Book Read Free


Page 14

by Ahren Sanders

  “I’m not sure about the whole wretched disease thing, but yes, I’m the new girl.” Presley giggles. “My name is Presley.”

  Charlie narrows her eyes and looks between the two of us, focusing on me. “You think you can let her go so I can give her a hug?”

  “Not a chance.”

  “Whatever.” Charlie gets close and throws her arms around both of us. “Nice to meet you, Presley.”

  “Oh, group love. Let me jump in on this.” Blake comes up behind Charlie with his arms extended.

  “You touch my girl, I’ll cripple your arm, or hand, or voice… whatever makes your living.”

  He steps back but gives me a shit-eating grin. “Oh yeah, this is going to be fun.”

  Charlie moves to his side.

  “Babe, this is Nate, Cooper, and Blake. They’re in the band with Declan.” I point to the rest of the men watching us.

  “Nice to meet you.” She gives a small wave.

  Cruz and Alex walk in with trays of drinks, and Presley accepts some sort of pink concoction, moaning with her first sip.

  “This is delicious. What is it?”

  “Secret recipe. I like to call them pantry-droppers. A few of these and Finn better watch out.” He winks at me, and Presley giggles, tilting her head back to me with a gleam in her eye.

  “Babe, with an endorsement like that, you drink as many as you like.” I kiss the corner of her lips and drop my voice. “Although, I already know you’ll be dropping your panties.”

  She gives a little squeak and tries to wiggle away, unsuccessfully. “Finn, your mom is across the room. Stop.”

  “She can’t hear me, babe. And if you don’t stop wiggling your ass against my dick, we’ll be heading straight to one of the guest rooms, and then everyone will know exactly what we’re doing.”

  She stops and twists around. Cruz is still standing in front of us with a wide smile. “You can thank me later, Hero.” He walks away, mumbling something about strong sexual vibes.

  Jimi, Abbi, Harper, and Gabe walk in right as Robbie gives a loud whistle to get everyone’s attention. Ember goes to his side, and even Blade trots over to sit at his feet.

  “Before we start dinner, Ember and I want to put together a camping and rafting trip at the end of the month. I’ve already talked to an outfitter, and we can do a two-day excursion. One day will be a half course and then the next the full course. Thought the men could take the bikes and then load a few of the SUVs with the supplies. We’ll be gone Thursday through Sunday.”

  “Hell yeah!” Tripp slaps his hands together.

  “And, so all the ladies know, I’ve checked out the campsite and it’s modern. They recently did a remodel on all the bathrooms and locker rooms. That was the only way I’d agree to this.” Ember gives Robbie a smug look.

  “If we can work out childcare, we’re in,” Raven tells them.

  “James and I will work with Dave. Between the three of us, the kids are taken care of.” Jenna points between her and James. “You two go and have fun.”

  Everyone else speaks up in interest. Everyone except Presley, who hasn’t moved or said a thing.

  I sidestep from behind her and twist her into me. “Presley, what’s wrong?”

  “I’ll need to check with Dad and Johnny. I’m sure it’s fine, but we always discuss our trips to make sure Winnie is taken care of.”

  “No problem. We’ll confirm it’s okay before we commit.”

  “No, you should definitely plan on going. Don’t let me hold you back.”

  “You’re not holding me back.”

  “Black, you two in?” Robbie asks. Ember turns to focus on us, her smile fading instantly.

  “We’ll let you know. Presley needs to check into a few things.”

  “Winnie?” Ember assumes.

  “Yes, I usually have her on Thursday nights and sometimes Fridays, too.”

  “No problem. Just let me know when you can.” Ember gives her a reassuring smile.

  “Who’s Winnie?” Raven’s tone is sharp as she look between Presley and me in confusion.

  “She’s my niece.”

  “And she’s the cutest little girl you’ve ever seen!” Ember gushes.

  “She is, and so smart!” my mom agrees.

  “Wait, you’ve met her? I didn’t even know she existed until five seconds ago.” Raven narrows her eyes at me. “What else has Finn been hiding?”

  Tension fills the room as the chatter stops.

  “RJ, there’s nothing to hide.”

  Presley slides free and hands me her empty glass. “Ember, I’d love that tour of the house now?”

  “Absolutely. Follow me.”

  “I’ll come with you,” I offer.

  “No.” She presses a hand to my chest. “You stay and talk to Raven. Obviously, she’s feeling left out. Tell her about Winnie, tell her about us, hell… tell her about any fucking thing. But get that scowl off her face and that venom out of her voice. You say she’s one of your best friends, and I get the feeling she’s doesn’t like me too much right now. I’ll be back in a few minutes. See if you can smooth this over, so everyone doesn’t feel uncomfortable.”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  She follows Ember, and my eyes slice to Raven, jerking my head to the kitchen.

  “Something on your mind?” I cross my arms and lean against a counter when we’re out of earshot.

  “I feel like I don’t even know you anymore. You used to call, come to the house, see the kids, hang out. Now, I haven’t seen you in weeks. Not to mention, I know nothing about this girl, but all of a sudden, there’s no Finn without Presley.” Her voice cracks, and it stings.

  The woman standing in front of me may be a wife and a mother, but I still see the young girl who used to tag along, begging to be included. There was a time I hoped we could be more than friends, but it wasn’t in the cards. She and Declan belong together, and I encouraged her to follow her heart.

  Through it all, we remained close, and that’s how I know she’s hurt. My relationship with Presley has become my priority, and Raven feels excluded.

  “Come here, RJ.” I open my arms, and she comes without argument. “I’m sorry I’ve been MIA lately. These last few weeks have been busy. Most of my free time has been with Presley. I’d like for you to get to know her because she means a lot to me. Her life hasn’t always been easy. No lie, she’s the bravest and most remarkable woman I’ve ever met.

  “This camping trip in a few weeks should give you a good chance to know her better.”

  “I’m sorry. My hormones are out of whack since the babies were born.”

  “It’s okay, but do me a favor and cut the attitude. The last thing I want are things to be awkward or tense.”

  “You really like this girl, huh?”

  “We passed ‘like’ within the first five minutes. Now, I’m totally captivated.”

  “Wow, sounds serious.”

  “Oh yeah, it’s serious. Don’t chase my girl away, okay?”

  “Okay, Finn, I’ll do my best to make her feel welcome.”

  Famous last words…

  Chapter 16


  “So do we have an EMOP of our own?” Reese questions as I veer off the interstate toward the campsite.

  “Why would we need one?”

  “I figure it’s smart to have a plan in case anything becomes weird.”

  “Usually, you’d be right, but I understand that Declan decided to drive a camper down for the weekend. Apparently, Raven is still nursing, and he insisted she have privacy to pump and all the comforts of home, including an air conditioner. Finn thinks that’s more for Declan than Raven.

  “So the way I figure, we’ll only be around her a little bit. I’m going to make a point to be on a different raft than her. Until I’m convinced her talk with Finn worked, I’m not putting myself in a position to squabble with her.”

you say squabble? Are you my fucking grandma?” Reese cackles, slapping her knees at her own humor.

  “Stop making fun of me. I’m truly nervous about this!”

  “Okay, okay, I’m sorry.” She straightens up but fails to hide her grin. “Tell me why you’re nervous.”

  “Because it’s been three weeks since Ember’s party and I haven’t seen Raven since.”

  “Has Finn spoken with her?”

  “A few times that I know of. He asked me to go over there next week with him.”

  “So he’s obviously okay with everything. You have to trust it’s taken care of.”

  “You’re absolutely right. He’s never given me any reason to worry.”

  “So we’ll go into this with little reservation, but if you get uncomfortable, or need anything, give me a sign. I’ve got your back.”

  “I know you do and that’s why I love you.”

  “You better. Speaking of love, you and Finn need to get creative this weekend. There will be no crazy sex in our tent.”


  “I’m serious, Presley. I don’t care how big the tent is.”

  “I’d never have sex in a tent with you present. How can you even say that?”

  “Because you wouldn’t, but Finn would. Don’t pretend like you don’t know what I’m talking about. That man is obsessed with you. He has a sixth sense of your presence. Last weekend, you literally walked out of the bathroom, and he was already on his feet to get to you. I’m scared to come over unannounced anymore because there’s no telling what I’ll walk in on.”

  “I’ll agree there. It’s best if you call.”

  “Ugh.” She throws her head back. “You finally get your head out of dipshit land and nail a badass. I never thought I’d be jealous of your sex life.”

  “That’s mildly insulting.”

  “Presley, think back to a few months ago… would I have reason to be remotely envious of your sex life with Russell?”

  I cringe at the thought and shake my head.

  “My point exactly. Now, every time I’m around you, you’re glowing. It’s disgusting… and unfair…”

  I turn into the outpost and giggle when I see Finn, Tripp, and Max sitting on a brick wall drinking beer. As soon as Finn spots my car, he hops down and starts jogging toward us.

  “See! I can’t believe this shit. He’s waiting at the road for you? Maybe I DO want to hear about your sex life. Pointers may help me land my own man.”

  I roll my eyes at her and slow to a stop, lowering my window.

  “Babe.” Finn bends through and kisses me hard. “I was getting worried.”

  “That’s ridiculous. We’re actually ten minutes early.” Reese leans over the console with beady eyes. “Calm your shit.”

  He narrows his eyes at her and then looks over his shoulder at the guys. “Be careful, Reese. It’s not too late to put you on an air mattress in a tent with them,” he threatens.

  She opens and closes her mouth, looking between them and me, then her face starts to heat. “At least they won’t be having sex five feet away,” she rumbles.

  “We are not having sex!” I slam my palm on the steering wheel.

  Finn stumbles back, his hand covering his heart and face going pale. I bite back a laugh when he falls to his knees and gives me the most pitiful look I’ve ever seen.

  “Get up.” I giggle as he falls back further, looking at the sky. “Stop being so dramatic.”

  “Take it back.” He gives me puppy dog eyes and pouts a bit.

  “Oh, for the love of God! I’m definitely staying in the tent with those two if he’s going to be a big baby!” Reese huffs, and Finn’s face transforms immediately into a cocky grin.


  Tripp walks by and elbows him until he topples over then comes up, pointing down the dirt path. “Go straight about a quarter of a mile, and we’re all set up on the right. Finn pitched your tent closest to the back. It’s hard to miss because it’s the fucking Taj Mahal of tents.”

  “Thanks.” I blow Finn a kiss and drive off, giggling like a schoolgirl as Reese mumbles under her breath.

  I don’t get a chance to unload my car because Finn jogs up and lifts me from behind, cradling me against him and kissing me breathless. Whistles fill the air, but he doesn’t stop until I moan in mercy on his tongue.

  “No sex? Are you punishing me?” he says in my ear.

  “Never, it’s only a few days.”

  “I’ve been dreaming of fucking you in the woods for weeks now. Don’t deprive me.”


  “That’s exactly what I want to hear you scream. Trust me on this, baby.”

  “Okay.” I bite on his lip before jumping out of his arms. “Now, let’s unload my car so we can start the party.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” Reese opens a cooler and hands me a beer.

  We unpack quickly, and Reese and I join Ember and the rest of the girls under a tent with picnic tables loaded with food. A few feet away, Alex and Cruz are starting a fire with a grill on top of the pit.

  Night falls and the party gets louder. Declan opens the door and windows to his RV, letting music flow out around us. The atmosphere is relaxed and easy, everyone enjoying each other.

  I feel the heat of Finn’s stare on my back and twist to see him perched on the picnic table drinking a bottle of water, watching me intently, alone. The two shots of whiskey and three beers have set in, and I saunter over to him with a sway in my step.

  “Why are you sitting here all alone drinking water? Come dance with me.” I run my hands up the back of his neck.

  “I’m not a dancer, but fuck if you don’t make me want to hold you close as you shake your ass.”

  “So let’s do that then.”

  “In approximately two minutes, Max is going to announce we’re out of whiskey. You and I are going to the liquor store.”

  “No need. There’s a bottle in my trunk.”

  His knees part, and I fall into his body. One hand goes to my stomach as the other slips under the hem of my shorts. He runs his fingers along the seam of my panties and teases me by sliding under the fabric and skimming along my wet folds.

  “Listen closely, Presley. When I say the word, we’re driving away on the bike and I’m taking you somewhere private. I had it all planned out, fucking you spread out on the seat. But now, I changed my mind. I want to fuck you with my mouth before you climb on my dick and ride me. Think you can handle that?”

  He positions my body so no one can see and dips a finger in, twirling it around. “Answer me. Can you handle it?”

  “Yes,” I breathe out as he strokes inside me until I start to huff.

  The heat of the night along with the buzzing in my body sends beads of sweat down my back.

  “Put one knee on the bench, babe. Give me better access.”

  I do as he says and rock my hips into his hand. The leg on the ground starts to quake, my knee wobbling as the rush of need starts to simmer. My muscles clench hard around his fingers, and I bite my tongue to silence a moan.

  “You’re fucking stunning right now, riding my hand as your eyes gloss over with need. Come for me, baby.” His thumb circles my clit, and I swallow a strangled cry as release washes through me. Finn captures my mouth and continues to scissor his fingers inside me as I convulse around them.

  I pull away mid-kiss and sink into him, trying to catch my breath as he runs his lips along my neck. I block out everything around us—the music, the people, the dancing, the laughter—and concentrate on his arms around mine, holding me close. Never would I have pictured myself in a position of an exhibitionist, but the instant his hands touched me, I was putty.

  “I can’t believe we did that. Do you think anyone saw” My voice is hoarse from trying to hold back a scream.

  “No, if they were looking, it would have appeared we were making out. You were completely covered, but it was fuckin
g hot as hell. Now, I can’t wait to get my mouth on you.”

  I do an all over body shiver, and he chuckles in my hair.

  “Finn, man, we’re out of whiskey.” Max’s voice bellows through the darkness, and Finn stands, tucking me into him. “Ready, babe?”

  “Oh yeah, and remind me tomorrow to thank Max. It hasn’t even happened yet, and I’m pretty sure it’s the best sex of my life.”

  Finn’s body goes stone still, and he glances at me before throwing his head back and laughing out loud. The sound vibrates against my cheek on his chest, and I squeeze him closer.

  No one gives us a second glance when we hop on the motorcycle and take off. I cling to him tightly and know, I’ve fallen in love with him.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” I cross my legs and bend over in a small amount of pain. I bang on the locked door. Of all times for the maintenance to clean the bathroom; I’m about to bust.

  “I’ll check the men’s room.” Reese shoots me a sympathetic look.

  “It’s full in there.” Robbie walks out of the men’s locker room with a towel over his shoulder, carrying a shaving kit. “I think the bathroom at the registration office is open.” He points to the trailer at least a hundred yards away.

  “You could always pee in the woods.” Reese jerks her head to the area behind us. The image of snakes and spiders terrifies me, and I whimper in fear.

  “Don’t be silly. Go to the RV. Declan and Raven are out of bed and already at the food tent having breakfast. They won’t mind at all.”

  “You sure?”

  “Absolutely, I’m going to wake Ember. I’m sure she’ll need to get in there too if this guy takes any longer cleaning the bathroom.”

  “Thanks.” I wobble away let myself into the RV. I call out a greeting, but it’s silent so I rush to the bathroom.

  There’s a knock when I flush, and Reese calls through the door, “I brought our toothbrushes. Can I come in?”

  “Thank goodness.” I pull her in, take the toothbrush, and start scrubbing my teeth. She does the same, her eyes watching me in the mirror. “What?” I muffle.

  She finishes, washes out her mouth, and faces me. “Something has changed since we got here. What is it?”


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