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Tray's Sweetheart

Page 4

by Angela Franklin

  “I told you we didn’t need to talk.” She growled. “Now I have to see if I can find a cab or uber to get back home.”

  “You’re not leaving. There aren’t any cabs here, and uber is way too dangerous.” He glared at her.

  “You’re not the boss of me. You had no right to drag me here.” If it was possible Molly knew she would have steam coming out of her ears.

  “I had every right. I’m not letting you go.” Tray growled at her.

  “This is kidnapping you big brute.” She snarled at him.

  “And?” He questioned leaning closer to her.

  “It’s illegal. I could have you arrested.” Maybe that would scare him into letting her go.

  “Here’s my phone, be my guest.” Tray pulled it out of his pocket and held it out to her.

  “Dammit Tray.” She snapped.

  “God, you’re adorable.” Tray tossed his phone in a chair and reached for her.

  “No.” She jumped back away from him.

  “It’s time to make up, Sunshine.” Tray stalked toward her.

  “There’s nothing to make up. You need to apologize and take me home.” She kept backing away. She felt like an animal being hunted.

  “You are the one who tried to push me away. I only did what I had to to keep you.” Tray gave a very satisfied smile.

  “I am not a toy. You can’t keep me.” She yelped when her back hit the wall.

  “You’re mine and I keep what’s mine.” With a mischievous grin he pulled her close. “Got you.”

  “Tray…” She started, but he cut her off with a kiss.

  She tried to push away, but he growled and locked his arms around her. Maybe if she just stood there, he would get the hint and leave her alone. He pulled back a little and she thought she won. Tray bit her lip and she gasped, shocked he would do that. He took advantage and flicked his tongue against hers. How could she fight this? Against her will, her body started to melt into him. Within seconds she was kissing him back. Her anger disappeared under his kiss. He started to pull back and she whimpered.

  “That’s it, Sunshine. Give in to me.” Tray whispered kissing a trail to her ear.

  Her body wasn’t agreeing with her head. It tingled and burned with his touch. He gently bit her earlobe when he reached it and her legs buckled. Tray easily caught her and pulled her up so her feet were off the ground. She was over whelmed with all the new sensations running through her body. He began kissing her lips again and she locked her arms around him so she wouldn’t float away. Before she knew what was happening, she was being lowered onto something soft.

  “Breathe, Sunshine.” Tray whispered laying beside her. She opened her eyes and looked around.

  “How did we get here?” She whispered confused.

  “You already had us at the door.” He rubbed a hand across her stomach.

  “Huh?” She tried to push his hand away, but he laced their fingers and left them on her stomach.

  “When you tried to get away from me, you trapped yourself in the hall beside the bedroom door.”

  “I didn’t mean to. I shouldn’t be here. I need to go.” Molly tried to wiggle so she could get free.

  “You are exactly where you’re supposed to be. Relax, Sunshine.” He wrapped his arm all the way around her waist, then moved so that one of his legs was between hers.

  Molly had no idea how to get out of this. She was trapped. He began rubbing his nose up the side of her neck nuzzling the tender skin there. She but her lip to hold back the whimper that tried to break free. Her body began to relax, but she tried to fight it.

  “Let go. I won’t hurt you, Sunshine. Just relax.” Tray whispered in her ear, causing her to shiver.

  “I’m not ready for that. You should have left with Jessica.” It broke her heart to say it, but it was true.

  “All I want to do is hold you. I want nothing to do with that woman. I will wait till you are ready for more, but I won’t stop kissing and touching you. And one day, when you’re ready, I will put my baby inside you.” He smiled rubbing her stomach.

  “Tray.” She said shocked. “I don’t even know you.”

  “Of course, you do, but I said when you’re ready.” He reminded her, then kissed her lips softly. “Let’s get some rest. Are you comfortable enough to sleep in that, or do you want some boxers and a t-shirt?” Molly bit her lip, was this real? “I’ll get you some clothes and let you change.”

  He got up and rummaged in the dresser, then handed her some clothes. After he left, she got up to change. Was she really going to do this? The answer was yes since she didn’t see a way out of it. To her surprise the shirt was baggy on her everywhere, but the chest. The boxers were too tight, but the shirt hung down like a sleep shirt, so it should be fine, right? She quickly pulled the covers back and crawled in the bed. She had never shared a bed with anyone, if she stayed on her side, it should be fine. She didn’t move much in her sleep. Tray came in a minute later in only a pair of boxers. Molly couldn’t take her eyes off his chest. He grinned and she ducked her head. After he flipped off the light, he crawled in the other side of the bed.

  “Come here.” Tray growled and pulled her back against him.

  “Tray.” She yelped.

  “Much better.” He murmured by her ear as he wrapped his big body around hers. She stiffened unsure what to do. “Relax.”

  “I-I’ve never done this before.” She whispered self-conscious.

  “Me either.” He said kissing her cheek.

  “Pease don’t lie to me.” She pleaded. That was something she couldn’t deal with.

  “I’m not. I’m not a virgin, but I have never spent the night with a woman.” Tray promised. “Now, let’s get some rest. Good night, Sunshine.”

  To her surprise, she was asleep in no time. The feel of his big warm body lolled her to sleep.

  Chapter 4

  Tray woke up more content than he had ever been in his life. He had his woman wrapped in his arms where she had been all night. Unable to resist, he nuzzled his face against her neck. She whimpered and pushed back into him. He knew she was asleep, but he couldn’t resist the temptation to kiss the smooth column of her neck. This time she moaned and rocked her hips back, then she froze.

  “Morning, Sunshine.” He whispered still kissing her neck. She tried to wiggle forward, but he grabbed her waist and pulled her back tight against him.

  “But you’re…” She whispered softly.

  “That’s what you do to me.” He nipped her ear and she shuddered. “You feel so good in my arms.”

  “T-Tray.” She whimpered.

  “Right here, just relax.” He gently rocked against her and moaned.

  Tray could hardly believe it when she began to rock against him. He kept kissing her neck as his hand moved from her hip down her leg. Her skin was so soft against his hand. He ran his hand back up, gently pulling the shirt up as he went. When he reached the elastic of her panties he groaned.

  “You’re not wearing the boxers.” He growled.

  “They didn’t fit.” She never stopped her rocking motion.

  “You have to stop, Sunshine.” He locked his hand on her hip, stopping her movements.

  “Why?” She pleaded.

  “You are driving me crazy. I can’t take anymore or I will go off like a teenager.” He husked honestly.

  “You don’t want to… finish?” She whispered softly.

  “Not without you.” He kissed her cheek.

  “But it has to be uncomfortable.” She mumbled.

  “I’ll be fine, I just need a cold shower.” He promised pulling away.

  “It’s still early, go back to sleep.”

  “’Kay.” She sighed turning over.

  He stood and watched her as she wiggled into the spot he just left. She looked like an angel with her blond hair spread out over his pillow. It was difficult to walk away knowing she was laying there in his t-shirt and panties. He loved his job, but he would rather stay home with her. As he too
k a quick shower, he decided to make her breakfast before he had to go. She deserved breakfast in bed. He finished getting ready and dressed quickly. He was putting her breakfast on her plate when he saw her in the kitchen doorway.

  “You are supposed to be in bed.” He smiled at her.

  “I smelled food.” She shrugged.

  “Which I was going to bring you in bed.” Looking down he saw her thick creamy thighs on display. She was killing him and didn’t even know it.

  “You really don’t need to go to all that trouble.” She mumbled, looking down at her bare feet.

  “I love taking care of my girl.” He tipped her chin up and kissed her lips gently. “Come sit at the table and we’ll eat.”

  He almost swallowed his tongue when she moaned after taking a bite of the crispy bacon. His chest swelled with pride knowing he was taking care of her. They didn’t talk as they ate. She was too into her food, and he was too distracted by watching her eat.

  “I’ll be home a little after five.” He said as he rinsed the dishes and put them in the dish washer.

  “I’ll get dressed so you can take me home.” She said as she stood up.

  “No. You’re staying here.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

  “I can’t stay her, Tray.” She tried pushing him away.

  “Yes, you can. When I get off, we will go get your car and some of your stuff.” Tray said and kissed her before she could argue. “I’ll see you later, Sunshine.” He hurried to the door and left.

  “How’s your girl?” Jacob asked when he got to work. He wasn’t surprised everyone knew about her.

  “Good, but probably mad at me.” Tray grinned.

  “Why would she be mad?” Luke asked as he came up to them.

  “I left her stranded at my house today.” He was happy she would be there when he got home.

  “Idiot.” Jacob shook his head.

  “What? I told her we would go get her car and some of her stuff when I get off.” It was a solid plan.

  “You’re joking, right?” Luke pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “No. She kept trying to push me away. Now, she has to stay.” It made perfect since in Tray’s opinion.

  “The girls are going to kill you for this.” Jacob shook his head.

  “Why? I only did what I had to after that crazy girl ruined our date.” Tray was confused.

  “What crazy girl?” Luke asked. Tray explained about Jessica and watched the anger take over his friends faces.

  “Did you remember her?” Jacob asked him.

  “No. I gave her the same line we give anyone at a fire. ‘If you have any questions, feel free to give us a call.’ I don’t even remember talking to her.” He still didn’t understand why anyone would waste their time tracking him down.

  “You need to be careful, this girl sounds like trouble.” Luke warned him.

  “If she shows up again, I’ll go straight to Cameron and get a restraining order.” Tray promised.

  “Do you think she is dangerous?” Jacob asked him.

  “Only to my relationship with Molly. She said some very hurtful things to Molly, and I think Molly actually believed them all.” It was hard for him to believe she thought Jessica was right.

  “Well, all the girls have a tendency to think they aren’t good enough due to their size or weight. You can push through that is you try.” Luke told him.

  “Let’s get to work, the quicker it’s time to see our girls.” Jacob said then walked away.

  All Tray wanted was to get back home to Molly. He sent her a quick text telling her where the TV remote was, and for her to make herself at home. She didn’t text back, but he didn’t think she would. She was probably still ready to kill him. He would make it up to her tonight. He was going to make sure she knew how much he wanted her.


  It only took the door clicking closed behind Tray for her to snap out of her shock. The man had kidnapped her last night, and now he was holding her hostage! She hadn’t fought much this morning, but who would with the feel of his body tight against hers. Now that she had time to think about it, she was ashamed of the way she had moved against him. Could a virgin be a slut? If so, that’s what she was.

  Molly looked around, remembering he had left her stranded here. What was that man thinking? They barely knew each other, but he left her in his house. Then again, she did technically sleep over last night, what was wrong with her? How was she supposed to get out of this mess? She was always alone, and never caused any trouble. Less than twenty-four hours with Tray, and she had a very public confrontation with another woman, and she had slept in his bed with him. She looked down and noticed her still bare legs, so she went back to his room and put her jeans back on. The rumpled bed mocked her, with a huff she quickly made it up as if that would erase her time here.

  Her phone buzzed from her pocket. She pulled it out to find a message from Tray: remotes on the couch, make yourself at home. That irritated her worse, so she didn’t respond. Did he really expect her to sit and watch TV all day? What choice did she have? She could call Taylor, but what would she think of her for being here? Tray had been right last night about it not being safe to use Uber, but she was tempted to do it just for spite. With no other option she tidied up the house, then sat down to watch TV. Her phone rang at 11:30am and she pulled it out, to ready to kill him.

  “Hello.” She said without checking the caller ID.

  “Hey, you don’t sound very happy.” She pulled the phone away to see who it was and saw it was Taylor.

  “Sorry. Is there anything you need?” Molly felt horrible for answering the phone so rudely.

  “I heard your date didn’t go well, so I thought we could go to lunch and talk.” Taylor was so sweet.

  “I would love to, but I have no idea where I am, and I don’t have my car.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know where you are? Are you okay?” Molly felt bad for the worry in Taylor’s voice.

  “I’m fine. Tray kind of kidnapped me last night, then left me stranded at his house when he went to work.” It sounded stupid now that she said it out loud.

  “He did what?!” Taylor screeched.

  “It’s okay. Saying it out loud makes it sound worse than it is.” Molly felt bad for even saying it.

  “I know where you are, I will be there to get you in ten minutes.” Taylor hung up.

  Well crap, she didn’t want to make Taylor mad at Tray. He hadn’t done anything bad to her. Okay fine, maybe he had brought her here and left her against her will, but he hadn’t hurt her. Not even friends for twenty-four hours and she had already sucked Taylor into her drama. She never had drama before, how was she supposed to deal with this? She had just put her shirt on from yesterday when someone knocked on the door.

  “It’s Taylor.” Was called out after the knock, so she went to get it. “I can’t believe the nerve of that idiot. Did he really think this would work?” She rambled as she paced the living room.

  “Calm down, Taylor. Everything is okay.” Molly tried to sooth her.

  “It’s not okay, but it will be, let’s go.” Taylor grabbed her hand and pulled her to the door.

  “That doesn’t sound good. I can’t go. I don’t have a key to get back in.” She had really stirred the pot this time.

  “Don’t worry, you’re not coming back.” Taylor gave her an evil grin.

  “Excuse me?” This was going from bad to worse.

  “I’ll explain after we meet the girls.” Taylor pushed Molly out the door, then pulled it shut behind them.

  “I don’t want to intrude on your lunch with your friends, if you will just drop me off in town I can walk home.”

  “You’re not intruding. I called an emergency meeting. We are all meeting at Sweetastic’s to make a game plan.” Taylor started the car and left Tray’s house.

  Molly wasn’t ready to meet everyone. They really would hate her after the trouble she had already caused. The short ride was m
ade in silence. Molly didn’t know what to say to calm the situation. Taylor was ready to hang Tray up by his toes. He didn’t deserve her anger.

  “Are you alright?” The pregnant woman she met last night said as she hugged her when they walked in.

  “I’m fine, really.” Molly patted her back awkwardly.

  “That sorry snot devil. I want to go down there and beat the snot out of him.” A girl she hadn’t met snarled as she paced the bakery.

  “Geez, Lindy, you need to chill.” Chasity rolled her eyes. “You’re going to scare Molly.”

  “Sorry, Hun. These men just make me so mad.” Lindy huffed.

  “By the way, that’s Lindy. Lindy, this is Molly.” Taylor introduced them.

  “You are adorable. Tray is very lucky and so are we.” Lindy smiled.

  “Thanks, I think.” Molly mumbled not sure if it was a compliment or not.

  “You will get use to her. Come and have a seat. Did he even feed you today?” Chasity wrapped an arm around her shoulders and ushered her to a table.

  “Yes, he cooked for me before he went to work.” Molly bit her lip and looked at the table.

  “After he kidnapped you, he should have brought it to you in bed.” Lindy sat across from her.

  “H-he was going to, but I got up too early.” Molly felt her cheeks flame.

  “Doesn’t he only have one bed?” She heard Taylor ask. Molly had no idea so she kept her head down. “Did you make him sleep on the couch?”

  “Yeah right, have you met the men here? You know he wouldn’t let her sleep alone even if he had fifty beds.” Chasity laughed. Molly wanted to crawl under the table knowing what they must think.

  “Y’all back off, she is about to burst into flames with embarrassment.” The waitress came to her rescue.

  “We didn’t mean anything. The men around here are possessive of their women.” Taylor patted her shoulder.

  “Looks like we need to bring her out of her shell like we did you, Kara.” Lindy said. At least that reminded Molly what her name was.

  “We can do that, but Cameron helped the most.” Chasity pointed out.


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