I've loved you from the moment I saw you in school.” he takes a deep breath before he continues and I just sit in complete shock listening to him.

  “I will keep you safe and loved for the rest of your life. Will you marry me Maisy Reynolds?" He asks letting go of my hand, as he gets down one knee and pulling out a small white box. I burst into tears when I see the massive diamond ring. Not that I needed a ring because I know my answer anyway but it feels amazing that I know he had this with him all the time.

  "Yes, yes, of course I will marry you Sebby." I say with a large smile and he jumps up of the floor, sliding the ring on my finger as soon as he can. Seb looks so happy as he kisses my ring on my finger and then slides his hand through my messed up hair.

  “Thank you,” he says against my lips before kissing me deeply. Our son decides to join in, with a loud cry and we break away chuckling.

  "Hey shush, mummy's here," I say to our son who calms at my voice and I talk to him until he falls asleep with Seb just watching us.

  "We need a name." He says with a grin as he takes our son into his arms.

  "What do you think of Jacob Harley King?" I ask. I end up with a massive kiss; I don’t remind Seb where I heard the first name from. I know Seb doesn’t have much love for my favourite film.

  "Yes, hello my little Jake. I love you and your mum, so, so much." He kisses our son on the head and grins at me as I watch them.

  "I'm going to call them all in, so they can hear the name together and our good news," he says looking so proud, holding our son. There’s something amazing about seeing the love of your life holding your baby, like a tiny little gift from god, which makes you feel so at peace.

  "Sounds good." I say, taking my drink off the side and having a sip while I wait for everyone to come in. When everyone is in the room, waiting around, including a tearful Izzy who has just arrived after passing out drunk last night?

  "Oh god Maisy, I can't believe I was drunk when you had him and we share a birthday as well." she hugs me briefly and goes back to Blake.

  “Don’t worry about it.” I tell her and she wipes away her tears with a smile at me.

  "Congratulations, he is a handsome little dude," Blake says and the boys all agree.

  "Well we have decided a name and we have some other news," Seb says holding Jake in his one arm.

  "Get on with it." Luke winks at Seb who chuckles at his brother.

  "Our son is called Jake Harley King." he says and everyone smiles at his name. Allie winks at me and I hold in a chuckle as I shake my head.

  "You didn't have to do that but thank you," Harley says coming over to pat Seb on the shoulder and nodding at me. I can see the tears, even if he won't show them to anyone.

  "You’re like a dad to me bro. If there is anyone I want my son to be like, it is you." Seb says.

  "Let me hold him then." Harley grins at Seb's grunt, before he hands over Jake.

  "The other news is that I asked Maisy to marry me and she said yes." at that the room goes mad with congratulations. Allie bounces over to me throwing her arms around me and only pulling away when I wince, my stomach still feels terrible.

  "I'm so happy for you Maisybear." She cries.

  "Be my maid of honour?" I ask through my own tears.

  "Yes, you crazy girl, who else would it be?" She winks and I laugh.

  "Welcome to the family sis." Luke comes next to the bed, now holding Jake.

  "Thank you," I say offering to hold Jake who he hands back to me.

  "He is so lovely." Allie gushes. I look over to see Seb side hugging Elliot, who looks happy. Izzy comes over next to Allie, holding my hand up to look at the ring.

  "That's a lovely ring, it's so big" she laughs and I see Blake watching her.

  "I wanted everyone to see it and know she is off limits." Seb says coming over.

  "Well, you have to be blind not to see that rock." Luke laughs.

  "That's the point." Seb winks at me when I shake my head.

  "Right, everyone out. Maisy needs to rest, so out we all go." Seb says loudly and everyone says bye.

  "I'm going to be outside and stay around a bit, do you need anything," Izzy asks me.

  "I would love it if you could find a midwife for me," I say to her, as I think she feels guilty about not being here at the birth.

  "Ok." she grins running out the room while Seb smirks at me as he closes the door.

  "She isn't going to leave us alone is she?" He asks Blake who is just leaving the room.

  "No." he laughs before shutting the door.

  "Want to feed him? He looks hungry. We had to feed him bottles because of how I'll you were May. I'm sorry." he frowns at my sad face.

  "It d
oesn't matter. As long as he is here and healthy, I'm happy." I say glancing at my little boy who is sucking on his hand, making gah noises.

  "Here you go." Sebastian hands me a pre-made bottle and I feed my son for the first time. It's amazing until he is sick on me as I burp him and I laugh.

  "I will need to get used to this," I say as I wipe away the sick with some wipes.

  "We both will, hand him over and I'll change him," Seb says with such a loving look at our son until he smells the nappy he just done.

  “That’s not a good smell on you little man,” he tells Jake as he changes his nappy and the smell is horrible.

  "I feel tired, can I sleep?" I ask him.

  "Yes baby, I will wake you when the midwife comes." Seb smiles over his shoulder at me.

  "I love you, Sebby." I say feeling myself falling to sleep. The last thing I hear as I drift off is

  "I love you my May, hey wait don’t pee on me, Jake.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  "How's she doing?" Elliot asks as we walk into the hospital. I left Izzy with Maisy, so I could go and get some new clothes then a long needed shower. Having your new-born pee up your shirt is not a good smell. I couldn’t even be mad because Jake looked so peaceful as he peed on me. I’ve learnt a lesson from yesterday, always put the nappy on quickly.

  "All good. They want to keep her in a few days but she is up and about now. She is struggling to keep food down but they said that's normal." I glance at my brother, wondering if now the best time to tell him about Allie.

  "Look bro, I’ve got to tell you something." I say and stop him with my hand in the middle of some empty corridor in the hospital.

  "What?" He asks looking confused.

  "Allie doesn't know about her dad, I'm sure of it. Tristan lied to you about her. I think he knew back then how you felt about her and he clearly knew what our father was doing. I think he was just protecting her from you." I tell him.

  Elliot takes a step back from me; we both don’t say anything as he processes what I have told him.

  "You sure?" He asks finally, wearing an indescribable expression.

  "Yeah I'm sure bro." I say keeping eye contact.

  "Thanks for telling me." Elliot says, before walking on like I hadn't said anything. I know it's something he has to work out on his own. He won't want to talk about it yet.

  "I have another thing to ask." I say and grin when he laughs.

  "What now?" He still is laughing as we walk towards the maternity suite.

  "Be my best man?" I ask a little nervously.

  "Sure." He pats my shoulder, before shaking his head laughing.

  "What's funny?" I question him.

  "How much you've changed in a few months. I like it." I tell him.

  I grin at him as we are let into the maternity ward.

  As I walk into the room, I drop my bag on the floor. Elena is holding a knife to Maisy’s throat while she looks terrified. My baby is crying and Izzy is nowhere to be seen.

  "Elena." I say gently, walking into the room. I haven’t seen her in months and I stupidly thought she had moved past her obsession with me. It’s clear from her messy hair and worn out clothes that she hasn’t been looking after herself. Her hand is shaking as she holds the knife, her other hand is in Maisy hair, holding her neck in place.

  I hear Elliot stop outside the room, not coming in but being close. I know he must have heard what I said and knows anything Elena is doing here isn’t good.

  "Seb baby, I said I would fix things." Elena looks at me grinning. She looks worse than I've ever seen her. Her hair is all over the place and I can smell her from here. She must be drunk but looking at the red marks on her arms, she might be high too. I know I need to be careful because the dagger style knife looks very sharp and I can’t lose Maisy.

  "Ok Elena, me and you can leave. I won't see them again." I tell her, holding up my hands as I take a step closer into the room. I’m hoping I can get her to come with me; I can’t look at Maisy when I hear her whimper. Elena shakes her head frantically and pulls Maisy hair, exposing more of her neck.

  "No I have to end her. She has always ruined everything. Arthur told me how to get you to myself, I planned to make you mine and she ruined it!" She screams, it echoes around the room. Jake screams louder, clearly picking up on our distress and I grit my teeth to stop me going to him.

  "Ruined what?" Maisy asks. I shake my head at her, Elena stares down at her as she speaks, giving me a chance to move a little closer.

  "I drugged him at that party and kissed him when I knew you were near. I sent the messages to make you leave him alone. Arthur paid your mother to take you away, so he would be mine!" She growls the last words into Maisy’s face, looking crazier than ever. I should have known something was up when I saw her with Arthur the first time. It doesn't surprise me that he used this poor girl to mess with me. I have to admit it worked for a while, I fought harder, lost myself in his cage with girls and alcohol.

  "Why?" I ask wondering why Arthur would help her so much. He could have chosen any girl, not some random teenager.

  "He's my uncle. He promised I could have you. He said he owns you, so he needed you in the family. He told me to get pregnant but I don’t want that. This baby will do." She shrugs of my question with an answer that makes little sense, I’m glad I always wore protection with her. I wonder if Tristan and Allie know Elena is their cousin.

  "Let's go then. Just me and you." I tell her, taking another step into the room, holding my hand out to her. I don't look at Maisy because I can’t risk Elena seeing my expression.

  "No, she needs to die." Elena pushes the knife into Maisy neck a little, causing her to bleed. I rush forward pulling Elena to the ground with me and try to grab the knife of her. She ends up cutting my arm in the struggle but I eventually get the knife off her as Maisy screams at us. I throw it away, holding Elena on the floor. Elliot and Izzy rush into the room.

  "I got her." Elliot says taking over holding Elena down, while she screams. I see Izzy holding Jake when I stand up and she looks terrified as she calms Jake down by rocking him. A few midwives rush into the room, looking behind shocked at the situation.

  "Take him out this room." I tell Izzy gently, and rushing to a shocked Maisy who's holding her neck. I hear doctors rushing in the room, talking about sedating Elena and that the police are on the way.

  "I got you." I say as I pull Maisy into my lap in the bed. Elena screams die down as she is injected with something and Elliot lets her go.

  "What the hell?" Allie asks coming into the room.

  "No one’s allowed in here, go and put the ward on lock down. Only the police or family are allowed in here. Let the other mothers know to stay in their rooms," voices says around the room. I see one doctor standing by the door, stopping Allie from coming closer.

  "I swear I’ll go crazy on all your asses, if you don't let me see my girl." She glares at the doctor, who moves.

  "Maisy, you ok?" Allie asks going to stroke Maisy’s cheek. Allie glances at Elena passed out on the floor and Elliot who is holding the knife, putting it on the side.

  "Yeah I think so, I want to see my son." She says and I pull her hand away from her neck. Thankfully the cut isn’t bad and I clean it up with some wipes. When it stops bleeding, I pick her up and walk out the room, ignoring the midwife protests. I find Izzy pacing the waiting room, holding Jake fast asleep in her arms.

  "Oh my god, are you ok?" She says loudly, waking up a now screaming Jake.

  Maisy nudges me to put her down and she takes Jake off Izzy, giving him a kiss and swaying him from side to side.

  "I'm so sorry Maisy." I look down at her holding Jake as I wrap an arm around her shoulder and lead her to a seat. She sits down careful, with a slight wince at the pain from her stomach I think.

  "It's not your fault. You saved us both Sebby," she smiles up at me, and I take the chance to give her a hungry kiss.

  "Hey none of that, or there wil
l be another one on the way." Allie says from next to me as she sits in a chair.

  We all laugh and it helps with the tension. The next few hours are filled with us giving statements. Maisy finally gave me Jake, so she could have the cut on her neck looked at but they said it didn't need any stitches. My arm on the other hand needed five stitches, which I made the nurse hurry up, as I didn't want to be away from Maisy. I'm sat watching her sleep, while Jake is snoozing in my arms. I can't believe I came so close to losing her again. I know there are tears running down my face as I look at the women I will spend the rest of my life with; I plan on telling her I love her every day. She deserves more than me but I'm too selfish to ever walk away from her. I kiss my son gently pushing his black hair out of his face. He is so perfect and I can't wait to take them all home.

  Chapter Twenty


  "Welcome home." Everyone shouts, as I walk in the house smiling a week after having my son. I drop my bag on the floor next to the door and hug Luke, who's the nearest.

  "Thanks guys." I say smiling at everyone I can see in the lounge and kitchen.

  "Aw there's the little man." Allie says as Seb walks in holding Jake in a car seat. He carefully takes Jake out cuddling him.

  "Let me have a hold." Harley says holding out his hands as he nudges Luke out the way. Seb scowls for a second before I wrap my hands around his waist.

  "Alright but you have to give him back." Seb laughs. Harley has been the most shocking around Jake. He is really good with Jake and well, he never wants to put him down. Not Surprisingly with all the family, around Jake is never put down for long.


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