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Adrift: Book Two of The Crashing Tides Duet

Page 23

by Ruby Rowe

  I kiss her lips. “No, I won’t.”

  Leaning over the side of the bed, she fishes around in her overnight bag and surprises me with a black velvet ring box.

  “Happy Birthday.”

  Smiling, I take it from her and open it. Inside is a silver band, and as soon as I remove it, I spot the black anchor etched into it.

  “Damn, thank you.”

  “The inside is engraved, as well.” I hold it closer and read the words Forever Yours, Sailor. “Do you like it?”

  Sliding it onto my finger, I cover her naked body with mine.

  “I love it.”

  “You’re my anchor, and the feelings you conveyed to me during the ceremony only solidified that this was the perfect gift for you. Your love’s unwavering, and when I’m losing hope, you smile and make me laugh to remind me of all life has to offer. I know you’ll always be my anchor through the storms.”

  Swallowing my emotions, I crash my lips to hers and claim her sultry mouth. There’s fire within us, a desperate yearning burning like the hottest coals. I nip at her lower lip and kiss the corners of her mouth.

  “You’re my anchor, too.”

  Her eyes, veiled by lust and love, stare at me earnestly.

  “If only on your birthday, I want you to believe I’m solely yours. Close your eyes and make a wish, and I promise to make it come true.”

  I capture her lips again and taste every speck of her sizzling mouth. I skim mine down her body, leaving kisses behind until I taste her pussy.

  Sailor’s dripping for me, her whimpers inviting me in, and as we lace our fingers together, I lap up her juices and lick her incessantly.

  I eat her pussy until her knuckles are white between mine and she’s bucking against my hungry mouth. I suck on the hood of her clit, holding her prisoner to the pleasure.

  “Jake, I’m already going to come.” Her eyes roll back, and she convulses. Sailor’s at my mercy as she rides out the ecstasy and waits for it to let her go. “That was…”

  “Fantastic is what that was,” I say. Moving up her body, I kiss her passionately. She loops her arms around my neck and caresses my tongue, tasting herself.

  It’s the hottest shit ever, and I can’t resist settling between her legs and thrusting right into her. Fuck, she’s so soaked around my cock, her pussy allowing me to slide right in.

  Pressing my head against her collarbone, I rock against her, savoring the feel of every tight stroke. She plays with my hair, and there’s nowhere I’d rather be.

  I sink even farther as she wraps her legs around my hips. “Damn, you feel so good,” I mutter before I lift my head to look at her.

  Like at the reception, the bedside lamp lights up her dark eyes enough for me to appreciate them. She’s so goddamn beautiful.

  Moaning, she tilts her head back, and I kiss down her throat as she clamps down on my cock. Repeatedly, she squeezes her muscles, her orgasm triggering mine, and we climax together.

  Holy shit…

  Lying on top of her scorching body, I study our tandem breaths and wonder how after meeting woman after woman, it was this one I couldn’t live without. I love her, and for tonight, her heart–body–and soul are mine to own.



  “You’ve been quiet since Sailor and I got home this morning,” Jake says, and it’s probably because I’ve been staring at the television for an hour, not saying a word to him.

  Sailor only said hi before she darted upstairs, seeming like she couldn’t get away from me fast enough. “Did Nicole come over?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “That means you told her. Is she going to talk to you again?”

  I exhale dramatically. “The detective in you gets real fucking old. She tore out of here, saying she needed to think. She’s pretty pissed at my timing, and I can’t blame her.”

  “Do you want to see her again?”

  Not taking my eyes off the television, I say, “Yeah, I do. A lot. Then, I saw Sailor come through that door this morning, and I felt like a total dickhead for seeing Nicole. I promised I’d never hurt Sailor again. This will crush her.”

  “The way she’s so emotional makes her seem weak, but you and I both know she’s not. Sailor’s strong, and even though it would hurt her, she would respect your honesty and decision. She wants you to be happy, bro, but after being abandoned years ago, she can’t be blindsided again. You have to keep her in the loop so she can prepare for the hurt.”

  “Fuck, I feel like I have no control over my life. Either choice is going to be the wrong one in some way.”

  “I bet Nicole will come around, and then you can sort this out. For now, focus on your health.”

  “Maybe. I need some fresh air. Could you open the sliding glass door to the terrace for me?”

  “Are you sure you can sit in one of those chairs?”

  “I won’t stay out there long, Nurse Jakey. Being cooped up in this place is driving me crazy.”

  Jake wasn’t happy when he got home and found out I had cancelled my nursing care for today. I swear, I’m putting an end to all that shit soon. I only agreed to it to appease my mother, but I needed a break today.

  Jake helps me out to the terrace, and since the weather’s nice, we leave the door open so I can get back inside easily.

  “I’m gonna go work out and check on Sailor,” he says. “She’s been acting strange this morning.”

  “Yeah, I noticed. Do you think she’s wondering about my time with Nicole?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll have my phone on me if you need anything.”

  “Thanks.” He leaves me alone, and I gaze out at Washington Park, wishing I could go for a run. I think about how Sailor hasn’t come downstairs. Even if we wanted things to go back to normal between us, I’m unsure we could make it happen.

  I pick up my phone to text her.

  Me: How was the wedding?

  Sailor: Great … magical…

  That wasn’t the response I expected from her since she doesn’t care for that crowd.

  Me: That’s cool. Are you OK today?

  Sailor: I have a lot on my mind.

  Me: Is it about me seeing Nicole yesterday?

  Sailor: That’s part of it. How did it go?

  Me: I told her how I felt, and she freaked out like I expected.

  Sailor: Did you come to any realizations?

  I stare at her question. Why did I open myself up for it?

  Me: Maybe we should talk about it face-to-face.

  Sailor: Not today.

  She’s hurting, and I’m an asshole. I lie my head back against the chair and let the sun beat down on me. I don’t want to go back inside to my depressing chair where I’ll eventually see the pain on Sailor’s face.


  “I’m going for a drive,” I say to Jake as he lowers his weights onto the rack of his weight bench.

  “Where to?”

  “I said I’m going for a drive.” I sigh. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound bitchy. I need some time to myself, but I’ll be back later.”

  He sits up, and the sweat sliding down his exquisite shoulders and biceps turns me on. I grimace.

  “What’s that look for?”

  “You’re too irresistible sometimes.”

  He quirks an eyebrow. “That sounds like a good thing for the both of us.” Grabbing my hips, he yanks me close. “Get sweaty with me. Then, we can shower together.”

  “I can’t. There’s something I need to do first.”

  “I must not be too irresistible then.” He should get a ticket every time he brandishes that boyish, heart-stirring grin. Maybe twenty dollars a pop and an additional five dollars when the dimples appear.

  “I’ll make it up to you. Promise.”

  “I’ll hold you to it.”

  “Don’t I know it.” I grin back at him before I lean over to kiss his salty mouth. “I’ll be back soon.”


bsp; I thought the unique relationship I’m in with the guys was going to be the boldest thing I ever did. This might have it beat. Purging a deep breath, I ring the doorbell. For some stupid reason, I begin counting, too, and it takes eight seconds for Nicole to answer the door.

  “Sailor. What are you doing here?” She covers her chest. “Is Elliott OK?”

  “Yes, he’s fine. Can I come in to talk for a minute?”

  “Sure.” She backs away, and her black yoga pants make her legs appear even thinner, which also makes them look longer. I didn’t think that was possible. At least her loose sweatshirt isn’t showing off her stellar rack.

  “Please excuse the way I look. I clean the house on Sundays.”

  “You’re always beautiful, and as you can see, I’m not put together today, either.”

  She tucks fallen strands of her messy updo behind her ear before she holds her hand out toward the hallway.

  “Thank you. Let’s go sit in the living room. Would you like anything to drink?”

  “No, thanks.” I look around her tidy space as I take a seat on her sofa.

  “What did you want to talk about? First, did Elliott give you my address?”

  “No.” I blush. “He never would’ve given it to me. It’s stalkerish, I know, but I found it online by way of your phone number. I really needed to see you.”

  She smirks. “OK. What’s up?”

  “I heard Elliott told you how he feels.”

  “He did, but it might be even stranger that you came here to talk about it.”

  “I can’t argue with you there. Look, please give Elliott a chance.”

  “If you want me to, it means you don’t mind. Why is that?”

  “I can’t be with him romantically anymore, and I think he feels the same about me.” The lump in my throat makes it near impossible to breathe. I look away before I say my next words for the first time.

  “I discovered I love Jake more. I’ve been questioning it for a while, but last night, I couldn’t avoid feeling it. I love Elliott, but I can no longer be in a relationship with both him and Jake.

  “Things began to change after he saw you again, especially once he found out he was sick and began spending more time with you. Jake and I started growing closer, too, since Elliott was shutting us out. A chain of events led us here, and I feel like it’s no one’s fault.” I look back at her. “But, it can’t be ignored any longer, either.”

  “That’s a lot to digest.”

  “Elliott fell back in love with me, but I think he always still loved you, too. He needed to work through his shit to realize it.”

  “What if I give him a chance and he changes his mind?”

  “I wouldn’t encourage you to see him if I thought he would.”

  “What if he’s only doing this because he suspects you’re going to leave him?”

  “He doesn’t know how I feel about Jake.”

  She gives a sympathetic smile. “He suspects it, Sailor. He does.”

  “Maybe, but what I’m sure of is neither of us wants to break the other’s heart.” As the tears well up in my eyes, I place a hand over my belly. “I know he and our baby are a package deal, but I couldn’t ask for a kinder woman to be around my child. Please, give Elliott a chance. I know you’re the one he wants.”


  “Babe, what’s wrong? I thought we had the best time at the wedding, and especially last night, but you’ve been distant all day,” I say as I lie next to Sailor in bed. “Are you regretting telling Elliott to spend time with Nicole?”

  Sailor shifts onto her side and props herself up on her elbow.

  “I went to her house today.”


  “To convince her to give Elliott a chance.”

  “That was a bold move and one I don’t understand.”

  “We’ve discussed this.”

  Lacing my hands behind my head, I stare up at the ceiling.

  “Please don’t get mad at what I’m about to say, but it seems like you’re trying to play matchmaker.” Sailor doesn’t reply, and the silence irritates me. I need answers. “I get that you want to know where Elliott stands, but what you’re doing feels like something else.”

  “I am trying to get Elliott and Nicole together.”

  I turn my head. “Explain.”

  “He loves her.”

  “You don’t know for sure, so why aren’t you fighting for him even a little bit?”

  “I can’t, OK? I can’t because I only want to be with you.”

  After gazing into her sincere eyes, I sit up in bed. She sits up, too, and as she presses her lips against my bare shoulder, I have a flashback to the day I discovered she had feelings for Elliott. We were sitting on my bed, and she was swearing she didn’t want anything to change between us.

  “Unless you mean that with every fiber of your being, take it back.” I shake my head. “I remember all the times I prayed like hell that you’d say those words to me, but hearing them now … while Elliott’s sick, makes me feel guilty as shit.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to complicate our lives further or hurt him.”

  Turning my body to face her, I cup her cheeks.

  “Sailor, I’m not going anywhere. You don’t have to say this because you’re worried about Elliott leaving. You’re not going to end up alone.”

  “I’m not saying it for that reason. I told you weeks ago I was feeling this way about you.” She palms my hands over her cheeks. “When you left after Christmas, it was as if you took all of me with you and left an empty shell. Elliott couldn’t fill it. He wasn’t enough, but if it had been the other way around, I believe you would’ve been.”

  “Fuck, Sailor.”

  “Yesterday wasn’t like any other day for us, either, and you know it. We both felt it, the indescribable connection between us. Then, the way we made love all night was different than any experience I’ve had with Elliott.

  “After that, I knew our love was stronger. I can’t deny it anymore, and if I’m honest, I think I’ve been nudging Elliott her direction ever since his biopsy because it would create an outcome that would prevent any of us from getting our hearts broken.”

  “What about Elliott? I don’t want to hurt him, especially while he’s sick, and I don’t want him thinking I orchestrated a way to make you mine.”

  Sailor pulls my hands down and stares into my eyes.

  “I’ll tell him everything soon, and I’ll make sure he knows we’re still going to be there throughout his recovery. A part of me will always love him, but my love for you is so much stronger.

  “Our future plays in my mind like a beautiful movie, and there’s only one hero. He’s the most honorable man I know and deserves to believe his wife loves him with her whole heart.”

  “Doll…” I push her back on the bed and claim her mouth. The adrenaline in my veins makes my heart thunder as I show her my appreciation.

  Her arms tug on my neck, and our need to be closer climbs with every breath. Even after I strip off our clothes and press my naked skin against hers, it’s not enough. I can never get enough of Sailor. It’s why she was always meant to be mine.



  I’m bored out of my mind as I lie in Jake’s room in my adjustable bed. Thankfully, March Madness has helped. I do love watching sports.

  There’s a tap on my door, so I say, “Come in.”

  It slowly creaks open, and then I see her … Nicole.

  “Hi,” she says. “Do you mind if I come in?”

  “Not at all.” I begin to push on the bed to sit up, but remembering it’ll hurt like a bitch, I use the remote instead, only confirming that I’m in the shape of an eighty-year-old man right now.

  “Jake and Sailor are watching a movie on the couch, so I figured it would be easier to see you in here.”

  “You can move those clothes off that chair or sit on the bed.” If I’d known she was coming over, I would’ve had Jake or Sai
lor pick up in here. It’s a mess since they brought down a bunch of my clothes from upstairs.

  I’m surprised when Nicole kicks off her shoes and climbs on the bed to sit next to me. I’m up higher since only my side is adjusted, but at least she’s close. To be funny, I hand her the remote. “Here, join me.”

  Giggling, she takes it from my hand. We’re soon at the same height, so I smile at her and wiggle my eyebrows.

  “What’s up? Are you seeing anyone? 'Cause I got a rockin’ bed just waiting for you.” I let out a sharp laugh. “It can’t get any sexier than this, right?”

  Covering her mouth, she laughs. “Yeah, don’t do that. You have little game right now, but you’re cute at least.”

  “I hope you’re not here to give me bad news. If so, that skit will be even more embarrassing.”

  “That depends. If you can recall at least five things about me only people I’m close to would know, I’ll spend time with you.”

  “Oh, I’ve got this.”

  “I see you haven’t lost your cocky attitude.” She plays with a long spiral curl hanging over her chest.

  “One, you play with your hair when you’re nervous.”

  Rolling her eyes, she lowers her hand to her lap.

  “That was an easy one.”

  “Two, your favorite ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough. Three, you won your county’s spelling bee in grade school. Let me think… Was it fourth grade?”

  “Fifth, but that’s pretty close.”

  “You wanted to be a professional actress after performing in high school plays, but your parents wouldn’t hear of it since you were incredibly smart. Instead, you ended up at Princeton.”

  “You’re impressing me now. One more.”

  “I’ll give you two since you thought the first one was so easy. You told me once that you had a low self-esteem as a kid. You thought you looked like an ostrich since you were tall and long-legged. If only that young girl had known she was going to turn into a gorgeous swan one day.”

  “All right. You might have game in this bed after all.”

  “Last, you still wear perfume that smells like rose petals. I’ve always liked it … a lot.”


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