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The Fallen (The Alexandra Denton Chronicles)

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by Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

  Semarias tilted his head as if listening to something I couldn‘t hear and then, met my eyes with a new knowledge shining in the depths of his. He stepped forward, standing in front of me. His eyes were piercing.

  “Listen to me. Do not be misled,” he said, reaching out and holding my cheeks so that I had no choice but to look at him. His eyes burned with determination to make me understand. A fear that I had never known lit in my chest. I had never witnessed Semarias act like this. Usually, he was nothing but calm. I swallowed as my eyes widened, taking in every word he spoke because I realized it was important. I realized that what he said, was probably a message from someone else.

  He frowned as darkness swirled within the depths of his eyes. It almost seemed as if he was about to cry, “He’s not just after you. He’s never been just after you. No matter what he said, do not ever believe that. It’s part of his deceit,” he said, gripping my cheeks almost roughly, “He’s after the rest of the Appointed too. He’s after all of mankind. You are not his favorite target. He is just trying to make you think that because you think it is all your fault. He also knows that you have always sacrificed yourself for the rest of the Appointed. He is counting on the fact that you will do it again. He is using that knowledge. Because of that, your past is your weakness. Remember, he’ll use all of your weaknesses against you. He knows them all. So, you will have to fight against yourselves too. Your weakness is your worry for the others. Because of that, there is one thing you will have to do that is different. You will have to quit being the sacrifice because this time, you will lose your life and so will the rest of the Appointed.”

  He released me suddenly and I blinked as I backed away still staring at him. My cheeks were still warm from his hands. I couldn’t speak and I was not sure if I should be horrified or not. I was positive that something had happened. It had seemed as if he were giving me a message from someone else. I frowned as I inhaled sharply understanding that the message would only come from one source.

  I frowned as I thought about everything. Finally, peace washed over me as I admitted the possibility that he had been giving me a message and that message could be directly from God. I swallowed as I replayed everything he had said in my mind before looking at him again.

  I blinked surprised to find all the anger which he had displayed before was gone, “Was that a message from you?”

  He shook his head and then, looked upward, “You can thank God for that one.”

  I nodded and then rubbed the tips of my fingers against my now throbbing head, “I guess I’ve given Lucifer and his demons amunition every time I‘ve placed myself in the sacrificial role,” I said, shaking my head at the guilt which washed through me as I uttered the words, “It was very stupid of me.”

  “No,” Samarias said with a sad but relieved smile, “It was very loving of you. You care about your family and friends more than yourself and it has worked in the past…but it won‘t anymore. Just like humans, angels and demons adjust the ways they do things by what has happened in the past.”

  “Well, my past is against me now” I said, feeling my heart drop into my stomach, “Every demon will expect me to put those I love before myself. Because of that, everyone is in even more danger. It is all my fault.”

  Samarias laughed but it was hard and brittle, “They were already in that amount of danger to begin with,” Then, his eyes hardened as he spoke more harshly to me than he ever had before, “Your past has nothing to do with it…neither does the present. So, quit taking the blame.”

  I blinked a bit hurt by his outburst without really knowing why. What he spoke was the truth. It had to be. When did angels lie?

  “So, what do I do now?” I asked in a small voice that I was sure he could barely hear. A tear fell down my cheek.

  “Don’t cry,” he said, softening his gaze and smiling as he reached out and touched the tear, capturing it on the end of his finger and bringing it up to where I could see it resting there, “These are more precious than gold or diamonds. Lucifer and the demons enjoy them because they should only be given to those you love and they should be happy. They turn them into pain and heartache. Don’t give them that enjoyment. Don’t give him your tears.”

  I nodded, “Okay,” I said, raising my chin though my lip still trembled as I spoke, “I can do that.”

  “Next, do what you’ve always done,” he said, raising his brows and then, taking my hand gently in his, “Protect your family and friends. Only this time, do it without trying to die for them. Be what God wanted you to be…one of the protectors of humankind…but not the only one. Let them help you.”

  I nodded a bit more confident, “I will protect them,” I said, pursing my lips. The next words tasted bad as I spoke them but only because of my own pride. Still, love for my family and friends trumped my ego, “But this time, I‘ll let them fight the whole fight standing right beside me.”

  “That‘s the way it‘s supposed to be. You were never supposed to do this alone,” He said, nodding his head as he released my hand, “Even fighting beside everyone, I know you’ll do well and you’ll never give up.”

  “You know me well,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  “Yes, I do,” he said, with a raised brow, “And because I know you, I will tell you when you aren‘t doing something you should. One of those things is something you hate to do. You still need to study.”

  I curled my lip in disgust, “I really don’t understand what dusty scrolls and books are going to teach me,” I said, frowning, “Especially, when I don’t understand half of the things they say.”

  He rolled his eyes,“You would be surprised what knowledge you will find in those dusty scrolls and books,” he said, raising a brow, “Even if you can only understand half of it. Sometimes, what you don’t understand now will come to light when you need it.”

  I sighed, “Anything else.”

  “Yes, have faith and trust that God chose the right people,” he said and then, laughed, “After all, you all have proven it over and over again.”

  I swallowed as I gazed into his eyes. Embarrassment blazed in my cheeks as I admitted, “But I’m still afraid,” I said, shifting and feeling more than inadequate. After all, I was one of God‘s Appointed. Shouldn‘t I be brave at all times?”

  “Being afraid doesn’t mean you aren’t brave,” he said and then, laughed, “It just means you aren’t stupid.”

  “I guess,” I said, yawning.

  He grinned and then, patted my head, “You need sleep,” he said, “I’ll make sure no one enters your dreams. Get some rest.”

  “Thank you for being there,” I said, feeling much better than when I had first stepped onto the deck.

  “I am always there…even when you can’t see me,” he said, grinning as I narrowed my eyes.

  “Stalker,” I said playfully as I turned toward the door, yawning again as I did.

  “Always,” he said, and then, he was gone. Still, I knew he was there and even after the danger of only an hour before, I felt safe…even if the safety wasn’t going to last because I knew a war had started and this war would be the most dangerous I or the rest of the Appointed would ever face.

  Chapter Two

  Dusty Books and Scrolls

  I knew it was wrong, especially after Semarias warned me that we all needed to face the demons together. Worse, I tried to convince myself that I was not going against that rule when I did not immediately tell any of the Appointed about the dream the night before. It was shameful to admit because I did not even tell the members I had seen before school started which was my boyfriend, Ky or my siblings.

  Still as shameful as it was, I could not make myself feel too guilty because I was still going to tell them. After all, I wasn‘t facing any demons alone. I just needed a little bit more time to gather information and make sure that when I told them, I had learned all that I could. The truth is I wanted to know what we faced so at least they could be comforted with knowledge. Besides, I was going to call one pers
on, who even though didn’t have a gift like ours, was still technically a member of the Appointed. He was our protector, Bastian which meant that he was our walking library. Once I talked to Bastian, we would decide what to do from there. That thought comforted me a little because at least I was not keeping him from doing his job.

  I sighed, realizing again that no matter what I told myself, I was stalling but I had already gone too far with the plan to wait to go back on it. Worse than that, was the admission that the problem before me was consuming. I had never dealt with anything so big. I was trying to fight my ego when I had to face the fact that for the first time ever, I knew I needed help. I could not face this by myself. After all, what could be a bigger problem than going up against Lucifer and his demons? Lucifer had to be the biggest bad guy ever or he would not be God’s worst enemy, right? I shivered as I tried to push the nervousness that thought caused away. Instead, I separated my emotions from the problem, making it easier for me to deal with as I entered my first period class.

  Unfortunately, I couldn’t think about my school work and that problem extended through out the first four periods of school. Instead, I couldn’t help but to compile a list in my head about what I knew about Lucifer. Sadly, I found that it was very little. I knew he was kicked out of Heaven. I was not sure if the angel who had cast him out was Michael or Gabriel and Lucifer had followers that became demons. Other than that, I didn’t know much. By the time, the bell rang for my free period, my head hurt. Worse, I had to admit that I needed the dusty scrolls and books that I had just professed didn’t teach me much. I’m sure that Semarias was giving me his I told you so look along with a smirk even if I couldn‘t see it.

  Fifth period was my free period and I walked into the school‘s library which was surprisingly large for such a small school and ducked into an aisle to call Bastian. Though he sounded confused, he promised that he would meet me within ten minutes. I agreed, knowing how punctual he was and walked to the computers to look up the reference books on the subject of Lucifer. I groaned when I found that there were only four. I found them quickly and took them to a secluded table near the science section. I was engrossed as I studied the book which told of the fall in detail when Bastian arrived. I looked up at him and forced a smile.

  “You’re studying?” He asked surprised but then, stopped just in front of the table when he was close enough to really see me.

  His pale brows drew together as soon as he gazed into my eyes. Immediately, I knew my smile had not convinced him that all was well. He narrowed his eyes as he raked his gaze over me, staring at me in silence. I sighed knowing better than to speak before he assessed my condition. So, I could only do the same thing he was doing to me which was study him back. I found that nothing had changed since the last time I saw him a few days before. He was still male model handsome with chin length blonde hair and blue eyes the color of the clearest bluest ocean. He was muscular and tall and was dressed in a tee-shirt and blue jeans. Honestly, I had always thought that he would look more at home on a beach or at a frat house than with his nose in a book but the truth was he was fluent in ten languages and he was a genius when it came to just about anything…especially History. He was as my best friend, Lynne would say, super smart. Of course, she would know. She had been dating him for at least six months.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, scanning my face again after assessing that I was not ill or had gone insane just because I was reading something other than a teen novel. Still, he frowned in concern and I winced because he had definitely realized that something was wrong. I sighed, realizing that I wouldn’t have been able to hide it. Somehow, Bastian had gained a bond with me that was as close as my brothers. He could tell when I was worried, upset or just plain melancholy. It wasn’t an annoying trait but sometimes, I wish he wasn’t so intuitive.

  “Not really,” I breathed, burying my face in my hands. It would do no good lying to him. Plus, Semarias would probably be upset with me if I did. I did not need that lecture.

  “Did you have a vision?“ He whispered, even though there was no one around. Most of the students were still in class. I peeked up at him and shook my head, wishing it had only been a vision. That would have been easier to handle.

  “No, but someone did visit me in a dream,” I said, frowning as I lowered my hands into my lap and clasped them together. I pursed my lips hesitating. I really wasn’t sure how he would react. I didn’t want to frighten him.

  He narrowed his eyes as he tried to hide the fear on his face, “A demon?’

  I winced, realizing that even if it scared him, I couldn‘t keep the identity of my visitor from him, “The cause of the demons,” I said, swallowing as my mouth suddenly dried. His eyes widened and he took a sharp inhale of breath.

  “Lucifer?” He asked as his face paled by uttering just his name.

  “Yes, Lucifer,” I said, a little too sharp. I immediately felt bad when I saw the look of horror on his face. Why was I being so short with him, when he was so afraid? I pasted a smile on my face and made a lame attempt of lightening the mood, “Really, he’s such a pleasant fellow. I believe he said my screams will be beautiful and erotic,” I said, looking into his eyes, watching as they widened further. I didn’t stop. Instead, I wrinkled my nose, “Is that his way of flirting? If so, how do I tell him I’m not interested? I wouldn‘t want to hurt his feelings.”

  Bastian dropped down in the seat across from me, appearing even paler than before. He scrubbed his hand down his face and then, his eyes met mine, “You’re joking around about something this serious?”

  I shrugged, understanding that the mood was far from being lighter and then, gave him a half smile, “It’s either that or go insane,” I said, raising my brows as I glanced up at him, “And I’ve already been there and done that. Another vacation at Running Rivers Mental Facility is not one I want to take again.”

  He nodded, obviously remembering my stay there after Jezebel made everyone think I was suicidal by slitting my wrist. He took a deep breath as some of the color returned to his cheeks. His eyes were pleading as he asked, “He really did visit you?”

  I rolled my eyes, “That’s why you are here,” I said, sighing as I realized he hoped I was joking. I couldn’t blame him. I wished I was too.

  “Have you told the others?” He asked, swallowing hard.

  I shook my head, experiencing a little twinge of guilt and shifted in my seat, “I thought it would be best to tell you first. You are our protector.”

  He inhaled and then, blew air out slowly as he thought, “Good choice,” he said and the twinge of guilt faded. He winced as he met my eyes, “Still, there is one problem.”

  I frowned, “What’s that?”

  He glanced away from me as if uncomfortable, “To help you, I’ll need you to do something,” he said and I frowned. It wasn’t like Bastian to need anything in return for knowledge.

  “What do I need to do?” I asked tilting my head as he blushed. I couldn’t understand his embarrassment.

  “I’ll need you to pretend to be a potential student of mine,” He said as his face reddened further.

  I frowned, “Okay,” I said, confused, “Why?”

  He shifted as he glanced around again. His face was the color of a well-ripened tomato. Finally, he met my eyes, “I am not as well versed in the subject of Lucifer’s fall as I should be,” He said, looking away from me again. His had put his hands together on the table and was grasping them so tightly that his knuckles were white. He cleared his thoat as he continued, “However, there is a sixteen year old student here named Brady Forester. He is an expert in the subject of Lucifer’s fall and the demon’s creation. He is going to school for Theology when he graduates. I am sure he will be an excellent minister. Still, I don’t think it would be a good idea to tell him about the Appointed. I don’t want to know how he would accept that. Let’s say you are doing a paper for me. This paper will decide whether you will be accepted as one of my students at the church.”

  “Wait,” I said, grinning as I finally caught the reason for his embarrassment, “Are you saying there is a sixteen year old that knows something you don’t?”

  He shrugged, uncomfortable,“Yes.”

  I watched as he shifted again and my heart squeezed. It really bothered him not to know every minute thing. I gave a little laugh and then, shook my head as I raised my head up to give him a smile.

  “Aw, Bastian,” I said, sympathetically, “Don’t be embarrassed. I’m just surprised. You are still the smartest person I know. Besides, you do realize you can’t possibly know everything?”

  He nodded as he sighed in relief, “Yes, I do realize the impossibility of that.”

  “Good. For once, we can learn something together. It will be something new,” I said, grinning and he nodded. I raised my brows as I asked the question, “So, how soon can we talk to Brady?”

  He pulled his cellphone out of his pant’s pocket and quickly, typed out a text. A moment later his phone buzzed. He looked at the message and then nodded. Finally, he relaxed as he met my eyes , “It’s his free period too. He can be here in five minutes.”

  “Are you saying he’s sixteen and a Senior?” I asked, suddenly realizing my I.Q.

  Bastian nodded, “Yes,” he said, laughing at my lost expression.

  I bit my lip and then, nodded, “Okay,” I whispered, pulling out a notebook. I might as well make myself look like a good student.


  Brady was a tall, African-American teenage boy. Unlike, Bastian his looks did fit the part of a scholar. He wore square rimless glasses over dark brown eyes which held more wisdom than a man four times his age. His skin was smooth and a beautiful shade of mocha. He was toned and had the type of cuteness that girls would still find attractive. He had an open kindness to his smile as he walked to our table.


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