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All American Wolf

Page 8

by Adriana Hunter

  “You’re not black-haired, I know, but in the dark that night, your hair looked almost black, spread out across the pillow. You’re as close to a diamond as I’ve come in a long time. And you do haunt my dreams.”

  His eyes flashed briefly and Serena wondered if it was from a glint of tears or passion. But he kissed her again and her mind was swept away by the sensations coursing through her.

  When it finally became clear the couch was much too small to contain them and their rising passion, Brody rose, holding out his hand. “Come to bed with me.”

  She rose, and he led her down a hall and through a doorway into a small bedroom. He turned to her, pulling her against him, hands resting on her hips.

  “You’re beautiful, you know that? Take your hair down for me, Serena.”

  Compliments always threw her off, leaving her feeling her timid and shy; she never knew what to say. Her face grew hot and she was thankful for the darkness. She pulled the elastic from her ponytail and Brody immediately ran his fingers through her hair, pulling a long swath over her shoulder.

  “Beautiful, like silk.”

  Before she could stammer out a reply, his mouth found hers again. She gave herself up to his kiss, surrendering to his hands on her body. Every touch, every gentle caress and forceful stroke fueled her desire, making her forget everything but him.

  Slowly he pulled her shirt up over her head, dropping it on the floor. Her bra followed and Brody then spent long moments driving her crazy, first with his hands, palming her nipples, and then with his mouth, bending his head to her, sucking lightly, then harder. She shuddered, crying out his name, the center of her melting with desire, winding her fingers through his hair, holding him to her.

  “You’re mine tonight, Serena. All mine.”

  Brody straightened and pulled away from her, and she cried out again, intense longing sweeping through her. She caught his lazy smile as he tugged the zipper down on her jeans and then pulled them over her hips. She returned the favor, eager fingers working against his tightly stretched jeans, finally freeing him. He kicked them aside. His shirt was next and he pulled her back to him as he pressed himself against the soft skin of her belly. Serena sighed with contentment, her hands reaching up to his face. He smiled down at her.

  “Miss me? I’m all yours now, for as long as you’ll have me.”

  The heat building between them, his skin against hers, hands on each other’s bodies, set off a jolt deep inside. Her body jerked involuntarily, her hips pushing forward. Brody reacted, hands sliding down to cup her ass, thrusting himself against her. Pulling away from her, he buried his head against her neck, his moans muffled in her hair.

  “Oh God, Serena. I want you.”

  Brody reached down, sweeping the covers back on the bed. He lifted her easily, laying her gently onto the bed. He climbed in and stretched out beside her, his hand resting on her hip. In the soft light from the hall, she could just make out Brody’s features, his eyes heavy lidded and sexy, his mouth curled slightly at one corner.

  Serena took in his broad chest with a faint covering of blond hair. Her eyes traveled lower, sliding over his flat stomach, then lower still. Her breath caught in her throat, eyes widening. She heard Brody exhale, a sound between a laugh and a sigh. Her face flamed and she closed her eyes, suddenly embarrassed at being caught gawking. He was perfect, almost too good to be real. It was pretty clear what he wanted. And it was the same thing she wanted.

  “Open your eyes, Serena. Look at me.”

  She opened her eyes. Brody held her gaze as he ran his hand slowly along her hip, tracing a line down her thigh before bringing his hand back up, his fingers now between her legs. Serena shivered with pleasure.

  “There’s nothing wrong with looking, and I like that you like what you see.” His hand stopped and she whimpered, her legs relaxing, falling open, inviting his further touch. He smiled and his fingers resumed their path.

  Within minutes he had Serena moaning as he stroked her slowly, his fingers teasing her, sliding inside, circling. She arched and twisted, seeking more contact, but he kept her on the edge. Each movement sent waves of heat through her until she thought she was going to explode.


  He’d pulled her close against his chest and now he looked down at her. He caught her in a kiss, his mouth hard on hers as his tongue probed and thrust, meeting hers, the intensity betraying his desire.

  Wordlessly he rose above Serena, pressing her legs apart with his knees. She offered no resistance, shifting beneath him, smiling in anticipation. He settled between her legs, just out of her reach as she squirmed and twisted.


  “Serena.” He caressed her face. “You’ve been thinking about me, haven’t you?”

  “Yes…oh God…I want…” She wrapped her legs around his waist, trying to pull him closer, aching to feel him inside her.

  “You want what?” His tone was light, teasing her, just as his fingers had. “You want this?”

  He flexed his hips, just enough to bring him into contact with her, stopping at the last moment. Her frustration mounted and her moan turned into a growl.

  “Tell me what you want, Serena. Say the words.”

  “I want you, Brody. Now, please…”

  “I want you too.” His claimed her mouth again as he slid into her, her moan of pleasure lost in his kiss.

  He was everything she wanted, her body singing beneath his, every sense alive. Her hands roamed over his back, the feel of his skin, the muscles tensing and relaxing as he moved above her. She drew a deep breath, inhaling his scent, letting it fill her mind.

  His hips pressed her to the bed, rhythm driving him into her body. Serena gave back as good as she got, rocking beneath him, meeting him stroke for stroke. Brody buried his head against her neck, his breath rasping against her skin. For an instant, she was swept away by the passion between them, the movement of their bodies together totally intoxicating.

  They shifted on the bed, moving together, Brody cradling Serena against his body. She lost track of time and space, where she ended and Brody began. It was heady and delicious, the heat and arousal rising as the passion between them increased.

  As it reached a fever pitch, Brody lifted his head, his eyes shining in the dim light, searching hers. “Serena…” It was part question, part demand.

  She nodded, lifting her hand and placing it on his cheek. “Yes, Brody…I’m ready.”

  With a sharp cry, Brody thrust harder, filling her completely, utterly. She let go, let her body take over and cried out beneath him, joining him as he climaxed. She shook in his arms, felt his body tremble in hers.

  They lay together in a tangle of arms and legs, their hearts pounding, breathing fast and hard. The last thing Serena was aware of was Brody brushing the hair away from her face, kissing her softly. Then she slid into sleep.

  * * *

  “I’ll be right back.” Serena slipped out of bed, padding barefoot to the door. Brody was lying on his back, eyes closed. She slipped out of his room, walking quickly down the hall. She’d never gotten back to her questions, hadn’t gotten any confirmation of his identity. The ruse of the animal attack only worked here. Back at the precinct, she’d need to have something more solid than her impression of Brody. Her feelings for him.

  With a guilty conscience, she pulled open a drawer on the roll-top desk. She hit pay dirt on the third drawer, finding a battered leather wallet. His driver’s license was inside and she slipped it out of the plastic sheath.

  “Shit.” Her notebook was in the car. She grabbed a pen, flipping open one of the many notebooks on the desk, searching for a blank page.

  “Are you lost? Do you need me to come get you?” Serena heard the springs on the bed creak, followed by footsteps on the hardwood, and she made a dive for her jeans, stuffing the license into the pocket before dropping them back on the floor. She took two quick steps to one of the floor-length windows that flanked the fireplace.

/>   “No, just looking at the lake. It’s beautiful out here, even in the dark.”

  Brody stood behind her, arms wrapped around her waist, chin resting on her shoulder. “It is. This is one of the prettiest places I’ve been in a long time.” He sighed, nuzzling the back of her neck, kissing a slow path from her nape to her ear, his breath like warm silk against her skin. “Come back to bed. Can you stay longer?”

  “I have work…”

  “Just for a little bit. I like you being in my bed. I like it very much.”

  She let him lead her back to his bedroom. And she let him take her again, let him take complete control of her. In the end, she arched hard against him, straining against his weight, and he thrust once more, hard into her, poised inside, his lips to her ear.

  “Let go, Serena. Let it happen.”

  And she did. Her body was suffused with such intense waves of pleasure she felt herself slide into blackness, echoes of pleasure rippling out to every limb. Brody’s cries as he rose above her caught her, held her, and brought her back. She opened her eyes to watch as his face, vulnerable and open, poised on the edge. Her hand rose to his face, caressing him, as his body tensed and she felt him let go, filling her again with his release before falling onto the bed next to her.

  It was late when Serena finally stepped out into the cold air, closer to dawn than she realized. Everything was silent, in only that way it can be in Wisconsin in the winter. Her breath rose in front of her face as she looked out across the lake.

  Brody’s hand touched her elbow and she turned away from the cold. He stood in the doorway, bare-chested and barefoot. He pulled her back against him and she felt the warmth of his chest beneath her bare hands. She turned her face up to him.

  “Don’t you ever get cold?”

  “Not with you in my arms. Besides, after what just happened…” he tilted his head toward the living room “…it’ll take me a while to cool down.”

  She reached up, planting a kiss on his lips. He pulled her closer, his lips on hers, the kiss deepening, the passion simmering just beneath the surface heating up again. One hand slid down her back, hand resting on her ass. His arousal was clearly evident and she ached to feel him again inside her. It took all her resolve to push away from him, breathing fast and shallow.

  “I have to go.”

  She climbed into the car and started the engine. When she looked up again, the door was closed. One by one the lights blinked out, leaving the building dark. She reached into her pocket, pulling out is his driver’s license, looking at his picture by the light of the dashboard. The guilt was like a knife through her heart and she quickly stuck the card back in her pocket. Even with the card was out of sight, the guilt remained.

  Home had never looked so good. Serena climbed the stairs to her room, shedding clothes along the way. What she wanted was a hot bath, but the bed was far more inviting. She pulled back the quilt and sheet and slid naked between the sheets. They were cool against her skin and she shivered slightly, pulling the blanket almost over her head. The scent of Brody on her skin surrounded her, filling her mind with images of him.

  She wanted to think about the case, plan what she was going to do in the morning. But she finally gave in, letting the images wash over her, replaying every touch between them, every move they’d made.

  Serena tossed and turned, fighting with the covers. It was a long time before she fell asleep, and when she did, her dreams were filled with handsome men, all with fangs, all intent on claiming her, on making her their own.

  Chapter Six

  The autopsy suites at the Medical Examiner’s office were in the lower level of the building, accessed either by taking the elevator from the first floor or through the dock area at the back of the building, where the morgue van unloaded bodies and where funeral home vehicles picked them up.

  She’d thought about calling Wes to tell him about Brody. But his words haunted her, his vow to put the bastard down. The bastard she’d slept with…again. She couldn’t do it, wouldn’t give him up.

  At the Medical Examiner’s office, she drove around, parking at the rear of the building. Serena preferred the back entrance; it was a quicker route to the room she wanted and saved time, but it took her past several autopsies in progress and the huge bank of wall freezers where bodies were kept. Mike always insisted on using the front door, taking the elevator and arriving at the suite via several long hallways and past offices with people rather than rooms with cadavers. He’d told her many times how he hated the ME’s office, the smells and sounds of autopsies. Seeing a body in the field didn’t bother him as much, but seeing one lying on a steel table under the bright fluorescent lights made his stomach do somersaults.

  Dr. Morgan saw her in the hall, exchanged a gruff greeting, and strode into the autopsy room, not bothering to wait for her reply. She sighed and started pulling on her gown, gloves, booties, and face mask, muttering under her breath about Mike’s tardiness.

  “I heard that.”

  Serena jerked around, dropping her mask. Mike grinned at her as he pulled on a gown.

  “You’re late.” She grabbed another mask, slipping the elastic over her head.

  “I know, but…” Mike reached for booties next, struggling to slip them over his shoes.

  “But what? Is it that you don’t want to be here? I know you don’t like autopsies.”

  Mike held up his hands, one still holding a paper shoe cover. “Whoa. Who pissed in your oatmeal this morning? It’s nothing like that at all.”

  Serena blew out an irritable breath. Sleep had been elusive, first Wes, and then Brody playing feature roles in her dreams. Unbidden, vivid images spiraled through her mind; Wes kissing her as they lay naked. And then lying on a bed in the throes of wild, shameless sex. But it was Brody’s face she saw above her, with a snarling mouth full of fangs, dripping blood on her naked breasts. She’d tried to scream, but he’d bent his head to her neck and the sound died in her throat. Then it was Wes rising above her, exultant as he brought them both to a screaming climax. She’d woken up shaky and exhausted with a strange empty feeling in the pit of her stomach. Mike being late wasn’t helping her mood any.

  “We should be in there.” Serena tugged her mask over her face, leaving Mike in the anteroom still pulling on his gloves as she pushed her way through the heavy swinging doors into the chilly air of the room.

  The body – Marcus Goudy, she reminded herself – was already on the stainless steel table, draped in a green sheet. Serena took her place away from the table, trying to stay out of Dr. Morgan’s way. He was notoriously grumpy in the morning, prone to snapping at those who impeded his progress.

  Mike entered the room, his face pale above the green face mask. He stood next to her, hands folded in front of him.

  “Listen, about earlier…” He leaned toward her, his voice low.

  “Not now. Later.”

  “If you two are interested, I’m ready to start.” Dr. Morgan’s gruff voice echoed through the room. Not waiting for an answer, he pulled the overhead microphone into place and turned on the recorder.

  “This is Dr. Chad Morgan, Chief Medical Examiner for Dane County. I’m assisted today by Dennis Porter and Leslie McCovey, both with the Medical Examiner’s office. Present also are Detectives Sparks and Daniels of the Madison Metro Police Department.” Morgan pulled back the green sheet with a flourish, revealing the ruined body of Marcus Goudy.

  “We have a white male, five foot eight inches, approximately one hundred eighty seven pounds, appears well-developed and well-nourished…”

  Movement at her side caught her attention and she glanced at Mike just in time to see him turn, face pale, as he bolted out of the swinging doors. Morgan looked up, his recitation interrupted.

  “Detective, are you going to lose your breakfast as well this morning?”

  The sound of Mike retching into one of the anteroom sinks was obvious. One of the technicians snickered and Serena shot him a warning look.

; “I’m fine. You can continue.”

  “How very kind of you to let me do my job.” Morgan glared at her over the top of his mask. He continued dictating in a methodical manner, going over the visual examination of the body, stating post-mortem changes. He began describing the injuries to the neck and chest and Serena took a step forward when she heard Morgan’s description include possible bite marks.

  “Can you tell what might have bitten him?” Serena peered at the neck wound. All she could see was a bloody mass of tissue, ragged edges, and something white that she guessed was Goudy’s windpipe.

  “I cannot. Although I can say whatever it was had an extraordinary amount of power in its jaws. Here…” Morgan pointed deep into the neck wound with a clamp, pulling out the white object and holding it up for Serena to see. “This was part of the cervical vertebrae.” He dropped it into a shiny steel basin with a tiny clatter of bone against metal.


  “Whatever did this had enough power to tear through the neck, sever the carotid arteries and jugular veins, and then crush the C3 and C4 vertebrae, hard enough to almost pulverize the bones.”

  Morgan peered at Serena, his eyes narrowed. “Whatever did this is clearly not human. But whether it’s a wolf or dog or a bear for that matter, I cannot say at this time. I’m not an expert in bite marks beyond the realm of normal. And this is far from normal, Detective Daniels. We’re not talking about a Great Dane or a German Shepherd here.”

  “I see. And you’ve…”

  Morgan impatiently waved the clamp in the air. “Yes, before you ask, we’ve taken impressions of the bite marks before he thawed out, and we’ll take more of anything we find in the bones. But again, my impression—my strong impression—is this was not done by a human. Beyond that, again, I cannot hazard a guess.”

  “Thanks, Dr. Morgan.”

  “And yes, I’ll send you a copy of the report as soon as I’m finished.” He glared at her over the body and Serena backed away.


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