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Finn Page 20

by Ahren Sanders

  Family and friends, that’s who. Many times I’ve opened my door to Reese or Johnny arriving without notice.

  “Ugh.” I’m trapped in here. Maybe if I take a shower she’ll be gone when I get out. I reach in my bag for some fresh clothes when there’s a knock at the door.

  Shit, shit, shit. I freeze, knowing it’s Raven.

  “Presley, please open the door. I owe you a huge apology, and I’m not going to leave here until I look you in the eye and say I’m sorry. I’ve been a monster to you, unreasonably. All the things I’ve said and done have been unwarranted, and you have every right to hate me.”

  “That’s an understatement,” I mutter.

  “It is an understatement.”

  Are these doors made out of fucking paper? How the hell did she hear that?

  I straighten my shoulders and take a few deep breaths, then walk to the door and open it with slightly shaky legs. No matter what happens, this woman means a lot to Finn and I owe it to him to hear her out.

  “Can I come in?” she asks nervously.

  “Why don’t I come out?” I pass her and go sit in one of the chairs in the living room. From the corner of my eye, I see Tripp still in the kitchen, finishing the dishes. He gives me a chin jerk in encouragement.

  “Presley, I’d like to start over. There is absolutely no excuse for my behavior any of the times we’ve been around one another. I’ve misjudged you for no other reason than protection and jealousy.”

  “I’ve heard,” I reply blandly. “To put it mildly, you’ve been a first class bitch with a vendetta since the first time you saw me. But what I don’t understand is why? What did I do to you?”

  “Nothing at all. You won’t understand this because my actions prove differently, but this is tremendously unlike me. For the first time in my life, I’ve felt extremely off-kilter, and you were the easy one to lash out against. To me, you were an outsider, and once I heard bits and pieces of your background, I jumped to the conclusion you weren’t good enough for Finn.”

  “Damn, way to punch me in the gut and magnify my own insecurities,” I mumble, feeling her words sting. I’ve always felt that I wasn’t good enough for Finn, but hearing it from one of his best friends cuts deep.

  “That isn’t what I meant to do. In actuality, I know now he’s the fortunate one.” She looks down at her lap and starts to wring her hands. “I’ve been so awful. He loves you, and I’ve acted heinous.”

  “Before you say anything else, I have to know, given your history with Finn, is it me personally or any woman who warms his bed making you jealous?”

  She inhales sharply and looks at me with complete astonishment. Shame washes over her face. “I deserve that, but it’s not what you think. I’m not jealous in that way. I’m deeply and passionately in love with my husband. What I was jealous about is not being involved. I also haven’t been myself lately, which is a lame and petty excuse. I knew about you from all over—my parents, my brother and sister-in-law, my friends. I felt excluded, so I took it out on you in the most immature and callous way possible.

  “We’ve all been close forever. But after the accident, Finn and I became extremely close. He was with me every step of the way with my relationship. I always thought I’d be there for him, too.”

  Well, SHIT! Why the hell am I such a softie? This woman’s actions and words have caused me heartbreak, but it’s obvious she loves Finn in her own way. What’s not to love? He’s perfect.

  Suddenly, I don’t see her as a threat for his affection. He’s told me where he stands and that he’s in love with me. I have a choice here: be the bigger person and try to move past her behavior or wallow in the past and risk Finn being torn.

  Fuck! Sometimes it sucks being an adult!

  I speak up before changing my mind. “Raven, you’ve been busy. And not that it’s any of your business, but Finn and I had to muddle through some muddy waters. I was reluctant to get into a relationship because of all my responsibilities and also because of a hang up I have with having a safety net. Finn’s history and his current job are anything but safe.”

  “But you’re good now, right? I mean, you’ve obviously decided to give him a chance. He’s crazy about you,” she says sincerely with a hint of worry in her voice.

  “He’s pretty persuasive. He knocked down my resistance quickly.”

  Her lips twitch slightly, trying to fight a grin. “I’m glad.”

  I repeat the words over in my head, and a giggle bubbles up from my throat. Before I know it, I’m doubled over, howling. Tears start streaming down my cheeks, and I fight to catch my breath. It’s useless. Pretty soon, I’m wheezing to get air as I continue to laugh uncontrollably. Tripp’s big hand covers my back, patting lightly as he tries to soothe me, which sends me into another fit of giggles.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?” Finn’s voice booms through the room, and I raise my face in time to see him rushing over.

  Tripp moves away, and Finn lifts me, cradling me in his lap like a child as he kisses along my temple.

  “Why the hell is my girlfriend hysterical?” Anger radiates off Finn’s body, and I suck in a deep breath to try to calm down.

  “I-I-I’m okay,” I spit out. “It’s not what it looks like.”

  I lift up and see his face is stoic, watching me closely. Raven has gone pale, and Tripp looks terrified.

  “I swear, nothing’s wrong. But for some reason, the irony of our relationship just hit me like a ton of bricks.”

  “What do you mean?” Finn asks worriedly.

  I lay my forehead against his and take another deep breath. “Losing my mom shaped a lot of my actions and decisions. It made me realize how precious life is. I took the job of taking care of my family seriously. When Simon joined the Marines, I spent years split between pride and fear.

  “I’ve always followed the rules, gone the safe route, and never crossed any lines. Hell, even my last boyfriend didn’t know the meaning of the word risky. Now, I’m spending almost every night with a man who owns at least three guns, one he keeps in his glove box, drives a motorcycle, and gets shot at during bank robberies. Not to mention, he gets called away at five am on Saturday mornings to investigate possible threats to State officials.

  “Don’t you see the irony?”

  Finn’s eyes move to mine and start to glow. “I wake up every day thanking the fucking stars you gave me a chance.”

  There’s a wistful sigh, and we both turn our heads to see Raven with a wide smile. “That’s so sweet and romantic.”

  Tripp gives us a look of horror and falls onto the sofa, throwing his hands in the air. “What the hell happened to my guys? Sweet and Romantic? We are badasses! My balls are starting to shrivel.”

  “Hello? Tripp, did you hear me say Finn was shot at? That constitutes badass any day of the week. And, as for your balls, I’d have that checked out. Sounds painful.”

  His head jerks up, and his eyes dart between Finn and me. Then his face breaks out in a huge grin right before he lets out a loud laugh. “Babe, I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again. You ever get tired of Black’s ass, I’m right here.”

  “I appreciate the offer, Tripp, but I can assure you I’ll never get tired of Finn’s ass. Now, maybe his possessiveness—”

  I don’t get to finish my sentence because Finn growls, tightens his grip on me, and buries his head in my neck. “Don’t encourage him.” He nips on my earlobe.

  “I absolutely love this,” Raven says in a dreamy voice. “It’s perfect. She’s perfect for you.”

  Finn turns back to her, and his body goes still again. “What are you doing here, Raven?”

  “Well, let’s see… you’ve repeatedly ignored my requests to talk. I’ve texted you dozens of times with no response, and I got sick of it.” She ticks off her fingers one by one, pointing to him. “I came over to confront you. I walked in and made a colossal ass out of myself again, being rude to Presley. Then, I begged
her to talk to me so I could apologize. We had just gotten to the good part when she went giggly, and you swooped in to save the day.”

  “I told you we’d talk when I was ready.”

  “I was sick of waiting, so I took matters into my own hands.”

  Finn lets out a sigh and shakes his head.

  “Baby,” I lift his chin to face me, “it’s okay. I think she meant well, even if she walked in here with bitch on the brain.”

  “Regardless, the last thing I want is for you to feel uncomfortable. I left you in bed this morning and rushed back, hoping you were still there. My heart dropped to the floor when I saw you in tears.”

  “Enough. Presley, please accept my apology. Can we start over? I swear to never be a bitch to you again.” Raven mimics crossing her heart.

  “I think it’s safe to say we need to do more than have one conversation. I’m not one to hassle over apologies, nor to hold grudges, but don’t expect the BFF necklace in the mail.”

  Finn and Tripp both grunt then chuckle under their breath.

  She bites on her lip, seemingly thinking about my words. “I can work with that. You need to see I’m not an uptight and malicious person. Let’s make some coffee.”

  “Getting to know you is going to have to wait, RJ. Seeing as Presley is already up, I’m taking her out on the bike today.”

  My heart does a summersault at this news. The first time I was on his bike, I was terrified, but now, I love being wrapped around him as we drive through the mountains and countryside.

  “No! You can’t. I have three months to catch up on. This is important.”

  “Another time.” He stands, still holding me.

  “This isn’t fair. Everyone’s had a chance to get to know Presley except me. Ember’s about to sell two of her designs to Presley’s best friend. My mom and Evelyn can’t stop talking about her. Even Declan thinks she’s amazing. It’s my turn.”

  “Maybe if you weren’t such a bitch these last few months, you wouldn’t be in this position. But today, I’m taking my girlfriend riding.”

  Tripp and I exchange a glance at the fact Finn just called Raven out for being a bitch, but it doesn’t seem to faze her. Instead, she chews on her bottom lip and then claps.

  “I’ve got it! Tomorrow afternoon, let’s have a pool party at my place. Everyone’s invited. Presley, will you bring your niece? I can’t wait to meet her. And Reese, too? I’ll have Declan set up the new volleyball net. It’ll be so much fun!” She bounces up and comes straight to us, throwing her arms around us both. “Come over around one. I’ll have all the food, too.”

  “Too much, too soon,” I rumble into her hair. “Let’s take it slow.”

  She backs away with a hurt expression but nods in agreement. “How about this? I’m going to plan a party at my place next weekend. It would mean a lot to me if you could come, and please bring your niece and Reese. We’d love to have you and finally get a chance to know you better.” Her lively attitude from a few minutes ago is replaced with sincerity. She gives me one last look and turns to leave.

  We don’t say anything as she gives Tripp a quick kiss on the cheek and lets herself out. The door closes behind her, and I cock my head to the side.

  “What happened?”

  “That is Raven understanding she fucked up.” Finn chuckles. “You better get ready. If I know her, she’s about to beat down your door until you forgive her.”

  Without seeing his face, I hear the humor in his voice. All thoughts of Raven are forgotten when he places his lips against mine and takes me back to his room.

  Chapter 23


  Holy shit! I think to myself and bite the inside of my cheek as we pull up in front of Raven and Declan’s house. I’d heard it was a mansion, but no one’s description came close to preparing me for this estate.

  “That’s a big house, Aunt Presley. Who do we know that lives here?” Winnie asks from the backseat, her eyes as big as saucers.

  “Finn and Tripp’s good friends, honey. Remember to be on your best behavior.”

  “Hell no! Best behavior is boring! We’re going to raise the roof on this party, aren’t we, Whitney?” Tripp unlatches her from the booster and lifts her out of the truck. I expect him to put her down, but instead, he carries her proudly, leaving us to get the bags and cooler. Reese climbs out, whistling and giving me a knowing look.

  Finn was right; Raven was relentless. She invited me to breakfast, lunch, and dinner—and when I declined, she showed up for kickboxing with Ember. Then she started calling, texting, and emailing just to say hello and ask me about articles she read and books she’s seen coming out. I tried to be nonchalant, but her persistence was comical, and I finally caved and agreed to come to the party this weekend. She cried… literally cried with relief on the phone and thanked me profusely.

  I promptly called Reese and demanded she clear her schedule today and come with us. I explained, in great detail, what happened with Raven. Even though we somewhat cleared the air, I’m still nervous about it. Several times, I thought about trying to bail and schedule a ‘real’ lunch with Raven to get to know her better. But I remembered the carefree look on Finn’s face when I told him we were coming, so I decided to put on my big girl panties and give today a chance.

  “Babe.” Finn drapes an arm around my shoulder and motions to Reese to come closer. “I know you both are uneasy. Anything happens and either of you want to leave, say the word. No questions asked, we’re out.”

  I sink into him and move my hand to his neck, squeezing. Reese gives him a look of appreciation and nods.

  “Aunt Presley, come on!” Winnie waves at me impatiently from the front door, still in Tripp’s arms.

  “I think that’s one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen,” Reese mutters under her breath.

  “I agree.” My eyes start to mist at the sight. Tripp’s at least six-three, and even though he’s lean, he’s solid muscle. Winnie looks like a doll in his arms.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Finn hisses with annoyance, lifting the massive cooler out of the back. “I carry in his beer and he carries in the princess? Shithead’s going to regret that.”

  “Stop!” I lift up to kiss the underside of his jaw. “It’s sweet.”

  “Let’s go,” he rumbles on the way to the door.

  Tripp doesn’t knock but walks right in and announces our arrival. Winnie swings her head to me and gives me a wide smile, her eyes shining with happiness. I return the smile and blow her a kiss.

  I barely get a chance to take in the opulence of the room before I am crushed into a hug.

  “You’re here!” Raven steps back and repeats the same thing with Reese.

  “Of course, we’re here,” I reply, holding out the bag in my hands. “I brought you something.”

  Her face breaks into a brilliant smile, and her bright blue eyes gleam. “Thank you. That was unnecessary.” She pulls out the bottle of wine and squeals. “I love this!”

  “Finn and I rode up to the Arrington Vineyards Winery last weekend. It was one of my favorites, so I hoped you’d like it as well.”

  She hugs it to her body. “Thank you.” Her voice cracks slightly, and when she lifts her eyes back to mine, her face is pained with regret.

  “Absolutely.” I pat her hand.

  “Miss Evelyn!” Winnie screeches, and I look in time to see her launching herself at Finn’s mom.

  “Miss Winnie!” Evelyn catches her and spins her in a circle. “How are you?”

  “That has to be your niece,” Raven states. “She looks exactly like you.”

  “Thank you. That’s the best compliment I’ve ever received. But, in actuality, she looks like my brother.”

  “Well, she’s adorable.”

  “Come on. I’ll introduce you.”

  By the time we get to her, Winnie is happily perched in Robbie’s arms, telling him and Ember all about her new teacher. T
ripp and Finn both are scowling with their hands on their hips, while Robbie is grinning like a loon and listening to her with one-hundred percent interest. Ember leans against his shoulder with a goofy grin.

  “Whitney, get away from that scrappy lug.” Tripp holds out his arms. She looks between them confused when Robbie shoots him an evil glare.

  “Actually, Winnie, come here. I’d like you to meet our hostess.” I wave her over.

  She hops over, clearly enjoying every bit of attention.

  “This is Mrs. Raven. She’s the one who invited us today.”

  Winnie reaches out and wraps her arms around Raven’s hips. “Thank you for inviting us today. I promise to behave.”

  Raven lets out a loud yelp as if offended. “Behave? Who wants to behave? We have tons of mischief to cause. I’ve got Nerf guns, water balloons, sand bags, and all sorts of other fun. My husband, Declan, even got you a special treat.”

  Alarms go off at her admission, and my head snaps up to Finn. He’s smiling coyly.

  “But I must say, I’m confused what to call you. So far, I’ve heard both Winnie and Whitney. What do you prefer?” Raven questions Winnie, who gives me a quizzical glance.

  “It’s up to you, baby. You decide.”

  “You can call me either,” she tells Raven with a grin.

  “Who’s this little runt?” An older man comes in, and I recognize him immediately as Declan’s dad. The resemblance is uncanny.

  The room suddenly starts to fill with people—some I recognize and some I don’t. Declan comes straight to me, pulling me into a hug and kissing my forehead. Within two seconds, Finn is at my side, tucking me against him.

  The two guys exchange a look, and Declan bursts into laughter, slapping him on the shoulder and greeting Reese. The next five minutes are a blur as we’re introduced to what seems like twenty new people. Tripp steps in to hand us all a cold beer and takes his place at Reese’s side.


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