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Page 7

by Ahren Sanders

  “It’s all good,” I whisper for only him to hear.

  “Presley,” my dad’s deep voice startles me, and I turn to see him and Johnny coming our way.

  Following them is a group of people I don’t recognize except for Ember and Robbie. I stiffen and try to move away, but Finn doesn’t let me budge.

  “Looks like we can get this out of the way all at once.”

  “Do you know them?”

  “That’s the Hayes and my parents with them.”

  My chest tightens and stomach lurches. Once again, I try unsuccessfully to move.

  “Stop trying to get away.” Finn’s voice is smooth and calm, completely opposite of the way I’m feeling.

  Reese watches in amusement, giggling until she starts to shake. I give her an evil glare, which only makes her louder.

  Dad reaches us first but only a second before the rest of the crowd. He eyes my closeness with Finn and fights a grin. Then Johnny steps up, giving me a kiss on the cheek, and pats Finn on the back in greeting.

  My eyes grow wide with confusion. The two times he met Russell, he was gruff and bored, most of the time less than welcoming. But with Finn, he’s friendly? I don’t have time to internalize because a stunning couple, who are no doubt Finn’s parents, step into our view.

  I freeze. My lungs stop working, and I squeeze hard on his waist to find air. I’ve never had a ‘meet the parents’ moment. He feels me tense, runs his free hand up my arm, and gently guides my face to him.

  “Breathe,” he says calmly.

  When I don’t, he turns us away and wraps me in a hug, forcing me to suck in a deep breath and inhale him. I immediately sink into his arms and take a few deep breaths. He chuckles in my hair and kisses my scalp.

  Then the humiliation hits! I’m such an idiot!

  I crush into him and twist us both to face what seems like a hundred faces.

  “Hi,” I squeak, focusing on the woman standing before me with a glimmer in her eyes, which are the exact same shade of blue as Finn’s.

  She looks between the two of us with appreciation and steps close. Her hand goes to mine, which she grasps gently.

  “I’m Evelyn Black.”

  “Hi, I’m Presley Chambers.”

  “I know. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Finn hisses behind me, “Really, Ember?”

  My eyes fly to Ember, who has blotches forming on her chest and neck. She opens her mouth, but Evelyn speaks first, ignoring Finn’s comment.

  “Presley, this is my husband, Tim.”

  Finn’s dad steps to me and gives Finn an approving look while shaking my hand. The next few seconds are a blur as I meet Jenna and James Hayes and learn my family was already introduced.

  I’m still solid against Finn when I hear a crackling then a muted male voice in his earpiece.

  “Shit, we gotta head to the unloading dock,” he tells Robbie. “There’s an unscheduled delivery, and the event planner is wrapped up with the catering manager.”

  In a rush, he runs his lips over my temple again, places me next to my dad, and gives a chin jerk. Then he’s gone, Robbie on his heels.

  Instantly, I miss the warmth of his body, but smile widely and link my arm through my dad’s. “You look dapper, Dad.”

  He rolls his eyes, and the group laughs.

  “You’ll learn my little girl has a knack for strange words,” he tells the crowd.

  “Dapper is hardly a vernacular faux pas.”

  This earns a strangled giggle from Ember, who hangs her head.

  “Of course not, sweetie. Let’s go mingle a bit then find the bar.” Dad pats my hands and motions for Johnny and Reese to come along.

  “Jeff, we’d love it if you guys would join our table,” Evelyn states hopefully.

  He looks at me questioningly, and I give an approving nod.

  “Evelyn, we’d love to. Give us a bit and we’ll find you.”

  She shifts to Tim’s side and waves as we walk into the large ballroom. Once we’re far enough away, Dad stops, spins to me, and Johnny joins him at my side. He waves down the passing waiter and hands each of us a glass of wine.

  “We approve,” is all he says as he clinks his glass to mine before taking a sip.

  “I do, too,” Reese agrees and lifts her glass to her mouth. “Time to get out of safety territory. This guy is not in the safety universe.”

  “Don’t get ahead of yourselves.” I ignore her last statement.

  “I saw it. Hell, anyone in a fifty-yard radius saw it. He’s into you, completely into you, and not in an ‘I want to hook up’ way.” Johnny turns serious. “It’s still early, but from what I can tell, he’s solid. Good job, good friends, parents seems stable. I’m on board.”

  “Me too. His eyes started to catch fire when he saw you walk in. I felt the heat across the room. He almost combusted waiting for you to get through security,” Reese points out.

  And there it is… true approval from my family.

  “I like him,” I admit. “But we’ve had one date, and it included a four-year old.”

  Reese starts waving her hands. “And he put up with dipwad-ex Russell. Don’t screw this up by crawling in your head. He’s into you!”

  At the mention of my ex, Johnny stiffens and Dad coughs.

  “What?” Dad eyes me worriedly.

  “No problem, Dad.” I explain what happened Wednesday night and how Russell finally left, uncomfortably.

  “Good riddance. He was a tool,” Johnny says under his breath then lifts his hands to the air.

  I follow his gaze and see Jenna and Evelyn motioning us to their large table, and my nerves start to fray. I can’t believe I’m about to have dinner with his parents. And he’s not even around!

  Dad links his arm back through mine, and I let him lead me to the table. I look around for Finn but don’t find him anywhere. Instead, I see a bunch of guys in tuxes hovered in a corner, smiling at me warmly. One of them is the guy from the limo, who winks.

  Suddenly, I’m flushed. I’m definitely in the hot seat tonight.

  Chapter 8


  The scent of her perfume assaults me when I tilt my head to my shoulder and remove my ear bud, the exact place Presley laid her head tonight. The feeling of her tucked against me was so right, so normal.

  The minute Tony texted me they had arrived, I made my way to the doors to see her and had to grip the wall when she exited the limo. Every part of her shined: the dress, the shoes, and the way her hair fell down in curly waves. I watched the three girls pose for a picture, and then Robbie bolted by me to get to Ember. I fought every instinct to follow him, but stayed back, trying to calm my nerves.

  When our eyes met, all bets were off. There was a clawing urgency to be near her. The moment she was close enough, I tugged her to me, not able to wait any more. The small taste of her lips still lingers, leaving me craving for more.

  Robbie pats me on the shoulder, letting me know we’re off for the night. The other guys have it taken care of. I follow him to the main dining room and stop when I see her. Presley is at one end of the table, motioning wildly, laughing loudly, and her lips are moving at warp speed. Mom, Jenna, Ember, and Reese are cackling.

  The other end of the table is all the men, also smiling at her animated show. Dad looks at me briefly, gives me a chin jerk, and focuses back to the conversation.

  I make a split-second decision that will put me in the spotlight. I could go the end of the table and join the guys, but my eyes are zoned in on Presley. As I approach, Robbie chuckles behind me, guessing my destination.

  Presley gives a loud screech and raises her hands in the air, tears running down her cheeks, and I move to her quickly.

  “What’s the comedy show?” I pull up a chair, getting as close to her as possible.

  She looks at me with her eyes dancing in humor. “I was almost a ‘Donnie and Marie’.” She giggles and the whole table erupts

  “Again, what?”

  Johnny gets out of his seat and comes to her other side. He mimics her earlier animated style, using dramatic hand movements to detail his story.

  “Our mom loved musicians, enough that she thought her children should carry their names. I am the great Johnny Cash!” He pauses, and Presley claps lightly then lays a hand on his waist.

  “Maybe Dad should tell the last bit.” She jerks her head at Jeff.

  “By all means, carry on. I can’t compete with this show.” He waves for Johnny to continue.

  “But then the story gets weird.” He speaks to the group in a hushed tone, and Presley leans into me. I take the opportunity to tuck her close, wishing I could lift her onto my lap.

  Johnny looks between his father and Presley and gives a salute with his beer. “Simon was named after Paul Simon, who is a legend. He was the lucky one because Mom’s next grand plan was terrible. She and Dad had a deal—she named the boys and he the girls. When she found out I was a boy, she was convinced her third and final child would be a girl. That’s where the insane idea was born. She begged Dad to go along with the names Donnie and Marie. I am only Johnny because he stepped in, thank God.

  “The way Mom told it, she used every trick in the book, but Dad refused to go along with her plan. His logic was that there was no guarantee they’d have a girl, and if they did, he couldn’t live with them being Donnie and Marie.”

  “Oh, the shame,” Presley adds her own bit of commentary, which draws another round of laughter.

  “My Lydia loved her music. There’s no doubt about it. She was so full of life, so compassionate, so incredibly beautiful on the inside and out. I consider myself a fortunate man that she passed along those traits to our kids.” Jeff eyes Presley and Johnny lovingly. “The twenty-two years we had, I was a lucky son of a bitch.”

  The table goes quiet, and the unanswered question lingers in the air. Presley takes her glass of wine and sips before speaking. “We lost Mom to heart disease ten years ago. But we keep her alive every chance we get by sharing memories.”

  “I think that’s wonderful.” My mom’s eyes glisten as she looks between the Chambers family.

  “One thing Lydia insisted is that her children learn a musical instrument. None of us can sing worth a damn, but she let them choose and nurtured the process. Her patience was resilient.” Jeff winks at Presley.

  “He’s being coy, but truthful. I fought the musical talent thing tooth and nail. Simon played the guitar because he said it was cool. Johnny picked up the piano and keyboard because he’s a natural. But me, well, I decided on the violin, which was brutal. I think back to my practice sessions and remember cats crying… God, I was awful!” Presley giggles. “But, eventually, it worked out.”

  “You play the violin?” My dad’s eyes grow wide. “That’s pretty impressive.”

  “Oh my gosh, Tim, she’s incredibly talented!” Ember gushes. “She and Johnny played an unbelievable tribute at Simon’s service. I was blown away.”

  “Thank you,” Presley shyly accepts the compliment.

  “Our son-in-law is a musician, and I’ve always been proud of his talent. But I agree with Ember, when you two played at the funeral, it was inspiring and beautiful,” Jenna tells them both with a kind smile.

  “I agree,” I whisper in Presley’s ear, and she trembles slightly.

  “Thanks.” She grins and leans in, brushing her own lips across my cheek.

  I start to pull her closer, but her brother clears his throat and lays a hand on her shoulder. She looks up at him with a flash of annoyance.

  “Band’s starting the second set.” He motions to the stage. “You owe me a dance.”

  Right on cue, the music starts, and I nod encouragingly, standing to help her up. The minute they are out of earshot, there’s a series of loud chuckles and rumbling. Every eye is focused on me.

  “What?” I act nonchalant, sitting back down.

  “She’s charming, Finn, and such a lady.” My mom’s eyes shine.

  “Told you, Evelyn,” Ember beams.

  “I can see it, completely,” Jenna agrees.

  “See what?” I feign ignorance, but know exactly what they are referring to. I’ve never shown any type of affection or attraction in front of my family and friends. I’m not a dick, but there’s never been anyone special in my life, until now.

  “I’d be careful to let her out of your sight,” Dad warns me.

  Jeff drops his head, doing a poor job of hiding his smile.

  “I can’t count the number of eyes on her right now, including the Wilkes brothers. All three of them.” Robbie tips his beer, prodding me.

  A low rumble escapes my throat, and I start to survey the room. Robbie wasn’t lying; eyes all over the room are focused on Presley dancing with her brother. A hand on my shoulder shakes me out of the evil glare I’m channeling toward the three Wilkes brothers.

  “Son, you want to come with me to the bar?” Jeff asks, still amused.

  “Sure.” I follow his lead.

  Once he’s ordered us both a whiskey, he turns to me and gives a slight touch of the glass. “She’s a special woman and the light of my life. I loved my wife fiercely, but when they laid Presley in my arms, moments after her birth, my life took on a new purpose. Lydia always used to say my heart beat to a new rhythm after Presley was born.”

  “She’s an incredible person.” I sip on the whiskey, wondering where he’s going with this.

  “Her heart is so full of love and loyalty.”

  “I’ve noticed.”

  “Well, then you need to know, she’s the kind of woman who you treasure with your life. Johnny, Simon, and I would kill first and ask questions later, if she was ever hurt.”

  The whiskey burns a hole in my stomach at his implication. “I have no intentions of hurting her.”

  “Good, because I’ve never seen her look the way she does when you’re around. She’s been a bit quiet, but I see the stars in her eyes. That’s never happened with my daughter. Even the last guy, fucking lame Russell, didn’t really hold her attention. But you walked in tonight, and her whole spirit changed.”

  “What do you mean?’ I absorb his words and hide my happiness that Russell never received the same reaction I get from Presley.

  “A man never reveals his secrets, but know this…we want her to finally be happy, to live her life for herself, not as the teenager who feels the need to take care of a house full of men after her mother passes. Or the sister, who moves the day after college graduation, to live near her brother and help raise a toddler. She thinks she’s fooled me all these years, but she’s lived safely. It’s time she steps up and lives for herself.

  “I’m not into this new age dating, but by the way you look at her and the fact she’s met your parents tonight, I’d like to assume she’s not casual to you.”

  His words singe in a way I’ve never felt. The need to defend myself overwhelms me. “Jeff, you don’t know me, but I can assure you, this isn’t casual.” I swallow hard and try to dampen the simmering inside.

  He moves to my front and gives me an unreadable look as he drains his drink. We stay quiet until he breaks out in a wide smile. “I believe you, Finn Black, but it’s up to you to break her safety seal.” He looks over his shoulder then gives me a wink, setting his empty glass on the bar behind me. “I’m going to steal my girl for a dance, then I suspect you’ll want to claim her, righteously.”

  I raise my glass in agreement. “You bet your ass. You have one dance.”

  He chuckles while walking away.

  I look over at the table and see Mom and Dad eyeing me with knowing grins. Then I turn back to see Jeff take Presley from Johnny before they start moving around the dance floor.

  One dance, and I’ll finally have my arms around her. No one in this room will doubt who she’s with after that.

  “Have I told you you’re the most gorgeous woman in this r
oom tonight?” I whisper in Presley’s ear and place our joined hands between our chests as we sway to the music.

  “You may have mentioned it a few times. But thank you, even if it’s not exactly the truth.”

  I pull back and look into her eyes. “It’s the truth to me.”

  She bites on her lower lip, and I fight the urge to lean in and replace her teeth with mine. Instead, I maneuver us to the edge of the dance floor, far out of sight of any prying eyes.

  “Where are we goi—?”

  I cut her off by running my lips quickly over hers, moving my hand to her cheek. “I know this building well, and there’s something I want to show you.”

  Our faces are so close I feel her breath hitch as she nods.

  Linking our fingers together, I round the stage and steer her to the back elevators. She looks at me nervously as we step inside, and then I cover her eyes with one hand and press the button for the top floor.

  “Close your eyes and don’t open them until I tell you to. I’ll help guide you, but whatever you do, don’t peek.”

  “I’m afraid that may be hard in these shoes. I’m already an accident waiting to happen.” She lifts one leg and points to the gold heels that have been taunting me all night. My eyes travel up the straps to her bare legs, then all the way up her body, taking the time to appreciate how close the dress hugs her every curve.

  My dick goes rock hard at the thought of peeling her out of this dress and seeing what’s underneath. I bite my tongue to keep my thoughts from spilling out of my mouth.

  “You’re not an accident, you’re a vision. I won’t let you fall. Trust me.”

  The elevator dings, and I guide her to the edge of the open room. Once she’s exactly where I want her, I remove my hand. “Open your eyes,” I breathe in her ear.

  She slowly opens them and inhales sharply, taking in the view of the Nashville skyline from the top floor of the building. “Oh my God, it’s breathtaking.”

  “I agree.” My voice drops low as I continue to stare at her. “The instant you stepped out of that car, it was one of the most breathtaking sights I’ve ever seen.”


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