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Blackout: A Romance Anthology

Page 94

by Stephanie St. Klaire

He grinned at me. “Yup.”

  “You’re not going to help me out, are you?”

  “Nope. This is just too much fun.” The elevator slowed, and he turned to me. “Have you ever seen a penthouse suite?”


  The car came to a stop. “Want to?” The door slid open and he held out his arm, gesturing me to step forward.

  I looked at him and stepped through. “You’re not a serial killer luring me to your room so you can chop me up, are you?”

  “That’s pretty descriptive,” he said with a chuckle, pulling his phone from his back pocket.

  “I watch way too much of the Investigation Discovery channel.”

  “Not a serial killer, but I have played one.” He tapped his screen, and the distinctive click of the lock echoed around the tile floor.

  Played one?

  His familiarity crashed into me. “Oh my God. You’re Reid Gallagher.”

  There was a sparkle in his eye as he turned the handle. “You were about to give me a complex.”

  I could do nothing but stare at him in shock. I’d run into Reid Gallagher without even trying. His hands had been on me.

  The door swung open, and music and the sounds of people talking flowed out of the opening.

  “Come on in.”

  I blinked at him, at his outstretched hand, then to the movement inside. “Really?”

  “Why not?” His brows knit together in confusion.

  “Because I’m a weird girl who tackled you in an elevator?” And I would throw myself at him again if given half the chance, even before I knew his celebrity status.

  “All the more reason.” There was a wolfish grin playing on his lips.

  “So your security knows what I look like to make sure I’m nowhere near you?”

  That made him laugh out loud, his head thrown back. His reaction got the attention of a guy walking by and he headed toward us, his brow cocked as he stared at me.

  “Reid, dude, what’s going on?” the guy asked as he eyed me.

  “This is my new friend…” he trailed off and looked to me for help.

  “Oh. Harper. My name’s Harper,” I said like an idiot. Then again, I was struck a bit stupid by my realization of who I was standing next to.

  “Harper, meet Kalvin.”

  “You’re making friends?” Kalvin asked, eyeing Reid. “I thought you were just riding down with Tre.”

  “We just bumped into each other,” Reid said, giving me a wink.

  Bump was a bit of an understatement, but it was nice that he didn’t paint me as a fanatic who accosted him.

  He nodded. “Cool. Come on in, girly. Let’s take a look at our new friend.”

  “Our?” I asked, glancing at Reid.

  “Any friend of Reid’s is a friend of his crew.”

  I followed Reid in, and I glanced around in awe at the space. The memory of only seeing three doors flashed in my mind.

  Holy shit, it was huge. Easily ten-foot ceilings, wide-open living room, full kitchen, even its own bar that looked fully stocked. The floor-to-ceiling windows let in a ton of light from the afternoon sun.

  Kalvin gave some introductions. “That there is Lou, and in the blue is Anthony. That fine thing over there is Kiki.” He pointed to a stylish brunette who was talking to the only other woman in the room besides me.

  “Kimber,” Reid corrected.

  “It’s Kiki, get over it.”

  “Mom named her Kimber.”

  “Oh, you want to get into what your mom named you two, do you?”

  Reid’s eyes widened, and he threw his hands up. “I yield, but don’t expect me to call her that.”

  “Whatever.” Kalvin waved him off. “So, before Reid interrupted me, that’s my girl Kiki. As you may have figured out, she’s Reid’s baby sister.”

  Kalvin went over a few more names of the near dozen other people, but the only one I remembered besides his was Kiki.

  “I’m hearing my name an awful lot over here,” Kiki said as she slipped her arm around Kalvin’s waist.

  “Hey, baby.” He leaned down and kissed her lips.

  By the non-reaction from her brother, I gathered they’d been together for a long time.

  “I was just showing Reid’s new friend the crew.”

  She blinked at me, then looked to Reid. “New friend? You made a friend? You left ten minutes ago.”

  Reid shrugged and pointed to himself. “Chick magnet. I drew her to me like she was made of metal. Couldn’t resist me.”

  “That’s how it went down, huh?” I asked with a roll of my eyes and a knock of my elbow.


  Kiki pursed her lips, not a hint of the amusement we shared in her expression. “So, no offense,” she sneered and held up her hand to me, which I found more offensive than her words, “you picked up some random chick from the lobby and decided you were friends on the ride up?”

  “Why is this an issue?” Reid asked, tone changing, friction tensing the air around us.

  “Because you don’t make friends that fast.”

  Reid shrugged and smiled at her, but it was forced. “There’s a first time for everything.”

  Kiki looked between us. “Be careful with him,” she warned before stomping away. Kalvin gave a shrug and went after her.

  It confused me, especially since I’d known him a whopping fifteen minutes, if that long, but I supposed due to the nature of his stardom, it was to be expected.

  “Come on, sit with me,” Reid said, his hand sliding into mine.

  I drew in a sharp breath at his touch, an electric bite sinking into my skin and spreading through me from the spot. Reid’s gaze shot down to our hands. Had the spark been that strong in the elevator?

  His grip tightened as he led us across the large room, away from the crowd.

  The large open space had two sitting areas separated by a fireplace that was a small barrier between the two. The fireplace could be seen from both sides, creating a window into the other space. Definitely large enough to see Kiki eyeing me. There was a couch with two cushions and we each took one, our hands reluctantly separating.

  The whole situation was surreal. What in the world was I doing? I couldn’t understand why he had me stay, but I was happy.

  Seconds ticked by as we looked at each other, then looked away, both seeming to search for something to break the awkwardness that surrounded us since he took my hand.

  “What brings you to Vegas?” I asked, then suddenly began backpedaling, because he was Reid Gallagher and he could go wherever the hell he wanted and he didn’t owe me any explanation. Basically, I freaked out, suddenly very self-conscious about the whole situation. “Not that something needs to bring you. You can go anytime you want.”

  He chuckled at my awkwardness. “I’m filming a new movie here.”

  “In this hotel?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. I can’t tell you the title, or really much about it, but I can tell you it’s got a lot of action.”

  “Is that why all the extra muscles?”

  “You noticed,” he said as he flexed.

  “Yeah, well, they’re kinda out there and huge, and I don’t remember you looking quite so buff in Tremble, and there were a lot of shirtless scenes. So, yeah, I noticed.”

  His head fell back in laughter. “I’m beginning to think maybe you weren’t so innocent in your accosting.”

  “Total innocence.”

  “Maybe. So, what’s your story?” he asked. “Where are you from? Is throwing yourself at unsuspecting men a hobby?”

  I slapped my hands over my face, hiding my eyes. “Don’t say it like that. Oh my God.”

  “You did throw yourself at me.”

  “That was an accident. I threw myself through the opening. Not my fault you were in the way.”

  He leaned back, his brow cocked. “In the way? Oh, wow.”

  “Like a brick wall,” I said with a nod, then slapped my hands together. “Stopped me dead in my tracks.”
br />   “It was my animal magnetism. You can admit it, it’s all right.”

  I shook my head, unable to knock the smile from my face. Funny and charming and hot and—he had one too many of my favorite characteristics in a man.

  “To finish answering your questions, I’m from Ohio. Cincinnati area.”

  He angled himself toward me. “Wait, you’re from Cincinnati?”

  “Suburbs. Mason, to be exact. Why?”

  He smiled. “I’m from Loveland.”

  My mouth popped open. “You’re kidding me.”

  He shook his head. “We moved out here when I was fifteen, but before that, I was a Tiger.”

  “And my sworn enemy.”

  “You Comets always acting like the world is going to end.”

  “Oooh!” I leaned back, eyes wide.

  A huge grin spread on his face. “Yeah, you see what I just did there.”

  “Technically, that’s an asteroid,” I said, bursting his bubble.

  His expression fell, and he gave me a teasing glare. “Don’t get all technical. Just bask in my wordplay.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Wow. Small world.”


  Without warning, I let out a loud yawn, unable to stop it.

  “Am I boring you?” he asked.

  I shook my head, trying to indicate adamantly that it was in no way him. “No, sorry. The time difference is catching up to me and I am in desperate need of some caffeine.”

  “Any preference on the caffeine?”

  “As long as it’s not horrible, I suppose not. Why?”

  He signaled over to Kiki. “Hey, Kimber, are there still some Rockstar cans over there?”

  She moved over to the kitchen and pulled open the fridge. “Yeah, you’ve got a bunch.”

  “Be a lamb.”

  She shook her head. “Shithead,” she cursed as she grabbed a can and brought it over, handing it to Reid.

  “Thanks,” he said before passing it over to me.

  “Thank you,” I said to Kiki. She stared at me for a moment before her lips curled up into a smile.

  “Oh, she likes you,” Reid said with a smirk, earning a glare from Kiki before she walked back over to Kalvin. He leaned in once she was gone. “She’s a tough one, so it’s a big deal to get a smile.”

  I popped open the can and greedily gulped the liquid down. “Does your crew stay here as well?” I asked, peeking through the glass of the fireplace to see his family and friends talking, some laughing, but still watching us from the corner of their eyes. They were curious, not that I blamed them. I was a nobody. A stranger he found in the hotel’s elevator and brought up to hang out.

  “No, all me. They just visit,” Reid said, pulling my attention back to him. He was shaking his head, an amused smile curling up at the edge of his lips.

  Lips that I found myself continuously drawn to.

  He had to be a great kisser.

  “All this for yourself, then?”

  It was a lame question, but it seemed odd to me. He rose a brow, an action that once again showcased his storm-cloud eyes. “I need my alone time just like anyone else.”

  “But if there are always people here…”

  “They’re not usually all here, but I’m not shooting today, so we’re relaxing. At least for a little while. I have to work out and go over some things for tomorrow.”

  My heart beat wildly in my chest, and that was when I noticed he’d shifted closer.

  No, not just him. Me, too. I was inches from where I’d been, one thigh resting in the crack between the cushions, which tilted me even closer. His hand sat on the small fabric that showed between my thigh and his.

  Far enough to be decent, but close enough that if he shifted, his pinky would graze my skin.

  I couldn’t decide if it had been so long since I’d felt an attraction to anyone that my reaction to him was hitting me hard, or if the pull I felt was just that overpowering.

  “Sorry, I’m just fascinated by all this.” I shrugged sheepishly, wanting to know everything, halfway hoping he’d invite me to watch him work out.

  “What do you do?” he asked, continuing on with our getting to know you.

  “Nothing as fantastic as this.” I waved a hand around. “I’m a physical therapist.”

  “Really? That’s still awesome.” His facial expression held a mixture of surprise and... intrigue?

  “Maybe she can help you massage out that issue you’re having,” some guy said with a laugh from the other side of the room, grabbing his junk.

  No one else laughed.

  Reid tensed beside me, muscles coiled tight as the hand next to my thigh clenched. His gaze narrowed on him. “Out.”

  The guy held out his arms. “What? Why?”

  “Reid said out,” Kalvin said as he pointed toward the door.

  “This is bullshit.” The guy glared around the room, probably hoping someone would take his side, before throwing his can down and stomping out. He made sure to slam the door extra hard on his way out.

  My gaze shot from the door to Reid. “What was that all about?”

  “A little ribbing and vulgarity.”

  “Oh. Massage…” The guy was talking about Reid’s—oh my God.

  My face flamed red hot as mortification settled in.

  Wrong moment to be slow on the uptake. Then again, I was still enamored by the man inches from me. He was quite distracting.

  “One problem with having a crew is they know pretty much everything about your life. Including the personal shit. Now, back to you. Physical therapy, huh?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. I work in sports therapy and rehabilitation.”

  “Like injured athletes?” he asked.

  “Exactly. From kids to pros.”

  “Pros?” There was something in his tone that I couldn’t identify.

  “Oh, yeah. I’ve got this major league pain in my ass. He actually demanded I fly back for his normal therapy days.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Seriously?”

  “He tried to say he’d pay for the flights, and when I refused, he went off with ‘What the fuck do I pay you for?’ to which I reminded him that he didn’t pay me, his insurance company and the ball club did.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” Reid seemed genuinely outraged on my behalf.

  “Yeah, there are some entitled assholes out there. I work with you, not for you. There’s a big difference, and if you treat me shitty, I’ll kick you out as my client.”

  “Good. I wouldn’t be shitty. I’d be the model client.”

  I gave him a quick look up and down. “Uh huh.”


  “You know, I was promised a tour of this penthouse suite,” I said. It was getting a little weird to have half a dozen people staring in our general direction.

  “Did I say tour?”

  “Well, you asked me if I’d ever seen a penthouse suite, which indicated an offering for me to see it, and I don’t think this area is all there is to see.”

  “Hmm, you’re right. What was I thinking?”

  “I’ve been wondering that for a while, but I wasn’t going to say anything.”

  He stood and held his hand out. “Come on.”

  I slipped my hand in his and he gave a yank, pulling me to my feet. Besides the two living areas, there was also a full-sized kitchen, exquisite dining room, full bar that looked like it belonged in the lobby, an entry, and a lot of space not even my house could measure up to.

  There were two good-sized bedrooms, then back across the space, near where we’d been sitting, was the master.

  “Wow, this room is huge,” I said as I looked around the bedroom and into the adjoining bathroom. “I think it’s bigger than our whole room.” The bed was larger than a normal king size. It looked soft and fluffy like a cloud, and I couldn’t stop myself from running and throwing myself down on it to test it out.

  When I landed, I could hear Reid laugh as I sank into the plush mattress

  “Heaven,” I sighed as I relaxed into the bed, a smile playing on my lips.

  “That is a heavenly view,” Reid said.

  I turned to look at him, and when our eyes met, a shiver ran through me. I froze, unable to move, unable to comprehend the charge in the air.

  It was then I realized I’d just thrown myself onto the man’s bed, ass up. Embarrassment flooded through me, heat filling my cheeks.

  “Sorry,” I said as I slid off.

  He held out his hand and pulled me to my feet, then right into his chest. The muted voices of his crew in the other rooms disappeared entirely as we stood there.

  “Nothing to be sorry about.” His voice was low, and an electric spark exploded on my skin from each point of our contact.

  What was going on?

  It almost felt like energy crackling between us with an intensity I’d never experienced before. The air was heavy, and everything seemed to fall away except the man in front of me.

  His mouth opened to say something when my phone chimed, breaking the thickness of the tension that rose between us.

  “Sorry,” I said as I pulled my phone from my back pocket.

  Where are you? - Sarah

  My eyes popped wide as I stared down. It was like a bucket of ice water had been thrown on my head, and I pulled away from him.

  “Oh my God, I’m sorry. I’m supposed to be somewhere,” I said.

  “I think that place is right here,” Reid said, his hand taking hold of mine.

  “No, really. Sarah is downstairs and we have…things. We were headed to food and booze at the Seaside bar in the casino when you distracted me.”

  “Distracted you? No, you distracted me. You ran into me, remember?” he said with that panty-dropping smirk that tried to entice me to ditch Sarah to stay with those lips of his.

  I pulled on his hand, directing him out of the dangerous bedroom and to the door. “Thanks for catching me, by the way.”

  I paid no attention to anyone else but him as he smiled at me and held the door.

  “Anytime. Can I see you again?” he asked, as he walked with me to the elevator.

  The door opened, and I stepped on. “Yes!”

  The doors slid closed and I fell back against the wall, my hands covering my face as I let out a scream.

  What just happened?



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